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      • KCI등재

        신체화 경향이 있는 중년여성들의 포커싱활용교육프로그램 체험에 관한 질적 연구

        임현순,주은선 한국여성심리학회 2015 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.20 No.3

        This study is an exploratory study examining how somatization symptom of middle-aged women changes by searching experience of middle-aged women with somatization tendency who participated in the focusing application education program. Through it, the study desires to examine a focusing adaptability about decrease of somatization symptom of middle-aged women and to suggest a basic data for development of a program that helps them. To achieve it, this study publicly recruited participants from various organizations in the suburbs of Seoul, so conducted total 12-hour focusing application education program targeting middle-aged women with somatization tendency whose somatization criterion of The Symptom Check List(SCL-90-R) is more than 19 points during 2 days, and finally, 10 women participated in the study. This study conducted an individual interview targeting participants, so data was analyzed by using a study method of Giorgi among phenomenological methods. As a result of the analysis, 10 focal meanings were deducted from 31 themes. The focal meanings are 1. States of mind realizing somatization symptoms, 2. Problem-solution, 3. Motive of program participation, 4. Experiencing that I am connected with others, 5. Experiencing acceptance and respect for myself, 6. Possibility of healthy distance, 7. A strange stay and a vague division between thinking and feeling, 8. Fear about self-openness, 9. Possibility of staying at inconvenience, and 10. Improvement of confidence. Lastly, the study examined detailed characteristics of the focusing application education program, and suggested a method to revitalize a focusing and the future study direction.

      • 서정주 시의 상징성 연구 : 보들레르 시와의 영향관계를 중심으로 in the relation with the influence of Baudelaire`s poetry

        임현순 韓國比較文學會 2002 比較文學 Vol.28 No.-

        This thesis is to examine the symbol of Suh, Jeung Ju's Poetry in relation to Baudelaire's poetry. The existing studies proved the French symbolical poetry had a deep relation with the forming stage of Korean modern poetry. But most of them are so restrictive. So This thesis empathizes the demonstrative comparison of individual poem. The immediate influence of Baudelaire in Suh, Jeung Ju's poetry, we can find they hold thematic feature in common. This is about the discovery of an evil, a sin, and the conquest of those. In Chapter 2, we can find an affinity between Suh, Jeung Ju's Poetry and Baudelaire's. This is the observation of sin to trace back persona's lineage. In their poems, a disabled person suffered from divine wrath. It has relations with the original sin of Christianity, and has an influence on persona's fate. In Chapter 3, we can see the journey structure. This reflect persona's will to escape from the sin and arrive at an ideal world. This is realized by a vertical movement in their poems, and it implicates a returns to the recurring present time. After all we can find Suh, Jeung Ju and Baudelaire use the principal of symbolist's correspondence, and through various symbols, they sought after the problem of sin and the conquest of it. So It can be proved there is a immediate influence of Baudelaire's poetry not only in subject matter, but in grammatical and thematic side of Suh, Jeung Ju's Poetry. And this fact offers the propriety that we need a practical study concretely.

      • KCI등재

        윤동주, <자화상>의 상호텍스트성 연구 : 리파떼르의 상호텍스트성 이론을 중심으로

        임현순 이화여자대학교 이화어문학회 2001 이화어문논집 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper is a study about intertextuality on Riffaterre's theory. The progress of intertextuality theory in korea has not been a visible one. Most research defined the intertextuality as a simple one, and there's not nearly a propriate application of it. Reffaterre has developed his intertextuality theory over 20 years, and his concern spreads over a related concept like a context, hypertextuality. Riffaterre uses concepts like syllepsis, gap etc. in his creative way. His method is very semiotic. He detests context is not important. According to his theory, intertext is syntax, texts, etc. Which are constructed by structural homology. So If one poem had a structural homology with another, despite there's no thematic relation, we can choose that as a intertext of this. This first thing is 'the deviant representation of well.' The second is the 'syllepsis of well', this is about the double meaning of 'well', a source of drink and the mirtor. 'The repetition of act and intertextuality' is related with deviation of oneself. In the <Self portrait>, the repetition of act is combined with the change of emotion like 'hate→pity→hate→longing'. It's the correspondence of oneself as a object. The fourth is about 'intertextual homologue', this is related with mixed tense. They show the contradiction of meaning which can't be explained as a mimetic representation. So readers are to feel the intertextual drive to solve those difficult point. And I adopt the poem of Baek, Seok's, No, Cheon-Myung, etc. The most benefit of intertextuality is, I think, to make deeper the meaning of poetry, and make to avoid arbitrary interpretation. So to adopt the intertextuality in interpretation of Youn, Dong-Ju's <Self portrait> can make its meaning more deeply, clearly, and reasonably.

