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      • KCI등재

        ‘雖然’의 어휘화 연구

        제윤지,박흥수 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.56

        In this paper, the lexicalization process of ‘雖然’ was examined in detail by age. In ancient Chinese, ‘雖然’ was most often used during the early Modern age(近古). ‘雖然’, which was used separately for each word, began to be used together from the Ancient times(上古). Although they began to be used continuously during the Ancient times(上古), ‘雖’ and ‘然’ still indicated the original meaning of each word. In the Middle ages(中古), the role of ‘雖然’ began to change. ‘然’ gradually began to lose its function as a predicate pronoun and ‘雖然’ began to be used as a conjunction that indicates a conversion relationship. Also, the forward linking element of ‘雖然’ began to be used from this period. However, there was a disagreement about the occurrence time of ‘雖然’ lexicalization among scholars. But this paper considered that lexicalization began to occur during the Tang(唐) dynasty based on examples in CCL. Afterwards, ‘雖然’' was used universally in the early Modern age(近古) and was used most frequently in Qing(清) dynasty. As a result of CCL search, it was found that ‘雖然’ was used as a conversion conjunction in most example sentences in Modern times(現代) and after lexicalization process, it became a single word. However, even in the modern Chinese corpus, there are some example sentences that ‘雖然’ was used separately for each word. So there are still some exceptional situations. Therefore it cannot be concluded that ‘雖然’ plays role as a transitional conjunction in all sentences.

      • KCI등재


        제윤지 한국중국언어문화연구회 2022 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.64

        This study aims to analyze the synonyms “qíng kuàng (情况)” and “zhuàng kuàng(状况)” based on the corpus of CCL and BCC. First of all, it is observed that the collocation word placed on the left side of “qíng kuàng” tends to have an abstract meaning, whereas the left-sided collocation word of “zhuàng kuàng” is prone to be specific. The right-sided collocation words of these two, on the other hand, are mainly functional, most of which are used for a connection. Secondly, the interchange between “qíng kuàng” and “zhuàng kuàng” is a matter of “tendency.” Lastly, compared with “qíng kuàng,” most of the words collocated with “zhuàng kuàng” are in a negative sense. The semantic prosody of “qíng kuàng” can be considered neutral, while that of “zhuàng kuàng” is negative. 基于CCL与BCC语料库的语料数据,本文对同义词“情况”与“状况”进行了分析。研究发现,第一、“情况”的左搭配词多为语义比较抽象的词,“状况”的左搭配词中多为语义比较具体的词,但是二者的右搭配词主要是虚词,表示连接功能。第二、“情况”与“状况”互换使用是“倾向性”的问题。第三、与“情况”相比,和“状况”搭配的词多为消极意义的词,“情况”可以视为具有中性语义韵,“状况”可以视为倾向具有消极语义韵。

      • KCI등재


        제윤지 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.104

        Based on the linguistic data of CCL corpus and BCC corpus, this paper analyzes the characteristics of “zhège(这个)/nàge(那个)+VP” structure and finds the following characteristics. Firstly, the predicate components that can enter this structure are bare adjectives, bare verbs, fixed phrases, and for general, qualitative adjectives and psychological verbs. Secondly, “zhège(这个)/nàge(那个)+VP” mainly means “high degree” and “exclamatory/evaluation”. Under the mechanisms of semantic persistence and subjectification, the original attributive-head structure is transformed into the adverbial-head structure, expanding its meaning from indicating “substance” to describing “degree”. Thirdly, “zhège(这个)/nàge(那个)+VP” cannot be used in a subordinate clause, and is mainly accompanied by modal words that express exclamatory. Compared with “degree adverb+VP”, this structure is more subjective and colloquial. Fourth, the “zhège(这个)/nàge(那个)+VP” structure cannot be used in interrogative sentences and negative sentences, and cannot be followed by an aspect mark nor can it be used as attributive or adverbial. The “zhème(这么)/nàme(那么)+VP” structure, however, is not subject to such restrictions. In addition, “zhège(这个)/nàge(那个)” is more subjective than “zhème(这么)/nàme(那么)”. 本文以CCL语料库和BCC语料库的语料为基础,对“这个/那个+VP”结构的特点进行研究后发现:第一,能进入此结构的谓词性成分是光杆形容词、光杆动词和固定短语,且一般为性质形容词与心理动词。第二,“这个/那个+VP”主要表示“程度高”义和“感叹/评价”,原本的定中结构在语义滞留、主观化等机制的作用下整体上转变为状中结构,语义上从原本指示“实体”扩展到描写“程度”。第三,“这个/那个+VP”使用上一般不能被包孕,主要附带感叹语气词。与“程度副词+VP”相比,此结构的主观性与口语性高一些。第四,“这个/那个+VP”结构不能用于疑问句和否定句,后边不能再加体标记,也不能做定语和状语,而“这么/那么+VP”结构没有受到此类限制。此外,“这个、那个”比“这么、那么”的主观性程度更高。

