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        김해군 장유면의 공업입지와 지역적 연계

        임영대(Yeong Dae Lim) 한국지역지리학회 1998 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        1980년대부터 부산시에서 분산된 공업의 입지가 활발한 경상남도 김해군 장유면의 공업화 과정, 공업 입지요인, 지역적 연계를 구명하였다. 장유면의 공업입지는 주로 1980년대 이후 중심도시인 부산시로부터 분산한 소규모 외향성 공업이 용지 확보, 원료공급처나 모기업과의 접촉, 기업주의 접촉경제면에서 유리한 장유면에 입지함으로서 이루어졌다. 부산시에 인접한 관계로 입지변동에 따른 지역적 연계의 변화는 크지 않았다. 독과점 상태로 공급되는 원료를 거리와 관계없이 구입하여 제품의 특성 때문에 근거리, 특히 부산시에 입지한 모기업에 출하하는 하청업체로 존재하고 있다. 조직형태, 규모, 업종에 따라 입지요인과 지역적 연계의 차이를 나타내고 있지만 조직형태와 규모면에서만 입지속성과의 관련성이 발견된다. The purpose of this study is to clarify the industrialization process, and locational factors and linkages of manufacturing in Jangyu-Myun, a suburb of Metropolitan Pusan, toward which heavy decentralization of manufacturing from Pusan has been done. Hard data and soft data were used as the basic data. Hard data used for this study were both the statistical data which consists of the number of establishments and employee classified by product type, firm size, organizational type and unit area(dong) which were listed in statistics yearbooks, and the list of the owner`s names, addresses, employee number, products and headquarters of firms which were listed in firm directories. Soft data were the results of the interviews with the 53 owners of firms surveyed among the firms selected by Proportional Stratified Sampling Method. The major findings were as follows: ① Manufacturing location in Jangyu-Myun was regularized in 1980`s in which decentralization of manufacturing was activiated. Though the industrialization of study area resulted from the birth, relocation and establishment of branches of the firms originated from the other regions, the relocation of small outer-oriented firms from the central city was the most important factor among them. ② The main locational factors which induced the decentralizing manufacturing from the central city into Jangyu-Myun are closely related to land, transportation, personal factor, raw material suppliers and market. ③ The differences of important locational factors by the size and organizational type of firms are relevant to the characteristics of manufacturing location. ④ The changes of linkages attendant upon locational changes of firms were not so great and were localized in labor supply and marketing. ⑤ The strength of linkages is strong in the procurement of materials, in the subcontraction and in the marketing, but not in the ordering. ⑥ The main factors influencing on the formation of linkages are different by the types of linkages: monopolistic and oligopolistic supply are important in procurement linkages: characteristics of products and production capacity in the subcontraction and ordering: characteristics of products and the subsequent difficulties. in the marketing. ⑦ With the exception of procurement linkages, the strength of linkages with the outside of the study area are stronger than the linkages with the inside. The strength of linkages with the outside has distance-decay-function and strong linkages with the central city. ⑧ These spatial characteristics of linkages are different by products type, firm size and organizational type of firms: the spatial ranges of linkages are wider in the multi-location firms than in the single-location firms: the larger the firm size, the wider the spatial range of linkages: there is no consistent trend by products type. In conclusion, some facts described above were proved to be consistent with the results of proceeding studies in the other areas: influence of central city manufacturing relocation on industrialization in the suburb: different decentralization by products type, firm size and organizational types of firms: different locational factors by products type, firm size and organizational types of firms; linkage changes attendant upon locational changes of firms: spatial differences of linkages by products type, firm size and organizational type of firms. Some other factors were proved to be partly consistent: locational factors and spatial characteristics of linkages. Accordingly I think that the results of previous studies on the other areas can be applicable to the explanation of the location and linkage of manufacturing in Jangyu-Myun. For the better explanation on the characteristics of manufacturing decentralization from the central city, more empirical case studies on the location and linkage of manufacturing in the suburb areas are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 기술·가정 교과 생애 설계와 진로 탐색 단원의 기업가정신 교육 수업자료 개발

        임영대(Lim, Yeong Dae),김진수(Kim, Jinsoo) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.7

