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        일조보호를 위한 공법과 사법의 조화

        진상욱 한국토지법학회 2011 土地法學 Vol.27 No.2

        The obstruction of light means the disadvantages arising from being blocked from a direct ray of light. If the degree of that interruption exceeds the generally accepted tolerance limits in light of social norms, then the obstruction of light can be viewed as an unlawful and harmful act as a matter of private law. Whether the act of blocking sunlight has gone beyond the generally acceptance limit from socially acceptable ideas or not shall be judged taking into consideration the totality of the circumstances including, but not limited to, the degree of the damages, the nature of the damaged benefit and the social assessment about it, the usage of the harming building, characteristics of the region, the relationship before and after the use of the land, the probability of prevention of harming and avoidance of the harm, whether the regulations under public law has been violated or not, and the progress of negotiation. And the unlawful obstruction of light has the nature of infringement upon not only property rights, but also personal rights to live in a healthy and pleasant environment. There are wide differences between the definition of the right to enjoy sunshine which has been shaped by Supreme Court and the building permitting criteria on enjoying sunshine prescribed at the present building permitting code. The difference between the two leads to what we call 'sunshine conflicts'. To cope with the above situation of sunshine conflicts, the above present criteria on building permitting code should be corrected according to the standard criteria on enjoying sunshine by Supreme Court. 일조문제는 도시화로 인한 건물의 고층화·밀집화로 인하여 발생한 것으로, 공법과 사법에서 그 기준이 다르다. 이런 현상은 법적안정성을 해치고, 국민의 법감정에 위배되는 측면이 있으므로, 공법과 사법의 조화로운 해석이 필요하다. 일조이익은 토지소유권의 내용에 포함되며, 인간이 쾌적한 생활을 향유할 수 있는 인격적 이익이고, 생활환경에 포함되므로, 일조보호를 위하여 물권, 인격권 및 환경권의 성격을 포괄하는 생활이익향수권을 설정하는 것이 타당하며, 그 근거는 ‘헌법’ 제10조, 제23조 및 제35조와 환경관련법령 및 건축관계법령의 일조관련규정으로 볼 수 있다. 건축관계법령의 일조기준은 여러 가지의 문제점을 가지고 있고, 판례는 건축관계법령에 적합한 건축물이라고 하더라도 사회통념상의 수인한도를 넘는 일조방해가 있는 경우에는 위법성을 인정하고 있다. 이러한 일조기준에 대한 공법과 사법의 차이를 해석의 방법을 통하여 통일하여야 할 것이다. 첫째, 건축관계법령에 의하여 적법하게 건축된 건축물에 대해서는 일조방해로 인한 방해제거 및 예방청구는 할 수 없고, 손해배상청구만을 인정하여야 할 것이다. 둘째, 일조・조망・통풍・전파・Privacy 등의 생활이익향수권을 상정하고, 토지지공간에 대한 종합적인 생활이익을 보호하여야 할 것이다. 셋째, 공법과 사법 사이의 일조기준의 차이는 궁극적으로 입법의 방법으로 해결하는 것이 바람직하다.

      • KCI등재

        막장력 측정을 통한 막구조물의 장력 유지관리 시스템 검토

        진상욱,손수덕,이승재,Jin, Sang-Wook,Shon, Su-Deok,Lee, Seung-Jae 한국공간구조학회 2016 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Membrane structure is a system that is stabilized by maintaining a tensile state of the membrane material that originally cannot resist the bending or pressure. Also, it is a system that allows the whole membrane structure to bear external loads caused by wind or precipitation such as snow, rain and etc. Tension relaxation phenomenon can transpire to the tension that is introduced to the fabric over time, due to the innate characteristics of the membrane material. Thus, it is important to accurately understand the size of the membrane tension after the completion of the structures, for maintenance and management purposes. The authors have proposed the principle of theoretically and indirectly measuring the tension by vibrating the membrane surface with sound waves exposures against the surface, which is compartmentalized by a rectangular boundary, and by measuring the natural frequency of the membrane surface that selectively resonates. The authors of this paper measured the tension of preexisting membrane structure for its maintenance by using the developed portable measurement equipment. Through analyzing the measurement data, the authors review the points that should be improved and the technical method for the new maintenance system of membrane tension.

