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      • 소백산육괴 남서부지역(남원일대)에 분포하는 편마암류의 미량원소함량과 지화학적 연구

        조규성,남기상 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.2

        고도의 변성작용을 받은(Amphibolite facies, 김형식, 1970) 소백산육괴 남서부지역인 전북 남원일대에 분포하는 편마암류의 근원암을 밝히기 위해 277개의 시료를 채취 Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Mn, Li 등의 원소를 정량 분석했다. 각 원소의 평균함량, 함량범위, 돗수분포 등을 살피고 이질퇴적암(셰일)과 변성퇴적암(편암), 편마암 및 화강암이 갖는 미량원소의 지화학적 특징을 파악했다. 본 연구지역의 흑운모편마암, 반상변정편마암, 화강암질편마암, 혼성페그마타이트질편마암의 미량원소 함량은 이질퇴적암인 셰일(Mason, 1982; 남기상, 조규성, 1988)과 이질변성퇴적암인 편암(남기상, 조규성 1987)과 매우 유사하다. 그러나 화강암류(Taylor, 1964 ; Jin M.S., 1988 ; 남기상, 조규성, 1987)의 함량보다는 2-60배 높은 값을 가지며 특히 세일과 화강암 사이에 많은 함량의 차이를 보이는 Cu, Cr, Ni 등의 원소에서 높은 함량을 갖는다. 우백질화강편마암은 셰일이나 변성최적암보다는 6개원소 모두 낮은 함량을 갖으며 화강암류와 유사한 값을 갖는다. 퇴적기원의 암석의 돗수분포는 넓고 불규칙하게 분산되지만 화성기원의 암석은 최대 빈도를 중심으로 좁게 분포한다. 따라서 흑운모편마암, 반상변정편마암, 화강암질편마암, 혼성페그마타이트질편마암은 퇴적기원의 암층이 변성의 정도에 따라 암상의 차이를 보여주는 준편마암이며 우백질화강편마암은 그 후 이를 관입한 정편마암이다. To determine the original rock types of gneisses distributed in and aroud Namwon, Chonbuk Province, which is located in the south-west of the Sobaegsan Massif, 277 gneiss samples were collected, and elements of Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Mn and Li were analyzed quantitatively. Average abundance, range of abundance and frequency of each element were examined, and then the geochemical characteristcs of pelitic sediment(shale), gneisses and granites were studied. The trace element abundances of biotits gneiss, porphyroblastic gneiss, granitic gneiss and migmatitic pegmatitie gneiss are very similar to those of shales (Mason, 1982;Nam and Cho, 1988) and schists (Nam and Cho,1987), while those of the gneisses show 2-60 times as high as those of granites (Taylor, 1964; Jin, 1988; Nam and Cho, 1987). Cu, Cr, and Ni abundances, in which there are big difference between shales and granites, are very high in biotite gneiss, porphyroblastic gneiss, granitic gneiss and migmatitic pegmatite gneiss. Leucocratic granitic gneiss have lower abundances in all six trace elements than those of shales and metamorphosed sediments, and have similar trace element abundances to those of granites. The fraquencies distribution of the trace elements in the case of rocks of sedimentary origin are wide and scattered irregularly, while those of rocks of igneous origin show narrow distribution, centered on maximum frequency. Biotite gneisses, protphyroblastic gneisses, granitic gneisses and migmatitic pegmatite gneisses are, therefore, considered to be para-gneisses, which show different rock faces with the degree of metamorphism; leucocratic granitic gneisses are ortho-gneiss intruded the para-gneisses.

