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        ‘역량’과 역사 교육과정 구성: ‘2015 교육과정’을 중심으로

        鄭鎭慶(Jung Jinkyung) 역사교육연구회 2020 역사교육 Vol.153 No.-

        This article aims to relate translations on the issues of competence in curriculum studies to history education studies. ‘Key competencies in history’ is the fruit of the endeavor to embrace the prospect of the ‘2015 National Curriculum’ into history education. But there are some critiques saying that it is not appropriate to represent the essence of history subject to teachers and students. Why ‘key competencies in history’ could not be a main tool to account for history learning and teaching? I try to find answers in two aspects. First, the school history is abundant in contents and knowledge. It is a challenge to make knowledge in harmony with thinking or skill in history education. When competence coming into history curriculum, similar problems can occur in spite of differences between competence and thinking or skill. Second, the concept of competence is still incomplete and developing. Originating in vocational education and training, competence has not yet optimized to school curriculum. Especially it is fragile in questions of the purpose of education. Examining the concept of competence in ideal type, I try to consider how it can evolve corresponding with history subject and how history education can find the way to be in balance with the concept of curriculum, competence.

      • KCI등재

        비영리조직의 인적자원관리 현황과 전략적 인적자원관리 실행 영향요인

        정진경(JinKyung Jung),김혜정(HaeJung Kim) 한국사회복지행정학회 2023 한국사회복지행정학 Vol.25 No.2

        비영리조직이 놓인 조직적 맥락은 서로 다른 인적자원관리 체계를 요구한다. 이중 전략적 인적자원관리(SHRM)는 비영리조직의 인적자원관리 모델 중 하나로 조직의 인적자원이 환경 변화에 따른 조직 전략에 맞추어 조직 목표에 기여할 수 있도록 일련의 HRM 정책과 실천을 설계하고 실행하는 것이다. 본 논문은 최근 한국 비영리조직에서 시행되고 있는 인적자원관리 현황을 파악하고, 전략적 인적자원관리에 초점을 맞추어 이에 영향을 미치는 조직 요인을 탐색하였다. 아름다운재단 기부문화연구소의 ‘2021 기빙코리아’ 프로젝트에 의해 수집된 432개 비영리조직 데이터를 분석하였으며, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비영리조직의 인적자원관리 요소에 따른 시행현황으로, 대부분의 조직이 문서화된 인사관리 규정을 마련(86.4%)하였으나 모든 조직에서 인적자원관리 정책 요소를 충분히 갖추지는 못한 것으로 나타났다. 직원 채용은 수시(66.7%)로 공개 채용(61.8%)하며, 직무기술서가 있는 조직은 64.1% 정도로 나타났으며, 별도의 경력개발 제도가 있는 곳은 17%에 불과하였다. 한편, 다양한 방식의 인사평가를 시행하는 곳은 66.9%이나, 성과급을 지급하는 조직은 28.6%에 지나지 않았고 정년제도가 있는 조직은 52.8%로 절반 정도로 나타났다. 둘째, 우리나라 비영리조직의 전략적 인적자원관리 적용 수준은 평균 4.17로 그리 높지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 전략적 인적자원관리 실행에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인 중 하나로 직무 구조는 공식성이 높을수록, 의사 결정 권한의 집중성은 낮을수록 전략적 인적자원관리 실행에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구는 우리나라 비영리조직에서 전략적 인적자원관리를 도입하고 활용하기 위한 실천적 과제를 제안하였다. Considering the remarkable expansion of South Korea’s nonprofit sector over the last two decades, it is important to understand current HRM policies and practices and know how managers of NPOs strategically align HRM practices with their organizations’ missions. This exploratory study assessed the current state of HRM practices in NPOs in South Korea and identified organizational and contextual factors that affected strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices. The analyzed data include 432 NPOs collected as part of the “Giving Korea 2021” project by the Center on Philanthropy at Beautiful Foundation. Most NPOs (N=374, 86.6%) established written HR manuals or policies. About 66.7% of NPOs had occasional (66.7%) and open recruitment (61.8%) processes. Approximately, 64.1% (N=277) of NPOs had written job descriptions. Further, only 17% (N=71) of NPOs provided education programs designed to meet employees’ needs for growth and development within the organization or the nonprofit sector. Descriptive statistics revealed a moderate average SHRM score of 4.18 (SD=1.21). The multiple regression analysis showed the significant effects of centralization and formalizations on SHRM practices (β=.562, p<.001; β=-.375, p<.001). This means that a higher level of formalization is associated with a higher level of adoption of SHRM practices within South Korean NPOs. However, organizations with highly centralized structures are less likely to adopt SHRM practices. This study suggests that managers in NPOs should play a key role in facilitating an organizational process that integrates human resource functions, specifically training, career development, and performance evaluations, with the long-term strategic purposes of the respective organizations. Furthermore, this study provides useful insights into the important role of managers in designing an optimal organizational structure that effectively achieves organizational goals and objectives as the first step toward increased utilization and adoption of SHRM practices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        축제로서의 시인프라 방향성과 대중화 방안

