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      • KCI우수등재

        간호행정학회지 게재 논문의 이론 적용 분석

        지현주(Ji, Hyunju),홍소윤(Hong, Soyun),정이랑(Jeong, Yi-Rang),이경희(Lee, Kyung Hee) 한국간호행정학회 2018 간호행정학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Purpose: This study was done to analyze the trend of theory application in articles published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (JKANA) over the last 10 years. Methods: Four hundred and eighty-five articles were reviewed to determine the scope of theory-applied research. General characteristics, study design and keywords classification by nursing meta-paradigm were analyzed using established analysis framework. Results: Twenty-four articles (4.9%) were identified as theory-applied research publications. More than half of the articles (54.2%) stated that a theoretical framework was used; the number of theories used in the 24 articles was 27 including nine nursing theories. The majority of the studies were conducted in hospital settings. In the keyword classification by nursing meta-paradigm, 28 environment-related keywords were identified but only 7 keywords were related to health. Conclusion: The results show that theory application in Korean nursing administration research is very limited. It is necessary to create a positive educational environment for graduate students to learn about nursing theories as well as theories from other disciplines. In addition, different levels of nursing theories should be continuously developed in the field of nursing administration.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        한국 테마공원 서비스품질에 관한 연구

        지현주 ( Hyun Joo Ji ) 한국항공경영학회 2009 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to research the element of service quality and satisfaction of theme park and it gave further study to research the relative influence of those elements on revisiting intention and recommendation. Research sample were selected through convenience sampling from visitors of Everland, Lotte world and Seoul land in Korea. Totally 246 survey were used as an analysis data. The results shows that the six elements of service quality are employee service, event, convenience facilities, mood, rides and crowding. The elements of service quality which influence on visitor satisfaction are every 6 elements. But crowding is the elements that influences negatively. And the elements of service quality which influence on revisiting are event, convenience facilities, rides.

      • KCI등재

        昭穆制度의 의례적 구조와 기능

        지현주(Ji Hyun-Joo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2011 한국민족문화 Vol.39 No.-

        소목제도는 원시고대사회에서부터 고대 중국예제까지 횡적으로는 宗法, 宗廟, 廟葬, 祭祀, 宴會, 立尸 등에 폭넓게 적용되었다. 종적으로는 古禮로 부터 주자가례의 廟制에서 변화된 의례양식은 조선을 거쳐 한국 宗家의 사당에까지 이어진다. 이 논문은 古禮에 폭넓게 적용된 소목제도가 소목현상으로 드러난 의례양식을 중심으로 의례적 구조와 기능을 고찰한 것이다. 연구를 위해서 소목현상에서 파악되는 공간적 질서와 법칙에 주목하여 의례양식을 살펴보았다. 三禮를 주로 고찰하면서 인문학을 보완할 수 있는 천문학과 고고학적 자료를 통해 사실성을 높이고 의례적 구조를 구체화시키기 위해 도식을 참고하였다. 시간과 공간은 주요한 의례구조이지만 연구의 관점을 方位性의 의미가 의례적 구조에 연동되는 점에 두었다. 의례는 하늘의 법칙과 질서를 본받은 양식이기에 천문의 운행법칙과 구조에서 공간의 좌표로서 방위를 삼았다. 소목현상에서 방위적용은 최상위, 상위, 존비, 반차 등을 구별하는 의례준칙이었고 물리적, 사회적 공간의 척도이다. 소목차례는 父子의 친소를 구별하는 원리인데 유교의례의 五倫과는 상반된다. 이러한 점은 소목제도를 유교의례와 다른 연원이 있음을 선행연구에 맡기고 필자는 소목현상을 유교의례로서 고찰하였다. 결과적으로 소목 현상의 물리적 공간은 분리되고 사회적 공간(위치)은 구분되는 의례적 기능을 이와 같은 의례적 구조 틀에서 이론적으로 밝힌 연구이다. Zhao Mu(昭穆) has been a great influence on the ancient China handed down from the primitive ancient society. and included Cho-sun dynasty, until now. It has been wide applied to Royal Ancestral Shrine(宗廟), cemetery funeral(墓葬), ancestral rites(祭祀), party(宴會), pagehood(尸童) and others. This study will be examined under phenomenons of Zhao mu(昭穆) from ritual point of view in those institutions. So, this study is aimed to consider the ritual function & structure focus on the phenomenons of Zhao mu(昭穆) by ceremony. According to phenomenons of Zhao mu(昭穆), this study has to come out into the open 2 kinds that firstly, Zhao Mu(昭穆) has a spatial order. Secondly, functions not only a social space but also a physical space. It might be a ritual feature of Zhao Mu(昭穆)phenomenon. For the study it needs to consider the ceremony focus on the spatial order & rule in the Zhao Mu(昭穆). So mainly studied the ancient Li(禮) and is referenced to archeological specimens, astronomy, diagram for the adding of humane studies. This is a reason that is elevated facticity, concreteness. Therefore it is studied to get an eye to the spatial order, rule, ceremony. A Time & a Space are major structure in the ritual study, but within the only space this study is limited that results from the spatial peculiarities of the Zhao Mu(昭穆). There are two kinds of spatial peculiarities that the physic space is divided into left and right, the social space is classified as an order of rank. It is important that the reason is the point of the compass(方位) have effected the spatial order. So the physic & the social space are the ritual functions by the point of the compass(方位) in the Zhao Mu(昭穆). In fact, the point of the compass(方位) is ruled to follow the laws of nature like astronomical observations in the time and space of a ritual. The compass(方位) is ruled to distinguish the standard which of the highest rank(position), high rank, the high and the low, order. Therefore the order by an age and division of space in the Zhao Mu(昭穆)arrangement is caused of being an ethical order. Finally, inquired a ritual of Zhao Mu(昭穆) as the confucian ritual. Zhao Mu (昭穆) functions to devide the physic space, to separate the social space. This functions is determined in the ritual structure theoretically.