      • KCI등재

        자기차량손해의 자기부담금 관련 쟁점에 관한 고찰 - 최근 선고된 구상금 항소심 판결에 대한 비판을 중심으로 -

        조규성 인하대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        The first party property damage insurance in automobile insurance contract is to pay for direct and accidental loss of or damage to the insured car. The payment of insurance money shall be limited only for the amount of each such loss in excess of the deductible amount, if any, stated in the declarations as applicable hereto. Recently, there has been a dispute over the deductible amount paid by the insured while being compensated for first party property damage insurance through car accident is caused by a joint and unlawful act. The beginning of the debate came from the understanding that the insured's deductible amount was identified as a loss not compensated by the insurer in indemnification claim’s appellate court ruling. In conclusion, the ruling is a misjudgment that does not fully understand the legal nature and purpose of the deductible amount system. First of all, the first party property damage insurance in automobile insurance contract is designed to guarantee the damage caused by a car accident caused by the policyholder. It is an insurance policy that is purchased to compensate even the part that is not covered by the property damage liability insurance. The deductible amount is a system that requires the insurance policyholder to pay part of the damage(such as repair costs) caused by an accident, not the insurance company. The purpose of the deductible amount agreement in entering into a first party property damage insurance in automobile insurance contract is to reduce insurance premiums for policy-holders, reduce damage assessment costs for insurance companies and prevent moral hazard. This objective can only be achieved if the policyholder him/herself pays for the deductible amount. Therefore, the deductible amount borne by the policyholder while being covered by first party property damage insurance in automobile insurance contract should not be identified as 'unrepaid (unreimbursed) loss'. Rather, it should be understood as a ‘contractual liability’ that the policyholder bears for the insurance company under a non-life insurance contract. We look forward to changing the precedent in the future. Finally, in order to eliminate the possibility of disputes related to the interpretation of deductible amount, efforts should be made to clarify its meaning through the revision of the terms and conditions. 최근 쌍방과실사고로 인해 자동차보험의 자기차량손해담보(이하, ‘자차보험’이라 함)로 보상을 받으면서 피보험자가 부담한 자기부담금의 환급과 관련된 논쟁이 뜨겁다. 논쟁의 촉발은 구상금 판결에서 피보험자가 부담한 자기부담금을 보험자로부터 보상받지 못한 손해로 파악한데서 비롯되었다, 결론적으로 해당 판결은 자기부담금 제도의 법적 성질과 취지를 제대로 이해하지 못한 잘못된 판결이다. 법원의 사법적 판단은 사실상 약관에 대한 사법적 규제에 해당하기 때문에 사적자치의 대 전제에 대한 강력한 통제이자 제재가 된다. 따라서 법원은 분쟁금액이 소액일지라도 관련 법리에 좇아 정치한 판결이 될 수 있도록 노력해야 한다. 그런데 최근 자기부담금과 관련된 항소심 판결들은 상당한 문제를 안고 있다. 우선 자차보험은 보험계약자가 야기한 교통사고, 즉 본인 과실에 의한 자차(自車)의 손해를 담보하기 위한 것으로 대물배상으로 보상되지 않는 부분까지 전보받기 위해 가입하는 보험이다. 그리고 자차보험을 가입하면서 사고로 인한 손해액(수리비 등)의 일부를 보험회사가 아닌 계약자 본인이 부담하도록 하는 제도가 바로 자기부담금이다. 이러한 자기부담금제도는 보험가입자의 입장에서 보면 손해발생시 자기가 부담할 몫이 되고, 보험회사의 입장에서는 발생한 손해액 중 보험가입자가 부담하기로 한 몫을 공제하기 때문에 ‘공제제도(Deductible)’라고 할 수 있다. 자차보험을 가입하면서 자기부담금을 약정하는 취지는 보험계약자의 보험료 절감과 보험회사의 손해사정 비용 절감 및 도덕적 위험을 방지하기 위한 것인데 이러한 취지는 자기부담금을 보험계약자 본인이 부담할 경우에만 달성될 수 있다. 따라서 자차보험을 처리하면서 보험계약자가 부담한 자기부담금을 ‘미보전(보상받지 못한) 손해’로 파악해서는 안 되고 오히려 손해보험계약상 보험계약자가 보험회사에 대해 부담하는 ‘계약상의 책임(채무)’이자 보험회사에게는 ‘책임제한사유’에 해당하는 것으로 이해하는 것이 타당하다. 향후 판례의 변경을 기대해 본다. 아울러 약관의 해석과 관련된 문제의 해결을 위해서는 법원의 사법적 규제에 앞서 금융감독 당국의 사전 행정지도 등을 통해서 약관의 개정 주체인 보험회사가 선제적으로 관련 약관을 변경·개정하는 절차를 밟는 조치를 하도록 유도한다면 약관해석과 관련된 분쟁을 최소화할 수 있고 나아가 보험소비자 보호에도 기여를 할 수 있을 것이다. 끝으로 자기부담금과 관련된 분쟁의 소지를 없애기 위해서는 관련 문구를 개별 약관에 보다 상세히 명시하는 방법으로 약관을 보완해 보험실무상의 혼란을 사전적으로 제거할 필요가 있다. 구체적인 약관개정 방법은 자차보험의 지급보험금 계산조항에 자기부담금의 부담 주체와 쌍방과실사고의 경우 선처리 보험회사의 대위권 취득범위를 명확히 하는 내용을 신설할 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재

        파종기가 땅콩의 지방 및 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향

        조규성,정례표 한국농화학회 1985 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.28 No.3

        In order to determine the optimum sowing date of peanut in the middle part of Korea, peanut's 100-grain-weight and physico-chemical compositions for peanut cultivars such as runner (Yeoju landrace), semi-spanish (Suweon No. 15) and Spanish types (Wasedairu) to different seeding date which planted at interval of ten days from May 5 to July 4, in 1981, was carried out. The 100-grain-weight and crude fat of peanut were increased from May 5 to May 25, but after that decreased. And the 100-grain-weight of peanut was great in order of Wasedairu, Suweon No. 15 and Yeoju landrace. The highest amount of crude fat was seen in peanuts which was sown at May 25 and May 15. Unsaturated fatty acids are composed of 80∼85% of oleic and linoleic acid, but saturated fatty acids are constituted of 10∼15% of palmitic acid and 1∼5% of stearic and arachidic acid. Composition ratio of fatty acid in peanut was changed greatly according to sowing date. According to the late sowing date linoleic and palmitic acid were increased but oleic acid was decreased, respectively.

