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        신생 쥐 간의 Progesterone $6{\alpha}-Steroid$ Hydroxylase에 대한 연구

        조도현,박연희,유연우,Jo, Do-Hyun,Park, Yun-Hee,Ryu, Yeon-Woo 한국응용생명화학회 1984 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.27 No.2

        신생 쥐 간의 subcellular fraction의 특징과 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase의 subcellular localization및 특성을 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1000g 30초 침전 fraction은 총 DNA의 95%를 차지하므로써 crude nuclei fraction으로 나타났으며 또한 5'-nucleotidase의 specific activity가 높은 것은 파괴되지 않은 세포에 기인된 것으로 생각이 되며, 1450g 10분 침전 fraction은 5'-nucleotidase의 activity가 가장 높으므로 crude plasma membrane fraction으로 동정하였으나 mitochondria가 같이 침전되어 있었으며, 9000g 20분 침전 fraction은 succinate-cytochrome C reductase의 activity가 가장 높아 mitochondria fraction으로 하였고, 105,000g 60분 상등액은 LDH가 가장 높아 cytosol로 하였으며, 105,000g 60분 침전은 남은 부분으로 microsome fraction으로 추정하였다. 각 fraction에 기질인 $3{\beta}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one을 incubation시킨 후의 생성된 steroid를 보면 crude nuclei fraction에서는 pregnadiol($5{\alpha}$-pregnane-$3{\alpha}/{\beta}$, $20{\alpha}$-diol)의 형성으로 $20{\alpha}$-reduction과 $3{\alpha}$-$3{\beta}$ iso${\beta}$merization을 볼 수 있었으며 crude plasma membrane fraction에서는 $20{\alpha}$-reduction과 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylation을 볼 수 있었으며 crude mitochondria와 cytosol에서는 $20{\alpha}$-reduction만을 crude microsome에서는 $16{\alpha}$-hydroxylation을 볼 수 있었으므로 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylase는 crude plasma membrane에 존재함을 확인하였다. 한편 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase에 존재함을 확인하였다. 한편 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase의 최대 활성도는 pH 7에서 나타났으며 progesterone은 hydroxylation을 시키지 못한 반면 $3{\alpha}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one은 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylation이 되었다. Five subcellular fractions were obtained by successive centrifugation from the liver of rats within 6 hours of life and characterized by comparing marker compound or marker enzyms. After incubating $3{\beta}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one with the each fraction, the steroids were analyzed by TLC, GLC and GC-MS. A $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylase which hydroxylizes the tetra-hydrogenated compound of progesterone, $3{\beta}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one, was localized in the crude plasma membrane fraction, but not in the microsome fraction. The maximum 6α-hydroxylation was observed at pH 7.0. While this 6α-steroid hydroxylase was not able to hydroxlyze the progesterone, the $3{\alpha}$-isomer was hydroxylized at the $6{\alpha}$-position.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        映像録畵物制度에 관한 比較法的 考察

