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      • KCI등재

        Noncoherent Unitary Space-Time Modulated DSSS Systems in Multipath Channels

        전경훈,김정창,Youhan Kim,Soongyoon Choi 한국통신학회 2012 Journal of communications and networks Vol.14 No.2

        In this paper, in order to effectively apply unitary spacetime modulation to the direct-sequence spread-spectrum multipleaccess (DSSS-MA) networks, we propose a low-rate, noncoherent,unitary, and space-time modulated DSSS system supporting any number of transmit antennas based on Walsh matrices. The proposed scheme simultaneously performs bandwidth spreading and space-time coding and outperforms those using high-rate, conventional unitary space-time constellations. Furthermore, the proposed scheme allows for a simple detector structure based on fast Walsh transforms.

      • KCI등재후보

        질에서 발생한 고립 섬유종 1예

        전경훈,전명권,이응수,김경구,장두영,주미 대한부인종양학회 2006 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.17 No.1

        Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) arising from the vagina is a very rare benign stromal tumor, which has a well-demarcated margin and proliferation of spindle cells with the absence of any atypical features. Immunohistochemically, the cells are strongly positive for CD34. Surgcial resection of the tumor is recommended as a definite treatment. Clinical courses of SFT are almost benign but long term follow-up of SFT arising from vagina have not been reported yet. We have experienced a case of solitary fibrous tumor arising from vagina and report this case with a brief of literature. 질에서 발생하는 고립 섬유종은 매우 드문 양성 기질 종양으로써, 경계가 양호하며 비정형성이 거의 없는 방추형 세포의 증식, CD34 면역조직화학염색에 강양성 반응 등의 특징적 소견을 보인다. 치료는 수술적 절제이며 대체로 양성 경과를 보이나, 질에서 유래된 고립 섬유종의 장기적인 예후는 아직 보고된 바가 없다. 저자들은 질에서 발생한 고립 섬유종 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재
      • 精路閉塞에 관한 硏究 : 造精과 內分泌機능 및 性活動에 미치는 影響

        全景勳 서울大學校 保建大學院 1971 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.8 No.2

        To investigate the effects of bilateral occlusion of the seminal ducts, biological, histologic, and histochemical studies on vasectomized animals and clinical studies on 35 cases of epididymal obstructions and 99 cases of vasal obstructions were carried out and the results were presented in this report. Ⅰ. Animal study 1) In biological study, no particular effects by vasectomy could be found according to the changes of body weight, and of the weights of certain organs such as prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymes, andtestes before and after the vasectomy. 2) No significant differences in histologic pictures were found between the control group and vasectomy groups by the spermatogenesis the Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells. 3) In histochemical study, the reactive patterns of the alkaline phosphatase activity staining as an indication of metabolic activity of cells and tissues of testes in the vasectomy groups were similar to thise seen in the control group. Ⅱ. Clinical study: 1) In coital frequencies, no significant differences were found between epididymal obstruction group and vasal obstruction group by thier occupations. educational levels, and post-recanalization. No definite changes were found in the average volume of pre-and post-operative ejaculates among groups of epididymal obstruction, vasal obstruction, and normal, even though considerable individual diffences were noted among these subjects. 2) Biochemically, the average value of 17-ketosteroid in 24 hours' urine was 12.7mg in the epididymal obstruction group, and 12.4mg in vasectomy group. It was much the same with the average of normal contro's of smae age group. 3) The testicular biopsies showed no significant changes between groups of epididymal obstruction and vasal obstruction. By way of conclusion, these studies in animal and human revealed that the absence of free passage for sperm did not lead to atrophy of the seminiferous tubules, and that the reproductive deficiency did not involve the endocrine component of the testis. In other words, results of thest studies indicated that not only was spermatogenesis not halted by obstruction of the epididymes or vas deferens, but also that hyperplasia of the Leydig cells did not occur.

      • KCI등재

        연소성 대장 용종의 내시경적 용종 절제술

        전경훈,김재영,김성원,Cheon, Kyoung Whoon,Kim, Jae Young,Kim, Sung Won 대한소아청소년과학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.46 No.3

