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      • KCI등재

        한국인 화자의 중국어 성별 어휘 오류 분석 및 교육 방안 연구― ‘男 / 女 + 性 / 人 / 子’를 중심으로

        초팽염,윤애경 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.107

        This paper compared the semantic features of gender - similar vocabulary in Korean and Chinese. And I also analyzed the frequent error when Korean speakers use Chinese gender vocabulary. Through this analysis, we have seeked for more effective education methods.

      • KCI등재

        비즈니스 중국어 수업의 PBL 활용 및 사례 분석

        초팽염,채예령 한국중국어교육학회 2023 중국어교육과연구 Vol.- No.41

        The present study aimed to compare the traditional communication teaching method with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method in a Business Chinese class, targeting university students in their 2nd to 4th year. The study obtained the following conclusions: First, in terms of suitability, after implementing the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) teaching method, there was an improvement in the quality of major education. Additionally, team-based activities were found to be more systematically conducted compared to the traditional teaching method. Second, in terms of positive effects perceived by learners, there was a transition from a passive learning atmosphere to an active learning atmosphere. This transition resulted not only in an increase in the cognitive aspects of learning as perceived by the learners but also in spontaneous effects such as practical problem-solving, problem-solving through cooperative processes, enhancement of self-directed learning abilities, and improvement in communication skills.

      • KCI등재


        초팽염 중국학연구회 2017 중국학연구 Vol.- No.81

        This paper tries to make some new explorations on the semantic features of ‘V+lai+V+qu’. Previous studies classified the meaning according to whether it was moved or repetition, but this article classified it into three cognitive domains according to the context where the ‘V+lai+V+qu’ structure is used. We found that the structure of ‘V+lai+V+qu’ has different semantic features in the content domain, epistemic domain, and speech-act domain. The difference in these features arises from the conceptual elements that are activated in the conceptual frame of "reciprocating behavior schema". On the other hand, from a pragmatics point of view, the ‘V+lai+V+qu’ structure has some additional meaning besides its core meaning. Since the structure of ‘V+lai+V+qu’ shows a larger amount of action than expected, it shows a lot of negative meaning in the content domain. In the logical domain, it has a negative or positive meaning depending on whether it meets the expected outcome. And in the speech-act domain we can also possible to confirm the strong subjectivity because it is a conclusion from comprehensive judgment. Through the three domains and the different perspective we can clarify the meaning of ‘V+lai+V+qu’ more clearly and deeply.

      • KCI등재

        "1"에 대한 범언어적 분석

        초팽염 한국중국언어학회 2015 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.58


      • KCI등재

        `일(一)+VP`구조에 대한 연구

        초팽염 한국중국어문학회 2013 中國文學 Vol.76 No.-

        動詞前的“一”在以往的硏究中大多被認爲表達動作的量或表達“完成”、 “實現”等體貌的語義特征。 但通過調査發現“一”后的VP從純命題, 也就是進入話語交際之前的時間特征來看, 具備【+動態】和【-完成】的特點。 也就是說動詞結構必鬚具備這兩個語義特征才能就進入“一+VP”的格式。 本文通過對“一”的語義分析, 發現因爲“一”在與名詞結構結合時所表現出來的量化功能擴展到動詞結構之后, 能使動詞結構在時間軸上確定一個位置, 所以要求其后的動詞結構具備【+動態】的“異質性”和【-完成】的“不確定性”。 “一+VP”結構根据后面XP的不同雖然可以分成四類, 但總體來看, 可以分爲已然的“一+VP”和未然的“一+VP”。 在已然的情況下, “一”表現爲給動作在時間軸上取一個確定的位置, 爲XP的實現提供前提條件, 從而推導出“完成”或“實現”的語義。 而在未然的情況下, “一+VP”通常表現爲兩種情況, 一種是通過“一+VP”結構提出一個假設的條件, 在具備這個條件的前提下必然發生后面的XP; ?一種是因爲在多次“VP”存在的情況下出現了后面XP的結果, 因此總結出一個規律, 强調在任何一次“一+VP”存在的情況下都必然出現后面XP的結果。已然“一+VP”中的“一”表現出<圖7>中從a到d在時間軸上的量化過程, 未然“一+VP”中的“一”在前一種情況中表現爲<圖7>中已經量化后而具有的獨立存在, 在后一種情況中表現爲<圖8>中的具有同質性的的集合中的單位性的個體存在。 ?外, 從語用的角度來看, “一+VP”結構有時表現爲“VP”的小量, 有時却表現爲“VP”的大量。 根据在不同的認知背景下會産生不同的認知結果的人類知覺特點, 可以推導出人們在認知“一”的量化過程時也會因爲不同的認知背景而産生相反的認知結果。