      • KCI등재

        『주자가례(朱子家禮)』에 내재된 방위관(方位觀)과 질서의식(秩序儀式)에 관한 연구 -통례(通禮) 및 관례(冠禮)와 혼례(昏禮)를 중심으로-

        지현주 ( Hyun Joo Ji ) 동양철학연구회 2013 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.74 No.-

        Li(禮) is the projected natural & spatial order onto humanity. According to Korye[old-Li], 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy) is a kind of Li, made by the Saint, because of teaching a rite of passage[冠昏喪祭]. Common compass[方位] from Korye[old-Li] to 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy) can be described from its content of Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy. It will verify what formality of Karye[家禮] makes up the compass, and verify to be a principle as a phenomenon from the astronomical phenomena.[天文現象] In such that, this paper examined whether an order-ceremony of 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy) emulate a phenomenon from the astronomical phenomena or not. Because of discourse that Li is made of a phenomenon[象] from the Heaven` order. The point of this paper is focus on the rite in the Li is made of a phenomenon[象] from the Heaven` order. So I tried to verify the truth at the 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy), that a Human`s rite is related to the order of the celestial bodies and many celestial bodies forward to being a star of Polar. Generally Karye[家禮] included old-Li is described a order-ceremony by compass. It is important that the order-ceremony is born at any time among moving of the celestial bodies in the heaven. So this paper try to verify at the ceremony procedures and conduct of Family Courtesy what to imitate the those orders of Heaven. This study sought to reveal the truth that the location of the host and hostess are fixed at the East & the West, according to the diurnal motion in the celestial bodies`s order. Also the study indicated that the location of the coming of age in the future is different from primogeniture to the other son, where it is located at the east of sunrise and the west of sunset. The order as if the cosmos is the difference between the location at the east to the west and the location a little at the north outer the room[房] to the south. And figuratively comparing the polaris to virtue[德] in the Confucianism which the north star`s location is unchanged will be true by astrophysics and historic records. Therefore, the north in the Karye[家禮] would be the location of forebears[祖上神] as the highest elder. Based on such assumptions, the purpose of this study was as follows. First, this study argued that most of 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy) is modeled on an original form the Heaven`s order. Second, Space of star and constellation in the Heaven is described as compass have to realize what kind of a ceremony of order. An order-form as a seat and direction is meaning to a relationship. Those of them are considered in a ceremony of order at the same time. Therefore, point of compass is ordered inter-space or counter-space as like yin [陰] and yang[陽] in 家禮(Zhu-xi`s Family Courtesy). at the same time what is in order by the move-direction in the order of the celestial bodies, human used to be reflected those of them. The results that the sun, the moon, and the stars[日月星辰] move to the left or to the right, is decided passing location in which east, west, south[方位] out of north. Most of all, Confucian ideas what Man is accord with Heaven is concerned to a rite of passage[冠昏喪祭], practically this paper found out at the Karye[家禮] include old-Li.

