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      • KCI등재

        빌리 홀리데이(Billie Holiday)의 노래 ‘이상한 열매(Strange fruit)’의 가사에 나타난 미국 반인종주의에 관한 고찰

        정명훈,한경훈 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.10

        미국의 흑인 역사에 있어서 인종차별과 저항정신 그리고 재즈는 빼놓을 수 없는 이야기이다. 19세기 말에서 20세기 초, 인종차별이 가장 심했던 시기와 맞물려 재즈가 태동하기 시작했고 흑인들이 주도 했던 재즈는 미국의 대중음악이 되어 지금은 전통음악이 됐다. 본 연구의 목적은 이러한 미국의 역사적, 사회적 배경을 통해 음악으로 표현된 반인종주의 사례에 관해 살펴보는 것이다. 기득권이나 권력의 불합리에 저항하는 목소리를 음악을 통해 표현하고 사회적인 변화를 추구하는 집단과 개인의 움직임은 자유와 민권을 추구하는 국가라면 어디든 나타나는 것으로 인식된다. 본고에서는 미국의 빌리 홀리데이(Billie Holiday)라는 흑인 재즈가수가 부른 ‘Strange fruit’에 대한 사회적 배경을 이해하고, 노래에 나타난 가사를 분석하여 살펴보고자 한다. 흑인의 지위와 인권이 백인에 의해 추락 했던 시대에 흑인을 향한 잔인한 린치와 인종주의의 대해 저항하는 노래가 바로 ‘Strange fruit’이다. 미국 최초의 민권운동 가요이며, 당대와 후대에 영향력 있는 것으로 평가되는 음악과 가수라는 점에 있어 의의가 있다. African American history cannot be discussed without racism, resistance, and jazz. Jazz was born in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when racism in the United States reached its peak, and the music led by African Americans had become popular music of the day before it became traditional music. This thesis aims to examine historical and social backgrounds and how anti-racism was expressed in music. It is believed that any country in pursuit of freedom and civil rights has its own history of movements that, whether by a group or an individual, expressed their voices in music to resist the establishment or injustice of power and to bring changes to society. This study particularly focuses on social backgrounds of a song “Strange fruit” by African American jazz singer Billie Holiday and analyzes the lyrics closely. “Strange fruit” is a song protesting against lynching of black people and racism at a time when their status and human rights were severely damaged by white people. It is meaningful in that “Strange fruit” is not only the first protest song, but both the song and its singer are also considered as one of the most timeless songs and singers that influenced the American music scene.

      • KCI등재

        Topological Entanglement Entropy in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

        정명훈 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.64 No.8

        We calculate the topological entanglement entropy in bilayer quantum Hall systems, dividing theset of quantum numbers into four parts. This topological entanglement entropy allows us to drawa phase diagram in the parameter space of layer separation and tunneling amplitude. We performa finite-size scaling analysis of the topological entanglement entropy in order to see the quantumphase transition clearly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Strong Odd Bond - Weak Even Bond Picture in the Half-Filled One-Dimensional Hubbard Model

        정명훈 한국물리학회 2019 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.74 No.7

        We study the strong odd bond - weak even bond picture by measuring the bond energy and the half-chain entanglement entropy in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. By using the infinite density matrix renormalization group with matrix product operator, we obtain the ground state of the matrix product state. As a function of the bond dimension, the bond energy and the half-chain entanglement entropy support the strong odd bond - weak even bond picture. From the expectation values of the occupation number, we numerically observe that the odd - even effect appears only for the half-filling case with a finite bond dimension. Our results confirm that the matrix product operator method is successful in exploring itinerant fermionic systems.

