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      • KCI등재

        LM벼에 영향을 받는 비표적 생물체(곤충)에 대한 환경위해성 평가 (ERA) 방법

        이훈복,김현정,나수미 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        본 논문은 생명공학기술을 통해 생산된 LM벼에 대한 비표적 생물체 중 곤충을 중심으로 한 환경위해성 평가방법을 제시하고자 작성하였다. 자료조사를 위해 농업 해충관련 도감 및 서적을 활용하였고 참고문헌과 환경위해성 평가 관련 홈페이지를 참조하였으며, 논문이나 벼와 관련된 서적들을 통해 국내 현황을 참조하였다. 조사결과, 벼에 서식하는 곤충은 약 140여종으로 조사되었고, 초식성 곤충 분류군은 각각 수액섭식자, 곡물섭식자, 잎섭식자, 화분섭식자로 세분화하였다. LM벼에 피해가능성이 큰 비표적 곤충은 12종, 중간인 비표적 곤충은 28종, 경미한 비표적 곤충은 101종으로 조사되었으며, 바이러스를 매개하는 종은 11종, 잠재적 해충으로 분류되는 종은 9종으로 나타났다. 위해가설 가설적립단계 모식도를 작성하기 위하여 LM벼에 악영향을 받기 쉬운 곤충의 지리적 분포, 서식지의 특수화, 확산정도, 종풍부도 등을 이용하여 순위를 매겼으며, 10종(벼총채벌레, 애멸구, 벼멸구, 멸강나방, 혹명나방, 우리가시허리노린재, 먹노린재, 벼멸구붙이, 벼메뚜기, 벼잎굴파리)을 추려내었다. 이후 위해가설 가설정립단계 모식도를 작성하였으며 LM 벼의 비표적 생물에 대한 영향을 추론하였다. 본 논문은 국내 자연생태계의 지속가능한 이용 및 보존에 기여하고, LMO의 환경위해성 평가, 심사를 통해 사전위해성을 차단할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고자 작성되었으며, 결과적으로 국민의 건강 및 생물다양성유지, 자연 생태계 보전을 위한 사후 안전관리 체계구축에 활용될 연구 자료를 제공하고자 한다. This paper is to suggest the methods about the environmental risk assessment (ERA) based on non-target insect species for LM rice crop produced by biotechnology. We used some data by the picture dictionary of agricultural pests in Korea, some books for ERA or rice pest ecology, articles about rice ecology, and internet sites and many specialists gave us good advice for this ERA system. We found about 140 insect species using rice crop as their habitat and we discriminated herbivores into Sap feeder, Grain feeder, Defoliator, and Pollen feeder according to their food functional group. We also clarified the potential damage possibility of insect species from LM rice crop. Then, we ranked 10 non-target insect species (Baliothrips biformis, Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens, Mythimna separata, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Cletus schmidti Kiritshenko, Scotinophara lurida, Nilaparvata bakeri, Oxya chinensis, Agromyza oryzae) with giving some scores using Geographic distribution, Habitat specialization, Prevalence on crop, Abundance. We showed some environmental risk hypotheses about herbivore, predator, and parasitoid, and infered the impacts of non-target species on LM rice crop. Conclusively, we want to serve this methodology to build the biosafety system from biotechnology crops, and the methodology is to keep public health, sustain the biodiversity, and conserve the natural ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of global warming on mosquitoes & mosquito‐borne diseases and the new strategies for mosquito control

        이훈복,Bijaya R. Devkota,유재승,오기철,김진홍,김현정 한국곤충학회 2014 Entomological Research Vol.44 No.6

        Global warming has shortened mosquitoes’ lifecycle period and increased the disease transmission rates by mosquito vectors. We reviewed only three mosquito‐borne diseases: malaria, dengue fever, and the Japanese encephalitis. Billions of people get infected with those diseases and millions of people die every year. Although we struggle to find the most effective way to control mosquitoes using various methods (including pesticides), mosquito‐borne diseases are still among the most serious problems being faced. This paper, therefore, reviews the strategies for controlling mosquitoes. The use of pesticides to control mosquitoes might have more negative effects on humans and environments than benefits. Although the development of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes raises new hopes for effective mosquito control, it will take longer to assess the risks to humans and environments. Furthermore, there has been concern about the possible adverse effects from the release of GM mosquitoes into the environment. The various mosquito traps may not be as effective at controlling only female mosquito populations. Therefore, new strategies for the control of mosquitoes are vital. The smart mosquito counter device was developed by Korean Centre for Disease Control (KCDC) in 2013. The mosquito pest control office is able to set up the appropriate mosquito control strategies by using quantitative mosquito information. The smart device will bring mosquito control in line with modern smart generation technology and the device will also soon be able to identify different mosquito species. This new strategy will change the methods of mosquito control and will provide beneficial effects toward sustainable nature and human health.