        목 적 : 연소성 용종은 소아에서 가장 흔한 장관 내에 발생하는 종양이다. 대부분 단발성이나 다발성으로 발생하기도 한다. 단발성 연소성 용종의 경우 60-80%가 직장 및 S자 결장에서 발생되어 반복적이면서도 만성적인 혈변배설을 일으킬 뿐 아니라 보호자를 불안하게 하고 때로는 빈혈을 일으키기도 하므로 증상이 있는 경우의 용종은 조기 절제가 바람직하다. 저자들은 연소성 용종으로 용종 절제술을 받은 19례의 임상 양상과 특징 및 대장 용종 절제술의 치료 성적을 분석하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1998년 3월에서 2002년 8월까지 대장 용종으로 진단되어 내시경적 용종 절제술을 받은 환아들 중에서 병리조직 검사에서 연소성 용종으로 확진 된 19례의 환아들의 임상 양상 및 용종의 특징을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결 과 : 1) 환아의 연령은 $4.7{\pm}2.8$세 남녀 비는 1 : 1.1이었다. 2) 전례에서 혈변이 있었으며 설사 및 점액변이 8례(42%), 복통 5례(26%), 변비 2례(11%), 항문 열상이 2례(11%)에서 있었다. 3) 연소성 용종의 분포는 직장 7례(37%), 직장-S자 결장 4례(21%), S자 결장 4례(21%)로 15례(79%)가 직장과 S자 결장 부위에서 발생했으며 상행 대장에서 발생된 1례는 흑색 혈변을 보이면서 심한 빈혈이 있었다. 용종 절제술 당시에 혈색소 치가 10 g/dL 이하인 경우가 4례(21%)에서 있었으며 수혈 없이 용종절제 후 모두 정상화 되었다. 그리고 대장 전처치, 진정제 투여, 대장 내시경 검사와 관련된 합병증은 없었지만 용종 절제 후 2례에서 출혈이 있었다. 이 중 1례는 특별한 지혈 요법 없이 저절로 멎었으나 1례에서는 지혈 클립으로 지혈 시켰다. 4) 용종의 크기는 절제 후 장경 1-1.9 cm가 10례(53%)로 가장 많았고 2-2.9 cm는 5례(26%)였고 1 cm 이하가 3례(16%)였으며 1례는 3.5 cm의 거대 용종이었다. 5) 증상 발현 후 용종 절제까지의 기간은 1개월부터 42개월 사이로 평균 $7.6{\pm}11.7$개월이었다. 6) 초기 진료 시의 추정 진단은 변비 및 항문 열상, 감염성 설사, 대장 용종, 원인 불명의 하부 장관 출혈, 멕켈 게실, 치질 등이었다. 결 론 : 대장 연소성 용종은 2-10세 사이의 소아에서 반복적이고도 만성적인 혈변 배설의 주원인이며 대장 내시경적 용종 절제술은 간편하고도 효과적이면서 안전한 치료법이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 조기에 대장 내시경 검사를 시행함으로써 불필요한 치료를 피할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 보호자의 불안 및 빈혈 등과 같은 원치 않는 문제를 피할 수 있다고 사료된다. Purpose : This study was performed to know the clinical profile and effectiveness of colonoscopic polypectomy in patients with solitary juvenile polyp. Methods : This study included 19 children, aged 1.8 to 11.4 years, who underwent colonoscopic polypectomy and histologically proven solitary juvenile polyps between March 1998 and August 2002. We analyzed their detailed history, clinical manifestations, colonoscopic examination, method of anesthesia and results of colonoscopic polypectomy. Results : The mean age of the 19 cases was $4.7{\pm}2.8year$. The male to female ratio was 1 : 1.1. Hematochezia, the main indication of colonoscopy, was present in all cases. Combined symptoms were mucoid stool or diarrhea(42%), abdominal pain(26%), constipation(11%) and anal fissure(11%). Anemia(Hb <10 g/dL) in four cases recovered spontaneously after polypectomy. Complications associated with premedication, sedation and colonoscopy itself did not occur. Bleeding developed in two cases(11%) after polypectomy. One of them was controlled with hemoclipping. The main site of polyps was the rectosigmoid colon in 15 cases(79%). The size of the polyps ranged from 0.5 to 3.5 cm. The interval between the onset of symptoms and polypectomy was from 0.1 to 42 months. Conclusion : Juvenile polyps are a common cause of benign, chronic and recurrent rectal bleeding. Colonoscopic polypectomy is a simple, safe and effective therapeutic method. So earlier colonoscopy might avoid uneffective treatment and prevent untoward problems such as fear of parents and anemia.

      • A Class of New Blind Equalizers for QAM Signal Sets

        전경훈,이원호 에스케이텔레콤 (주) 1996 Telecommunications Review Vol.6 No.2

        A class of new blind channel equalization algorithms for QAM signal set is derived. These algorithms are based on the Godard[1] and the stop-and-go algorithms [2] and inherits the desirable properties of both of these algorithms. Being based on the Godard algorithm, carrier recovery is not a prerequisite for equalizer convergence allowing equalization and carrier recovery to be performed independently.Since it is also based on the stop-and-go algorithm, residual error (adaptation noise) after convergence is much smaller than that of the Godard algorithm and is comparable to that of the stop-andgo algorithm. This solves problems associated with large equalizer adaptation noise that may cause instabilities of the carrier recovery circuit [6].Computer simulations are performed for the square 16- QAM and cross 32-QAM signal constellations to demonstrate the performance improvements.

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