        조도현(Jo, Do-Hyun 조선대학교 법학연구원 2008 法學論叢 Vol.15 No.2

        A revised legislative bill of criminal procedure law has taken effect since Jan, 1, 2008, passing the National Assembly Apr, 30 and being promulgated Jun, 1 in 2007, This legislative bill was entirely revised to the degree of 'the birth of neo-criminal procedure law' after criminal procedure law had been established and taken effect on law subparagraph 341 in Ssp, 23, 1954, Stabilization of the admissibility of evidence was planned, For example, true existence of protocol could variously be testified by improving the defect in the evidence law field that evidence law system was unstable due to the absolutely admissibility of evidence of interrogatories written by prosecutors depending on the true existence test of the accused, focusing on the reinforcement of trial-concentrated principle by establishing law examination procedure of trial-concentrated principle, Especially, it had much value of guarantee of human rights, security of moral clarity in investigation procedure, ani function of paperless protocol by introducing image recording system of suspect and reference witness's statement, By this, true trial-concentrated principle could be realized, The third chapter reviewed legislative examples and current operation states of the Continental law and Anglo-American law, As the Continental law, there is increasing for and against controversy in Japan and obligation of image recording in Taiwan, As Anglo-American law, there is well-operated image recording system in England ani the U,S,A, Image recording investigation is much more developed protocol in future orientation by literally recording the figure and statement during investigation procedure according to the development of image recording technology, especially digital recording technology, For example, the beginning of this system in England was for complement of the police officers' recording differently from the fact in writing the investigation, In the U,S,A it began as the method for checking the announcement of right to remain silent, As the investigation procedure is recorded scientifically ani automatically with the effect of security of human right, the developed countries admit its admissibility of evidence, Obligation and application of image recordings is already increasing in actual affairs all over the world, This leads the digital technology to secure human right with the development of modern science and technology and enables legal investigation and fair justice to realize, Furthermore, our country can jump over legal imitation of developed country through the high-tech information technology and lead the international development of criminal justice through operation and successful settlement of this system,

      • KCI등재

        미디어 환경의 변화에 따른 CTS의 새로운 포지셔닝에 관한 연구

        조도현(Jo Do-Hyun) 한국출판학회 2005 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.49