      • 高麗人蔘(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) 澱粉의 理化學的 特性

        曺圭成,金海中 안성산업대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the morphology and distribution of starch granule in ginseng root. The results obtained are as follows; The starch contents of 4 years and 6 years old ginseng root were 28.62~39.26% and 29.33%~41.02%, respectively. Thus the starch content of genseng root was different depending on the potion of ginseng root and growing periods. The starch granules showed nearly round or oval shape having the diameter 2~8.5μ and their size were increased with a growing period of ginseng. The amylose and amylopectin content ratio of ginseng starch was 17~18% and 82~83%, respectively. And amylose was decreased with a growing period of ginseng.

      • KCI등재

        Petrologic, chemical, and isotopic evaluation of pitchstones in the Samho area, southwestern Okcheon Belt, South Korea

        조규성,V. J. Rajesh,강성승,김정빈 한국지질과학협의회 2011 Geosciences Journal Vol.15 No.2

        The Samho area in the southwestern Okcheon Belt, Korean Peninsula, contains spatially related eruptions of lapilli tuff, rhyolite, and pitchstone, considered to be of Late Cretaceous age. The pitchstones, which are the youngest rocks in this volcanic suite, are chemically highly evolved, strongly metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, and calc-alkaline. They have moderately fractionated chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns, with relative enrichment of light REEs and Eu/Eu* values of 0.53–0.57. A distinct negative Nb anomaly is observed on a primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagram. These chemical features correspond to an I-type granite derived from a continental/oceanic arc. The pitchstones have Zr contents of 45–92 ppm, and zircon thermometry yields temperatures of 650–743 ℃ (mean value, 722 ℃). The pitchstones have an initial ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr isotopic ratio of 0.712, an initial ^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd ratio of 0.5120, and aNd_((t)) values of –10.6 to –12.0. The mean K-Ar whole-rock ages of the lapilli tuff, rhyolite, and pitchstone are 81.9 ± 2.4 Ma, 65.5 ± 1.9 Ma, and 12.7 ± 0.9 Ma, respectively. The depleted mantle model ages (TDM) range from 1.46 to 1.58 Ga. The ^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb, ^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb, and ^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb isotopic ratios are 18.477–18.569, 15.672–15.702, and 38.889–38.999, respectively. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the pitchstones are relatively enriched compared with depleted MORB mantle (DMM), indicating the involvement of lower crustal components in their source. We conclude that the pitchstones in the Samho area formed in a continental arc setting by partial melting of a probable Mesoproterozoic parental source. The magma series, petrogenesis, and tectonic setting of Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Samho area can be correlated with those of the Haenam volcanic fields located east of the present study area


        흡연이 치주 판막술후 치유에 미치는 영향

        조규성,이정태,최성호,이승원,채중규,김종관,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Lee, Jung-Tae,Choi, Seong-Ho,Lee, Seung-Won,Chai, Jung-Kiu,Kim, Chong-Kwan 대한치주과학회 1999 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.29 No.1

        The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is the regeneration of periodontal tissue which has been lost due to destructive periodontal disease. Various periodontal procedures have been used throughout the years in an attempt to reestablish attachment of periodontal tissues to root surfaces affected by periodontitis. Flap debridement surgery has been demonstrated to be a successful procedure in gaining the probing attachment level and reducing probing depth. A tendency towards impaired wound healing following periodontal procedures in smokers has been clinically documented. But, previous clinical studies on healing response in smokers are based on a retrospective design. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the treatment outcome following flap debridement surgery in smokers compared to nonsmokers. 25 patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis were included for study. Among these patients, 13 patients were smokers, and 12 patients were nonsmokers. Mucoperiosteal flap was raised with the sulcular incision. No antibiotic treatment was administered postsurgery. The patients was recalled at monthly intervals during a period of 6 months following the surgery. The patients were received supragingival scaling and oral hygiene reinforcement. All the recordings, including modified O' Leary plaque control record, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, probing attachment level,were recorded, presurgery and 6 months postsurgery. The changes of all the recordings at 6 months after flap debridement surgery revealed the following results: 1. PI on all the dentitions and surgical sites showed no statistical significance between smokers and nonsmokers at presurgery. But, smokers demonstrated a significantly lower % of PI than nonsmokers at 6 months postsurgery. 2. Smokers demonstrated a greater % of BOP sites than nonsmokers on the surgical sites and all the dentitions, presurgery and 6 months postsurgery. But, there was no statistical significance between two groups. 3. Smokers exhibited significantly less reduction of probing depth in the 3 mm or less probing pocket depth(PPD) group, 6mm or more PPD group and total PPD group when compared to nonsmokers at 6 months postsurgery. 4. Smokers exhibited significantly less gain of probing attachment level(PAL) in the 3mm or less PPD group, 6 mm or more PPD group and total PPD group when compared to nonsmokers at 6 months postsurgery.

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