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        신체어의 의미 확장 양상과 해석

        임지룡 ( Lim Ji-ryong ) 배달말학회 2016 배달말 Vol.59 No.-

        이 논문은 인지언어학의 신체화의 관점에서 `머리, 얼굴, 눈, 코, 귀, 입, 턱, 목, 고개`를 대상으로 의미 확장 양상과 해석을 논의한 것으로 그 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 신체어는 의미 확장의 중심지이며, 의미 확장 기제에는 개념적 환유 및 은유, 범주적 은유, 문법화가 있다. 둘째, 신체어의 의미 확장 양상은 환유에 의한 신체 내부 영역의 확장, 범주적 은유와 문법화에 의한 비신체적 영역의 확장이 일어나며, 합성어를 통해 의미 확장이 한층 더 고착화된다. 신체 관련 어휘의 다의적 확장은 동음이의어의 제약성, 다의어의 인지적 경향성, 범주적 은유 및 문법화의 보편성에 의해 뒷받침 된다. 셋째, 신체어의 의미 확장에 나타난 해석은 다음과 같다. 개념적 환유에 의해 신체어 영역 안에서 의미 확장이 이루어지며 `신체어+서술어` 구조의 관용 표현이 매우 생산적이며, 개념적 은유에 의해 합성어 및 `눈이 밝다`와 같은 중의성 가운데 비유적 표현이 이루어진다. 또한, 미시적으로 볼 때 신체를 기준으로 `동물, 식물, 사물, 공간, 시간, 추상`에 대해 의미 확장의 직접적인 관련성이 확인되며, 거시적으로 볼 때 신체어를 중심으로 구체적인 데서 비신체적인 영역으로 확장된다. This paper aims at exploring the aspects and construals of the semantic extension of body part terms such as `head`, `face`, `eye`, `nose`, `ear`, `mouth`, `chin`, `neck` and `nape of the neck,` from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The results are as follows: First, body part terms are at the center of semantic extension, with conceptual metonymy, conceptual metaphor, categorial metaphor and grammaticalization being among the mechanisms of this extension. Second, aspects of semantic extension include the extension of internal body parts and non-body parts, through categorial metaphor and grammaticalization. Semantic extension becomes more entrenched through complex words, while polysemous extension of words related to body parts is supported by the restrictiveness of homonymous words, the cognitive tendencies of polysemous words, categorial metaphor, and the universality of grammaticalization. Third, the construals of the semantic extension of body part terms are as follows: First, semantic extension occurs in the domain of body part terms through conceptual metaphor. Second, idiomatic expressions like `body part term + predicate` are very productive. Third, a figure of speech is coined in complex words and ambiguous expressions such as `눈이 밝다` (“the eyes are bright”) through conceptual metaphor. In addition, a direct correlation between semantic extension and animals, plants, things, spaces, time, and abstraction can be found on the basis of body parts, from a microscopic viewpoint. The semantic extension goes from the body part terms toward the domain of non-body part terms from a macroscopic viewpoint.

      • KCI등재후보

        국어과 교육 과정의 내용 선정과 조직에 대한 탐색: 국어 지식 영역을 중심으로

        임지룡 ( Ji Ryong Lim ),최진아 ( Jin A Choi ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.3

        제7차 교육 과정의 개정 시안에서는 ‘국어 지식’과 ‘문학’을 교육 과정 내용 영역에서 제외하고, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기의 네 영역, 즉 언어 사용 영역의 하위에 통합시킬 예정이다. 이러한 영역 구분은 분절적이고 기능적인 국어 교육을 보다 더 심화시킬 것이므로 바람직하지 않다. 따라서 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기의 네 영역 위에 상위 범주를 두어 ‘말의 본질-말의 사용-말의 예술’의 세 개 영역으로 나누는 것이 바람직하다. 또한 언어를 보다 더 유연하고 개방적인 자세로 바라본다면, 제7차 교육 과정의 국어 지식 영역은 ‘말의 본질’이라고 이름 붙이고, 교육의 내용 역시 말의 생태와 구조, 변화를 포함하도록 확장할 필요가 있다. The areas of 'Knowledge of Korean language' and 'Literature' are going to be incorporated into the area of 'Language use' in the proposed revised curriculum. Such integration of areas is not desirable, in that it will strengthen segmental and functional Korean language education. Instead, it would be expedient to divide the educational contents into the areas of 'The nature of language,' 'The use of language,' and 'The art of language.' In addition, it is necessary to expand the educational contents dealt with in the area of 'Knowledge of Korean language' in the 7th National educational curriculum, in order to embrace the ecology, structure, and shift of language.

