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      • 鄭漢模·申瞳集·鄭孔采의 思想的 整理의 實際

        채규판 圓光大學校 文理科大學 國語國文學科 1983 國語 國文學 硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        鄭漢模와 申瞳集 / 部分的 診斷의 美學 / 形而上學的 包含力의 虛實 / 「山水國」가 뜻하는 것, 투쟁의 詩人 鄭孔采 / 主張과 實像과의 사이에서 / 意識의 秩序와 思想의 具體化

      • 詩의 難解性·局所性·中間性의 문제에 對한 硏究

        채규판 圓光大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        詩의 난해성과 국소성, 그리고 그 중간성이 보여주는 의식진해의 과정을 살핌으로써 시적의식과 생활, 詩的意識과 인간적 형성 등 이른바 문학외적 상황에 어떤 작용을 일으키는가 하는데 대하여 집중적으로 고찰할 필요가 있다. 시가 정신질서의 압축이라는 점에 틀림이 없다면 시가 보여줄 수 있는 중요한 기능은 곧 인간형성 및 생활감의 진행에도 깊은 간섭을 할 것임을 물론이다. 李箱·徐廷柱·朴斗鎭의 시를 예로 들어 위의 의견과 결준다고 할 때 흥미있는 결과를 볼 수 있다. 즉 이상의 시의 心象分裂的 形態는 그의 의식진행의 성취로 볼 수 있으며, 서정주의 시는 자기편향적 감상확대에서 비롯되고 있으므로 그 의식의 진행이 결과적으로 의식상의 단적과 만나게 될 수 밖에 없음을 알게 된다. 이상 및 서정주의 의식을 보완할 수 있다고 보여지는 박두진의 시적 의식이 비록 詩로서의 성공에는 불문하고 합리주의적 타당성을 유도하고 있음으로써 이른 바 의식균형의 값을 만들어 낸다 하겠다. 글은 사람이다. 詩는 인격이라는 종래의 보편적 인식과는 달리 시적의식의 접근은 그 경영상의 관리에 있어 ①구체성 ②객관성 ③合理性 등 계기가 제공되어야 한다는 것이다. 결국 시와 인간과의 만남, 시와 생활과의 만남이 보다 합리적인 의식진행의 과정을 통하여 바람직한 점에 특히 유의하면서 하나의 방향을 위한 계속적 고찰을 기대한다. As to considering a process of conscious progress to see a diffeculty, section and intermedium, we concentratedly require consideration on the reason of external literature condition-poetic consciousness and life, poetic consciousness and life, poetic conscousness and human formation. If the poem doesn't make a mistake in comprission of spiritual orderm their essential function which th poem is seen to every thing is a deep interference, on the human formation and to progress of vital feeling. Giving an example of So-Chung Coo and Lee-Sang, Park-Du Chin's poem, comparing with above opinion, we can vive an interestin result. Namely, the mental-dissociative form of Lee-Sang's poem can regerd as achievement of this concous progress, So-Chung Ghoo's poem arises from self-absorbed sentimental enlargement. Resultly the conscious progress must meet a conscious serverance. Park Du Chin's poetic cons siousness to support the consciousness of Lee Sang and So Chung Choo disregard as poetic achievement and induce rational adequancy, it jmakes the cost of corscious balance. Writing is a person. Poem as a personality differs from universal consciousness. In the business management the approachment of poetic consciousness supply, the chance of concreteness, objectivity and rationality etc. As a result, the meeting of poem and person, the meeting of peom and life from the process of rational conscious progress expect continuous consideration for a to-ward.