        정진경(Jung Jinkyung) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        현대사회에서 축제의 이데올로기 전략은 현실적 가치에 따라 광범위하게 적용된다. 축제의 성격이 과거와는 다르게 변화하기는 했지만 축제를 향유하는 주체가 대중이라는 점은 변함이 없다. 이것은 축제에서 대중의 가치관과 감수성이 아주 중요한 요소라는 것을 의미한다. 그런데 부산지역 문학제의 시인프라와 프로그램은 작가중심으로, 대중이 배제되어 있다. 그래서 이 논문은 시 장르 발전을 촉진하면서도 작가와 대중이 함께 소통, 향유할 수 있는 문학축제로서의 시인프라 방향성과 대중화 방안을 찾아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 현재 부산지역의 문학제는 장르 혼합형이라는 점과 예산지원의 부족으로 인해서시 장르 문학제를 개성화할 수 없다는 문제를 가지고 있다. 대중과 창작자가 함께 할 수 있는 문학축제의 기능보다는 창작자만을 위한 문학제로서의 기능에 머물러 있다. 창작자와 대중이 시적 미학을 함께 공유하고, 사회의 구성원으로서 일체감을 가질 수 있는 문학축제로의 전환을 위해서는 다음과 같은 시인프라 방향성의 보완과 대중화 방안이 필요하다. 먼저 시의 발전을 위해서 시 장르 정체성을 가진 문학제의 개최가 필요하다. 현재부산지역의 모더니즘 시인들이 활발하게 활동하고 있는 만큼 모더니즘 정체성을 가진 시문학제를 만드는 것은 하나의 방안이다. 그런 다음 대중 중심의 시문학축제로 나아가야 한다. 현재 문학제의 시인프라는 작가 중심으로 지원되고 형성되어 있어 대중과의 거리가 멀다. 시문학제와 지역축제 등의 융합으로 대중에게 가까이 가고, 문화전략으로서의 지역발전과 시의 개성화를 이룰 수 있는 문학제의 시인프라를 구축할 필요가있다. 마지막으로 대중과의 시적 소통을 위해서는 시대의 가치관과 대중의 감수성에 맞는 디지털 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 사회의 문화적인 소통 방식이 온라인을 통해 많이 이루어지는 시대인 만큼 인터넷 같은 디지털 매체를 활용하여 대중의 흥미와 관심을 자극하고, 그것을 문학제 프로그램으로 만들어 활용할 필요가 있다. 이러한 시인프라 방향성과 대중화 방안은 작가 중심의 시문학제를 작가와 대중이 함께 소통하고 향유하는 개성화된 시문학축제를 만들어나가는 데에 기여 할 것이다. Ideological festival strategy in the modern society broadly applies pursuant to practical values. Nature of a festival has changed differently from the past but there is no change in the fact that the subject enjoying a festival is the public. This means that values and sensitivity of the public are very important elements of a festival. It is necessary to supplement them in order for a literary festival to have a festival function. Therefore, this thesis aims to promote development of genre but also to find out directivity and popularization method of poem infrastructure as a festival for a writer and the public to communicate with each other and enjoy it. Currently, the literary festival in Busan area has a problem not to be able to be individualized as a literary festival due to its nature of genre mixed type and insufficient budget support. Following supplementation and popularization method are necessary for conversion to a literary festival so that a creator and the public may share poetic aesthetics and have a sense of unity as members of society. First, it is necessary to hold a literary festival with poem genre identity for development of poems. Since modernism poets in Busan area have positive activities now, it will be an idea to open a poem festival with modernism identity. Next, it is necessary to make a change from a writer-oriented festival to the public-oriented festival. Current poem infrastructure of literary festival is supported and formed with focus on writers and it is required to be changed to the public-oriented one to satisfy both regional development and city s individuation as a cultural strategy. Finally, it is required to develop digital programs suitable for values of the times and sensitivity of the public in order to have poetic communication. As it is the time social cultural communication is done mainly through online and therefore, it is necessary to use digital media like internet for stimulation of interest and concern of the public for application as literary festival programs. Such directivity and popularization method of poem infrastructure will be a help to change a writer-oriented poem festival to a individualized poem festival for communication and enjoyment between a writer and the public.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        딥러닝 언어모델의 한국어 학습자 말뭉치 원어민성 판단 결과 분석 연구

