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      • KCI등재

        Characterizations of elements in prime radicals of skew polynomial rings and skew Laurent polynomial rings

        천정,김은정,이창익,신윤호 대한수학회 2011 대한수학회보 Vol.48 No.2

        We show that the θ-prime radical of a ring R is the set of all strongly θ-nilpotent elements in R, where θ is an automorphism of R. We observe some conditions under which the θ-prime radical of R coincides with the prime radical of R. Moreover we characterize elements in prime radicals of skew Laurent polynomial rings, studying (θ, θ^-1)-(semi)primeness of ideals of R. We show that the θ-prime radical of a ring R is the set of all strongly θ-nilpotent elements in R, where θ is an automorphism of R. We observe some conditions under which the θ-prime radical of R coincides with the prime radical of R. Moreover we characterize elements in prime radicals of skew Laurent polynomial rings, studying (θ, θ^-1)-(semi)primeness of ideals of R.

      • KCI등재

        McCoy condition on ideals of coefficients

        천정,곽태근,허찬,이양 대한수학회 2013 대한수학회보 Vol.50 No.6

        We continue the study of McCoy condition to analyze zero- dividing polynomials for the constant annihilators in the ideals generated by the coefficients. In the process we introduce the concept of ideal-π- McCoy rings, extending known results related to McCoy condition. It is shown that the class of ideal-π-McCoy rings contains both strongly McCoy rings whose non-regular polynomials are nilpotent and 2-primal rings. We also investigate relations between the ideal-π-McCoy property and other standard ring theoretic properties. Moreover we extend the class of ideal-π-McCoy rings by examining various sorts of ordinary ring extensions.

      • KCI등재

        普照 知訥과 존 웨슬리의 宗敎的 救濟方法論 比較

        천정 한국불교학회 2013 韓國佛敎學 Vol.65 No.-

        The present study is concerned with the issue of Gradual Practice and salvation in Jinul and Wesley. Jinul said “Mind is Buddha” and emphasized that it was important we realized “We are Buddha”. Wesley said all human beings had ‘inherent blessing’ from birth. All human beings are given equal ‘inherent blessing’ which is a grace. The mind of Buddha is grounds for salvation in Buddhism, but Wesley regards ‘inherent blessing’ as the grounds. Strictly speaking, Jinul and Wesley deviated from legitimism. Jummun(漸門, gradual approaches) was considering as a heretical view from the Seon Buddhism tradition. Even though Wesley belonged in the reformed tradition, he had the significant difference with Luther and Calvin’s thoughts as the mainstream. Because Luther and Calvin had no room for human rationality. And they were concerned about chaotic situations of the time. Jinul tried to defuse the confrontation between Jummun and Donmun, and Wesley asserted ‘gradual sanctification’ in order to implant hope in the people. They made efforts to correct the bad customs and contradictions of the time. 본 논문은 知訥의 頓悟漸修論 과 웨슬리의 聖化論에 나타난 종교적 구제방법론의 외적 형식에 대한 비교를 통하여 기독교와 불교 간의 학문적 대화의 한 모델을 제시하고자 한다. 禪佛敎의 깨달음의 方法인 頓悟漸修, 다시 말해서 점진적(Gradual)깨달음과 웨슬리의 個人的聖化와 社會的聖化라는 관점과 聖化의 初期단계에서 完成단계로 나아가는 漸進的 過程을 頓悟漸修的 觀點에서 敎理的, 內容的 비교보다는 形而上學的이고 形式的 비교를 통하여 그 類似點을 중심으로 대화의 통로를 발견하고자 하였다. 선불교의 頓悟漸修란 한국 선불교의 기본 修行원리로서 普照知訥에 의하여 禪傳統에 하나의 확고한 原理로서 자리매김을 하게 된 禪의 방법론이다. 頓悟는 자신의 마음이 곧 부처임을 갑자기 깨닫는 체험으로 이러한 頓悟의 체험 후 에는 반드시 점차로 마음의 번뇌를 닦아나가는 漸修가 뒤 따라야 한다는 것이다. 頓悟漸修는 인간의 자기변화를 추구하는 禪佛敎의 救濟論(救援論)이라고 볼 수 있다. 이에 대비되는 존 웨슬리의聖化思想은 하나님의 先在的 恩寵으로부터 救濟가 시작되어 漸進的 過程을 거쳐 聖化 단계에서 완성된다는 기독교의 救濟論이다. 오직 神에 의지하는 기독교적 他力신앙에서 인간의 自由意志를 주장하고 自由意志에 의한 漸進的 善行行爲만이 완전한 그리스도인으로써 聖化에 이를 수 있다는 웨슬리의 聖化思想을 지눌의 漸進的 修行에 의한 깨달음(救濟)에 이를 수 있다는 頓悟漸修論과 대비시킴으로써 양 종교의 교육방법의 類似點과 차이점을 밝히고 나아가 현대 다종교사회에서의 상호이해를 위한 대화의 한 모델을 모색하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Arterial Deprivation on Growing Femoral Epiphysis: Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Piglet Model