        이 연구의 목적은 기술·가정 교과 ‘생애 설계와 진로 탐색’ 단원에서 차시 대체형으로 활용할 기업가정신 교육 수업자료를 개발하고 수업에 적용하여 수업자료가 창업의지와 기업가정신 함양에 미치는 영향을 알아보는데 있다. 연구대상은 중학교에 재학 중인 3학년 학생은 총 168명으로, 실험집단 84명과 통제집단 84명이다. PDIE모형에 따라 개발한 기업가정신 프로그램을 2019년 11월 25일~ 12월 14일(3주간)까지 6차시에 걸쳐 수업에 적용하고 설문자료를 수집하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS 22 프로그램을 활용하였으며, 기업가정신과 창업의지에 대해서 실험집단과 통제집단의 사전-사후 t 검증을 실시하였다. 이 연구에 대한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 개발한 기업가정신 교육 수업자료가 창업의지에 미치는 영향이 유의미한 것을 확인하였다. 둘째, 개발한 기업가정신 교육 수업자료가 기업가정신 하위 요인 중 혁신성에만 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였고, 위험감수성, 진취성, 성취욕구에는 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 확인하였다. The purpose of this study is to develop instructional materials for entrepreneurship education, apply it in classes, and examine the effects of the developed instructional materials on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship. The instructional materials were developed for the Life and Career Planning unit of the Middle School Technology and Home Economics class. The instructional materials for entrepreneurship education were developed based on PDIE model. The developed instructional materials were applied to 168 students in their third year of middle school (6th grade) from November 25 to December 14, 2019 for three weeks, and a questionnaire survey was administered to investigate its effects. A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used and examined statistically through SPSS 22. The results of this study are as follows. A significant positive effect on students’ entrepreneurial intentions was observed. However, only a significant positive effect on their innovativeness, which is a sub element of entrepreneurship, was observed and there were no changes in their risk-taking propensity, proactiveness, and need for achievement. Learner-centered education, even though being recognized as the most adequate educational environment, has been rather vaguely and diversely understood and interpreted among the practitioners in the educational fields.

      • KCI등재

        기업가정신 기반 발명교육의 이론적 수업모형 개발을 위한 탐색 연구

        임영대(Lim, Yeong-dae),김진수(Kim, Jinsoo) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.9

        목적 본 연구에서는 국내외 기업가정신 교육, 발명교육, 지식재산 교육, 창업교육의 영역별 해당 구성요소를 탐색, 도출하여 기업가정신 기반의 발명교육 이론적 수업모형을 개발하는 데 있다. 방법 이를 위하여 국내외 기업가정신 교육, 발명교육, 지식재산 교육 및 창업교육에 관한 문헌을 조사 분석하여, 영역별 해당 구성요소를 각각 도출하였다. 도출한 해당 구성요소를 검토⋅자문위원(6명), 발명교육 전문가(10명), 발명교육 현장교사(20명)에게 양적 연구와 질적 연구 방법을 적절하게 사용하여, 기업가정신 기반 발명교육의 이론적 수업모형을 개발하였다. 결과 첫째, 국내외 기업가정신 교육, 발명교육, 지식재산 교육, 창업교육의 문헌 고찰을 통해 해당 구성요소를 탐색, 도출하였다. 둘째, 검토⋅자문위원을 대상으로 영역별 해당 구성요소를 정량적으로 도출하였고, 이것을 바탕으로 기업가정신 기반 발명교육의 개념적 수업모형을 구안하였다. 셋째, 개념적 수업모형을 검토⋅자문위원과 발명교육 전문가의 의견 및 타당성 확인, 검증 단계를 거쳐 기업가정신 기반 발명교육의 이론적 수업모형(안)을 개발하였다. 넷째, 개발한 수업모형(안)을 기초로 발명교육 전문가와 발명교육 현장교사들을 대상으로 질적 연구와 양적 연구를 적절하게 사용하여 기업가정신 기반 발명교육 이론적 수업모형을 완성하였다. 결론 따라서 국내외 문헌 고찰을 통한 영역별 해당 구성요소를 탐색 연구 과정을 거쳐 개발한, 기업가정신 기반 발명교육 이론적 수업모형은 초⋅중⋅고등학교에서 기업가정신을 강조한 발명교육을 실천하는데 필요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical class model of the entrepreneurship-based invention education, by exploring and drawing the components by fields such as domestic and foreign entrepreneurship education, invention education, intellectual property education and start-up education. Methods Specifically, it drew the components by each field, by examining and analyzing literature about domestic and foreign entrepreneurship education, invention education, intellectual property education and start-up education. Then, it developed the theoretical class model of the entrepreneurship-based invention education, by asking review/consultative committees (n=6), invention education experts (n=10) and incumbent invention education teachers (n=20) to conduct both quantitative and qualitative research on the components drawn. Results First, it explored and drew the components of domestic and foreign entrepreneurship education, invention education, intellectual property education and start-up education, by reviewing the literature about them. Second, it quantitatively drew the components by each field, from review/consultative committees, and therefore, designed the conceptual class model of the entrepreneurship-based invention education. Third, it developed the class model (draft) of the entrepreneurship-based invention education, by referencing to review/consultative committees’ and invention education experts’ opinions about the conceptual class model and via their verification of the validity of it. Fourth, it completed the class model (the draft) of the entrepreneurship-based invention education by asking invention education experts and incumbent invention education teachers to conduct both quantitative and qualitative research on the developed the class model (draft). Conclusions The theoretical class model of the entrepreneurship-based invention education developed from the exploratory research on the components by each field, based on the domestic and foreign literature review would be able to be used as basic data necessary for practicing the invention education stressing entrepreneurship in elementary, junior high and high schools.