      • KCI등재

        준접사 ‘风’에 관한 연구

        제윤지,박흥수 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2017 中國硏究 Vol.70 No.-

        In this paper, we analyzed the characteristics of semi-affix 风 and 'X风'. Semi-affix is not as grammaticalized with as the affix. It is ​a part of a speech that has a transitional nature of belonging to a category that is not as real as root. As a result of the analysis, because '风' is grammaticalized with in meaning but refers to concrete social phenomenon, the degree of grammaticalization is measured to be weak. So '风' is semi-affix closer to root. In terms of position fixing, '风' is used with nouns and verbs in the structure of 'X风'. But if '风' is used as the meaning of real root in 'X风', it is not used as semi-affix. So it is necessary to determine if it is semi-affix or not by judging the meaning of it in the context. In terms of function marking part of speech and the vocabulary productivity, '风' is a semi-affix which can make nounization and be combined with nouns, verbs and adjectives. Although the ability of producing vocabulary has been relatively weakened in modern times compared to ancient times, ‘风 is still considered to be semi-affix that has a high vocabulary productivity. Because ‘风’ can be combined with nouns, adjectives and verbs, many compound words are derived from ‘风’. ‘风’ is generally used as a word meaning '~tendency', '~trend', '~form', '~attitude' and so on, and it can be used as subject, adnominal phrase, object in the sentence. In addition, ‘X风’ is a vocabulary used in various fields such as politics, economy, society, culture, and education. Therefore it is considered that the use of the word ‘X风’ is more likely to be expanded, making words that refer to more phenomena. Accordingly the useful value of ‘风’ as semi-affix will be even higher. ‘类词缀’라는 조어성분은 吕叔湘(1979)이 처음 제기한 것으로, 한국어로는 ‘준접사’라고 번역할 수 있다. ‘类词缀’는 ‘类’와 ‘词缀’를 구분해서 그 의미를 설명할 수 있다. ‘类’는 ‘유사하다’는 뜻이며, ‘词缀’는 ‘단어의 어근에 부가된 조어 성분’, 즉 접사를 나타낸다. 이에 ‘类词缀’는 접사와 유사한 성분, 즉 ‘준접사’라고 칭할 수 있다. 이러한 준접사 중 90년대 이후에 대량의 신조어를 만드는데 일조한 준접사들을 ‘신생준접사(新兴类词缀)’라고 하며, ‘风’은 신생준접사 중의 하나라고 할 수 있다. 王玲芳(2001:22)에서 신생준접사로 준접두사 17개와 ‘风’을 비롯한 준접미사 33개, 총 50개를 선정하였고, 李蓓(2004:14)에서 신생준접사로 준접두사 15개와 ‘风’을 비롯한 준접미사 26개를 선정하였다. ‘风’은 두 논문에 모두 포함되어 있으며, 이에 ‘신생준접사’라고 볼 수 있다. 준접사는 현대 중국어 어휘 체계 구성하는데 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있으며, 그 양상을 더욱 풍부하게 만들어주는 성분으로서 연구할 만한 가치 충분하다고 판단된다. 본 논문에서는 준접사 ‘风’에 대하여 준접사의 특징인 의미의 허화, 위치의 고정성, 품사표시기능 및 어휘의 생산성 방면에서 특징을 고찰하고, 의미·문법·화용적 관점에서 파생된 단어를 분석하게 될 것이다. 본고에서는 ‘风’이 가진 준접사적 특징을 각 항목별로 분석하고 ‘风’의 쓰임새에 관해서 연구하기 위해 ‘北京大学语料库(CCL)-现代汉语’에서 예문을 발췌하였다. 또한 ‘风’을 준접사로 하여 파생된 단어는 《新华新词语词典》, 《新词新语词典》, 《最新中韩新造语词典》에 수록된 것을 중심으로 고찰하였다.

