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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영한번역교육의 방법론

        전현주(Chun Hyun ju) 한국통번역교육학회 2011 통번역교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The goals of this study are to explore the effective ways of: 1) developing students translation performance and skills; 2) maintaining optimal balances between theory and practice; 3) effectively assessing a fluent translation and faithful translation; 4) exploring the solutions of translation challenges; 5) reinforcing the importance of writing; and 6) improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching. To achieve these goals, this paper delves into several sources of lecturing methodologies under the name of Translation Practice . The following results of this paper are expected to make meaningful contributions in devising future translation lectures: 1) A practice-oriented class is more effective than a theory-oriented one for the undergraduate students; 2) For novice translators, faithful translation strategies should be preferred to fluent translation ones due to the important procedure of precise analysis of the source text; and 3) many prerequisites for professional translators should be specifically addressed, which include basic writing skills in the target language as well as in the source language, diligence of searching and verifying expressions and facts concerning the source text, rich background knowledge, orthography, and textuality, among others.

      • KCI등재

        『목민심서』의 영역본(英譯本) Admonitions on Governing the People 소고(小考)

        전현주(Chun Hyun ju) 한국통번역교육학회 2017 통번역교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study explores the features of translation and its versions of Mongmin simsŏ: Admonitions on Governing the People, and discusses its author Tasan, Chong Yagyong, and his political philosophy of ‘Silhak’ or ‘practical learning,’ and his influence and recognition in target cultures. The purposes of this study are to reassessing the achievement of translation texts and their following reactions and book reviews in the academic circles and general readers after their publication from the perspective of Korean Studies; and to sharing the significance of translation texts of Korean cannons and their major roles as meta-texts and archive of Korean Studies for global readers with scholars. It’s the reason why one cannot emphasize too much the importance of setting up solid groundwork for Korea and Korean Studies based on its meta-text translation for the proliferation of Korean Wave in the area of Korean philosophy, literature and other values.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        번역과 수사학적인 글쓰기

        조숙희 ( Cho Suk Hee ),전현주 ( Chun Hyun Ju ) 아시아문화학술원 2016 인문사회 21 Vol.7 No.6

        본 연구에서는 번역의 품질 향상을 위한 기본적인 방안으로 번역과 수사학적인 글쓰기의 상관성을 제고하였다. 선행연구는 주로 `번역 인문학`, `번역 수사학`, `번역과 글쓰기`, `번역학과 수사학`, 그리고 `번역 평가 및 비평` 등으로 상호간의 관련성을 논의하는데 있어서 관점의 차이는 있으나 공통적으로 중요성을 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 점을 토대로 본고는 수사학적인 글쓰기는 창작과 번역의 영역을 구분하여 접근할 필요성을 제안하였으며, 번역과 수사학적인 글쓰기의 단계 및 그 적용사례, 그리고 이의 장단점에 관하여 논의하였다. 결론적으로 번역은 인문학적인 범주에서 글쓰기 교육의 강화를 통하여 품질의 향상을 도모할 수 있으며, 외국어 학습자와 교육자는 무엇보다도 번역학습 과정에서 저자의 논지와 원전의 내용을 충실하게 전달할 수 있는 방어기제로 수사학적인 글쓰기 전략을 적극적으로 활용할 필요성이 있다. This paper attempts to identify the interrelationship between translation and rhetorical writing for the improvement of translation quality and the importance of translation education. The tendency of precedented study focused on `translation humanities`, `translation rhetorics`, `translation and writing`, `translation studies and rhetoric`, and `translation assessment and criticism` which were approached in different perspectives but commonly shared the importance of writing of mother tongue in the process of translation. Based on the prior research, this paper suggests the rhetorical writing should be separately considered in the area of creation and translation. This paper also discusses translation and rhetorical writing steps with its application, and its merits and demerits. In conclusion, translation quality can be realized by the reinforcement of writing education in the way of humanities. And learners and instructors of foreign language and education including translation should positively apply the rhetorical writing strategy to the process of their translation(practice) as a kind of defense mechanism for faithful realization of author(s)` and source text(s)` argument in the translated text.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        NiTi scissors-bite corrector의 와이어 굵기에 따른 3차원적 치아 이동 양상

        전현주,박선형,정상혁,전윤식 대한치과교정학회 2009 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in three dimensional tooth movement using three different wire sizes (0.018 × 0.025-in, 0.016 × 0.022-in, 0.016-in) on a NiTi scissors-bite corrector. Methods: Computed tomography (CT) images of the experimental model before and after tooth movement were taken and reconstructed into three dimensional models for superimposition. The direction and the amount of tooth movement were measured and analyzed statistically. Results: The lingual and intrusive movements of the crown of the maxillary second molar were increased as the size of the NiTi wire increased. The roots of the maxillary second molars moved buccally except for the 0.016-in group. The intrusive movement of the roots of the maxillary second molars was increased as the size of the NiTi wire increased. Due to the use of orthodontic mini-implants, anchorage loss was under 0.2 mm on average. Conclusions: The 0.018 × 0.025-in NiTi wire was most effective in lingual and intrusive movement of the maxillary second molar which was in scissors-bite position. Indirect skeletal anchorage with a single orthodontic mini-implant was rigid enough to prevent anchorage loss. 본 연구에서는 NiTi scissors-bite corrector를 세 가지 서로 다른 굵기 0.018" × 0.025", 0.016" × 0.022", 0.016" 의 NiTi 와이어로 제작하였을 때 각각의 치아 이동 양상을 치아 이동 시뮬레이션 장치인 Calorific machine을 이용하여 3차원적으로 분석하고자 하였다. 가위교합에 이환된 상악 제2대구치 모형을 제작하고 제2소구치와 제1대구치 사이에 교정용 미니 임플랜트(orthodontic mini-implant)를 식립하여 제1대구치에 간접골성고정원을 설계하였다. 세 가지 굵기의 NiTi scissors-bite corrector를 부착하여 실험하였다. 치아의 이동 전후에 실험 모형은 computed tomography (CT)로 촬영하고 3차원 데이터로 변환하여 중첩하였다. 치아 이동 방향과 이동량을 계측하여, NiTi scissors-bite corrector 와이어 굵기에 따른 치아 이동 양상에 관한 통계적 유의성을 검정한 결과, 제2대구치 치관의 설측 이동량은 0.018" × 0.025"군(2.65 mm)이 가장 많았으며, 0.016"군(1.96 mm)과 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p < 0.05). 제2대구치 치관의 압하량은 0.018" × 0.025"군(2.35 mm), 0.016" × 0.022"군(1.18 mm), 0.016"군(1.00 mm)으로 0.018" × 0.025"군이 나머지 두 군과 유의한 차이를 보였고 (p < 0.05), 치근의 압하량은 0.018" × 0.025"군(4.19 mm), 0.016" × 0.022"군(3.29 mm), 0.016"군(2.24 mm)으로 세 군 간 모두 통계적 유의차를 보였다 (p < 0.05). 치아의 이동 양상을 관찰한 결과, 0.016"군에서는 제2대구치 치근의 협측 이동이 나타나지 않았다. 간접골성고정원으로 사용된 제1대구치의 고정원 소실은 0.2 mm 이하로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 0.018" × 0.025" NiTi 와이어로 제작한 NiTi scissors-bite corrector를 교정용 미니 임플랜트를 이용한 간접골성고정원과 함께 이용하였을때, 최소한의 고정원의 소실과 함께 가장 큰 상악 제2대구치의 설측 이동 및 압하가 일어났다고 할 수 있다.

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