      • KCI등재

        NCS 기반 시스템 반도체 제조공정 장비의 실무교육을 위한 OJT Skill Check 교수․학습 자료 개발

        임영대(Yeong-Dae Lim),김동연(Dong-Yeon Kim) 대한공업교육학회 2023 대한공업교육학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 국내 NCS 기반의 반도체 이론적 문헌을 고찰, 분석하여 NCS 기반 시스템 반도체 제조공정 설비 장비의 실무교육을 위한 OJT Skill Check 교수·자료를 개발하는 데 있다. 연구 내용과 방법은 국내 반도체 장비의 세분류를 조사, 분석하여 PDIE 모형에 근거하여 교수·학습 자료를 수준별(L5, L4, L3)로 각각 1개씩 설계, 개발하였다. 개발한 교수·학습 자료를 연구 대상자(6명)에게 질적 연구(FGI, BEI) 방법을 적용하였고, 연구 결과를 OJT Skill Check 교수·학습 자료에 모두 반영하여 수정하였다. 이러한 과정을 거쳐 개발한 교수·학습 자료를 내용 전문가(11명)에게 타당도를 검증, 확인하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 국내 NCS 기반 반도체 장비의 세분류를 분석하였다. 둘째, NCS 학습모듈에 기초 수준별(L5, L4, L3) NCS 기반 OJT Skill Check 교수·학습 자료(안)를 각각 1개씩 개발하였다. 셋째, 교수·학습 자료를 교육 대상자(6명)에게 집체 교육(이론과 실무)을 실시한 후 질적 연구(FGI, BEI)를 실시하였다. 넷째, 질적 연구 결과를 반영하여 교수·학습 자료를 수정, 보완하고, 내용 타당도를 검증하여 NCS 기반 OJT Skill Check 교수·학습 자료를 최종 개발하였다. 따라서 NCS 기반 OJT Skill Check 교수·학습 자료는 시스템반도체 제조공정 기업의 신규직원, 재직근로자 직무수행능력 향상 및 관련 교육기관에서의 교수·학습 기초자료로 유용하게 활용, 응용될 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to develop OJT Skill Check teaching-learning materials for NCS-based system semiconductor manufacturing process equipment by reviewing and analyzing theoretical literatures on NCS-based semiconductors in South Korea. For research content and method, the subcategories of semiconductor equipment in South Korea were examined and analyzed, after which one teaching-learning material for each level (L5, L4, L3) was designed and developed based on the PDIE model. The developed teaching-learning materials were applied to 6 research participants using qualitative methods ((FGI, BEI), and the materials were revised according to the results. The teaching-learning materials developed through this process were validated and confirmed by 11 content experts. The results were as follows. First, the subcategories of NCS-based semiconductor equipment in South Korea were analyzed. Second, one NCS-based OJT Skill Check teaching-learning material (plan) for each basic level (L5, L4, L3) was developed for the NCS learning module. Third, the teaching-learning materials were applied to group training (theory and practice) of the 6 participants, after which qualitative research (FGI, BEI) was conducted. Fourth, the teaching-learning materials were revised and supplemented by reflecting the qualitative study results, and the content validity was tested to develop the final version of the NCS-based OJT Skill Check teaching-learning materials. The NCS-based OJT Skill Check teaching-learning materials are expected to be used and applied effectively as basic teaching-learning materials for related educational institutions to improve job performance skills of new and current employees at system semiconductor manufacturing firms.