      • KCI등재후보

        제 7차 국어과 교육 과정의 운용 실태 연구 -7~10학년 "문학 영역"을 중심으로-

        임지룡 ( Ji Ryong Lim ),서혜경 ( Hye Kyung Seo ),최진아 ( Jin A Choi ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.2

        The nation`s educational process should be judged objectively through the practice of real educational environment. A new creative educational process should be built based on those working educators. Based on this perspective, the followings are the result of how the 7th educational curriculum reflected by constructivism is applied to 7th through 10th graders in real classes focusing on a literature subject: First, the focus of lessons are moving from teacher based to student based. Second, students` response and sharing process on their literature works become the main focus. Third, teachers are able to use more various materials outside of the textbooks. Fourth, a side effect that sometimes the teachers are led too much by students` interests in the class is shown. Fifth, even after deployment the 7th educational curriculum, most evaluations still depend on the multiple choice system. (Kyungpook National Univ./Beomil Middle School/Sangin High School)

      • KCI등재

        `두려움`의 문화적 변이 양상

        임지룡(Lim, Ji-Ryong) 언어과학회 2015 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.74

        The purpose of this paper is to reveal semantic characteristics of `fear` according to cultural variations, from the perspective of Cognitive Corpus-based Contrastive Approaches. The results are as follows: First, five of the cultures considered show many commonalities in physiological metonymy, in terms of bodily experience, while there are also peculiarities, due to socio-cultural contexts. The Chinese, English, and Korean language are detailed in physiological responses. Second, seven cultures show more peculiarities than commonalities in the source domains of conceptual metaphors of `fear`. This is due to the difference of cultural backgrounds or cognitive beliefs. Chinese, English, and Korean have a variety of source domains and the working of conceptual metaphors are very active. Third, the cognitive models of the scenario of `fear` in four cultures reveal cultural characteristics. The `fright model` is universal, while the `fight model` appears both in Polish and Korean. The `frozen model` appears only in Korean. In conclusion, Korean culture shows evidence of conforming to a dynamic cognitive model.

      • KCI등재

        감정의 그릇 영상 도식적 양상과 의미특성

        임지룡(Lim Ji-Ryong) 국어학회 2010 국어학 Vol.0 No.57

        이 글은 인지언어학적 관점에서 소설 텍스트의 감정 말뭉치(NECK)를 대상으로 8가지 기본 감정의 그릇 영상 도식적 작용 양상을 탐색하고 그 의미특성을 밝힌 것으로, 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘그릇 속의 액체’에 기초한 8가지 기본 감정 표현에는 56개의 서술어가 141회 사용되었다. 둘째, 감정의 그릇 영상 도식은 그릇 속에서 액체의 ‘담김 → 가열 → 솟아 넘침→ 폭발 → 평정’의 5단계 시나리오로 전개된다. 그 중 ‘미움, 슬픔, 기쁨’이 감정 시나리오의 가장 원형적 사례이며, ‘화’는 ‘넘침’의 과정이, ‘두려움, 긴장’은 ‘가열’의 과정이, ‘사랑’은 ‘폭발’의 과정이, ‘부끄러움’은 ‘솟아 넘침ㆍ폭발ㆍ평정’의 과정이 각각 결여되어 있다. 셋째, 이러한 유형별 감정 시나리오의 실행 정도는 자의적 현상이 아니라 동기화되어 있다. The purpose of this study is to explore the container image-schematic working aspects of eight basic emotions and to reveal their semantic properties based on the corpus of emotions in the texts of modern Korean novels, from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The results of this study fall into three main categories. First, 56 predicates are used a total of 141 times to express the eight basic emotions using the metaphor of liquid in a container. Second, these container image schemas of emotions are developed in a five-phase sequence: ‘being filled → heating → overflowing → exploding → calming’. The prototypical instances of this emotional scenario are ‘hatred’, ‘sadness’ and ‘joy’. ‘Anger’, on the other hand, lacks the phase of overflowing, ‘fear’ and ‘tension’ lack the phase of heating, ‘love’ lacks the phase of exploding, and ‘shyness’ lacks the phases of overflowing, exploding, and calming. Third, the performing degree of each emotional scenario is not random but motivated.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 이동 사건의 어휘화 양상

        임지룡(Ji Ryong Lim) 현대문법학회 2000 현대문법연구 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to show aspects of the lexicalization of motion events in Korean and to determine its language typological status from the viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics. Linguistically the phenomena of motion are universal, and the constituents of concepts denoting motion events are the same, but aspects of the lexicalization of their constituents are different. Talmy (1985, 1991) distinguished between ‘verb-framed’ and ‘satellite-framed’ languages according to the aspects of the lexicalization of the concepts <Path> and <Manner> in the frame of motion events, and argued that all the languages of the world could be categorized as either of them. In verb-framed languages like French and Spanish, <Motion> and <Path> are conflated in single verbs, and <Manner> is expressed by an adverbial, while in the satellite-framed languages like English and German, <Motion> and <Manner> are conflated in the verbs, and <Path> is expressed by satellite words. In the light of Talmy’s (1985, 1991) language typology and the lexicalization of concepts referring to motion events, Korean is neither classified as a verb-framed language, nor as a satellite-framed language. To show this, I classified motion compound verbs ending with ‘KATA’ in terms of their meaning types, and analyze their lexicalization aspects. The results are as follows: First, such meaning information as <Motion>, <Path>, <Manner>, and <Cause>, etc. forms a unit in the compound form ‘((V3-e)V2-e)V1-e+KATA’. Second, the order of such conceptual units in the compound forms of ‘KATA’ is systematically dependent on the layer structure of “CauseㆍManner<Manner<Path <KATA(Motion+Deixis)”. In brief, verbs denoting motion events in Korean appear to have an independent status in terms of language typology.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        감각 동사의 의미 확장 양상 연구

