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        한국어 학습자의 이야기 구술 능력에 관한 발달론적 연구

        지현숙(Jee Hyun-suk) 한글학회 2015 한글 Vol.- No.309

        이 연구는 한국어 학습자의 이야기 구술 담화를 대상으로 발달론적 관점에서 추출되는 특징들을 기술하고 이야기 구술 능력의 발달 양상을 실제적인 자료로 가시화하는 것에 목적이 있다. 담화 자료는 초급, 중급, 고급 각 30명씩 모두 90명의 학습자를 대상으로 실시한 말하기 시험 수행을 통해 수집하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국어 학습자는 높은 급으로 갈수록 사용 가능한 언어량이 두 배씩 증가한다. 둘째, 전반적인 이야기 구술 능력은 고급 단계에 오면 안정화된다. 셋째, 한국어 숙련도가 높아질수록 이야기의 골격을 구성하는 능력이 완성된다. 넷째, 전반적으로 모든 급이 언어사용역에 대한 지식은 가지고 있으나 묘사력이나 수사법의 구사는 미약하다. 다섯째, 중급까지는 이야기의 소통 여부를 자가 점검하는 장치들을 활용하지 못한다. 이 연구 결과는 앞으로 대표적이고 본질적인 의사소통 유형인 이야기 구술을 한국어교육 이론으로 정교화하기 위한 자원으로서 활용될 수 있고, 한국어 구어 능력 교육을 체계화하는 것에도 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study lies in analyzing the Storytelling Discourse of Korean learners’ speaking test in terms of language development theories. In this study, the storytelling task is divided into four distinguished steps; the first step is conceptualizing content, character, event, and intention of discourse; the second step is formation of grammar and vocabulary; the third step is articulation of overt speech; the fourth step is self-monitoring of one’s own storytelling. Discourse data was collected from 90 Korean learners including 30 novice students, 30 intermediate students, and 30 advanced students. The storytelling task were performed from March 2, 2013 through February 28, 2014. The results were analyzed and compared by level. The utterance quantity increased from 40(Novice) to 72(Intermediate) to 121(Advanced). This suggests learners nearly double word capacity as they advance to the next proficiency level. Moreover, storytelling ability becomes stable with a clear frame when learners achieved Advanced level. Most learners had register knowledge, but lacked skills of using rhetoric and description. However, Advanced learners were able to selfmonitor the interactivity of storytelling relatively well. The results suggest the need to expand the teaching of storytelling, not only in speaking education, but also in culture, multi-media, and spoken grammar education. Moreover, the teaching of rhetoric, strategy, descriptive expressions and articulation of overt speech should start from novice level. Possible areas of further research and development in curriculum for teaching storytelling were also discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 한국어교육학에서 제재를 중심으로 한 연구 동향과 향후 과제

        지현숙 ( Hyun Suk Jee ) 시학과 언어학회 2010 시학과 언어학 Vol.18 No.-

        This study conceptualized the term `subject matter` and discussed its status in Korean language education. The study also categorized and analyzed the types of subject matter in Korean textbooks, with the notion that it is the `textbook` in which the subject matter appears most explicitly because textbooks reflect the developers` views on language education. The researcher, by means of this process, reflected on the problems of previous studies on subject matter and proposed the perspective that the studies on subject matter are desired to take. The researcher proposed that the studies on subject matter, in terms of contents, orient to those aims presented below. First, the studies on subject matter which improves the literacy as a communicator of culture should be encouraged. Second, real-world approach should be adopted. Third, the choice of subject matter should be able to provide individualized guidance to each learner. Fourth, subject matter that combines comprehension and expression complementarily should be developed. In addition, the researcher also pointed out that it is necessary to study professionally the research methodology on subject matter with open mind to diverse methodologies, and that it is crucial to establish the concept of need analysis. This study has its significance in several ways: it covers the research trends so far on subject matter in Korean language education; it categorizes and analyzes various Korean textbooks published up to date both in and out of Korea; and it proposes specific ways to improve the research methodology.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초급 한국어 학습자의 구어 산출 담화에 나타난 기능 실현 양상

        지현숙 ( Hyun Suk Jee ),오지혜 ( Ji Hye Oh ),이정란 ( Jung Ran Lee ),정선화 ( Sun Hwa Jeong ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2014 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.40 No.-

        Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, 40,359~383. This paper examines the contents of Korean speaking education, focusing on functions of language, and analyzes how the functions are achieved by students through the ‘planning task``and ‘description task`` performed in a real oral discourse. Based on the theory of functional grammar, 40 Korean textbooks for beginners and oral discourse uttered by 57 Korean learners of novice level were analyzed. In the ‘planning task’, 271 sentences were examined. ‘.고 싶다’ was the most frequently used phrase,‘-아요/어요/여요’ and ‘Noun + -있어요’ were also highly frequently used phrases. In the task of description, so many grammar patterns, phrases, and expressions appeared messily,and it was often unclear which specific grammar patterns were used. This indicates that learners fail to acquire functions of language even though they understand form and meaning of language, which is a different result shown by analyzing teaching materials. Therefore, repeated practice of meaningful expressions,various and practical speaking practice, development of speaking strategies, and study based on learning materials should be suggested in class to improve learners’ speaking competence in performing functions of language.(PaiChai University, Semyung University,Ewha Womans University, Chung-Ang University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        KSL 학습자의 문식력 향상을 위한 웹 기반 교육의 담론 -비판적 언어교육의 관점으로-

        지현숙 ( Hyun Suk Jee ) 국어교육학회 2014 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.49 No.1

        KSL 학습자는 다수언어가 한국어인 이 땅에서 살아가야 할 존재들로서 15만 명에 육박하고 있는 결혼이주여성이 주된 대상층이다. 필자는 비판적 언어교육의 입장에서 KSL 학습자의 문식력 개념을 확대시켜 중앙 정부의 다문화 정책이 행사하는 관료적 합리주의, 암암리에 강요되고 있는 기계적 순응, ‘표준화’라는 이름하에 이루어지고 있는 통제와 규율을 자각할 수 있는 능력까지 포함하였으며 현재에도 작동하고 있는 사회문화적 권력을 감지하고 이를 타개해 나가기 위한 전략을 수립할 수 있는 실천력이 KSL 학습자에게 필요한 문식력이라고 보았다. 본론에서는 KSL 학습자의 문식력 향상을 위해서 읽기 쓰기 교육에서 재미있는 경험을 유도할 수 있어야 하고, 의미 중심이어야 하며, 유목적적이고 실제적이어야 함을 원리로 제시하였고 건강한 언어 자아와 확고한 정체성이 근간이 됨을 주장하였다. 문식력 교수-학습의 구체적 실천은 지금까지 개발된 적잖은 한국어교육 혹은 다문화 관련 웹 기반 콘텐츠를 재활용하는 것이 중요함을 강조하면서 결혼이주여성이 자주 이용하는 다문화센터의 인터넷 사용이 가능한 공간을 적극 활용해야 하며 청소년기의 KSL 학습자에게는 한국어교원자격을 갖춘 젊은 한국어교사가 튜터(tutor)로 관리하고 보조하는 방안을 제안하였다. 비판적 언어교육관의 견지에서 이루어진 KSL 학습자의 문식력에 관한 본고의 논의가 계기가 되어 KSL 논의가 더욱 진보하고 활성화될 수 있기 바란다. The main target learners of TKSL are married immigrant women, so far nearing 15 million. Based on Critical View, I extended the concept of KSL learner`s literacy, so that it can include the learner`s ability to criticize: 1) the bureaucratic rationalism exercised by multi-cultural policy of cen-tral government; and 2) the mechanical compliance or the ‘standardiza-tion’ that has been forced covertly. In this study, I suggested several ways to improve KSL learner`s lit-eracy. First of all reading and writing education should provide interest-ing learning experiences. It also should be meaning centered, purposeful, and authentic. I also argued that developing healthy language self and stable identity should base the literacy education. Married immigrant women want to improve their Korean proficiency using media, such as TV and Internet. Therefore, I emphasized the impor-tance of making use of the already existing web-sites for Korean learn-ers. This study attempts to provide practical suggestions for KSL learner`s literacy education. I hope this study, which calls for refreshed attention to the web-based Korean education for improving KSL leaner`s literacy, can contribute to the diversification of TKSL for married immigrant women.

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