        이진 ( Lee Jin ),정진경 ( Jung Jinkyung ),김한샘 ( Kim Hansaem ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.1

        The present study aims to analyze how deep learning judges nativelikeness in the corpus of native Korean speakers and Korean learners. To this end, a deep learning model that classifies sentences of native Korean speakers and Korean learners was built, and the criteria for determining nativelikeness between deep learning and humans were compared and analyzed in terms of error analysis. As a result of the analysis, the accuracy of the deep learning model built in this study was found to be 91%, which means that 91 sentences out of 100 sentences were accurately classified whether they were written by the native speaker or by the learner. In addition, since the error annotation result of the learner corpus is a projected result of human judgment of nativelikeness, the similarities and differences of the criteria for determining nativelikeness were described in detail by comparing it with the test data verification result of deep learning. The results of this study will be an important basis for clarifying what the nativelikeness of native Korean speakers is and for objectively judging the nativelikeness of the language produced by Korean learners.(Yonsei University)

      • Numerical simulation of the liquid flow in the lower part of the blast furnace

        Hongjong Jin(진홍종),Sangmin Choi(최상민),Jinkyung Jung(정진경) 한국연소학회 2008 KOSCOSYMPOSIUM논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The high permeability of the gas in the molten iron of the dripping zone of the blast furnace is a major factor in achieving the stable operation of a furnace with high productivity. Basic studies of the liquid flow behavior in a packed bed are necessary to grasp the effect of various operational changes on conditions in the dropping zone. Molten iron and slag together play a critical role in the lower zone, transporting mass and energy, while impairing and redistributing the gas flow. In turn, molten iron and slag undergo physical and chemical changes, and are redistributed radially as they descend to the hearth. In this research, mathematical formulations are derived for the gas and the liquid. The solid phase is fixed with constant porosity. The information for the molten iron and slag includes the hold-up, velocity, pressure, and information related to the areas of interaction between the gas and the liquid, and the solid and the liquid. Predictable results include the velocity, pressure and temperature distribution. Additional parameters include the packed particle size and the air blast rate.

      • 융착대 예측을 위한 고로공정 모델링

        양광혁(Yang Kwangheok),최상민(Choi Sangmin),정진경(Jung Jinkyung) 한국연소학회 2006 KOSCOSYMPOSIUM논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Analysis of the internal state of the blast furnace is needed to predict and control the operating condition. Especially, it is important to develop modeling of blast furnace for predicting cohesive zone because shape of cohesive zone influences overall operating condition of blast furnace such as gas flow, chemical reactions and temperature. because many previous blast furnace models assumed cohesive zone to be fixed, they can't evaluate change of cohesive zone shape by operation condition such as PCR, blast condition, and production rate. In this study, an axi-symmetric 2-dimensional steady state model is proposed to simulate blast furnace process. In this model, cohesive zone is changed by solid temperature range, FVM is used for numerical simulation. To find location of cohesive zone whole calculation procedure is iterated Until cohesive zone is converged. Through this approach, shape of cohesive zone, velocity, composition and temperature within the furnace are predicted by model.

      • 장입물 층상구조에 따른 고로내 운전상황 변화 연구

        양광혁(Kwangheok Yang),최상민(Sangmin Choi),정진경(JinKyung Jung) 한국연소학회 2006 KOSCOSYMPOSIUM논문집 Vol.- No.-

        At the furnace top, the distribution of charging coke and ore is adjusted to control the reducing gas flow distribution in the furnace. It is necessary to predict operation condition of blast furnace according to the burden profile to judge whether charging is properly conducted In this study, We propose the model for predicting while layer structures whithin furnace when top burden profile was given. Layer structure of coke and ore could be predicted by top burden profile and solid velocity. Solid velocity is assumed as potential flow. Potential function distribution and timeline are also calculated using solid velocity field. The Calculation is conducted for different burden profile cases. As the result burden distribution and grid structure, which is deformed to match the layer structure in shaft and deadman profile. Gas flow was calculated using this grid, and calculated results are compared with each other.

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