      • KCI등재

        전수조사를 통한 국내 유전자변형생물체의 연구 동향 분석

        이훈복,최경화,정순기,김용호,김환묵 한국식물생명공학회 2008 식물생명공학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        We analyzed the current research trends of living modified organisms (LMO) by questionnaires in the interest of making biosaftey laws and policies in Korea. We executed a pre-survey at the Crop Functional Genomics 2004 conference and obtained LMO research information from 423 LMO research organizations, including 32 national research institutes, 314 universities, and 77 industries. We found that the total 59 kinds of hosts including 26 kinds of plants, 15 kinds of animals, and 18 kinds of microbes were used for LMO research and E. coli was the most common host. The risk of the most experimental hosts was below a biosafety level of 1 (73.8%) and 2 (25.9%). LMO development use purpose was implemented in various developmental uses: 51.3% in test and research use, 19% in health and medical use, and 12.9% in agriculture use. The experiment product, waste product, and products of host for LMO development were 327.2, 223.6, and 13.5 in number of plants; 280.6, 52.4, and 8.7 in number of animals; and 8.3 x 1011CFU, 7.7 x 1011CFU, and 6.5 x 1011CFU in microbes in 2004. The survey results about how to possess the LMO were very unreliable, because only 10.6% of the researchers returned the questionnaires. Consequently, we strongly suggest the scientific organizations as well as scientists should have more interests in biosafety of LMO research and an LMO biosafety management system should be developed for Korea’s future biotechnology.

      • KCI등재

        Environment Risk Assessment of Watermelon Grafed onto Transgenic Rootstock resistant to Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) on Non-Target Insects in Conventional Agro-Ecosystem

        이훈복,박지은,권민철,박상규,김창기,정순천,윤원기,박상미,한상렬,함치학,김환묵 한국생태학회 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.4

        We investigated the impact of watermelon grafted onto Cucumber Gren Mottle Mosaic Virus(CGMMV)-resistant transgenic watermelon rotstock on insects as non-target organisms in a greenhouse in2005. We quantitatively collected insect assemblages living on leaves and flowers, and we used sticky traps to(Aphis gossypii Glover) on watermelon leaves and western flower thrip (Frankliniella occidentalisTrybom) onwatermelon male flowers, betwen CGMMV-resistant transgenic watermelon (TR) and non-transgenic water-melon (nTR). Non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination verified that insect assemblages onleaves and sticky traps were different between TR and nTR (P < 0.05). The insect assemblages on male flowerswere not statistically significant. Multi-response permutation procedures proofed our esults from NMS results (P> on leaves and sticky traps, but watermelon male flowers do not show an adverse effect. Further research isrequired to assess the ffect of TR on the aphid and western flower thrip. Life table experiments might supportthe specific reason for the adverse effects from leaf assemblages. Assessment of non-target impacts is anessential part of the risk assessment of non-target insects for the impact of transgenic organisms.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of transgenic watermelon with CGMMV resistance on the diversity of soil microbial communities using PLFA

        이훈복,김창기 한국통합생물학회 2010 Animal cells and systems Vol.14 No.3

        We compared the composition of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) to assess the microbial community structure in the soil and rhizosphere community of non-transgenic watermelons and transgenic watermelons in Miryang farmlands in Korea during the spring and summer of 2005. The PLFA data were seasonally examined for the number of PLFA to determine whether there is any difference in the microbial community in soils from two types of watermelons, nontransgenic and transgenic. We identified 78 PLFAs from the rhizosphere samples of the two types of watermelons. We found eight different PLFAs for the type of plants and sixteen PLFAs for the interaction of plant type and season. The PLFA data were analyzed by analysis of variance separated by plant type (PB0.0085), season (PB0.0154), and the plant typeseason interaction (PB0.1595). Non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NMS)showed a small apparent difference but multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) confirmed that there was no difference in microbial community structure for soils of both plant types. Conclusively, there was no significant adverse effect of transgenic watermelon on bacterial and fungal relative abundance as measured by PLFA. We could reject our hypothesis that there might be an adverse effect from transgenic watermelon with our statistical results. Therefore, we can suggest the use of this PLFA methodology to examine the adverse effects of transgenic plants on the soil microbial community.

      • KCI등재

        A research for an eco-friendly mosquito control by using a new mosquito trap (Mos-hole trap) in a cowshed in Yeoju of Korea

        이훈복,Bijaya R. Devkota,유재승,김현정 한국통합생물학회 2014 Animal cells and systems Vol.18 No.4

        We performed this study to find out if we could control mosquitoes in a cowshed by using CO2-baited mosquito traps. Weused eco-friendly Mos-hole traps that were developed for mosquito control in human living areas and we also evaluated thetraps’ efficacy, if the traps would be effective in controlling mosquitoes in a cowshed. The study was performed for 54 days(from 18 May to 10 July 2012). During the first nine turns (from 18 May to 18 June), we used 12 mosquito traps, whichwere baited with low CO2 emission (35–100 ml/minute) by burning and combusting liquid naphtha. In the next phase (10to 13 turns; 21 June to 4 July), we kept the same low CO2 emission in six traps but increased the CO2 concentration (500ml/minute) in the other six traps. In the 14th turn (July 10), all 12 mosquito traps were used with higher CO2 concentration,using compressed cylinders of CO2. Mosquitoes were collected at each turn and the total trapped female mosquitoes duringthe study period were 31,715 individuals, and we identified 6 genera and 16 species. The predominant species was Aedesvexans nipponii (63.838%). We found that 5.2 times more mosquitoes were caught at higher emission rates of CO2. Finally,our study partly revealed that higher emission of CO2 might be a reliable substitute for proper control of the adult femalemosquitoes and we absolutely need to develop a more efficient mosquito trap for cowshed areas.

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