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      • KCI등재

        고령자 맞춤형 공공임대주택 수요추정에 관한 연구

        정보선,조용경,이상엽 SH공사 도시연구원 2018 주택도시연구 Vol.8 No.1

        In order to maximize the effects of policies relating to public rental housing for the elderly, it is important to identify the unique characteristics of elderly people and to estimate the demand for housing for them. The purpose of this study is to analyze the demand characteristics and then, using these characteristics, to present a housing demand estimation model. The results of the analysis of demand characteristics shows that housing consumption of public rental housing for the elderly decreased as their activity became more constrained. The demand estimation results considering the characteristics of elderly people show a peak at a higher age than the M-W model. But the estimated coefficients for all age ranges were generally lower than both the M-W model and the modified M-W model. These results suggest that demand estimation for public rental housing for the elderly needs to consider activity constraints. The elderly demand estimation model will help to construct elaborate demand estimation models without overestimating.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Optical Sighting System for Moving-target Tracking

        정보선,임성수,이동희 한국광학회 2019 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.3 No.2

        In this study, we developed an optical sighting system capable of shooting at a long-distance target by operating a digital gyro mirror composed of a gyro sensor and an FSM. The optical sighting system consists of a reticle part, a digital gyro mirror (FSM), a parallax correction lens, a reticle-ray reflection mirror, and a partial reflection window. In order to obtain the optimal volume and to calculate the leading angle range according to the driving angle of the FSM, a calculation program using Euler rotation angles and a three-dimensional reflection matrix was developed. With this program we have confirmed that the horizontal leading angle of the developed optical sighting system can be implemented under about ±8° for the maximum horizontal driving angle (β = ±12.5°) of the current FSM. Also, if the β horizontal driving angle of the FSM is under about ±15.5°, it can be confirmed that the horizontal direction leading angle can be under ±10.0°. If diagonal leading angles are allowed, we confirmed that we can achieve a diagonal leading angle of ±10.0° with a vertical driving angle α of ±7.1° and horizontal driving angle β of ±12.5°.

      • KCI등재

        고연령가구의 주택점유형태 결정요인 분석 : 가구주의 활동제약을 중심으로

        정보선,조용경,이상엽 한국부동산연구원 2018 부동산연구 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 고연령가구의 주택점유에 있어서 신체기능적 건강상태의 측면에서 가구주의 활동제약이 점유형태에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 결정하는 요인을 분석하는데 있다. 이를 위해 한국노동패널 18차연도의 가구 및 개인자료를 이용하여 가구주의 연령이 55세 이상인 고연령가구를 대상으로 프로빗 모형을 설정하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 가구주가 활동제약 혹은 사회활동제약이 있는 경우 자가선택확률이 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 활동제약이 있는 경우에는, 의료비용이 증가하고 경제활동 참여의 가능성이 낮을 뿐만 아니라 조기은퇴의 가능성이 높아 소득이 감소하게 되므로 자가 거주의 가능성이 낮아지는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 고령자 중에서도 자립자에 비해 활동제약자가, 일상생활 활동제약자에 비해서는 사회활동 제약자가 더욱 열악한 주거취약계층일 가능성이 높음을 시사한다. 따라서 이러한 가구주의 활동제약을 중심으로 고연령가구의 주택점유형태 결정요인 분석에 관한 연구는 신체적 취약성을 고려하는 주택개량사업, 고령자 맞춤형 임대주택 등 주거복지정책의 대상인 취약계층을 파악하는데 유용한 지표로 활용할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the housing tenure choice decisions of older households, with focus on the activity constraints of the householders. For analysis, the probit model based on the data of the householders over 55 years of age from the 2015 KLIPS data was implemented. The research findings indicate that the ownership choice probability decreases when the head of the household has activity or social activity constraints. If there is an activity restriction, it is considered that the possibility of self-residence will be low due to the increase in medical expenses, the possibility of participation in economic activities will be low, the possibility of early retirement will be high, and the income will decrease. Therefore, if the head of the household has a personal or social activity constraint, such case is more likely to be categorized as falling under the poor residential group. This result suggests that the activity constraint can be utilized as a useful index for the housing welfare policy considering physical vulnerability.

