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      • Prostaglandin E₂의 子宮內 投與가 家兎의 卵巢機能에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        崔鏡淑,羅重烈,李壽鍾 고려대학교 의과대학 1983 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.20 No.3

        The effects of intra-uterine administration of Prostaglandin-E₂on the ovary and plasma steroid hormones were studied. Pseudopregnancy was induced in seven rabbits by the injection of 50㎍ of ethinyl estradiol and 100IU of hCG subcutaneously. And these seven pseudopregnant rabbits served as control group. In the prostaglandin-E₂ was implanted in uterus on Day seven under laparotomy and uterine incision with pentothal anesthesia. The plasma estrogen and progesterone level was determined by radioimmunoassay with three days interval in both control and prostaglandin=E₂ treated group. The uterus and ovaries were submitted to histologic study on Day 30. The following results were obtained; 1. Serum progesterone level in intra-uterine prostaglandin-E₂-implanted pseudopregnant rabbits was decreased at 14th day of pseudopregnancy, while the progesterone level of normal pseudopregnant rabbits was decreased from 15th day of pseudopregnancy and returned to normal values by 18th day. 2. Serum estrogen levels of pseudopregnant rabbit was higher than pretreatment state and returned to normal value by 30th day, while, in prostaglandin-E₂treated group, the serum estrogen values was decreased at 11th and 18th day below the level of pretreatment state and it was more decreased at 28th day. 3. The corpus luteum regresses from 15th day in control group, but in prostaglandin-E₂ Treated group, the corpus luteum was indistinct. The numbers of follicles in control group were 4-5 in number, while, in prostaglandin-E₂treated group, they were increased to 7-11 in number. The endometrium was papillary secretory patterns in control group, while, in prostaglandin-E₂ treated group, the endometrium was shown to have proliferative patterns.

      • 한 産業場의 災害 및 作業環境에 關한 調査硏究

        최경숙 김천과학대학 1978 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        Following results are come from the investigation about occupational diseases working environment and safety ho1met. 20 % of workers(160 persons) in the textile industry in Taegu, 1977, July. Here, I used the method of distribution 1. Acaident of injury while on duty 1) Respondents pointed out 18 kinds of accident which high1y possible to happen in working place. Among these, 「Knife wound because of careless use」 is the most, 16 cases; 「tool wound because of careless use」, 「turning roller wound」, and 「crash with goods carrying truck」9 cases each; 「finger severance by contacts with spinning raw nylon thread」7 cases. 2) 12.5 % of respondents have experienced injury on job. They insisted that the causes of accident; 40 % of careless behaviors by himself or others, 30 % of imperfectness of machinery equipment, 30 % of no answer respectively. Specifying injuries, the most case is external injuries of those upper body injuries are usual case. 3) Absense because of injury on job Except seven men who do not remember absent days, the rest 13 men's average absent days are about eighteen days. On the other hand, on the basic of formal study on this industry 28 cases of accident broke out to record 3.9 % of on job injury rate so that they marked 264 loss days during 1977. 2. Existence and Nonexistence of nonwound accidents and their report attitude. 6.9% of workers has experienced nonwound accidents for three months. Under the assumption of nonwound accidents happen to himself, the portion which will make exact report is only 24.4 %. Over half of them (66.9 %) not. But for the group that believes this report will be much aid to prevent accident, report attitude is positive (76.9 %). On the other hand, in the group that does not believe, report attitude is negative. 3. Anxiety about occupational diseases and experience or nonexperience. 59.4 % workers worry about happening of occupational diseases to themselves. For the degree in anxiety, women show a little more serious attitude (64.6 %) than men (57.1 %), but cach departure shows little difference. But in relation to educational level, educational level shows inverse proportion to the degree of anxiety. Moreover the causes of anxiety come from Masscam or oral information, and genarally have no relation with occupational disc see case. On the other hand, 22.5% (36 persons) of interviewes insisted that speciality of their working environment and work made them to hove occupational diseases, neurotic sastroeuterie disorder (7 persons), difficulty in hearing (6 persons) and. another 7 hinds (17 persons). But in the contrary, industry admits only difficulty in hearing. 4. Working Environment and Safety Equipment 1) Working Environment Among the all suffering conditions at working place, female workers and workers at production department are suffered from long hours' standing work. In high temperature working conditions, male workers and workers at public affairs department suffered. The improvements on their inconvenient working condition which they suggested are; (1) Improvement of working environment (2) wearing of safety equipment, and (3) proper arrangement of break time 2) Safety equipment. in view of their characteristics of work, over 60 % of workers claim that it is needed to wear safety equipment. But actual wearing proportion is low. This unrational attitudes of respondents, except 3/1 of workers who are unexplainable, not derived from distrust of efficiency of safety but inconvenient wearing methods.