      • KCI등재

        초고압 추출 공정을 통한 고로쇠 목부 추출물의 항암활성 증진

        정명훈,최운용,서용창,강하영,최근표,이현용 한국약용작물학회 2010 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        We investigated a method to improve anticancer activities of Acer mono wood extracts by ultra high pressure extraction process. The A. mono was extracted by water at 40℃ and 300 MPa for 15 min (High Pressure Extraction, HPE). The extraction yield by ultra high pressure extraction process was 5.42%. The cytotoxicity on human normal lung cell (HEL299) of the extracts from HPE showed 21.54% lower than that from conventional water extraction at 100℃ in adding the maximum concentration of 1.0 mg/ml. Ultra high pressure extracts process for 15 minutes extracts (HPE15) showed more potent scavenging effect than the control, BHA. On SOD-like test, the HPE15 showed highest activity as 32.4% at 1.0 mg/ml concentration. Human stomach adenocarcinoma, liver adenocarcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma cell growth were inhibited up to about 67~79%, in adding 1.0 mg/ml of extracts from HPE. HPE was 20~25% higher than conventional water extraction. It was interesting that, among several cancer cell lines (stomach adenocarcinoma, liver adenocarcinoma), the growth of digestive related cancer cells were most effectively inhibited as about 75~79%. On in vivo experiment using ICR mice, the variation of body weight of mice group treated A. mono wood extracts from HPE of 100 mg/kg/day concentration was very lower than control and other group. The survival times of group treated this extracts was 61.96% longer than that of the control group and this extracts showed the lower tumor weight, which were 10.49 g than positive control as 16.17 g. Based on these results, we could tell that the HPE wood extracts of A. mono had higher anticancer activity than conventional water extraction. The results of HPE showed obvious advantages in higher efficiency, shorter extraction time, at lower energy costs.

      • KCI등재후보

        배움의 공동체와 연계한 수학 교사의 수업 경험 탐구

        정명훈,신향근,전영국 순천대학교 교육과학연구소 2020 현장수업연구 Vol.1 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to improve the quality of classroom teaching by qualitatively exploring the teaching experiences of teachers striving to provide a community that encourages human learning activities among students and opens a field of learning that students can learn for themselves. We explored the vivid experiences of field lessons through interviews with a mathematics teacher who took a learning community training and put it into practice in classroom teaching. Based on the three interviews conducted between 2013 and 2016, the results of interpretation of the teacher’s philosophy and teaching methods regarding community lessons in learning were derived and presented as a case study method. Teacher L showed that after meeting the learning community, some students felt happy and rewarded in the end trying to make them feel enjoyable without being left out of class. In addition, she was encouraging learning to take place from the standpoint of each student through a group-based activity class that she invented. At the end, she added that many lessons of field teachers have to be released and can be improved in a better direction through communication, cooperation, and sharing of feedback. 이 연구의 목적은 학생 스스로 즐겁게 배울 수 있는 학습의 장을 열어주고 학생들 사이에서 인간적인 배움의 활동이 일어나는 공동체를 형성하고자 애쓰는 교사의 수업 경험을 질적으로 탐구함으로써 교실 수업의 질을 향상시키는데 있다. 연구자는 배움의 공동체 연수를 받고 교실 수업에 실행에 옮긴 수학교사를 대상으로 면담을 통해 현장 수업에 관한 생생한 경험을 탐구하였다. 2013년과 2016년 사이에 진행한 3회에 걸친 면담 자료를 토대로 배움의 공동체 수업에 관한 교사의 철학과 교수법에 관하여 해석한 결과를 사례 연구 방법으로 도출하여 제시하였다. 연구참여자는 배움의 공동체를 만난 후에 학생들이 수업에서 소외되지 않고 배움의 즐거움을 느끼게 하려고 애쓰면서 결국 그 자신이 행복해지고 보람을 느꼈음을 보여주었다. 또한 그는 자신이 고안한 모둠 활동식 수업을 통해 학생 각자의 입장에서 배움이 일어나도록 장려하고 있었다. 더불어 배움의 공동체 활동에 참여한 많은 현장 교사들의 수업이 공개되어서 소통과 협력, 피드백 공유를 통해 더욱 좋은 방향으로 수업이 개선될 수 있음을 덧붙였다.

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