      • KCI등재

        趙翼의 『甌北詩話』 중 元好問 평가 연구

        정보선 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the comments on Yuan Haowen in Oubei’s Poetry Notes (OubeiShihua) by Zhao Yi, a Qing Dynasty writer and historian. Zhao Yi (literary name Oubei) is considered one of the Three Masters of the Qianlong and Jiaqing Era along with Yuan Mei and Jiang Shiquan. As a poet and literary critic, Zhao Yi was opposed to imitating the style of the previous era and instead called for a poetry that was innovative and personal while drawing on the inherited strengths of Tang and Song Dynasty poets. In the eighth volume of Oubei’s Potery Notes, Zhao Yi names Yuan Hao-wen as the representative poet of the Jin and Yuan dynasties and describes Yuan’s character and achievements as well as the characteristics of his poetry. Yuan Haowen’s poem reflect the ethics of refusing to serve the Yuan Dynasty after the fall of the Jin (Jin wang bu shi) and are suffused with the indignation and grief caused by national calamity. The literary value of his verse resides not only in its emotional appeal but also in how it breaks free from a rigid formality to create new forms. Zhao Yi quotes Yuan Haowen’s contemporaries Hao Jing and Li Ye, as well as the assessment of Yuan Haowen in the official History of the Jin Dynasty, to achieve an in-depth understanding of Yuan Haowen and his work. Accordingly the manuscript has three areas of focus: Yuan Haowen’s character and the qualities of his poetry. The study of Yuan Hao-wen’s character addresses his ethics of Jin wang bu shi and two events in his life, while the analysis of his poetry addresses characteristics such as the liberal use of form, the simple, unpretentious style, and the repetition of lines. 본 논문은 청나라 문학가이면서 역사학자인 조익의 『구북시화』 속의 원호문에 대한 평가를 고찰하는 것이다. 조익은 호가 ‘구북’이고 원매, 장사전과 더불어 건륭삼대가의 한 사람이다. 그는 시인이자 시비평가로서 이전의 시를 모방하는 것에 반대하고 당・송의 시인들의 장점을 이어받아 새로운 형식과 내용의 시를 창작하여 자신의 풍격을 가진 ‘창신’을 주장하였다. 조익은 『구북시화』 권8에서 원호문을 금・원대를 대표하는 시인으로 두면서 그의 인품과 행적, 시가의 특징과 평가를 서술하였다. 원호문의 시는 강렬한 금망불사의 절개와 비분강개의 기상과 망국의 한을 자연스럽게 표현하여 사람들에게 신선한 감동을 주었을 뿐만 아니라 시의 고정된 형식을 탈피한 새로운 창작으로 시문학의 가치를 끌어올렸다. 조익은 원호문과 동시대를 살았던 학경과 이야, 그리고 『금사』에 서술된 원호문의 시에 대한 평가를 인용하여 그의 시의 진면목을 보여주었다. 본고는 원호문에 대한 ‘인물평가’와 ‘시가특징’, ‘시의 평가’로 나누고, ‘인물평가’에서는 금망불사의 절개와 그의 생에서 일어난 두 가지 사건에 대한 논증을 서술하였고, ‘시가특징’에서는 고정된 시체의 탈피, 진솔한 표현, 시구중복사용 등을 분석하였다.

      • Aging in Place 관점에서 노년기의 활동제약에 따른 고연령가구의 주택소비 영향에 관한 연구

        정보선,이상엽 한국부동산분석학회 2019 부동산분석학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2019 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of activity limitation by the restriction of daily living function on the housing consumption of the elderly households. Using the KLIPS data from 2007 to 2017, we estimated the demand function of the elderly households whose ages are over 55 years old. As a result of estimation, household consumption is lower in the elderly households with activity limitation. In terms of the influence of change of activity limitation by temporal difference, household consumption is reduced only when the t-1 period is changed from the self-sustained state to the limitation state. The higher the level of activity limitation, the lower the house consumption. As the degree of activity limitation increases, it decreases housing consumption. In this paper, we argue that the activity limitation, daily living function, self-reliance are important to housing consumption of the elderly households in terms of Aging in Place. It is necessary to develop a housing policy program considering the activity limitation to promote the elderly housing policy. In order to realize aging in place, it is necessary to construct basic data to consider difference of activity limitation.

