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주선미(Joo Sun-Mi) 서울행정학회 2003 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.14 No.1
The idea of a public sphere as a critical and rational discussion place, mediating between civil society and nation, is becoming more and more important. Although various theories about public sphere are discussed by Arendt and Habermas, it can be understood as a space where citizens or citizen organizations discuss about specific issues using various methods. This paper is about the politico-socio implications of a public sphere, especially in the context of local politics and citizenship. More concretely, this study theoretically demonstrates that a public sphere is an agent for actualizing local politics, an open place for encouraging citizen participations, and a mechanism for enlarging citizenship. Therefore a public sphere can be operated as an alternative to the development of local democracy.
주선미(Joo Sun-Mi) 한국사회과교육연구학회 2010 사회과교육 Vol.49 No.2
세계화와 함께 지방화의 추세에 따라 지방정부와 정책과정에 참여하는 시민단체의 중요성이 커지고 있다. 이로 인해 중앙 및 지방정부에 대한 새로운 역할정립의 요구가 증대하고 있으며 동시에 시민에 대한 관점도 다시금 재정립해야 할 필요성이 확대되고 있다. 그런데 시민성 개념은 보편적 용어이긴 하나 시공간적 다중성을 지니고 있어 그 의미상 고정된 특성을 허용하지 않으며 불분명한 채로 남아 있는 경우가 많다. 그러므로 새로운 정치현실에 맞는 시민성의 개념화가 요구된다. 민주적 시민성 개념은 특히 공론장 이론을 통해 잘 이해될 수 있다. 공론장은 시민 또는 시민단체가 특정 이슈에 관해 다양한 방식으로 공적인 토론을 하는 공간이다. 공론장 이론의 사상적 연원과 역사적 전개 내용을 통해 볼 때 공론장적 시민성이란 한마디로 ‘정치적 참여’와 ‘공동체적 조화’를 지향한다. ‘정치적 참여’로서의 시민성을 통해 소통적 권력을 확보하고, 정책결정기제의 배제성을 극복하여 정책과정의 민주화를 구현할 수 있다, 또한 ‘공동체적 조화’로서의 시민성을 통해 집단이기적 편향성을 뛰어넘을 수 있다. 그러므로 현실적으로 지방자치의 영역을 넓히기 위한 유력한 방안의 하나로서 공론장적 시민성의 확대가 적극 요망된다. This study attempts to identify the citizenship on the public sphere theory. Citizenship is a word of many meanings and is also a concept with a plurality of meanings despite all the attempts to codify it with a single definition. But citizenship can be well understood by the public sphere theories. Public sphere is generally understood to be a place where citizen or citizen organization can discuss specific issues using various methods. Shortly, citizenship in public sphere is summarized as participation and communality. This model of citizenship emphasizes the importance of participation in the political domain and the quest for communality. This article forcefully stress the importance of constructing a common life through an active participation and communality in the political realm.
공론장과 지방정치 : 고양시 러브호텔 건립저지 사례를 중심으로
주선미 ( Sun Mi Joo ),한인숙 ( In Suk Hahn ) 한국행정학회 2002 韓國行政學報 Vol.36 No.1
Democratizing the policy making process on the basis of a political public sphere which mediates between civil society and the nation is an important task. The concept of a public sphere where critical and rational discussion can take place is becoming increasingly important. Although various concepts and theories concerning the public sphere have been offered by, among others, Arendt and Habermas, the public sphere is generally understood to be a space where every citizen or citizen organization can discuss specific issues using various methods. The public sphere can be formed and shaped by mutual communication, public opinion, political participation and the news media. The public sphere is mediated by a system composed of actor, space, topic, communication methods and coverage. This research is about the relationship between the public sphere and local politics, focusing on such factors as local political context, public sphere formation, public sphere dynamics, degree of communication, and effects of communication. The research focuses on the case of the `love hotel` opposition movement in the city of Goyang as this case reflects the essence of the development of a public sphere. The case study demonstrates how a local citizen community can gather their capabilities together in a public sphere, can participate in the policy making process of local government, and can successfully make their influence felt in revising related legislation.
배용수(Yong-Su Bae),주선미(Sun-Mi Joo) 한국정책분석평가학회 2003 政策分析評價學會報 Vol.13 No.2
The sale of KT has great significance in the meaning of the precedent of entirely privatizing the network industry with bottleneck facilities. It is important that the privatization is not only the result of evolution of the industry by development of the technological conditions, but also the outcome of the government policies. For the successful privatization, it is formerly compulsory of faithful practice of policy paths like denationalization, liberalization, and deregulation. But it is essential also of the formation of policy environment for the consideration of political conditions among the policy participants. It is convincing that KT has performed the economical-logical paths of ownership structure, competition structure, and government regulation. In addition the President, the National Assembly, administrative agencies, and international pressure played significant roles as the policy environment for the acceleration of the privatization. The implications of the analysis will not only guarantee the entire settlement of privatized KT, but also contribute to explanation and prediction of the privatization policy of the other public enterprises.
