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        咽頭音化假說에 대해서

        진위신,이경철 한국일본학회 2022 日本學報 Vol.- No.133

        The present paper analyzes the pharyngealization hypothesis in Old-Chinese and Ancient-Chinese. Finally, the following 8 conclusions can be drawn. 1. The distinctive features of division III and non-division III are that the non-division III has a pharyngealized medial ʕ, whereas division III does not. 2. The reason why upper words of Fanqie(反切上字) can be divided into 2 categories for division III and non-division III is related to pharyngealized onsets. 3. The Onset-Jian(見) and Xi(溪) appear as “k(ʰ)” and “q(ʰ)” in some data which are connected to pharyngealized onsets. 4. The Onest-Xia(匣) changed from “ɡ”/“ɢ” to “ɦ” which are related to pharyngealized onsets. 5.The reason why the Plosivization of the Liquid onsets is related to pharyngealized onsets. 6.The reason why the Rhyme-Mu(模) and Yu(虞) Rhyme-Dong of division I(東1) and Rhyme-Dong of division III(東3) reflect “o” and “u” in Sino-Korea and Sino-Japanese, respectively is related to pharyngealized vowels. 7. The vowel “i” in Old-Chinese was changed to the vowel “e” in Ancient-Chinese. The reason for this change is that “i” is a Pharyngealized vowel when “i” is in division IV. 8. The vowel length in Guangzhou(廣州) Dialect is connected to the pharyngealized vowels. 본고는 上古音에서 中古音에 걸친 3等과 非3等의 변별적 자질이 咽頭音에 있다는 咽頭音化假說에 대해서 검토했으며, 아래와 같이 8가지 결론을 내렸다. 1. 3等과 非3等의 변별적 자질은 3等字에 ʕ介音이 동반되지 않으며 非3等字에 ʕ介音이 동반된다는 점에 있다. 2. 反切上字가 3等과 非3等으로 나눌 수 있는 이유는 咽頭音化 聲母에 관련된다. 3. 일부 자료에서 見系 3等과 非3等이 k(ʰ)와 q(ʰ)로 반영되는 이유는 咽頭音化 聲母에 있다. 4. 匣母가 ɡ/ɢ→ɦ로 변화하는 이유는 咽頭音化 聲母에 있다. 5. 流音의 閉鎖音化 현상은 咽頭音化 聲母에 관련된다. 6. 模韻과 虞韻은 주모음이 같은데 韓國漢字音과 日本漢字音에서 서로 다른 모음으로 반영된 이유는 咽頭音化 母音에 있으며, 東韻1等과 東韻3等이 韓國漢字音과 日本漢字音에서 서로 다른 모음으로 반영된 이유도 동일하다. 7. OC의 i母音에 해당하는 4等字가 AC에서 e로 반영된 이유는 咽頭音化 母音에 관련된다. 8. 廣州音을 비롯한 3等과 非3等이 長短母音으로 변별되는 이유도 咽頭音化 母音에 관련된다.

      • KCI등재

        上古音에서 中古音에 걸친 喻母의 변화

        진위신,이경철 대한일어일문학회 2022 일어일문학 Vol.93 No.-

        본고에서는 上古音에서 中古音에 걸친 喻母의 변화에 대해 고찰했다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론에 이르렀다. 1)中古音의 喻母는 上古音의 l에서 기원하는 것이 아니라 r 또는 이중자음 Cr(Tr, Kr, Pr, nr, mr)에서 기원한다. 2)EOC A語의 r은, B2語에서 d로 변하며, 이는 流音의 閉鎖音化現象으로 볼 수 있다. 喻母와 교체하는 定母는 두 가지 기원이 있으므로, 이를 통해서 喻母와 定母가 가장 밀접한 관계를 이루어진 현상을 설명할 수 있다. 3)喻母는 r>j로의 직접적인 변화도 있지만, 그 외에 Tr>dr>ḏ>ʥ>ʑ>j라는 변화도 상정할 수 있다. 正齒音ʥ(ʑ)에서 j로 교체되는 이유는 有聲音이 없는 언어집단에서 반모음인 j가 모음과 같이 有聲音이기 때문에 有聲音의 특징을 표현하기 위한 교체로 볼 수 있다. 이를 통해서 喻母와 舌音·正齒音의 밀접한 관계를 설명할 수 있다. 4)<廣韻>의 正齒音은 기본적으로 舌音에서 기원하지만, Kr>Kï>Ki>ʨ/ʨʰ/ʥ, Tsr>Tsi>ʨ/ʨʰ/ʥ와 같이 牙音과 齒頭音에서 기원한 것도 있으며, 이러한 牙音과 齒頭音의 口蓋音化現象이 일어난 언어집단이 上古에서 이미 존재한 것으로 볼 수 있으며, 切韻音은 단일 언어집단의 음운체계가 아니라 여러 언어집단의 발음을 多音字로 흡수하여 반영한 음운체계인 가능성이 크다.