        임지룡(Lim Ji-ryong),송현주(Song Hyeon-ju) 담화·인지언어학회 2012 담화와 인지 Vol.19 No.1

        This paper describes language universal characteristics of perception verbs in Korean, showing that human senses and the use of perception words are strongly related. The frequency and semantic extension patterns of perception verbs generally manifest universal features in many languages. In the case of Korean, the frequency of perception verbs shows a sequential order such as; ‘pota (to see)>tutta (to hear)/nukkita (to feel)>maspota (to taste)/mathta (to smell)’. The meaning of these verbs tends to be extended in particular patterns such as; ‘SIGHT→understanding, judgmental, developmental’, ‘HEARING→understanding, receptive, evaluating’, ‘FEEL→emotional, understanding’, ‘TASTE→emotional, experiential’, and ‘SMELL→suspecting.’ Functions of human sensory organs and semantic extension of perception verbs are highly motivated. For instance, the senses of sight and hearing are concerned with relatively objective information. These senses, accordingly, tend to be extended to some objective and intellectual meaning of ‘knowing’ and ‘understanding.’ Since the sense of hearing, in particular, presupposes mutual interaction between a speaker and a hearer, it is inherently related to the meaning of ‘receptiveness.’ Moreover, the senses of feel, taste and smell involve rather subjective information compared with sight and hearing. Consequently, the verbs, ‘nukkita (to feel), maspota (to taste), and mathta (to smell)’ are naturally extended to the meaning of ‘emotion’ and ‘suspicion.’

      • KCI등재

        수어 의미 관계의 양상과 특성

        임지룡(Lim Ji-ryong) 한글학회 2021 한글 Vol.- No.333

        이 글은 『한국수화사전』(2007)의 수어 어휘를 대상으로 수어 의미관계의 양상과 특성을 살핀 것이다. 첫째, 음성언어의 다의어 및 동음이의어는 수어에서 의미 변이가 2~3개 국면으로 제한되는 다의어, 한 단어에 수어 그림이 2가지인 동의어, 음성언어의 다의어와 동음이의어를 별개의 표제어로 구분한 것으로 실현된다. 둘째, 수어의 동형어는 음성언어의 동의어 및 유의어, 동사의 유형이 다르거나 품사가 다른 어례, 환유적 어례, 의미상 무관하지만 어원 정보가 닮은 어례인데, 이들은 동의어가 아니다. 수어의 동의어는 표준 수어와 지역 수어, 남북한 수어, 하나의 수어 단어가 2가지 다른 방식의 형태를 갖는 경우이다. 셋째, 수어의 반형어는 대립의 정도에 따라 원형적인 보기에서 주변적인 보기에 이르기까지 정도성을 지니며, 음성언어의 ‘대립어’ 또는 ‘반의어’가 수어에서 반형어가 아닌 경우도 있고 그 반대의 경우도 존재한다. 넷째, 수어의 상위어는 하위어의 ‘원형적 동작·구성원’과 ‘여러 가지’를 결합하거나 이항 대립의 두 하위어를 합성하며, 하위어는 ‘상위어’와 ‘개체의 특징적 성질’을 결합한다는 점에서 동기화되어 있다. This paper explores the aspects and properties of semantic relations in sign language by examining the Korean Sign Language Dictionary(2007). Semantic relationships are important in sign language because words secure their status and function through their mutual interactions with meanings or concepts. The unique aspects and characteristics of the semantic relationships in sign language are among the properties that characterize it as a unique form of language. Polysemous and homonymous relationships were shown to have three major types. The first type corresponded to polysemous words in spoken language and manifested two or three phases of semantic variation. The second type had dual information sources and two kinds of sign language images for synonyms. The third type was words that assign numbers to polysemous words in spoken language and homonymous words. These words were depicted by separate sign language images with different headwords. There were four types of homo-image words that had the same form in sign language, but are not synonyms: words that are synonymous in spoken language, words that share meanings but may have different verb types or parts of speech, metonymic words, and words with similar etymological information that are not synonymous. There were also three types of synonyms in sign language: two or more different forms with the same meaning that correspond in standard and local sign languages, synonyms in South and North Korean sign languages, and polysemous words in spoken language that have two kinds of sign language images for a word. Anto-image words in sign language were shown to have prototypical-to-peripheral examples according to their degree of oppositeness such that there were cases in which the antonym in spoken language was not an antonym in sign language and vice versa. Therefore, anto-image words in sign language did not always correspond to opposite or antonymous words in spoken language. Superordinates in sign language were shown to combine prototypical actions or basic level members with several kinds, or compounded two hyponyms of binominal opposition. On the other hand, hyponyms in sign language were shown to combine superordinates and characteristic properties of individual entities. Sign language and spoken language were shown to be hierarchically correlated and superordinates and hyponyms were hierarchically correlated in sign language because they were mutually motivated.

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