      • KCI등재후보

        밀양시 요업의 입지와 공간변화

        임영대(Yeong Dae Lim) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        1900년대 초부터 근대공장제 요업의 중심지 중의 하나를 이루고 있는 경남 밀양시의 요업이 지닌 입지 특성을 구명하였다. 밀양시의 요업은 국가정책과 경기변동에 따라 양적 변화를 보이면서, 기업의 신설과 폐업에 의한 도시내부의 감소현상과 외연부의 증가현상으로, 도시내부에 집적한 요업이 외연부로 분산하는 외향적인 공간변화를 수반하였다. 유리한 원료와 교통조건을 지닌 밀양시에 일본인의 투자를 계기로 신규 산업으로 입지한 요업은 그 후 지역 내에 성장해 온 잠재 기업가와 이들 기업의 지역 내 입지로 지속되었다. 이들의 입지결정에 개인적 요인, 원료, 용지, 용수, 시장이 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 기존 집적지역에 원료 고갈, 혼잡, 토지 부족으로 인한 입지 불리성, 기업의 확장정책, 공업분산정책, 교통(도로)조건의 개선 등으로 인해 요업이 외연부로 분산하고 있다. The locational characteristics of ceramic industry in Miryang city, Kyongnam province, were clarified by means of examining the process of its formation, spatial variation, locations and their changes. The government policy on industry and the business fluctuation are important in the quantitative changes of the industry. The spatial variation of industry toward the outer part of area are the results of equilibrium between the decrease of firms in inner city and the increase of firms in outer part. The births and deaths of firms played important role in the processes of spatial variations. The industry location has lasted by the accumulation of location decision of `potential entrepreneurs` who learned knowledges on the industry and had personal contacts with the business-related persons for long time. The main factors on the locational decision of firms are personal factor, raw materials, land, water and market. The locational problems have mainly related with plant expansion, land, marketing, labour and capital. They caused investment changes and caused relocations of firms. Such disadvantages as raw material exhaustion, shortage of land and congestion within the agglomeration area, development of road transportation and local government policy on industry location, induced recent decentralization of industry to outer part.