      • KCI등재

        윤동주, <자화상>의 상호텍스성 연구 : 리파떼르의 상호텍스트성 이론을 중심으로

        임현순 이화여자대학교 한국어문학연구소 2001 이화어문논집 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper is a study about intertextuality on Riffaterre's theory. The progress of intertextuality theory in korea has not been a visible one. Most research defined the intertextuality as a simple one, and there's not nearly a propriate application of it. Reffaterre has developed his intertextuality theory over 20 years, and his concern spreads over a related concept like a context, hypertextuality. Riffaterre uses concepts like syllepsis, gap etc. in his creative way. His method is very semiotic. He detests context is not important. According to his theory, intertext is syntax, texts, etc. Which are constructed by structural homology. So If one poem had a structural homology with another, despite there's no thematic relation, we can choose that as a intertext of this. This first thing is 'the deviant representation of well.' The second is the 'syllepsis of well', this is about the double meaning of 'well', a source of drink and the mirtor. 'The repetition of act and intertextuality' is related with deviation of oneself. In the <Self portrait>, the repetition of act is combined with the change of emotion like 'hate→pity→hate→longing'. It's the correspondence of oneself as a object. The fourth is about 'intertextual homologue', this is related with mixed tense. They show the contradiction of meaning which can't be explained as a mimetic representation. So readers are to feel the intertextual drive to solve those difficult point. And I adopt the poem of Baek, Seok's, No, Cheon-Myung, etc. The most benefit of intertextuality is, I think, to make deeper the meaning of poetry, and make to avoid arbitrary interpretation. So to adopt the intertextuality in interpretation of Youn, Dong-Ju's <Self portrait> can make its meaning more deeply, clearly, and reasonably.

      • KCI등재

        감는 눈의 시선과 폭력에의 저항 : 윤동주의 시를 읽는 새로운 방법

        임현순 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2005 民族文化硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        이 논문은 윤동주 시 상징의 의미구조를 분석하여 그의 시에 나타난 ‘감는 눈’의 상징과 그것이 확장, 변주된 양상을 살펴봄으로써 윤동주 시의 저항성을 새로운 방식으로 읽어내려는 시도이다. 이는 외재적 계기에 의존해 식민지 반동일화 담론으로 시를 읽어내는 선행 연구의 제한에서 벗어나 시 자체의 내재적 계기로부터 출발해 의미화에 다다르는 새로운 방법론을 제시한다. 이 논문은 주체의 존재태가 농축되어 있는 “눈”이 ‘눈을 감는’ 특수한 형태로 반복되며 상징으로 기능하고 있음에 주목한 논의이다. 이를 통해 그러한 몸 상징이 외부의 풍경과 비유적으로 결합하여 변주된 상징의 형태로 의미를 심화시키는 특성을 살펴보고, 그것이 ‘뜨는 눈’, ‘뜬 눈’과 맺는 의미상의 연관관계를 총체적으로 고찰함으로써 윤동주 시의 ‘눈’ 상징을 종합적으로 규명해낼 수 있었다. 그 결과 이 논문은 ‘감는 눈’의 상징이 실존의지를 전제한 불구의식의 표출로서, 자기의 내부로 향하는 자아 성찰의 시선뿐만 아니라 내재된 시선으로 당시의 시대적 상황을 면밀히 관찰, 그에 대응하는 근대적 저항성의 표명을 담고 있는 시선을 나타낸다는 의미적 이중성이 서로 대치되지 않고 상통함을 도출해내었다 This thesisconsiderssymbols given as a restricted condition of existence. The ‘eye’, as organic mediation by nature, is classified into ‘the opened eye’, ‘the opening eye’, ‘the closing eye’. By thesesymbol’s mediation,the self-recognition of the subject becomesaconcretepractical act:an ethical orientation, a historical participation, and a religious choice. Asmentioned above,the symbols in most of Youn, Dong Ju’s -esp.‘theclosingeye’isinvolved with the resistance of the subject on the outside, with the structure of recognition inside. And it expands into space. By these process, the symbolof ‘the closing eye’ makes a relation with of ‘the opening eye’, ‘theopened eye’ of Youn, Dong Ju’s poetry. Therefore, the symbols of ‘eye’, which Youn, Dong Ju often utilized, are the mediation expressing the main poetic technique transforming his consciousness in historical and existential restrictions.

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