      • KCI등재

        《아시연설가(我是演說家)》우승자와 준우승자의 레토릭 지수 비교 분석

        제윤지 ( Che Yun Ji ),나민구 ( Na Min Gu ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2019 中國硏究 Vol.81 No.-

        This paper aims to find out how rhetorical the rhetoric effect is in the speeches of the winners and runners-ups in the final round of the fifth final title. The subjects of this paper are the speeches of the winners and runner-ups who won the 5th and 10th finalist finals of “I Am a Speaker”, which aired on Beijing TV on March 6, 2019. These speeches have images as well as texts, so we will look at the rhetorical expressions in the text and the speech and gesture language of the speakers. In addition, photographs presented as background data on stage when the winner and the runner-up each speak will be included in the analysis.In this paper, we will apply the “Rhetorical Sensitivity Scale”, which quantifies the ability of persuasion as a methodology, and sets up the evaluation items based on the traditional theory of rhetoric and then analyzes two speeches. The traditional theory of rhetoric can be divided into five areas and three persuasive elements. The five areas include idea, disposition, expression, memory, and action delivery. The three persuasion elements are Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.In order to pursue objectivity as much as possible, this paper will proceed with both text analysis with verbal expression and video analysis with field situations at the time of speech.

      • KCI등재

        상대(商代)의 천문현상(天文現象) 연구(硏究)-문자 이미지를 중심으로-

        제윤지 ( Yun Ji Che ),박흥수 ( Heung-soo Park ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2017 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.75

        This paper is purposed to study that the shape of Chinese characters were reflected by the astronomical phenomenon. In Chapter 2, we suggest that the original meaning of 日, 月was celestial body and could be extended to the concept of a day and month. 星was the Chinese character that collectively meant for shining things at night. 圭had the meaning of a jade written in < Shuowenjiezi >, as well as the meaning of astronomical observation instrument. In Chapter 3, we maintain that the shape of the Chinese characters of a day reflected the astronomical movement process. The Chinese characters of expressing “day”, 旬means same meaning as the original meaning of 10 days in the present, “年” indicates a year as it took a year before the grain ripening. In Chapter 4 shows that 屯meant Spring in oracle bone script, but it has been changed to defense or difficult now. In addition, the Chinese characters meaning the seasons were made by the relation with weather`s natural phenomena.

      • KCI등재후보

        준접사 ‘客’에 대한 연구

        박흥수,제윤지 한국중국언어문화연구회 2017 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.45

        This study is about analyzing the characteristics of quasi-affix ‘客’ and ‘X客’. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, we found that ‘客’ is grammaticalized with in meaning but refers to someone and the degree of grammaticalization is measured to be weak. So ‘客’ is quasi-affix closer to root. Second, When a quasi-affix ‘客’ composes a word, ‘客’ is located at the back of the word. It is confirmed that it has the structure of ‘X客’. Thus, ‘客’ can be defined as a quasi-suffix. Third, ‘客’ is a quasi-suffix which can make nounization and considered to have a high vocabulary productivity. ‘客’ is generally used as a word meaning ‘a person with certain characteristics’. In conclusion, most of the words derived from quasi-affix ‘客’ are derived from the development of modern science and technology, especially the Internet. It is assumed that the Internet technology will continue to evolve in the future, and the words expressing this phenomenon will gradually become more and more derived. Quasi-affix ‘客’ will have a rich vocabulary productivity and will continue to derive words. ‘X客’ could be a word that can express various phenomena utilizing the Internet.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 준접사 ‘迷’에 대한 연구

        박흥수,제윤지 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2019 中國硏究 Vol.78 No.-