      • KCI등재

        『주자가례(朱子家禮)』의 방위관(方位觀)을 통해 본 상례(喪禮)의 질서양상과 그 우주론적 배경 ― 『주자어류(朱子語類)』, 『이기(理氣)』 하편(下篇)을 중심으로 ―

        지현주 ( Ji Hyunjoo ) 동양철학연구회 2017 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.91 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to search for the cosmological background around the funerary Rites of Chu Hsi`s Family Rituals, to study an order-aspect of family member focusing on Classified Conversations of Master Chu. Because of an order-aspect of Chu Hsi`s family rituals and the background of cosmography theory belong to all of volumes of chu Hsi`s family Rituals, it is enough to analyse in case the funerary Rites. The background of cosmographical theory through an order-aspect of Chu Hsi`s family Rituals is drawn the ancient theory of canopy Heaven and enveloped Sky, this paper is examined about the structure of the Earth and the Heaven, the theory of celestial movement in the Classified Conversations of Master Chu. It is 4 kinds of an order-aspect, There are up and down, arrange, out and in, directions. At this point is what a clue not to seize on in the former research, is compared to theory of yin and yang, without concrete order-aspects. On this account, an order-aspect of Chu Hsi`s family Rituals is construed as not only theory of yin and yang, but also scientific viewpoint as called 氣phenomenon. A methodology of this paper is started with in these respects. An order-aspect of family member enveloped dead in the funerary Rites through the idea of directions of Chu Hsi`s family Rituals is to be high rank, in which is based on the cosmography of `天包於地` centered the Earth. In South-Song period, Chu Hsi has developed cosmology, to deny the `theory of rotating rightly` by 曆家, to feel satisfaction the `theory of rotating leftly` by zhanghengqu(張橫渠). So Chu Hsi`s cosmology could be not explained which is not `theory of 理氣`. Therefore this paper would understand in the cosmography, the sky rotating to the left and moon and Sun are to rotate to the left go after Sky.

      • KCI등재

        교과내용학 : 『주자가례』에서 가인(家人)의 위(位)를 통해 본 제자리 양상과 그 윤리적 성격 -통례(通禮)의 "정지삭망즉참(正至朔望卽參)"을 중심으로-

        지현주 ( Hyun Joo Ji ) 한국윤리교육학회 2014 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.33