        ‘출판’과 ‘방송’이라는 전통적 미디어 시절에는 전송수단과 표현수단의 상호교차가 불가능했기 때문에 책과 신문은 ‘출판’이라는 전송수단을 통해서, 라디오와 텔레비전은 ‘방송’이라는 전송수단을 통해서만 메시지 전달이 가능했다. 그러나 통신 인프라의 발전, 특히 인터넷이라는 전송수단은 대부분의 표현수단과 연결될 수 있음을 의미함으로써 전통적 미디어 시절 전송수단과 표현수단의 독점적이고 폐쇄적인 관계는 무너졌다고 할 수 있다. 미디어 패러다임 변화의 양상들은 맥루한, 포스터, 보드리야르에 이르러, 오늘날 커뮤니케이션 미디어가 재현내용을 전달할 뿐 아니라 메세지의 새로운 조립품을 만들어내어 이것이 개인, 사회, 기계라는 범주를 상호중첩이 될 수 있는 방식으로 재기능화 하는 것을 의미하게 되었다. 그 예로, 정보의 디지털화는 원본과 복사본의 구별을 사라지게 하여 ‘시간(time)과 존재(being)’에 관한 전통적인 우리의 의식에 완전히 새로운 내용을 제공한다. 즉, 리얼리티에 입각한 과거의 미디어 패러다임은 붕괴되어 사이버공간으로 변모해가는 상호작용적이고 개인주의적인 다수에 의한 커뮤니케이션으로 변모하게 되었고, 주체가 사회적 공간 안에서 새롭게 구성되는 것으로 이해되어 탈중심화 다층화를 가능하게 함으로서 기존의 ‘매스미디어적’ 효과 패러다임에서 새로운 상징적 교환 패러다임으로 전환되고 있는 것이다. 이러한 미디어 환경의 변화는 방송과 통신의 융합(convergence)에서 표면화되고 있다. 즉, 미디어의 외면적인 형식 파괴로써 통신을 통해 방송 내용을 서비스 받을 수 있으며, 방송을 통해 통신에 접속하는 일이 가능해졌기 때문이다. 이미 종이 신문의 온라인 서비스, 방송의 인터넷 서비스, 전화의 화상 서비스 등 여러 매체를 넘나드는 서비스가 보편화되었고, 일상에서 체험되고 있다. CTS(Computerized Typesetting System)는 전자편집 및 자동조판시스템이라고 불리며, 기사작성은 물론 각종 내외신을 통한 기사정보의 수집에서부터 교정, 편집, 출력, 인쇄, 발송에 이르기까지 온라인으로 연결하여 전자동화시킨 신문제작 시스템이다. 이러한 CTS의 도입과 발전은 일반적으로, 제1세대 사식기 중심형, 제2세대 CTS 전자편집형, 제3세대 CTS 풀페이지네이션형을 거쳐 가장 발전된 제4세대 Total CTS 형태로 보기 쉬운 지면과 신속한 정보를 서비스 할 수 있게 되었고, 납추방으로 공해를 극소화하는 산업분위기를 조성하였으며, 인력절감과 에너지 효과를 높이는 데 크게 기여하게 되었다. 그러나 무엇보다 주목할만한 것은 지금은 이미 보편화된 CTS로 인해 성취 가능한 결과들 중에 일부에 불과할 뿐이고, 오히려 CTS의 발전을 통하여 지금까지 신문의 최대 단점으로 지적되어왔던 동시성과 속보성의 한계를 극복하고 양방향의 멀티미디어 서비스까지 가능하게 한다는 점에서 신문산업의 장래에 가능성을 밝혀주었다. 하이퍼텍스트 미디어 환경에서는 가장 비중이 큰 것이 바로 다양하고 전문화된 컨텐츠의 지속적인 공급이라고 말할 수 있다. 미디어 융합시대에 출판산업은 출판이라는 장르의 풍부한 컨텐츠를 인터넷 등 다양한 미디어와 제휴함으로서, 온라인과 오프라인 미디어의 경계를 효과적으로 넘나들 수 있는 “One-Source-Multi -Use”의 통합 전략을 추구해야 한다. 즉, 지속적인 컨텐츠 개발과 동시에 그 컨텐츠를 다양한 미디어들에 적응하 At the traditional time that is 'publishing' and 'broadcasting', book and newspaper delivered message by only publishing as transmission device, radio and television delivered message by only broadcasting as transmission device because transmission device is impossible to mutual crossing with expression device but development of communication infrastructure, specially by device of transmission that is internet which mean that mostly transmission device able to connect tp device of expression, exclusive and closed relation between transmission device and expression device that was formed in the traditional time collapse aspects of changing of media paradigm reached by McLuhan, Foster, Bodriyare, it has meaning that it is not only deliver reappearance contents but also make new assembly of message and then re function as method that is duplicated mutually in the category of an individual, society, machine. for this example, by digital information get rid of difference between original copy and duplicated one, it offers new contents to our traditional sense concerning time and being. in other words past media paradigm that is grounded on reality destroyed and it changes to cyber space which have mutual transaction and communication by an individual in large number. it converts to new symbolic paradigm from paradigm of effect of mass media in the past because it understood that the subject is organized newly in space of society and make to possible multi level which is out of center. changing of media surrounding like this is disclosed to broadcasting and convergence of communication. namely destroy outward formality and able to get service of broadcasting contents through communication and it is able to access communication through broadcasting. it generalized service and in usual life people experienced frequently cross many mediums that on line service of news paper, internet service of broadcasting, image service of telephone etc. Computerized Typesetting System is called electrical edition and automatical composition system, it is that needless to say from writing article and collecting information of article through domestic and foreign news, to correction, edition, publishing, print, delivery connected through on line and produce newspaper by automatic electrical system. generally introduction and development of Computerized Typesetting System, the first generation center is in computer typesetting, second generation is Computerized Typesetting System of electrical edition, passed third generation is Computerized Typesetting System of full page nation, fourth generation is Total Computerized Typesetting System that is able to get fast information service and easy to read paper and contributed to formed industrial mood for banish lead by minimize lead, save labor force and enhance effect of energy. but most of all what is remarkable thing that it light up possibility of newspaper industry that present situation is just one of part that possible accomplished results through generalize Computerized Typesetting System, it rather able to overcome the limit of simultaneity and quick announcement of news paper that is pointed as a vulnerable spot and able to possible two-way multimedia service .in other word what is great deal of weight in hypertext media surrounding is keeping supply to various and professional contents. publishing industry at time of convergence of media have to follow after combined strategy“One-Source-Multi -Use”that is go and come often boundary of on line and off line of media effectively by abundant contents of a publishing genre cooperate to internet etc, various media. namely maximize value added by continual development of contents and apply contents to various media at the same time and synchronized use. therefore Computerized Typesetting System of newspaper company have to develop in this type of alteration. in order that newspaper continue undertaking core role of information indus

