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        여성의 ‘타자’적 인식 극복과 영토확장이화진-문학과 지성』에 게재된 여성작가소설을 중심으로

        이화진 한국어문학회 2006 語文學 Vol.0 No.92

        ]"Literature and Intellectuality", along with "Creation and Criticism", was the concentration of "4.19 Civil Spirit" of the 1970s and the product of intellectuals who stood for the Social Reformation. Periodicals from this time period were generally run by male writers and focused on analyzing the contradictions of modernity and discussing macro and public issues. Such men-centered literature automatically isolated women and limited their writing activities. However, they actively recognized their identity in the late 1970s and discarded their focuses on others' views. In other words, they overcame feminine sensibility and started producing problematic pieces.Novels by female writers on "Literature and Intellectuality" overcame the fixed idea of "male writers equal to macro discussions and female writers equal to micro discussions." These pieces departed from the genres of existing female literatures and clarified modern contradictions and social issues from multiple perspectives. That is, central characters were criticized from others' perspectives and the contradiction of their surroundings were recognized to overcome others' views. Female writers on "Literature and Intellectuality" expanded their territories in a men-centered society and overcame existing others' views.

      • KCI등재

        루트비히 리히터(Ludwig Richter)의 풍경화에 나타난 좌절된 이상향

        이화진 미술사학연구회 2020 美術史學報 Vol.- No.54

        Ludwig Richter, a landscape painter of latter romanticism, who worked in Dresden, challenged the existing genre order by interpreting nature in the language of God, attempting to replace prevailing landscape and historical painting conceptions of that time. He not only proposed landscape paintings as religious paintings, but also dismantled the boundaries of genre paintings by reducing the broad focus of landscapes to portray ordinary figures who discover God in the landscapes of his hometown. In addition, Richter and other German romanticists idealized the Middle Ages. This reevaluation of medieval Germany highlighted old German painting styles, and the new aesthetic method gained a pictorial response from the Nazarenes of the Lucas Brotherhood and Richter. The yearning and nostalgia that longs for distant ideals and wants to leave the here now in Richter’s landscape paintings show a desire to escape the unsatisfactory present that was under the strict political censorship of the Restoration. Futhermore, Richter creates a German idyll with a locus amoenus, a nest of love that can escape from rigid reality, where nature and human beings harmonize; an ideal place for life where the world is shunned away. Richter’s peaceful pastoral landscape was a virtual world favorable to the reality of an age entering early capitalist industrial society. 본 논문은 19세기 중반 드레스덴에서 활동한 후기 낭만주의 미술가 루트비히 리히터를 삽화가가 아닌 화가로서 재조명하고, 그의 풍경화를 독일 낭만주의 사상과 당대 정치, 사회적 문맥 안에서 고찰하며 그 특징을 도출해내고자 하였다. 리히터는 자연을 신의 언어로 해석하고 풍경화로 역사화를 치환하려고 시도함으로써 기존의 장르 질서에 도전했으며, 고향의 풍경 안에서 성스러운 말씀을 듣는 독일 민중을 통해 풍경화와 풍속화, 종교화의 경계를 넘나들었다. 또한 나폴레옹의 침략으로 인해 독일이 강력한 통일체를 이루었던 중세가 이상화되면서 옛 독일 회화가 새로운 미적 범례로 대두했고, 리히터는 로마의 나사렛파와 마찬가지로 15세기 독일 회화가 갖는 소박하고 단순한 표현 양식을 즐겨 사용했다. 리히터의 풍경화에 나타난 동경과 향수는 현재를 삶의 실제로 받아들이지 못하는 낭만성이자, 왕정복고의 엄격한 정치 검열이 지배하는 현실을 외면한 체념 어린 태도였다. 나아가 외부의 위협으로부터 보호받고자 하는 욕망은 은폐된 숲속에 숨겨진 로쿠스 아모이누스의 재현으로 이어졌고, 세상과 단절된 장소를 이상적인 삶의 공간으로 강조했다. 그러나 리히터가 그려낸 목가적 이상향은 산업자본주의의 거친 민낯과 유리된 허상일 뿐이며, 경직된 현실에 대한 좌절감을 위로하려는 자기 기만적인 가상에 지나지 않는다. 리히터와 함께 과거의 황금시대, 영원한 아르카디아가 현재를 대체함으로써 드레스덴 풍경화에서 역사적 발전 의식이 사라졌다. 지나간 세계 속에서 위안을 찾으려는 리히터의 풍경화는 고통스러운 현재에 대한 심리적 보상물인 동시에 불만족스러운 현재를 치유하려는 낭만적 목가였던 것이다.