      • Tsukamurella sp. 26A에 의한 생물계면활성제의 생산

        최경숙,김순한,정영기,장경립,이태호 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 1998 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        The strain producing biosurfactant was isolated from soil. The isolated strain was identified as the genus Tsukamurella through its morphological, cultural, physiological, menaquinone type, fatty acid composition characteristics. The highest biosurfactant production by Tsukamurella sp. 26A was observed after 4 days cultivation in the culture medium containing n-hexadecane 7%, NaNO₃0.2%, KH₂PO₄0.001%, K₂HPO₄0.02%, MgSO₄·7H₂O 0.02%, CaCl₂·2H₂O 0.02%, yeast extract 0.02%(pH 6.8-7.0, 30℃). The surface and interfacial tension of an aqueous solution reached 30 mN/m and 1.5 mN/m, respectively. The biosurfactant stabilized oil-in-water emulsion with a variety of hydrocarbones, edible oils and petroleum oils.

      • 간동맥 색전 화학요법 경침에 관한 연구

        김경선,최경숙 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 1997 간호과학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to understand, grasp and explain the true state of the world of experience of a patient with transcatheter arterial chemo-embolization. Interviewees are all ten who have been the hospital affiliated to C University in Seoul from March to August 1996 and received treatment of transcather arterial chemo-embolization. They are interviewed each from 3 to 6 times at large through in-dept interview. We analyzed their experiences through Colaizzi's phenomenologic analysis method and tested subjects from data analysis of eight through interviewing and analysing two. From analysis collected data, subjects of experience of a patient with transcatheter arterial chemo-embolization revealed 7 such as "expectation about treatment". "physical difficult under treatment". "affirmative attitude" "ambiguousenss and nervous-ness", "withdrawal of usaul life". "information seek", "familial dependence", After patients with hepatoma were diagnosed their cases as cancer, they show active attitudes about their treatment under treatment. They tried to overcome physical, emotional, economical and social experiences affirmatively under treatment. On the basis of this experiences, nurses have to participate in treatment of them with rather affirmative and practical attitude. When they inform patients of diagnosis and prognosis, that informations must be according to characters of each patient. And also they need to have nursing plan according to physical and psychological need of each patient in case of not only in-patients but also out-patients. As for informing, they have to make the people who experience the same disease organize a group in support of one another and so give and take informations, and support one another psychologically. Perceiving that appropriate communication with curers and support can play a great role in giving affirmative direction of life to patients, curers have to help patients overcome their disease. The results of this study are restated as follows 1. Need to study patients who are undergoing other medical treatments except transcatheterial chemo-embolization. 2. Need nursing intervention program giving informations according to individual circumstances for intervening the needs of information pursuit of a patient with hepatoma.

      • 중환자실 호흡보조기 사용환자의 호흡기 감염실태에 관한 연구

        유순옥,최경숙 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 1998 중앙간호논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for nursing intervention to reduce respiratory infection in patents with intubation and tracheostomy patinents. The study subjects were 97patients underwent intubation and tracheostomy in Intensive Care Unit of one general hospital. Data had been collected between August 1996 and February 1997. The results from laboratory test of tracheal secretion were summarized as follows; 1. The most freguently isolated organism was staphylococcus aureus 35.1%, and the next was pseudomonas aeruginosa 31.5% and the next was enterobacter cloacae 17.1%. 2. The majority of staphylococcus aureus had 94.9% senstivity to vancomycin, pseudomonas aeruginosa 91.2% sensitivity to imipenem, enterobacter 68.4% sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, staphylococcus aureus was had 97.4% resistance to penicillin and pseudomonas aeruginosa 50% cirofloxacin, 50% gentamycin 3. The most freguently isolated organism in before handwashing of nurse and nurse aid at ICU was staphylococcus negative coagulase 61.8%, and the next was actinobacillus 20.6% and the next was acinetobacter 11.8%, after handwashing was staphylococcus negative coagulase 60.9%, the next was acinetobacter 39.8% correct handwashing was seen as necessary. 4. There was statisticaly significant relationship between the rates of respiratory infecton patients and handwashig(P>0.06).