      • KCI등재

        출판문화 안에서의 의사소통과 미디어 융합의 상관관계

        조도현(Jo Do-Hyun) 한국출판학회 2007 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.53

        전통적 미디어 시절에는 전송수단과 표현수단의 상호교차가 불가능했기 때문에 책과 신문은‘출판’이라는 전송수단을 통해서, 라디오와 텔레비전은‘방송’이라는 전송수단을 통해서만 메시지 전달이 가능했다. 그러나 통신 인프라의 발전, 특히 인터넷이라는 전송수단은 대부분의 표현수단과 연결될 수 있음을 의미함으로써 전통적 미디어 시절 전송수단과 표현수단의 독점적이고 폐쇄적인 관계는 무너졌다고 할 수 있다. 미디어의 변화에 내재하는 구술성과 감각의 확장으로서 미디어의 인간화와 동시에 주체와 객체의 융합으로 이루어지는 향후 미디어의 발전 방향을 확인할 수 있다. 예를들어, 이메일이나 채팅은 비록 그것이 문자라 하더라도 구술적인 요소를 듬뿍 함유하고 있다. 그것이 일상적인 대화체 형식을 취하고 있는 것도 그러하지만 철자법이나 기술문법을 무시하고 발음나는대로 적거나 이모티콘으로 초언어적인 동작이나 표정을 흉내내거나 하는 것이 구술어법을 그대로 닮아 있는 것이다. 그리고 채팅 같은 경우는 쌍방향 통신성과 의사현장성 등과 같은 구술발화 상황까지 구비하고 있음으로써 구술성을 더욱 증폭시키고 있다. 즉, 디지털 언어는 문자로만 쓰여졌으나, 현재에는 이미‘느끼는 문자’에서 문자의 사용 비중이 상대적으로 작아졌다. 그러나 전달하고자하는 정보의 종류에 따라 사용해야할 적절한 수단이 다른 것처럼, 앞으로 더욱 기술적 지원이 있어‘느끼는 문자’가 발전하고 변모하게 되더라도 문자는 계속해서 다른 요소들과 상보적으로 사용되고 공존할 것이다. 그러나 서양 근대사상을 지배한 이성중시 사상은‘의미분화’와‘이항대립’을 통해 의사소통 구조를 주체와 객체로의 분리를 고착화 하였다. 이에 비해 데리다는 언어를 구성하는 기표와 기의의 관계는 순전히 자의적이고, 비동기적인 관계로서 파악했다. 결국 의미란 주체와 객체의 안정적이고, 지시적 관계에서 생산되는 것이 아니라 기표의 무한한 상호텍스트적 논리 속에서 생산되고, 의미란 의미작용의 끝없는 과정상의 한 계기에 불과하며, 이런 과정을‘전자글쓰기’라는 표현을 통해 구현해 보고자 했다. 따라서, 미디어가 융합되는 멀티미디어 시대의 도래로 출판문화 안에서는 종이출판과 인터넷출판의 상호보완관계가 정착되는 경우, 모든 정보는 컨텐츠화 될 수 있고, 전자 미디어는 단순히 종이 책을 컴퓨터 모니터 스크린을 통해 읽는 수준이 아니라 실시간으로 독자가 원하는 대로 편집해 볼 수 있다. 또한 휴대폰의 편의성과 마찬가지로 간편하게 휴대할 수 있고 어느 때 어느 장소에서도 수용할 수 있는 PMP, 상대방의 얼굴을 보면서 통화할 수 있는 휴대용 인터넷 화상전화는 이제 전자신문과 전자잡지, 텔레비전과 영화의 수용뿐만 아니라 e-book도 수용이 가능한 휴대용 인터넷 단말기의 기능을 갖게 된다. 따라서 출판물은 종이출판과 인터넷출판과의 공존과 차별화를 의미하는“퓨전출판”으로 디지털화된 콘텐츠로서의 교환가치를 회복할 수 있어야 한다. In the age of conventional media, books and newspapers could deliver their messages through the medium of ""publication"", whereas radio and television utilized ""broadcasting"" as their medium, as crossover between media and expression was impossible during this era. However, the advancement of communication infrastructure and of the Internet as a medium, in particular, meant that it could be connected to almost all means of expression, thereby breaking down the exclusive and closed relationship between media and expression of the age of traditional media. Humanization of media as an extension of orality and senses inherent in the changes of media, as well as the future direction of media"s development comprised of convergence between the subject and the object can be verified. For instance, while email and chatting are texts, they are richly embedded with elements of orality, not only in that they take the form of routine conversations but also in that they disregard spelling or grammar, which results in texts written as pronounced and their mimicking of super-linguistic motions and expressions with the use of emoticons resemble practices of oral communication. And in the case of chatting, it entails situations of oral utterances such as interactive communication and relevance of intention, which in turn further enhances orality. In other words, while the digital language was used only as text, the use of text today in the ""text that feels"" has already lost its relative proportion. However, as the optimal medium varies depending on the type of information to be delivered, text will continue to be used in conjunction and coexist with other elements even when the ""text that feels"" develops and evolves. However, rationalism, which dominated modern ideas of the West, made the division of the subject and the object permanent through ""diversification of meaning"" and ""binary opposition"". Meanwhile, Derrida saw the relationship between signifiant and signifie, which comprise a language, to be a purely arbitrary and asynchronous one. In the end, meaning is not produced by a stable and indicative relationship between the subject and the object but by infinite inter-text logic of signifiant, and it is merely a part of an endless process of signification, and the paper attempted to implement this process through expression of ""electronic writing"". As such, if the advent of the multimedia age with converged media helps lay a firm foundation for a mutually complementary relationship between paper publication and online publication, every information can be made contents while readers can even edit the electronic media on a real-time basis rather than simply reading paper books via a computer screen. In addition, PMP, which can be accepted anytime, anywhere, with excellent portability of a mobile phone, and mobile internet video phone which lets a caller talk on the phone while seeing the face of the person on the other side, can now function as a mobile internet handset that can receive everything from electronic newspapers, magazines, TV programs, movies to even e-books. Therefore, publication materials must recover their value in exchange as digitalized contents with ""fusion publication"", which refers to coexistence and differentiation amongst paper publication and online publication.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        映像録畵物制度에 관한 比較法的 考察

