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      • 경제성분석 프로그램을 이용한 도심형 마이크로그리드 최적 설계

        유승덕,임성우,임유석,황성욱,이학주,Seung-Duck, Yu,SungWoo, Yim,Youseok, Lim,SungWook, Hwang,JuHak, Lee 한국전력공사 2022 KEPCO Journal on electric power and energy Vol.8 No.2

        This paper actually investigates the load on major large-scale buildings in the downtown area, examines the economic feasibility of installing PV and ESS in a microgrid target building, and evaluates whether an electric vehicle capable of V2G through two buildings is effective as an economical analysis program (HOMER) was analyzed using. It is economical to install a mixture of ESS rather than using the whole PV, and it is shown that if there is an electric vehicle using the V2G function of EV, there is an economic effect to replace the PV. So that Incentives and policies are needed to replace a large area of PV and utilize the existing parking lot to lead EV as a resource of the microgrid. Currently, P2X technology that stores power as ESS or converts it to other energy to control when surplus renewable energy occurs in large-capacity solar power plants and wind farms, etc. This is being applied, and efforts are being made to maintain the stability of the system through the management of surplus power, such as replacing thermal energy through a heat pump. Due to the increase in electric vehicles, which were recognized only as a means of transportation, technologies for using electric vehicles are developing. Accordingly, existing gas stations do not only supply traditional chemical fuels, but electricity, and super stations that also produce electricity have appeared. Super Station is a new concept power plant that can produce and store electricity using solar power, ESS, V2G, and P2G. To take advantage of this, research on an urban microgrid that forms an independent system by tying a large building and several buildings together and supplies power through a super station around the microgrid is in full swing.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 검찰권행사에 대한 시민통제기구 비교연구

        이만종(Lee ManJong),임유석(Lim YouSeok) 한국부패학회 2013 한국부패학회보 Vol.18 No.1

        지금까지 끊임없는 사법개혁에도 불구하고 검찰은 무소불위의 검찰권행사에 있어서 국민들의 공감대와 신뢰를 얻지 못하였으며, 오히려 폐쇄적인 행태로 다양한 부작용이 나타나고 있다. 이에 시민들의 검찰 내ㆍ외부적 개혁에 대한 요구는 비대해진 권력의 분산과 통제의 형태로 나타나게 되었으며, 특히 정치적으로 민감한 사안에 대해서 고위공직자나 정치인에 대한 축소수사나 편협한 수사의 논란과 비난이 제기되고 있다. 일본의 검찰심사회(検察審査会) 제도는 검찰의 공소권 실행에 대해 민의(民意)를 반영하여 국민으로부터 신뢰받고, 검찰권 행사의 적정성을 도모하기 위해 1948년 검찰심사회법 제정 이후 현재까지 수많은 법개정으로 유지하고 있다. 검찰심사회제도를 통해 검찰의 공소권 행사가 국민의법감정에 부합하도록 최대한 심사위원들의 의견을 반영 하고, 나아가 사법에 대한 국민의 이해와 신뢰가 깊어져 국민적 기반을 더욱 공고히 하는 제도로 자리매김 되고 있다. 검찰심사회제도의 전반적인 사항을 살펴보면, 일정한 요건과 절차를 통해 검찰심사 회의 의결에 법적 구속력을 부여하고, 검찰심사회가 판단함에 있어서 법률가의 조언을 들을 수 있는 절차를 마련하였다. 또한 검찰심사회는 일반적인 검찰사무에 대한 의결 의 건의․권고제도를 실질화하고, 심사회원의 비밀누설 행위에 대한 벌칙규정을 정비 하는 등의 핵심적인 내용이 반영되었다. 아울러 검찰심사회는 범죄혐의자의 인권옹호 라는 기능적 측면에서 미국의 대배심과 확연히 구분되고 있으며, 오히려 고소인․고발 인․범죄피해자의 측면에서 권리 침해여부를 감시하고 시정하는 등 피해자 측의 권리 보호기구의 성격이 강하게 자리 잡고 있다. 이러한 일본의 검찰심사회의 순기능적인 제도의 취지를 적극적으로 감안하여 우리 검찰시민위원회의 설치기관 소속과 심사위원의 선임 및 해임규정, 심의대상, 심의결과 의 구속력과 관련된 규정을 재검토하고 입법방안까지 마련해야만 한다. Prosecutors did not get consensus and confidence of the people because of the powerful exercise. Rather, the prosecution closed behavior appears with a variety of side effects. Prosecutors about the distribution of power and control must respond to citizens' demands for judicial reform. Particularly on politically sensitive issues, high-ranking government officials or politicians for collapse investigation or investigation of the controversial and bigoted accusations being raised. Japan's Prosecution Review Commission is reflect the minds of the people, and prosecutors exercise of adequacy for the Prosecution Review Commission Law in 1948 enacted since the number of law revision are maintained. Reflect the opinion of the judges, prosecutors indicted events to conform to the legal consciousness of the people as prosecution system for screening times. Furthermore, deepen understanding and trust of the people in the judicial system is positioned to strengthen. Looking Prosecution Review Commission System, prosecutors screening meeting certain requirements and procedures to grant a legally binding vote, a procedure that can be heard the lawyer's advice. Also, Prosecution Review Commission System, such as the maintenance of voting for the general prosecution office of recommendation system for screening members of the trade secrets act, and the penalty provisions was reflected. Prosecution Review Commission System as well as functional aspects of a criminal suspect, and human rights advocacy, the grand jury of the United States and clearly discernible is, but rather whether the infringement on the right side of the accuse of crime victims. Including monitoring and corrective nature of the protection of the rights of the victim organizations lies strongly. These positive functions of Japanese Prosecution Review Commission System for the Citizens Committee of the Prosecution considering the regulations associated with the deliberate target, and result from deliberations of binding regulations, and legislative measures.

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