      • 원인지각 이론의 이해

        류은정,최경숙 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 1998 중앙간호논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        An attribution is an explanation or inference that a person makes about why he or she or another person behaved in a certain way or why a certain interpersonal event took place. Attribution theories attempt to describe the kinds of attributions that people typically produce, the processes through which they arrive at these attributions, and the consequences that different types of attributions have for their mental and social lives. Attribution theorists often classify causal attributions into two broad categories. Internal(or dispositional) inferences about a person's characteristics, such as his or her personality, ability, or effort. External(or situational) are inferences about factors external to the person that might have elicited the behavior, such as luck, other peoples' actions, or a task the person has to perform. Weiner, an attribution theorist, identified three dimension of causality: locus of causality, controllability and stability. There is no single, monolithic theory of attribution process. The major theories are Heider's naive psychology, Jones and Davis's correspondent inferences theory, Kelley's model of attribution process and Weiner's attribution theory of achievement motivation and emotion.

      • 韓國在來 雜種成犬의 數種 生理値에 關하여

        崔瓊淑,申鉉鑽,金亨洙,李在福 경북대학교 의학연구소 1969 慶北醫大誌 Vol.10 No.1

        Mongrel dog is one of the commonly using experimental animal and particularly is favorable for cardio-pulmonary research study. However, control laboratory data in Korean mongrel dogs are variable with papers reported. Present study attempted to prescribe the normal range of some laboratory data in anesthetized Korean mongrel dog. 25mg/kg of sodium thiopental was used as intravenous anesthetics. Respiratory rate and minute ventilation were measured on pneumogram recorded by means of Krog's spirometer, oxygen consumption was measured using Krog's spirmeter installed with sodalime and oxygen bag. Oxygen capacity and saturation of arterial blood were analysed according to the methods of VanSlyke and Neill. Heart rate was counted on electrocaridiogram, arterial pressure was monitored by mercury manometer and cardiac out put was measured according to the Fick principle. Blood volume was measured by dulution method using redioactive chromium tagged red cells. The number of red blood cells and white blood cells were counted by means of Thoma-Zeiss homocytometer and hematocrit was measured using microhematocrit centrifuge and it's reader. Mean value and range(parenthesis) of measured laboratory data are as follows: Respiratory rate; 19.92(11-34)/min., minute ventilation: 336.87(93-638) ml/kg. oxygen consumption; 7.95(4-10.22) ml/min/kg, arterial O_2 capacity and saturation; 18,69 (13.5-23.0) vol. % and 82.3(69-93.5%), heart rate; 183 (100-250)/min, mean arterial pressure; 155.5 (125-190)mmHg, circulating blood volume; 87.79(66.4-119.1) ml/kg, number of red cells and white cells; 773.44(568-1000)×10 exp (4)/㎣ and 14.55(7-27)×10 exp (3)/㎣, hematocrit; 45.36(31-62.8)%, ratio of arterial hematocrit versus venous hamatocrit; 1: 0.98, resectively.

      • 新羅의 官制 改革에 관한 考擦

        崔敬淑 부산외국어대학 1983 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        In the Jikwanji of Samkuksaki(三國史記 職官志)well illustrates the continous development of government organization throughout the Silla. This change goes father than to record the historical changes of the offical titles. It is significant in that it demonstrates the political and social variations which influenced the shift from a tribal state to an ancient autocratic state. Therefore an attempt is made here to survey the mutating process of Silla through the reformation of government organizations. The structure of this paper is as follows: first of all, the process of adding new institutions in the early Silla government system will be discussed. Secondly, the social and political influence which affected the restoration to the old system in the social and political influence which affected the restoration to the old system in the reign of king Hyegong(惠恭), after the 17 year excution of the over all reformation in the region of king kyongdok(景德) in the latter part of the middle period(中代), And since the historical documents proves that this restored old system have been developed to be the widely reformed in the reign of king kyongdok(景德), the cause of this development will be studied in connection with the power conflict between the autocrat and the aristocratic class and with the system of in the late period(下代).

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