      • KCI등재

        `一+N+X` 중 `一`에 대한 의미분석

        초팽염 한국중국어문학회 2011 中國文學 Vol.69 No.-

        我們把現代漢語中名詞與“一”結合的結構分爲“一<sub>1</sub>+N<sub>1</sub>+X<sub>1</sub>”(如:一杯水)和“一<sup>2</sup>+N<sub>2</sub>+X<sub>2</sub>” (如:一地水)。 大部分的硏究者在探討這一結構時多在“一<sub>1</sub>”表達數的含義, “一<sub>2</sub>”表達“滿” 的含義的前提下對“N1”和“N<sub>2</sub>”的語義特征進行了分析。 但我們發現“N<sub>2</sub>”在符合語義特征的條件下仍然有?多不合法的句子産生, 而且在語料庫中可以?到?多“一<sub>2</sub>”與“滿”共用或者 兩者无法替換的語言現象。 這說明“一<sub>2</sub>”與“滿”存在互不相同的語義功能。 本文試圖從認知語言學的角度探尋形式相似的兩個結構中的“一”在語義特征上是否有相似点。 結果發現雖然“一<sub>1</sub>+N<sub>1</sub>+X<sub>1</sub>”表達的是個體量, “一<sub>2</sub>+N<sub>2</sub>+X<sub>2</sub>”表達的是整體量, 但是“一”在兩個結構中都承擔着量化的語義功能。 “一<sub>1</sub>”是對個體的量化, “一<sub>2</sub>”是對整體范圍的測定。 因爲量化的對象和量化的方式都不一樣, 因此“一<sub>1</sub>”與“一<sub>2</sub>”在結構中所表現出來的語義也有一定的差異。 這種差異來自人們在把握客觀事物時的觀察角度, 當我們把注意力集中于事物的邊界時, “一”表達的是個體的數量;當我們把注意力集中于因具有同質性而能形成一個整體的構成成員時, “一”表達的是整體的量。 在我們確定構成成員是否能形成一個整體的過程中, 由于視線的發散會在知覺上産生强密度的感覺, 因此“一<sub>2</sub>”還會衍生出“滿”的語義特征。

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 ‘够’에 대한 의미적·화용적 고찰 -‘够+형’ 구조 중심으로

        초팽염 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구논총 Vol.36 No.4

        This paper explains the multiple meaning of ‘够’ in the modern Chinese. First, we study the archetypal meaning of ‘够’ and analyze its meaning related to the degrees. Next, the semantic and pragmatic features of the structure of ‘gou(够)+adjective’ are contemplated. The structure of ‘gou(够)+adjective’ also can express meanings of approaching and reaching because ‘够’ means ‘approaching and reaching to the certain target’. However, the structure of ‘gou(够)+adjective’ expressing two meanings have different focuses from pragmatic perspective.

      • KCI등재


        초팽염 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.114

        This paper examines the semantic features of the words "一+X". Based on these semantic features, we divide these words into four categories. At the same time, we examine the lexicalization process and the way of semantic evolution. We also find that through metaphor, metonymy, and reanalysis a variety of meanings are derived.

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