      • KCI등재

        부산시 근교의 공업입지와 지역적 연계

        임영대(Yeong Dae Lim) 한국지역지리학회 2000 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        부산시의 교외지역(김해시, 양산군)에 입지한 공업의 공간변화, 입지, 연계의 분석을 통하여 부산시 공업의 분산이 교외지역의 공업화에 미친 영향, 분산공업의 입지 및 연계 특성을 규명하였다. 부산시의 소규모 단일기업의 이전으로 인하여 1970년대 후반부터 본격적으로 진행된 교외지역의 공업화는 공업분포지역의 확산과 공업집적도의 증대 과정을 거치면서 주로 교통로를 따라 외향적으로 진행되었다. 부산시로부터 공업이 분산한 주요 요인은 기업정책과 용지이고 분산된 공업이 교외에 흡인된 주요 요인은 용지, 제품출하처, 교통이다. 이전 후 물자 운송, 노동력의 이동, 거래처와 접촉 때문에 기업의 연계가 크게 변화하였으며 원거리지역이 근거리지역보다 더 큰 변화를 보였다. 기업의 역외연계수준이 역내연계수준보다 높지만 거리에 따라 조락현상을 보인다. 도시내부로부터 공업분산이 교외화에 미치는 영향, 분산공업의 송출요인과 흡인요인, 연계 특성이 일반 대도시지역의 그것과 거의 일치한다. The purpose of this study is to clarify the suburbanization of manufacturing, and location and linkages of decentralized manufacturing from Metropolitan Pusan by means of case study on manufacturing location and linkages in the suburb of Metropolitan Pusan. Kimhae city and Yangsan-Gun toward which heavy decentralization of manufacturing from the Metropolitan Pusan has been done. Both hard data and soft data were used as the basic data. Hard data are the statistical data in statistical yearbooks and firm list in directories. The former consists of the number of establishments and employees classified by product type, firm size and unit area. The latter consists of owner`s names, addresses, employee number, products and headquarters of firms. Soft data are the results of the interviews with the 242 owners of firms in the four case study areas selected by Proportional Stratified Sampling Method. The major findings are as follows: 1. The spatial variations of manufacturing in the suburb was regularized in the latter half of 1970`s. The primary processes to decentralize manufacturing from Metropolitan Pusan were the birth, relocation and establishment of branches of the firms. Among them the relocation of small outer-oriented single-location firms from Pusan was the most important. 2. The spatial variations undergoing spatial expansion of manufacturing distribution and increase of agglomeration degree of manufacturing, proceeded from the adjacents of Metropolitan Pusan to the outer areas along the main transpotation route. 3. The main factors which caused manufacturing to decentralize from the Metropolitan Pusan were firm policy and land for this policy. The main locational factors which induced the decentralizing manufacturing into the suburb were land, market and transportation. 4. The strength of linkages with the outside of the study area is stronger than that of linkages with the inside. There is distance-decay-function in the strength of linkages with the outside, and linkages with short distant areas are stronger than those with long distant areas. 5. The ranges of spatial linkages in procurement of materials, in subcontraction and in marketing are wider than those in ordering. 6. The main factors which cause the formation of linkages are different by types of linkages: monopolistic and oligopolistic supply are important in procurement linkages; characteristics of products and the subsequent marketing difficulties, in subcontraction linkages; fluctuation, cost reduction, insufficient facility and characteristics of products, in ordering linkages; subcontract, characteristics of product and the subsequent marketing difficulties, in marketing linkages. 7. The changes of linkages owing to locational changes of firms were great, and were greater in long distant areas than in short distant areas. 8. The main factor influencing on the changes of linkages was the easiness in the transportation of goods, movement of labour and contacts with customers. In conclusion, some facts described above were proved to be consistent with the results of proceeding studies in the other areas: influence of relocation of decentralizing firms on the suburbanization; the factors of manufacturing decentralization; spatial characteristics of linkages; linkage changes owing to relocation of firms. Some were proved to be partly consistent: locational factors inducing decentralized manufacturing into the suburb were proved to be inconsistent. I think that the results of previous studies on the other areas can be applicable to the explanation on the decentralization of Metropolitan manufacturing from the viewpoint of the suburb. For the better explanation on the decentralization of Metropolitan manufacturing, more empirical case studies on the suburbanization of manufacturing are necessary.

      • 馬山工業의 立地變動

        林永大 新羅大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.32 No.1

        The main purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of location and locational change of manufacturing firms in Masan city, and to examine whether the results of preceding studies on the manufacturing location in the other urban areas are applicable to the manufacturing location in Masan city. Basic data in this study were collected from interviews with owners of manufacturing firms located in Masan city. The interviews have been planned to be done to the owners of 159 firms selected by Stratified-Optimum Allocation Sampling Method, and the were actually done to the owners of 134 firmsamong them. The major results of this study were as follows : (1) The investment decision of each firm mainly depends on the prospect and interest of business and existence of potential entrepreneurs employed in the related industries. (2) The locational decision is divided into regional selection and site selection. In regional selection territorial relationship, agglomeration, government policy and contacts with purchasers are important. However, territorial relationship in regional selection and land in site selection are the most important factors in respective. (3) Responding to the environmental changes of firms breaking locational equilibrium, most firms adjust locationally and take new locational equilibrium. Two types of locational adjustments are found : One is investment change and the other is relocation of firms. Investment change is more frequent than the relocation, and results mainly from market fluctuation. The relocation of firms resulted mainly from expansion and modernization of existing product lines, and diversification into new product lines. The necessity of close contacts with purchasers and related activities limits the spatial extent of relocation of firms within short distance. Examining five hypotheses established in this study on the basis of above facts, all of hypotheses were examined positively, but three hypotheses)(hypothesis 1, 2and 4) patially. Therefore, it would be possible to explain the manufacturing location in Masan city by the results of preceding studies on the manufacturing location in the other urban areas, since the locational characteristics of manufacturing in Masan city are not so different from the cases of the other cities.