      • KCI등재

        고령 부모와 성인 자녀 간 지리적 근접성 결정요인에 관한 지역 비교 연구

        정보선,이상엽 국토연구원 2021 국토연구 Vol.109 No.-

        This study analyzed the geographic proximity between generations to support the generation-friendly housing support policy that solves the social problems of the low birth rate and aging age. A fixed-effect panel logit model has been developed with 2nd~6th KLoSA data for elderly parent households and adult children’s households. Analysis results indicate that common effects are as follows. The geographic proximity between generations is high during the physical decline period in the life cycle of elderly parents and rearing period in the family life cycle of adult children. The geographic proximity between generations is low when living with children in the elderly parent household. On the other hand, the discriminatory effects in urban areas were the economic constraints of elderly parents and the time constraints of adult children. Accordingly, the implication are as follows. First, it is confirmed that overseas studies findings are also applied in korea. Second, it is judged that the family function is performed despite of nuclear family society. Third, it can be used as basic data for the generation-friendly housing support policy plan. 고령 부모와 성인 자녀 간 지리적 근접성 결정요인을지역별로 분석하기 위해 고정효과 패널로짓 모형을설정하였다. 분석 결과, 공통적 영향은 고령 부모의생애주기상 건강수준 약화, 성인 자녀의 가족생활주기상 출산・양육 시 손자녀 돌봄이 세대 간 지리적 근접성을 높이는 반면, 고령 부모가구 내 일차적 자원으로서 동거 자녀가 존재하는 경우 비동거 자녀와 지리적 근접성이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 차별적영향은 시골 지역에 비해 도시 지역만 고령 부모의예산 제약, 성인 자녀의 시간 제약 발생 시 세대 간근거리거주 행태를 보였다. 종합하면, 첫째, 부모와자녀 간 지리적 분리 및 상대적 위치 결정은 생애주기, 세대 간 이전 특성 등을 광범위하게 고려한다는국외 연구결과가 우리나라에도 적용된다는 점, 둘째, 핵가족화 사회에서도 부모와 자녀가 근거리 거주하면서 가족 돌봄이 지원된다는 점, 셋째, 향후 세대 친화적 주거지원 정책 방안을 모색하기 위한 기초자료로 이용가능한 점에서 의의를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        고계의 시가 특징과 명대 시학의 추향

        정보선 대한중국학회 2023 중국학 Vol.83 No.-

        Gao Qi was a poet representing the late Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, and poetry critics called him ‘being above the whole generation of Ming Dynasty poets’. His poetry contains a form one unique style in the process of learning classical poetry representing each era and creating by imitating it. However, due to his early death, he was unable to spend the golden age of creation and did not leave behind a poetry style that could represent an era or form a poetry school. The characteristic of Gao Qi’s poetry lies in ‘It has all the forms of the poem evenly’. The poet insisted that a good poem could be written only when the proper classification of the corpse and the combination of poetic intention and poetic taste were balanced. It can be said that it was different from traditional classic poetry and retro poetry of the Ming Dynasty, which could not follow and digest the time as it was, because it was an immersion of an innovative beginning that transcends the boundary of retro and embodies the spirit of a new writer needed by the times. The poets of the Ming Dynasty poets scrambled to adore Gao Qi and actively tried to learn his poems in order to escape from the stale retro and approach creative revival. The evaluation that he pioneered poetry in the Ming Dynasty originated here.

      • KCI등재

        충절과 참회의 애절한 선율 - 이신(貳臣) 오위업의 시를 중심으로

        정보선 대한중국학회 2022 중국학 Vol.79 No.-

        오위업(1609-1671)은 명·청 교체기라는 왕조 변혁의 시대에 명 유신의 신분으로, 국가의 패망을 경험하고 청 왕조에 출사하여 역사에 ‘이신(貳臣)’으로 기록되는 수모를 당한 시인이었다. 본고는 그의 시를 명조에 대한 충절과 이민족인 청조 출사에 대한 참회라는 두 주제로 나누어 살펴보았다. 충절은 유교 사상에서 신하의 정신적 표상이고 변절은 유학자에게는 도덕적인 생명줄의 상실이라고 볼 때, 시인 오위업은 명에 대한 충정이 강한 신하였지만 우유부단한 천성과 청조의 회유와 압박에 굴하여 절개를 지키지 못하고 죽는 날까지 참회의 시간을 보냈다. 이신이라는 오명을 가진 시인의 주체적인 자아의 작동은 진정성을 담은 시로 창작되어 감동을 선사한다. 또 그의 시는 청초 시단에도 큰 영향을 미쳐서 명·청 시사의 중요한 지위를 차지하였다.

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