      • KCI등재후보

        화이트 노이즈 음파를 이용한 막구조물의 장력 측정장치 개발

        진상욱,Hiroshi Ohmori,김재열 한국공간구조학회 2008 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        One of the most important matters in keeping membrane structures in healthy condition is to maintain the proper tension distribution over the membrane. However, it is not easy to know the real stress level in the membrane quantitatively after completion of the structures. Authors suggested measurement method that can measure membrane stress using sound wave, and have been holding experimental tests of membrane stress measurement that used the sound external excitation with sine wave and white noise. The concept of the method is the fact that measurement of resonance frequency by vibrating membrane having rectangular boundary by audible frequency can measure membrane stress indirectly. In this paper, through the experimental tests it is proved that the equipment can be used for not only the membrane material of type A but also for types B and C. In addition, it is proved that the developed measurement equipment is available to stably measure the membrane stress which exists in the membrane material of the actual membrane structures.

      • KCI등재

        구분소유의 성립 및 전유부분과 대지사용권의 일체성 - 대법원 2013. 1. 17. 선고 2010다71578 전원합의체 판결을 중심으로 -

        진상욱 한국토지법학회 2013 土地法學 Vol.29 No.1

        Where several sections into which one building is divided in structure may be independently used, each section may be the object of independent ownership. This is called sectional ownership. This decisions(Supreme Court Full Bench Decisions 2010Da71578) is related to the requirement of sectional ownership and indivisibility of section of exclusive ownership and right to use site. To establish of sectional ownership, one building should be, and the building parts separated on the structure and use of the building must be independent, and each portion of a building separated by the sectional owner of the object to the sectional ownership must sectional act. The sectional act is a act of disposal that causes a transfer of a real right, the act if the intention of section is marked on the outside can be recognized. The Act on the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings provides in Article 20 that sectional owner's right to use site shall follow the disposition of his section of exclusive ownership(Paragraph 1); that sectional owner shall not dispose the right to use site independently from his section of exclusive ownership unless otherwise specified in the collective agreement(Paragraph 2); and that the above prohibition of independent disposal cannot be used as defense against a third party who has acquired a property rights in good faith absent registration to that effect(Paragraph 3). The apparent purpose of the above provision is to promote stability in legal relations, and rationality in regulation, relating to multi-unit buildings by restraining separation of the section of exclusive ownership from the right to use site to the extent possible, thereby preventing occurrence of a sectional ownerships that is not accompanied by a right to use site. 집합건물은 하나의 건축물이 구조적으로 독립되어 있는 경우에 그 각 부분을 소유권의 대상으로 하고 있어서 그 대지의 이용 및 관리에 있어서 특별한 문제가 발생된다. 대상판결은 이에 관련된 것으로 구분소유의 성립 및 그 시기, 전유부분과 대지사용권의 일체성에 대하여 판시하고 있다. 구분소유의 성립요건은 집합건물법 제1조에 규정되어 있으며, 1동의 건물이 존재하고, 구분된 건물부분이 구조상 및 이용상의 독립성을 갖추어야 하며, 구분소유자가 구분된 건물부분을 각각 구분소유의 객체로 하려는 구분행위가 있어야 구분소유가 성립한다는 것에 학설과 판례는 일치하고 있지만, 구분행위의 내용에 대하여 견해의 차이가 있다. 구분행위는 건물의 일부분에 구분소유권을 발생시키는 법률형성적 처분행위이며, 그 시기나 방식에 특별한 제한이 있는 것은 아니고 처분권자의 구분의사가 객관적으로 외부에 표시되면 인정된다. 신축건물의 경우에는 분양계약 등을 통하여 구분의사가 객관적으로 표시되면 구분행위의 존재를 인정할 수 있고, 아직 그 건물이 건축물대장에 등록되거나 구분건물로서 등기부에 등기되지 않았더라도 그 시점에서 구분소유가 성립한다. 그리고 이미 대장등록 및 등기가 되어 있는 기존건물의 구분행위는 민법 제186조의 법률행위로 등기가 필요하다. 집합건물의 대지사용권은 전유부분에 종속되어 분리처분이 금지된다. 전유부분과 대지사용권의 일체성이 인정되는 시기는 구분소유가 성립하는 때부터이며, 전유부분만을 처분하면 대지사용권은 전유부분에 종속하여 이전되고, 대지사용권만의 분리처분은 무효이다. 이러한 분리처분금지는 그 취지를 등기하지 아니하면 선의로 물권을 취득한 제3자에 대하여 대항할 수 없다. 대상판결은 구분행위를 구분의사의 표시만으로 인정하여 건축허가신청・분양계약 등이 있고, 그 후에 구분된 건물부분이 구조상・이용상의 독립성을 갖춘 시기에 구분소유권이 성립하여 대지사용권과의 일체성을 인정하는 판시는, 일반적인 법 감정과 분양자들의 권리보호를 위하여 타당한 판시로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        Epidemiology of Functioning Pituitary Adenomas