        조도현(Jo, Do-Hyun) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2008 法學論叢 Vol.15 No.2

        A revised legislative bill of criminal procedure law has taken effect since Jan, 1, 2008, passing the National Assembly Apr, 30 and being promulgated Jun, 1 in 2007, This legislative bill was entirely revised to the degree of 'the birth of neo-criminal procedure law' after criminal procedure law had been established and taken effect on law subparagraph 341 in Ssp, 23, 1954, Stabilization of the admissibility of evidence was planned, For example, true existence of protocol could variously be testified by improving the defect in the evidence law field that evidence law system was unstable due to the absolutely admissibility of evidence of interrogatories written by prosecutors depending on the true existence test of the accused, focusing on the reinforcement of trial-concentrated principle by establishing law examination procedure of trial-concentrated principle, Especially, it had much value of guarantee of human rights, security of moral clarity in investigation procedure, ani function of paperless protocol by introducing image recording system of suspect and reference witness's statement, By this, true trial-concentrated principle could be realized, The third chapter reviewed legislative examples and current operation states of the Continental law and Anglo-American law, As the Continental law, there is increasing for and against controversy in Japan and obligation of image recording in Taiwan, As Anglo-American law, there is well-operated image recording system in England ani the U,S,A, Image recording investigation is much more developed protocol in future orientation by literally recording the figure and statement during investigation procedure according to the development of image recording technology, especially digital recording technology, For example, the beginning of this system in England was for complement of the police officers' recording differently from the fact in writing the investigation, In the U,S,A it began as the method for checking the announcement of right to remain silent, As the investigation procedure is recorded scientifically ani automatically with the effect of security of human right, the developed countries admit its admissibility of evidence, Obligation and application of image recordings is already increasing in actual affairs all over the world, This leads the digital technology to secure human right with the development of modern science and technology and enables legal investigation and fair justice to realize, Furthermore, our country can jump over legal imitation of developed country through the high-tech information technology and lead the international development of criminal justice through operation and successful settlement of this system,

