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        SMS를 활용한 교사와 학부모의 의사소통 실태 및 과제

        차경수,조미헌,Cha, Kyoung-Soo,Jo, Mi-Heon 한국정보교육학회 2009 정보교육학회논문지 Vol.13 No.1

        맞벌이 가정의 증가로 학부모는 교사와의 의사소통에서 시간 공간적으로 자유롭지 못하며, 교사도 학급당 많은 인원수와 업무과중 등으로 학부모와 의사소통이 잘 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 이러한 상황을 극복할 수 있는 수단으로서 SMS를 활용한 교사와 학부모의 의사소통 실태를 분석하고 해결해야 할 과제를 알아보았다. SMS 활용 실태에서 아동에 대한 정보 교류 및 교육 활동을 위해 SMS가 필요하다는 대답이 높았으며, 교사는 아동에 대한 교육 정보 교류를, 학부모는 생활 태도 향상에 효과가 있음을 지적하였다. 분석 결과를 바탕으로 담임에 대한 부담 해결, 담임과의 친숙함 형성, SMS 무반응 이유 탐색 및 대처 방안 마련, 학부모 요구에 맞는 정보 제공하기, 학부모의 답장률 높이기, 문자 용량 확대, 컴퓨터 온라인 접속 문제 등이 해결해야 할 과제로 파악되었다. With the increase of double-income families, parents are not free in terms of time and space in communicating with teachers. Also for teachers, with many students and heavy load of work, communication with parents has been poor. As a means for overcoming this kind of situation, this research examined the current status of communication between teachers and parents using SMS and problems to solve. The investigation of the actual conditions of SMS use showed that there was a high number of answers pointing out that SMS is needed for the exchange of information regarding children and educational activities, and teachers pointed out that the communication was effective for exchanging educational information regarding children whereas parents pointed out that it was effective in improving the children's attitudes. Based on the results of the analysis, the following was found as tasks to be solved: preparing a plan for revitalizing SMS use, solving the burden that parents have in communicating with teachers, becoming more friendly with teachers, investigation of the reason why there is no response regarding SMS and preparing countermeasures, providing information appropriate to what parents want, increasing the reply rate of parents, expansion of text capacity, and trouble with getting online with a computer.

      • KCI등재

        지구의 잠재자연식생분포를 추정하기 위한 최적구면보간법의 개발

        차경수(Gyung Soo Cha),락합공야(Kamiya Ochiai) 한국산림과학회 1997 한국산림과학회지 Vol.86 No.1

        As the first step to estimate the potential natural vegetation distribution of the globe, the best spherical interpolation method was developed to the temperature and precipitation which have close relation to the distribution pattern of world natural vegetation. For developing the interpolation method, a named Light Climatic Dataset composed of 1,060 stations around the globe was randomly divided into halves of feeding side and target side. The discrepancy between the observed and estimated values at the target stations was compared with combinations of parameters and methods. The estimated values were calculated to each combination which is all-out, constant radius and constant station methods in the selection of the feeding stations, n square reciprocal and negative exponential functions in weighting function of distance between feeding stations and each target, and oval weighting in direction of the feeding stations from each target. As a result, it turned out that the spherical interpolation with negative exponential weighting function fed from the constant radius stations ovally weighed yields the best estimates both for temperature and for precipitation. The parameters for temperature are 30°in constant radius, 0.78 in negative exponential function and 0.4 in oval weighting, and for precipitation are 30°, 0.53 and 0.4, respectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수송용 석유류제품가격의 비대칭성 및 가격조정과정의 차이

        車京洙 ( Kyungsoo Cha ) 한국국제경제학회 2020 국제경제연구 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구는 국제유가 변화에 대한 수송용 석유류제품가격들의 비대칭성과 가격조정과정에 관해 분석하였다. 누적조정함수에 의한 추정결과, 국제유가 변동에 반응하여 경유가격은 휘발유가격에 비해 더욱 신속하게 장기균형으로 조정되는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 경유가격은 국제유가로 이용된 MOPS의 가격변화에 비대칭성을 보이지 않았으나, 휘발유가격은 비록 짧은 기간이지만 통계적으로 유의한 비대칭성을 보였다. 이와 같은 휘발유가격의 비대칭성은 과점구조를 갖는 정유사들 간의 암묵적 협력이론, 정유사들의 재고변동 이론 그리고 소비자들의 탐색활동과 관련된 탐색비용 이론 등에 의해 설명될 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 장기균형으로의 조정속도와 비대칭성에서 발견된 두 석유류제품가격간의 차이는 탐색비용 이론에 의해 일정부분 설명될 수 있다. 이는 상대적으로 낮은 탐색비용을 갖는 경유구매자들의 탐색활동 증가는 경유수요를 휘발유수요에 비해 더욱 가격 탄력적으로 만들 수 있기 때문이다. 다시 말해, 경유구매자들의 탐색활동 증가는 주유소들의 시장지배력을 약화시켜, 경유가격의 비대칭성을 감소시키고 장기균형으로의 신속한 조정을 가능케 한다는 것이다. This paper attempts to analyze how gasoline and diesel prices respond to changes in oil prices and how they are adjusted to their long-run equilibrium over time. According to the estimation results, gasoline prices respond more rapidly to an increase in oil prices rather than a decrease. However, the price asymmetry is not found in the dynamic adjustment of diesel prices. Additionally, the speed of adjustment to the long run equilibrium of diesel prices is much faster than gasoline prices. The asymmetry found in gasoline prices can be explained by coordination of oligopolistic sellers, production lags and asymmetric inventory adjustment costs, and the search theory. However, the difference in both the price asymmetry and the price adjustment process between petroleum products can be explained in part by relatively lower search costs of diesel buyers. Namely, since diesel buyers have relatively lower search costs than gasoline buyers, they increase search behavior when oil prices change. The increased search makes diesel demand more price elastic compared to gasoline demand. Therefore it weakens the market power of diesel sellers, resulting in a symmetric response and rapid adjustment of diesel prices.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화하에서 잠재삼림면적의 변화 예측

        차경수 ( Gyung Soo Cha ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.3

        To offer the basic information for sustainable production of forest resources and conservation of the global environment, change in potential natural vegetation (PNV) associated with climate change due to doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide (2×CO₂) was estimated with the global natural vegetation mapping system based an Koppen scheme. The system interpolates climate data spherically to each grid cell, determines the vegetation types onto the grid cell, and produces potential vegetation map and area on the globe and continents. The climate data consist of the current, (1×CO₂) climate prior to AD 1958 observed at some 2,000 stations and the doubling (2×CO₂) climate estimated from Meteorological Research Institute of Japan. The vegetation cone under the 2×CO₂ climate scenario expanded mainly toward the poles due to the rise in temperature. The changed PNV area on the globe amounts to 1/3 (4.91 billion (G) ha) of the total land area (15.04 Gha). Kappa statistic for judging agreement between the patterns of vegetation distribution under 1×CO₂ climate and 2×CO₂ climates shows good agreement (0.63) for the globe as a whole. The most stable areas are desert and ice. The potential forest area (PFA) was estimated at 6.82 Gha of the land area in 2 × CO₂ climate scenario. In terms of continental changes in PFA, North America and Asis are increased under the 2×CO₂ climate. However, the potential forest arms of the other continents are decreased by the climate. Europe has no change in the PFA. Especially, the expansion of desert area in Oceania would be accelerated by the 2×CO₂ climate.

      • KCI등재

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