        In this paper, we analyzed the characteristics of quasi-affix ‘迷’ and ‘X迷’ words. ‘迷’ has the characteristics of a quasi-affix in general: Grammaticalization, Position fixing, Vocabulary productivity, so it can be considered as a quasi-affix. The results of the analysis are as follows. Firstly, the meaning of ‘迷’ is far from the original meaning and has become a reference to a person, so the degree of grammaticalization is measured to be high. Secondly, If a quasi-affix ‘迷’ represent the meaning ‘A person who is addicted to something or something or action’, ‘迷’ has to be placed at the end of a word. So ‘迷’ is a quasi-suffix. Thirdly, many compound words are derived from ‘迷’ and ‘X迷’ words are all nouns, ‘迷’ is a quasi-suffix which can make nounization. The part of speech of ‘X’ is mainly noun and the next is verb. The syllables of ‘X’ is mainly two syllables, the words ‘X迷’ are mainly three syllables, followed by single and three syllables. The meaning of ‘X’ can be divided into 11 categories, including literature, art, objects, activities, and physical activities. The meaning of quasi-affix ‘迷’ arose in modern times. The analysis suggests that there will be many words derived from ‘迷’ in the future. 본 논문에서는 준접사 ‘迷’의 특징과 ‘X迷’에 대한 분석을 진행하였다. ‘迷’는 일반적으로 준접사가 가지는 특징인 의미의 허화, 위치고정성, 어휘생산성을 모두 지녀 준접사라고 볼 수 있다. 이 세 가지 측면에서 볼 때, ‘迷’의 준접사 의미는 본의와 멀고 사람을 지칭하는 의미가 되었으므로 어근보다는 접사에 가깝기 때문에 허화의 정도가 높은 준접사라고 할 수 있다. 이 준접사 ‘迷’가 ‘어떤 사물이나 행위에 푹 빠진 사람’이라는 의미를 나타내려면 단어의 가장 뒤에 위치하여야 하므로 위치고정성 측면에서 준접미사라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 어휘생산성의 측면에서 ‘迷’는 한 단어가 출현한 후 그와 유사한 의미를 가진 단어가 여러 개 파생되기도 하고 같은 구조를 지닌 단어가 여러 개 파생되기도 하는 등의 예를 통해 비교적 높은 생산성을 지닌 준접사라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이렇게 만들어진 ‘X迷’ 단어는 모두 명사이므로 ‘迷’는 명사성 표지를 지녔다고 할 수 있다. ‘X迷’에 대한 분석은 ‘X’의 품사 및 음절, ‘X’의 의미, ‘迷’의 의미, ‘X迷’의 의미적 측면에서 진행하였다. ‘X’의 품사는 명사성이 주를 이루었으며, 그 다음은 동사성이었다. ‘X’의 음절은 2음절이 주를 이루어 ‘X迷’ 단어는 3음절 위주이며, 그 다음은 단음절, 3음절순이었다. ‘X’의 의미항목은 11개로 나눌 수 있었으며, 그 중 문학과 예술, 사물, 행위‧활동, 체육활동 순으로 주를 이루었다. ‘迷’의 의미는 고대·근대·현대한어사전 등 여러 사전을 통해 의미를 분석한 결과 고대, 근대에는 준접사적 의미가 없었으나 현대로 와서 생겨난 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 ‘X迷’ 단어를 전반적으로 분석한 결과, ‘X迷’의 어휘 의미는 ‘어떤 사물이나 행위에 푹 빠진 사람’이며, 어법 의미는 명사의 품사를 지녀 주어, 목적어, 관형어 등의 문장성분을 담당할 수 있다는 것을 나타내며, ‘X迷’는 중성적인 색채를 가진 단어임을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 ‘X迷’ 단어가 생겨난 기제에는 유추 기제, 경제성 기제와 같은 언어 내부적 요인이 있으며, 사회변화와 발전, 대중의 求新求简 심리와 같은 언어 외부적 요인도 있음을 알 수 있었다. 종합해보면, ‘X迷’는 ‘어떤 사물이나 행위에 푹 빠진 사람’, 즉 ‘어떤 것에 심취한 사람’이라는 의미를 지니므로 사회가 발전하고 변화함에 따라 새로운 사물이 출현할 수 있고 이를 활용하여 어떤 새로운 행위나 활동 등을 할 수 있으므로 이에 더욱 다양한 방면에서 ‘X迷’로 표현될 수 있는 단어가 많아 질 가능성이 높다고 추측할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한자에 반영된 고대 중국의 음식문화-요리 방법과 도구를 중심으로