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Pastry 의 마가린 함량과 결 수가 Danish pastry 의 물성에 미치는 영향

        김석영,조도현 ( Do Hyun Jo ) 한국응용생명화학회 1998 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.41 No.6

        We investigated the effects of the amount of margarine and the number of layers on moisture content, baking loss, volume, hardness, maximum weight, and vapor action of the Danish pastry. The moisture content of Danish pastry increased slightly with the amount of margarine, as did the number of layers. The moisture content for a certain number of layers decreased as the amount of margarine increased. The baking loss with a fixed amount of margarine varied inversely with the number of layers, while the loss with a given number of layers decreased in proportion with the margarine content. The maximum volume of Danish pastry was obtained with 30% margarine-18 layers, 50%-27 layers, 70%-36 layers, 90%-48 layers and 110%-48 layers. The hardness and maximum weight of Danish pastry also varied inversely with the margarine content for a given number of layers, and decreased at a same margarine content when the number of layers increased. The maximum volume of the Danish pastry was obtained when vapor action was 9-16㎜ and 17-24㎜. The optimal vapor action was in the range 9-24㎜. In this range, the volume of the pastry was proportional to the vapor action.

      • Antilipolytic Activity를 보유하는 인삼 Oligopeptide의 추출 및 정제

        김수일,나지영,조도현,이춘영,Kim, Su-Ill,Na, Jee-Yeong,Jo, Do-Hyun,Lee, Chun-Yung 한국응용생명화학회 1987 한국농화학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        To investigate ginseng oligopeptides with biological activities, the water extract was purified by ultra-filtration, gel filtration, ion-exchange and thin layer chromatography. Ultra-filtered water extract exhibited antilipolytic activity, inhibiting epinephrine-induced lipolysis in the isolated fat cells of rat epididymal adipose tissue. The filtrate was separated into 3 fractions by Sephadex G-25 gel filtration. Peptides were found only in the first fraction(S-FI). Saponine and sugars were also detected in tie fraction. S-FI fraction resolved further into 6 fractions by Dowex 50 ion-exchange chromatography. The sugar and saponine depleted fraction(P-F2) from the second chromatography showed antilipolytic activity. The P-F2 fraction revealed 6 spots on TLC. The 6 spots were isolated by TLC and identified as peptides. 인삼 성분중 생리적 활성을 가지고 있는 oligopeptide를 검출하고 분리하기 위하여 물 추출액을 ultra-filtration 한 후 gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography 및 thin layer chromatography 등을 행하였다. 인삼 물 추출액으로부터 고분자 물질을 제거한 ultra-filtrate는 epinephrine에 의해 유도된 fat cell의 lipolysis를 저해하는 antilipolytic activity를 보유하고 있었으며 Sephadex G-25 gel filtration에 의해 3개 fraction으로 나뉘어졌다. 이중 첫번째 fraction(S-FI)만이 peptide 성분을 함유하고 있었으며 saponin 및 당도 검출되었다. S-FI fraction은 $Dowex\;50{\times}2\;ion-exchange\;chromatography$에 의하여 6개의 $fraction(P-F1{\sim}P-F6)$으로 분리되었고 TLC검정 결과 P-F2 fraction이 peptide fraction으로 antilipolytic를 보유하고 있었으며 TLC로 분리한 6개 spot는 각각 가수 분해한 전후의 TLC pattern을 비교해 본 결과 모두 oligopeptide임이 밝혀졌다. S-FI fraction에 존재한 saponine과 당은 P-F1 fraction 에서 모두 용출되었다.

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