        진상욱 대한내분비학회 2020 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.35 No.2

        Pituitary adenomas (PAs) are defined as benign monoclonal tumors in the pituitary gland that cause symptoms due to either hormonalhypersecretion or a space-occupying effect, and are classified as functioning or non-functioning. Because of their rarity and slowgrowing with symptomless nature in most cases, it has been challenging to investigate the epidemiology of PAs. Considering theirpublic health impact and association with increased morbidity and mortality, however, it is essential to understand the prevalence andincidence of PAs in order to improve patient outcomes and to minimize the resultant burden on the health care system. Fortunately, developments in imaging modalities and easier access to large-scale population data have enabled investigators to analyze the epidemiology of PAs more accurately. This review summarizes previously reported epidemiologic data on functioning PAs in Korea and othercountries.

      • KCI등재

        화이트노이즈를 이용한 막장력 측정장치의 소형·경량화 검증

        진상욱,Jin, Sang-Wook 한국공간구조학회 2014 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The author has proposed and verified the accuracy through experiments on a method of measurement through the use of sound waves that not only can quantitatively measure each of the dual directions of the fiber axis with high accuracy of membrane tension created on the surface of the membrane structure, but also can be easily operated in the field of construction. This paper reports the solution for problems of variables caused in the process of downsizing of the measurement equipment in order for practical use, and verifies the correspondence possibility of various stress ratios.

      • KCI등재

        Acromegaly due to a Macroinvasive Plurihormonal Pituitary Adenoma and a Rectal Carcinoid Tumor

        진상욱,황진경,이상열,전숙,오승준,이미수,Natalia S. Pellegata,김성운 대한내분비학회 2015 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.30 No.3

        A macroinvasive pituitary adenoma with plurihormonality usually causes acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia, and also accompanies with neurologic symptoms such as visual disturbances. However, its concurrent presentation with a rectal carcinoid tumor is rarely observed. This study reports the history, biochemical, colonoscopic and immunohistochemical results of a 48-year-old female with acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia. Despite the large size and invasive nature of the pituitary adenoma to adjacent anatomical structures, she did not complain of any neurologic symptoms such as visual disturbance or headache. Immunohistochemical staining of the surgical specimen from the pituitary adenoma revealed that the tumor cells were positive for growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Staining for pituitary-specific transcription factor-1 (Pit-1) was shown to be strongly positive, which could have been possibly contributing to the plurihormonality of this adenoma. Colonoscopy found a rectal polyp that was identified to be a carcinoid tumor using immunohistochemical staining. A macroinvasive pituitary adenoma with concomitant rectal carcinoid tumor was secreting GH, PRL, and TSH, which were believed to be in association with over-expression of Pit-1. This is the first case report of double primary tumors comprising a plurihormonal pituitary macroadenoma and rectal carcinoid tumor.

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