      • 양산군 웅상읍의 공업입지와 지역적 연계

        임영대 新羅大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.48 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the industrialization process, and locational factors and linkages of manufacturing in Woongsang-Eup, a satellite town of Metropolitan Pusan. toward which heavy decentralization of manufacturing from Pusan has been done. Hard data and soft data were used as the basic data. Hard data are the statistical data in statistical yearbooks and firm list in directories. The former consist of the number of establishment and employee classified by product type, firm size and unit area(dong). The latter consist of owner's names, addresses, employee number, products and headquarters of firms. Soft data are the results of the interviews with the 74 owners of firms selected by Proportional Stratified Sampling Method. The major findings were as follows: 1. Manufacturing location in Woongsang-Eup was regularized in 1980's in which decentralization of manufacturing from Pusan was activated. Though the industrialization of the study area resulted from the birth, relocation and establishment of branches of the firms, the birth and relocation of small outer-oriented single-location firms from Pusan was the most important among them. 2. The main locational factors which induced the decentralizing manufacturing into Woongsang-Eup are land, market, transportation and raw material suppliers. 3. The changes of linkages attendant upon locational changes of firms were great and are concentrated on the linkages of labor supply. 4. The strength of linkages is strong in the procurement of materials, the subcontraction and the marketing, but not in the ordering. 5. The main factors influencing on the formation of linkages are different by types of linkages: monopolistic and oligopolistic supply are important in procurement linkages; characteristics of products and the subsequent marketing difficulties, in the subcontraction linkages; over-demands, in ordering linkages; characteristics of products and the subsequent marketing difficulties, in the marketing linkages. 6. The strength of linkages with the outside of the study area is stronger than that of the linkages with the inside. With the exception of marketing linkages, the strength of linkages with the outside has distance-decay-function and strong linkages with Pusan. 7. The spatial ranges of linkages are wider in the procurement of materials, in the subcontraction and in the marketing than in the ordering. In conclusion, some facts described above were proved to be consistent with the results of proceeding studies in the other areas: ①influence of birth and relocation of decentralizing firms on manufacturing suburbanization; ②different decentralization by products type and organizational types of firms; ③linkage changes attendant upon locational changes of firms; ④the different strength between the outside linkages and the inside linkages. Some were proved to be partly consistent: ①locational factors; ②the distance-decay function in the linkage strength. Other were proved to be inconsistent: different decentralization by firm size. I think that the results of previous studies on the other areas can be applicable to the explanation on the manufacturing location and linkages in Woongsang-Eup. For the better explanation on the suburbanization of manufacturing, more empirical case studies on the manufacturing location in the suburb are necessary.