      • 丁薰論 : 「韓國的」과 연관한 그의 人間과 作品硏究

        蔡奎判 圓光大學校大學院 1979 學位論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        In order to comment on Jeong Hun the world of his poetry can be divided into some sections and it will be convenient to mention them stage by stage. He has been paid much attention to as lyric, patriotic and local poet and the history of his poetry is not so simple as his personal career. The reason that "Meodeullyeong" is regarded as his representative work seem to consist not only in the successful treatments of his poetic substance but also in the harmonious combination of his localism and patriotism, which becomes his main sprit of his poetry, we can take examples of this from a series of his patriotic rural poems such as 'Meodeullyeong, 'The Tree where the Tutelary Deity Dwells', 'Memory of Childhood', etc. The arguments of his poetry may be his wide and direct metaphors which project his whole life and experience in his poems. As the poems collected in "Meodeullyeong" were written before he was thirty-five, they reflect the further spiritual freshness and this cannot be overlooked because the purity of a poet's spirit becomes the barometer which determines the quality of the works of a poet. After the success of "Meodeullyeong" Jeong Hun completed the perfect philosophical concretion in his another book "The Sound of a Flute" The Korean War, the period of Korean national sufferings and spiritual wandering, had an important effect on the poet's patriotic sentiments. His personal agony naturally met the larger national conflicts. He shows the feeling of self loss in his poem 'The Sound of a Flute' and tragic heroism Before the Tomb of 'Dol' and 'Three stars' in his "The Sound of a Flute" one can hear not a simple sound but a thousand cries and can feel not a simple grief but a complicated and objective grief and one can sense the romantic and local characteristics and the deep iner passion ans well. His methods in "The Sound of a Flute" were correct and excellent. In his later work "Blood-Spotted Years" the poet's 'Struggle' was inclined to private affairs. This tendency seems to have resulted from the frequent overflowing of the surroundings into the poet. His other work "Sanjo" portrays 'Self-Portrait' and 'Bloody Exhaustion' during his spiritual voyage. It also describes his boyish original nostalgia. His deep poetic contemplation makes possible a three-dimention construction of poetry. In spite of several changes of his methods, the main stream of his poetry always remains unchanged and this can be explained by the fact that all his writings are 'The Record of Blood' and 'Concentration of Soul' 'Compression of Force'. The structure of consciousness of the poet Jeong Hun, as suggested in the above, necessarily meets his Sijo poems. In appreciating him we must understand him on both sides, as a poet of free verse and a poet of Sijo poems but in reality the spirit of his poetry and the motive of his writing poems are much Korean. Through the collection of his Sijo "A Sultan's parasol" we can penetrate the uniform triumphs of thought. "A Sultan's Parasol" has a remakable significance in the history of Korean Sijo poems. It has accomplished the Korean arrangement of set-form verse…a success of his poetic technique.

      • KCI등재

        영어와 독어 소유 표현의 비교분석

        채규판,유성렬 한국독어독문학교육학회 2006 獨語敎育 Vol.36 No.-

        Eine vergleichende Analyse von possessiven Strukturen im Englischen und im Deutschen Viele Untersuchungen, die eine Dichotomie 'strukturelle vs. lexikalische Kasus' annehmen, gehen davon aus, dass im Englischen und im Deutschen der Nominativ und der Akkusativ strukturell sind und im Gegensatz dazu der Dativ ein lexikalischer Kasus ist. Über den Genitiv mit dem komplizierten Gebrauch wurde die Untersuchungen nicht genug vollbracht. Diese Arbeit ging von der Zufriedenheit und dem Bedürfnis mit dieser Tatsache aus. In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand verschiedener syntaktischer Funktionen des Genitivs versucht zu zeigen, dass es im Genitiv vielerei versteckte Bedeutungen gibt, und dass es erhebliche Schwierigkeiten im Deutschen und im Englischen herbeiführt. Die possessive Relation ist eine asymmetrische Relation zwischen zwei Entitäten, nämlich dem Possessor und dem Possessum. Die possesive Relation wird sowohl durch den Genitiv des Nomen oder Pronomens als auch durch das Verb wie haben, besitzen, gehören und sein usw. ausgedrückt. Die relationalen Nomina, die im Deutschen und im Englischen häufig erörtert werden, sind die Namen von Körperteilen und die Namen von Verwandtschaft. Im allgemeinen nennt man solche relationalen Nomina die unveräußerliche Possession. Die Ausdrucksformen der Pertinenz sind die wie das Genitivattribut, das Possesivpronomen, der Pertinenzdativ, der Pertinenzakkusativ, die Konstruktion des Mangels an der Angabe des Besitzers und die der Reflexivpronomina. Im Unterricht könnte der Lehrer einige der in dieser Arbeit vorhandenen Erklärungen für die Besprechung der grammatischen Erscheinungen benutzen. Meiner Meinung nach lässt sich die Funktionsweise des Genitivs sicher leicht dann erlernen, wenn im Vergleich mit den beiden Sprachen gearbeitet wird. 1. 머리말 (속격과 소유격 및 연구범위) 2. 소유의 표현형식과 의미 3. 속격의 형성방식 3.1 영어 <속격>의 부가형태 3.2 영어 이중 속격과 이의 독어 표현 4. 불가분 소유 표현 4.1 영어 불가분 소유의 형식과 의미 4.2 영어 불가분 소유 유형과 영어의 특수성 4.3 독어 불가분 소유의 형식과 의미 4.4 독어에서 소유격과 친속격의 차이 4.5 친속격과 소유격의 중복 사용 4.6 독어 친속관계의 표현 유형 5. 요약

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