        박흥수,제윤지 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2018 中國硏究 Vol.74 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study the shape and meaning of the 15 Chinese characters reflected by the ancient Chinese cooking methods and utensils, and to understand their cultural implications. In Chapter 2, the characters 炮, 炙, 蒸, 煮 were analyzed. Both 炮 and 炙 symbolize the way meat is roasted on fire, but their difference is the specific way of cooking, 炮 was used to describe a way to bake hairy animals with daubed with mud. 蒸 was used to describe a way to cook food with water vapor that is generated when heat is applied to the water. This was not a frequently used recipe in the early days because it required a lot of effort. 煮 was used to portray a way to boil food by adding water, and is shaped like a figure of a pottery put in fire. In Chapter 3, the characters 鼎, 鬲, 鑊, 甑, 俎, which are related to cooking utensils, and 簋, 豆, 爵, 斝, 卣, 壺, which related to tableware, were analyzed, 鼎 was not only used as a cooking utensil, but was also a sign of status and political functioning. 鬲, 鑊 had meanings of "sot," or iron pot, but 鬲 had bent legs, while 鑊 had no legs. From the combination of the character 曾 and the radical 瓦, there is a high possibility that 甑 was a steamer, likely made by ceramics. 俎 was used to imply a cutting board and utensils used in ancestral rites to offer animals in ancient china. 簋 and 豆 meant circular dishes, and were utensils used in ancestral rites in ancient China. 爵 meant a liquor glass shaped like sparrow beak. Because 爵 looked like a sparrow, 爵 was used as 雀 in Song dynasty. 斝 meant a liquor glass that was cast in jade and had two poles. 卣 meant a liquor barrel with a round shape, 壺 had the meaning of a jar, but in ancient China, it meant a bowl for food.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 준접사 ‘奴’에 대한 연구

        박흥수,제윤지 중국인문학회 2020 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.75

        本文主要围绕语义、语法、语用三方面对“X奴”构成的词汇进行研究,旨在分析“奴”字的类词缀化。结合前人的研究成果,本文的主要内容如下:首先,类词缀“奴”具有三个特征。第一、类词缀“奴”受到“隐喻”与“泛化”的影响,通常置于词根与词缀之间,可以说它处在语义虚化的过程中。第二、“奴”用作类词缀构词时一直在词语的最后,所以它可称为“类后缀”。但“奴”字用作词根时也可以在词语的最后,所以判断是否为类词缀,一定要综合考虑该词语完整的含义以及所在句段的上下文。第三、类词缀“奴”具有一定程度的能产性。类词缀“奴”表示贬义,大都与不好的社会现象相关,但在爱好、追求目的等方面也可派生新词。其次是“X奴”词语的特征。 从语义方面来看,类词缀“奴”的语义在2012年出版的『现代汉语词典』 第六版中第一次被收录,但其语义实际上用于更多领域。“X”的语义大致分为六种:持续或管理的对象或事物、依赖的对象或事物、追求的目标、爱好、动作行为以及其他。通过义素分析法,本文将“奴”的义素分为“[+受到某种事物或行为的影响], [±受到某种事物或行为的控制], [±被动劳动], [±被动感到辛苦(心里上收到压力)], [±贷款的任务], [+人]’”。从语法方面来看,“X奴”词语是“X”修饰“奴”的的结构,“X+奴”的附加式结构。“X”的成分(词性)以名词与动词为主,“X”的音节以单音节为主,也有双音节。“X奴”词语都是名词,所以可以说类词缀“奴”是名词化标记,“X奴”词语在句内作主语、定语、宾语。总之,“X奴”的词义可以概括“受到“X”影响的一类人”或“由于“X”感到辛苦的一类人”。

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