        대개 주자가례(朱子家禮)에 흐르는 위계질서의 대체가 종법(宗法)에 따른 질서의식이라는 점에 서 고금의 학자들은 별다른 의문을 제기하지 않는다. 따라서 종법의 질서는 유교의례에서 드러나 는 유교 윤리적 양상이라 하여도 무리가 없을 것이다. 종법은 중국 주대의 통치체제로부터 남송대 신유학의 영향아래 제작된 주자가례에 이르기까지 가공동체의 종자법을 위주로 한 위계질서로서 전승되었다. 유교의 가례로 대표되는 주자가례는 국가 및 가정에서 관혼상제의 표본이 되었으며 송대로부터 조선에 이르기까지 그 파급은 매우 지대하였다. 사서인가(士庶人家)의 관·혼·상·제 를 담은 주자가례는 남송대의 중국과 이를 받아들인 조선사회의 윤리적 위계질서를 견고하게 유지 할 수 있었던 당위성을 제공하였는데 유교가 지향하는 예의 정신과 형식이 이 가례의 의식과 의절 에 함축되어 있다. 주희(朱熹)의 『가례(家禮)』는 사마광(司馬光)의 『서의(書儀)』를 많이 차용하였는데 통례에 있는 사당제도(祠堂制度)와 심의제도(深衣制度) 및 사마씨거가잡의(司馬氏居家雜儀)가 대표된다. 사당제도는 제례에 있어야 한다고 했는데 제례에서는 소종(小宗)을 잇는 가공동체의 가인이 서립하는 의 절이 매우 상세하다. 특히 본고는 가인의 주선(周旋), 승강(升降), 출입(出入), 향배(向背)하는 곡절 이 가인의 위(位)에서 시작하며 마무리가 되는 점에 주목한다. ‘가인의 위’가 가공동체의 위계질서를 고정시키는 자리로서 제자리를 의미한다면 이 위에서 가례의 위계에 따른 윤리의식이 발현되고 고정되는 과정을 살펴본 것이다. 그 결과 위(位)에서 남북방위체계로서의 특수성을, 동서방위체계 로서의 보편성을 분류한 남녀가인의 제자리 양상은 ‘시간’이라는 우주적 질서 안에서 통섭될 수 있 었다. 이 두 가지 윤리적 성격은 시간의 흐름 안에서 해명되어지는데 주인이하 남녀가인의 위가 ‘제자리’로서 서립하고 승강하는 곡절을 검토한 것에 따른다. 본고에서 주자가례의 가인의 위를 통해 본 윤리적 성격은 시간의 변화에서 논의할 수 있었는데 종법적 질서이외에도 우주적 질서를 본받아 동참하려는 위계질서를 가인의 방위체계에서 살필 수 있었다. 따라서 본고에서 종법적 위계질서와 우주적 질서로 파악되는 가인의 위를 통해 본 제자리 양상은 바른 자리라는 윤리적 성격을 보편성과 특수성으로 나눌 수 있었고 그 공통점은 시간의 선후차례에 있었다. The purpose of this study is to determine which kind of clan-rules[宗法] in the Garye place[位] in the hierarchy through distinct aspects in place, take a look at the changes over time, so in addition to the cosmetic order Garye[家禮] flowing Jongbeop[宗法] try to join in order to receive the ethical nature of this will be discussed. Among the five pieces of garye Tongrye[通禮] shrine regime that which is said to be in the original Jerye[祭禮]. Family members in the Jerye[祭禮] in order to follow Sogong [小宗] standing ritual is very detailed. As like the actions there are ‘spiraling turn around and go back[周旋]``, ``up and down [升降]``, ``forward and backward[向背]``. This paper is the detailed behavior of family members in the ceremony that begins at the position and then is noted to finish at the same position. If a family member in place means that if a hierarchy is a hierarchy in place in accordance with the ethical awareness is created and therefore will have to be fixed. Awareness of these problems in a system in position as described in orientation[方位] to study ``North?South compass system``, ``East?West compass system`` respectively particularity and university, from the nature of the ethical derived. Thus, derived in two aspects of the ethical nature of the position, from the descirbed in orientation[方位] ``time`` in the floe of this paper, including the Jongbeop, eumyangron[陰陽 論], astronomical phenomena can be explained. Therefore the members of family in the position is meant ``right place[正位]`` as the legitimacy of the cosmetic order was placed in the ``meeting ancestral rites[參禮]`` of Zhu Xi`s Family Ritual.

      • KCI우수등재

        네트워크 분석과 토픽 모델링을 활용한 국내 임상간호사의 경험과 고충 분석: 온라인 커뮤니티 게시글을 중심으로

        지현주(Ji, Hyunju),임아름(Lim, Arum),이승은(Lee, Seung Eun) 한국간호행정학회 2021 간호행정학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Purpose: To describe clinical nurses’ experience and grievance in an online community using a co-occurrence network and topic modeling. Methods: We analyzed posts from Nurscape, which is the largest online community for nurses in Korea. After extracting posts using web scrapping, text preprocessing was done to detect nouns. In a visualization phase, co-occurrence network analysis and latent dirichlet allocation-based topic modeling were applied. Results: A total of 13,200 posts were analyzed. The co-occurrence network’s core keywords were newly graduate nurse, general ward, career, turnover, and grievance. The topic modeling showed four topics: (1) ‘Clinical practice-related difficulties’ described clinical hardships, such as the heavy workload of nurses; (2) ‘Concerns about resignation’ incorporated keywords asking for advice on resignation; (3) ‘Searching for information on employment/reemployment’ focused on the working conditions or working climate of a specific hospital; and (4) ‘Organizational action call’ captured the voices urging organized actions to improve nurses’ work environment. Conclusion: Clinical nurses share experiences through the online community and seek advice or information and urge organizational action. Professional nursing organizations should identify and deal with problems that nurses are currently facing. The results of this study can contribute to establishing the policy direction of nursing organizations.

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