      • 馬山 機械工業의 立地變動

        林永大 新羅大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of location and vocational changes of machinery manufacturing in Masan city, Korea and to examine whether the results of preceding studies on the location and locational changes of machinery manufacturing in the other urban areas are applicable or not to explain the location and vocational changes of the manufacturing in Masan city. For attaining this purpose, three hypotheses on the location and locational changes of machinery manufacturing were established, and these hypotheses were examined in terms of basic data collected from interviews with owners of the machinery manufacturing firms located in Masan city. The interviews have been planned to be done to the owners of 77 firms selected by Stratified-Optimum Allocation Sampling Method, and were actually done to the owners of 71 firms among them. The results were as follows: The machinery manufacturing in Masan city was initiated by potential entrepreneurs from Masan city and its vicinities who were employed in the machinery manufacturing and related industry and were stimulated by the demand of products and interest on the manufacturing. Due to smallness of firm sizes, locational advantages of owners' hometown, agglomeration, government policy, contacts with suppliers of raw materials and purchasers of products, this manufacturing was located in Masan city. Its site selection was influenced by availability of land and agglomeration. As the result of differences of investment decision and vocational characteristics in types and sizes of firms, however, these locational characteristics of the manufacturing can be subdivided into the two types: One is small sized machinery, fabricated metals, transport equipment and professional-scientific-measuring-controlling equipment manufacturing which are agglomerated in the inner part of the city, the other is large electrical machinery manufacturing which agglomerated in the outter part of the city, especcially in the Free Export Zone. The former, as the result of investment decision by potential entrepreneurs from Masan city and its vicinities and of material linkages, especially subcontracting linkages with firms in Masan and Changwon city, emphasized locational advantages of owners' hometown and contact profits with customers in the regional selection. The latter, as the result of investment decision by foreigners(Japaneses) who had contacts with capitalists or engineers and were supported by government policy and of material linkages, especially subcontraction linkages with firms in foreign(especially Japan), emphasized government policy in the regional selection. For resolving such internally-generated locational stresses as expansion, modernization and diversification of existing production lines and accessibility to customers, the outward relocation of firms was done. The spatial extent of relocation, however, was limited within short distance due to the availability of land and necessity of close contacts with customers. Examining three hypotheses established in this study on the basis of above facts, all hypotheses were examined positively but partially. This means that the locational characteristics of machinery manufacturing in Masan city are not so different from the cases of the other cities. Therefore, the results of preceding studies on the location of machinery manufacturing in other urban areas are applicable to explain the location of the manufacturing in Masan city with the exception of the peculiar locational characteristics of the manufacturing in Masan city.

      • 大邱와 釜山의 物資流通空間에 關한 硏究 : -Gravity Model 理論과 中心地理論의 点檢을 中心으로- Mainly on the Examination of the Gravity Model Theory and the Central Place Theory

        林永大 新羅大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        This study mainly deals with the spatial variations in the goods' circulation ofDaegu and Busan, and with the problem whether or not the Gravity Model Theory and the Central Place Theory is suitable for the analysis of these variations. A1so, it is intended to suggest a new approach to the study of the goods'circulation. As in my previous paper, the methods of visual comparison of maps and coefficient of correlations are introduced to examine the suitability of the Gravity Model Theory and the Central Place Theory to the study of goods' circulation. Administriltive statis- tical data of the traffic volume, population, labor forces and per national income areused for materials. The results are as follow: Whereas the spatial expansion of goods' circulation of Busan is restricted by sea, that of Daegu is unrestricted. As a result, the range of circulatiion of Daegu is not only larger than that of Busan, but also marks a consecutive distribution in all parts Of Kyeong Sang Bug Do in contrast to that of Busan being consecutive in some parts of Kyeong Sang Nam Do. However, it is a common feature that the areas of circulation are consecutive in their provinces, but in other provinces they are scattered about mainly central places where their amounts of circulation are excessive. On the other hand, it is clear again that the Gravity Model Theory is inadequate to explain the circulating space in Korea. The Gravity Model Theory insists that the amount of circulating goods between two legions is directly proportional to the potentials of the supplyinlg and demanding legions but is inversely proportional to the distance between them. It is also clear thats the Central Place Theory insisting on a hiorarchy among the circulating spaces is inadequate to explain the circulating space in Korea. That is to say, general theories of circulation such as the Gravity Mode1 Theory and the Central Place Theory which are often used on the study of circulation in spatially interdependent societies can't be used in a spatially restricted society similar to Korea, where the friction of distance is intensive because of the strong effects of the characters of circulating goods, intentions of purchasers and sellers and regional characters which are prominent in the region, where networks are underdeveloped. Therefore, it would be a better approach to take account of the character of cirealating goods, intention of men and especially the character of region than to apply the Gravity Model Theory and the Central Place Theory to the study of circulating space in Korea. My approach may adopted in the study of the goods' circulation in Korea as well as in all underdveloped countries similar to Korea. A more advanced study, however, is required in this field.

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