주선미 부천대학 1992 論文集 Vol.13 No.-
The office of today is changing at an alarming rate. In many business, knowledge of automation is now preferable and sometimes necessary for success. Work that secretaries perform is being transformed by this wave of new technology. Today in Korea, many major companies and colleges are now responding to the needs of period by offering secretarial training and education. Furthermore certification examination in the secretarial area will give an opportunity to secretarial profession from 1992. The purpose of this study is to show the right way to secretarial profession through certification examination by describing other contries'-the United States, Japan, and England-institutions. Of course, certifiction examination for secretarial profession is the beginning, not the end. Further advancement of the emerging secretarial profession depends to a large extent on revision of current program, introduction of recertification requirements, and multidimensional examination course as professional job areas of secretaries. An then, secretarial occupation group becomes recognized by society as a real profession.
복지국가의 형성, 위기, 그리고 재편 : 이념적 함의 Ideological Implications
주선미,유애현 부천대학 1994 論文集 Vol.15 No.-
Human beings have always been looking for freedom and justice even though it is not easy to persue these two values at the same time. In reality, our history has been filled with repression, injustice, and poverty ; nevertheless, we have continued desiring the two values. We gained confidence that our ideal will be realized when we saw the birth of the welfare state. Since its formation in the late 19th century, the welfare state had florished so fast until the oil shock of 1973 and the following economic depressions. We could see the harmony of freedom and justice, growth and stability during those days. The crisis of the welfare state, however, represented the fundamental conflict between freedom and justice in the capitalist societies. Freedom which dominates economic institutions creates disparities among citizens in living standards and material welfare, with efficiency and profit maximizing as guiding principle. Yet justice which dominates political and social institutions proclaims the equality of all citizen. This conflict is inherent in the capitalist societies. After the crisis of the welfare state, Each country came up with its own alternative, mainly neo-conservatism and corporatism, to manage the problems which were caused by the crisis of the welfare state. These alternatives, however, were in violation of the harmony of the two values which was the object of the welfare state. That is, each alternative emphasized one value at the expense of the other. Now, these alternatives are in retreat, and we are looking forward to the renewed welfare state, persuing justice and freedom more eagerly. The persuit of the welfare state should never be stopped in that the welfare state can guarantee common values for human beings, freedom and justice, more than anything else.
민영화정책의 결정과정 분석 : Zahariadis모형의 KT 적용을 중심으로 Application of Zahariadis' Model to KT
배용수,주선미 한국정책학회 2004 韓國政策學會報 Vol.13 No.1
정책결정은 문제와 대안 그리고 정치적 요인이 교차하는 복합적이고 역동적인 흐름의 결과이다. 정책기업가의 적극적 역할과 다분히 우연성에 의해 지배되는 정책창궁서의 합류는 복합흐름모형의 특징인 바, 특히 Zahariadis 모형은 민영화정책의 결정과정을 분석하기 위한 틀로서 유용성을 가진다. 이 모형이 정책결정의 원인을 설명해 주지는 못하나, 실제 정책이 이루어지는 과정을 충실하게 기술한다는 점에서 정책결정과정이 복잡한 사례의 경우 그 가치가 인정된다. 네트워크산업의 완전매각이라는 측면에서 의의를 인정받고 있는 KT 민영화정책은 경제위기가 돌발적으로 초래한 재정개혁의 요구라는 문제의 흐름에서 시작되었다. 여기에 김대중 정부의 이념 및 전략에 의한 정치의 흐름이 민영화를 결정하고 구체화하는 데 순기능적으로 작용하였다. 한편 정책과정 초기에는 정책대안의 기술적 실행가능성과 가치수용성이 저조하였으나, 2000년 이후 그 유효성이 제고됨으로써 정책대안의 흐름이 원활해졌다. 결국 세 가지 흐름이 정책창구에서 합류함으로써 민영화정책의 결정과 구체화에까지 이르렀다. 그리고 이러한 합류가 가능하였던 데에는 기획예산처를 중심으로 하는 정책기업가의 역할도 컸다. 본 연구가 경제위기라는 특수한 상황을 배경으로 한다는 점에서 일반화의 한계가 있으나, 정책대안 및 정치적 흐름의 중요성을 강조하고 이들 요인의 인위적 통제가능성을 발견케 한다는 점에서 중요한 정책적 함의를 갖는다. This research analyzed the public personnel administrative values in the Constitution, the court decisions on the public personnel administration based on the Constitution, the impact of the court decisions on the public personnel policies. Two cases were selected for the study. As a result, three lessons were found : ① court decisions reflected the public personnel administrative values required by the Constitution; ② court decisions played a decisive role of check-and-balance against administrative decisions and behavior in the field of personnel policies : ③ court decisions made personnel policies in government changed by means of including administrative environmental changes.