      • 咽頭音化假說에 대한 재검정

        진위신(CHEN, Yuxin),이경철(LEE, Kyungchul) 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2023 No.10

        This study embarks on an intricate analysis of the unique characteristics that differentiate Class 3 and non-Class 3 syllables within the realm of Chinese phonology. Particular emphasis is placed on their historical manifestations in Old Chinese and Middle Chinese, two crucial periods in the evolution of the Chinese language. Utilizing scientific statistical techniques—specifically, Chi-Squared tests, Yates correction, and Fisher’s Exact tests—this research aims to bolster the precision and dependability of its conclusions. In an innovative move to broaden the scope, our research sample transcends the limitations of internal Chinese lexical material. We also incorporate related vocabulary from Sino-Hmong-Mien and Sino-Kuki-Chin (Mizo) languages. This multi-lingual approach offers a more comprehensive lens through which the unique features of Class 3 and non-Class 3 syllables can be examined and verified. The studys findings robustly corroborate the prior work of Chen Yuxin and Lee Kyung Chul (2022), solidifying the argument that the primary differentiating factor between Class 3 and non-Class 3 syllables in Old Chinese is their opposition based on pharyngeal prenuclear glides. Remar kably, these glides are observed to undergo an evolutionary shift towards *j prenuclear glides during the Middle Chinese period. By deploying a series of rigorous scientific validations, this study doesnt just validate previous theories but strives to lay a stronger foundation for future research in Chinese phonology. Such rigorous methodologies and expanded dataset are expected to be instrumental in refining our understanding of historical linguistic shifts and providing a more robust theoretical framework for subsequent scholarly endeavors in the domain of Chinese phonology.

      • KCI등재

        상고한어의 을류운부에 관한 세 가지 문제점

        진위신(Chen, Yuxin),이경철(Lee, KyungChul) 동아시아일본학회 2024 일본문화연구 Vol.- No.89

        This paper conducts a study on three issues related to the Class II rhyme groups(乙類韻部) in Old Chinese. The first issue is does the *-r coda proposed by Starostin are valid. The secound issue is the open codas of Class II rhyme groups be reconstructed as *-l or *-j. and the last issue is Do the rhyme groups Zhi(脂部), Zhi(質部) and Zhen(眞部) should be further divided. Through this study has reached the following conclusions. Firstly, we agree with proposal of *-r codas. Not only do the open codas of Class II rhyme groups have a close relationship with the nasal codas. but also we can see that the nasal codas of Class II rhyme groups *-n have a close relationship with written Tibetan -l and -r. Secondly, it is more appropriate to reconstruct the open codas of Class II rhyme groups in Old Chinese as *-l. The main reason is that the rhyme group Zhi(脂部) *-i corresponds to written Tibetan -i, -il and -ir. Thirdly, the rhyme groups Zhi(脂部), Zhi(質部) and Zhen(眞部) should be further divided. In particular Zhi group I(質1部) *it and Zhi group II (質2部) *ik is more obvious because the difference between them is quite clear in rhyming of The Book of Songs.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스-히말라야어와 몽몐어의 시각에서 본 上古漢語의 咽頭音化假說

        진위신(Chen, Yuxin),이경철(Lee, Kyong chul) 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.77

        In Chinese historical phonology, the issue of Grade III has posed intricate challenges, including complexities like the elusive distinctions between Grade III and non-Grade III phonological features. Various theories have been proposed by the academic community over the years, such as the Long and Short Vowel Hypothesis, and the Initial Pharyngealization Hypothesis. This study primarily focuses on the Initial Pharyngealization Hypothesis in Old and Middle Chinese and conducts a comparative analysis of pharyngealization in both Chinese and Tangut languages. The research predominantly employs relational words between Chinese and Hmong-Mien languages, as well as cognates between Chinese and Tibetan languages. Simultaneously, it builds on the academic foundation laid by Chen Yuxin Lee Kyung-Chul and Xun Gong, embarking on a comprehensive comparative analysis. The findings unveil significant similarities between Chinese and Tangut languages concerning the ‘yod’ issue. Through two distinct investigations into Chinese-Tibetan cognates and Chinese-Hmong Mien relational words, this paper validates that the Grade III in Chinese is unrelated to ‘yod’. Moreover, the study of relational words from the Chinese and Mong-Mien languages further corroborates that non-Grade III in Chinese are intricately tied to pharyngealization. Drawing from the results, it can be concluded that the pharyngealization hypothesis in Chinese is underpinned by clear evidence. Furthermore, in future explorations within this domain, the author believes that a profound study of cognates in the Chinese-Bai languages holds significant merit.

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