        천정,유원준,김인원,김우선,최영훈 대한영상의학회 2015 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.16 No.3

        To investigate the usefulness of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) and diffusion MRI for the evaluation of femoral head ischemia. Unilateral femoral head ischemia was induced by selective embolization of the medial circumflex femoral artery in 10 piglets. All MRIs were performed immediately (1 hour) and after embolization (1, 2, and 4 weeks). Apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) were calculated for the femoral head. The estimated pharmacokinetic parameters (Kep and Ve from two-compartment model) and semi-quantitative parameters including peak enhancement, time-to-peak (TTP), and contrast washout were evaluated. The epiphyseal ADC values of the ischemic hip decreased immediately (1 hour) after embolization. However, they increased rapidly at 1 week after embolization and remained elevated until 4 weeks after embolization. Perfusion MRI of ischemic hips showed decreased epiphyseal perfusion with decreased Kep immediately after embolization. Signal intensity-time curves showed delayed TTP with limited contrast washout immediately post-embolization. At 1−2 weeks after embolization, spontaneous reperfusion was observed in ischemic epiphyses. The change of ADC (p = 0.043) and Kep (p = 0.043) were significantly different between immediate (1 hour) after embolization and 1 week post-embolization. Diffusion MRI and pharmacokinetic model obtained from the DCE-MRI are useful in depicting early changes of perfusion and tissue damage using the model of femoral head ischemia in skeletally immature piglets.

      • KCI등재


        천정,김진아 대한수학회 2012 대한수학회보 Vol.49 No.3

        We first show that the semiprimeness, primeness, and reducedness can go up to up-monoid rings. By these results we can compute the lower nilradicals of up-monoid rings, from which the well-known fact of Amitsur and McCoy for the polynomial rings can be extended to up-monoid rings.

      • 빈티지스타일의 양면성

        천정 한국디자인지식학회 2009 디자인지식저널 Vol.11 No.-

        산업과 기업의 입장에서 부가가치를 창출하는 뛰어난 능력으로 인정받던 디자인은 관련 산업의 눈부신 성장을 이루었지만, 산업폐기물이나 팔리지 않은 재고 상품의 자원 낭비와 환경오염, 지나친 소비 촉진 등으로 생태환경을 파괴하는 결과를 낳고 있다. 앞으로도 새로움에 대한 갈망과 빠른 디자인 유행의 흐름 때문에 싫증나는 물건들은 인류와 함께 존재하게 될 것이다. 이러한 부정적인 문제들 속에서 그나마 희망적인 것은 ‘빈티지’가 유행하고 있다는 사실이다. 이러한 긍정적인 측면과 함께 빈티지의 가장 중요한 특징인 희소성 때문에 소비자들의 욕구를 충족시키기 위한 방안으로 ‘빈티지 풍’이 남발되어 마케팅 중심 디자인의 근본적인 문제가 다시 재현되고 있다. 이러한 빈티지스타일의 양면성중에서 디자이너의 섬세한 감각과 윤리성을 바탕으로 하는 재활용과 재생과정을 통하여 진품, 희소성, 개성표현, 수작업, 소박함 등의 긍정적인 가치를 부각시켜야 할 것이다.

      • DTP와 기존 인쇄 프로세스의 비교 연구

        천정 성신여자대학교 산업미술연구소 1999 産業美術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        Senior designers used to talk about their romantic Chungmuro times: for example their times they made slides in a photo studio and ran to a photocomposition house and passed a night in a plate-maker's shop without sleep, and read proofs in a broth house to cure the hangover. They think that the designers of today are lazier and more unenthusiastic than themselves in view of their experiences to have worked hard all night in the economic-growth period of our country. They bragged their superhuman skill of phototypographic and mount operations and skill to make a good guess of what lines a screen had without seeing a lupe and what found and what quality a paper was only by one touch. By the way, before one know knows Macintosh began to permeate into design environments, and recently an old-fashioned way of design process has perfectly been substituted for DTP(Desk Top Publishing) called Digital Publishing Design. The terms and techniques that senior designers can never understand are passing current, and the design process for printing has revolutionarily changed. In other words, through a tool of computer, the simplification and shortening of the printing process have been accomplished However, such a condition made the designers familar with the existing printing method feel embarrassed rather than convenient. since the value for their existence as designers is being threatened by a computer much more accurate in the design-expressing ability that they made a boast of. Senior designers came to look upon DTP as the frame of shift in designer generation rather than the one of design. Currently, they stand at the crossroads of whether they should belatedly make a compromise with a monster of computer giving an impression of being difficult to become intimate or they should look for other work and occupation. The aim of this study is to make the designers familiar with the existing printing and editing design acclimate themselves to a new way more intimately by making a comparative study on the exsting printing process and DTP. In fact, since operations of the high-ranking concept such as planning ability or design sense and so on do not change though the existing printing system has markedly changed, experience and insight of senior designers could be visible fully through a cooperation work with the new-generation designers even though they did not work for themselves if knowing the contents changed in the technique.

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