      • 봉출 추출물의 nitric oxide synthase 저해활성

        이화진,김지선,류재하 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.22 No.-

        Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) has antioxidant effect in the body and thus decreases the symptoms of senility. The development of a transdermal delivery formulation for NADPH is a very difficult task, due to its rapid decomposition by oxidation, low partition coefficient into stratum corneum, high molecular weight and electrical charge at neutral pH in aqueous solution. The purpose of this work is to test several anti-oxidants as the stabilizing agent for NADPH in the aqueous formulation, and to study the effect of these agents on the in-vitro iontophoretic transport through hairless mouse skin. The stability of NADPH in aqueous solution with/without various antioxidants such as butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), resveratrol, a-tocopherol and Vitamine C was studied. BHT an a-tocopherol (0.01 % w/w) exhibited minimal stabilizing effect, however resveratrol and vitamine C showed significant stabilizing effect. Stabilizing effect of vitamine C was proportional to the concentration in aqueous solution. Although vitamine C increased the stability ofNADPH significantly, it decreased flux of NADPH in a concentration dependent fashion, therapeutic amount ofNADPH can be delivered through skin using iontophoresis and These results suggest that, in order to develope a efficient iontophoresis formulation, it is important to choose a stabilizing agents which are not only potent in stabilizing effect but also not competitive for the delivery of NADPH.

      • 殘留應力과 變形度硬化가 鐵骨構造物의 非彈性擧動에 미치는 影響에 대한 硏究

        李華振 동양대학교 1997 동양대학교 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        This research focuses on the effects of residual stress and strain hardening on the inelastic behavior of multistory steel frames. An inelastic nonlinear analysis of planar steel frames, based on a simplified large deformation theory, has been developed. The inelastic formulation includes the effect of axial force on the stiffness of the structure, residual stress, strain hardening, and the spread of plasticity. The formulation results in finite element equations and Newton-Raphson method is then used to solve for the overall load-deformation relationships of the structure. A computer program has been developed. And the ultimate load and inelastic behavior of several framed structures, subjected to the combined vertical and lateral loads, have been presented. The effects of residual stress and strain hardening are also studied.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        이익조정과 이연법인세차의 선택

        이화진 韓國公認會計士會 2003 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.39 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 1) 경영자의 이연법인세회계 처리가 기업특성변수의 영향을 받는지 하는 점과, 2) 이연법인세차의 크기가 경영자의 회계선택 동기에 따라 달리 나타나는지 하는 점을 이연법인세회계 도입 연도를 중심으로 살펴보는 것이다. 이연법인세와 기업특성과의 관련성에 관한 가설검정에 사용되는 모형은 “기업회계기준 해석”과 선행연구의 결과를 반영하여 도출하였다. 1999년 12월 31일 현재 한국증권거래소에 상장된 기업 중에서 이연법인세를 보고하고 금융업에 속하지 않는 367개의 12월 결산기업들을 표본으로 사용하여 실증분석을 수행하였다. 실증분석의 결과는 영업현금흐름이 많거나 기업규모가 클수록 이연법인세차의 금액이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 이연법인세의 비재량적․재량적 요소를 통제하고 여러 동기변수를 함께 고려한 경우에도 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 부채비율이 높은 기업은 이연법인세차 중에서도 이월결손금부분이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이는 부채비율이 높은 기업 은 보고이익을 증가시키는데 상대적으로 비용이 적게 드는 이월결손금의 법인세효과를 적극 활용한 결과인 것으로 보인다. 본 연구의 결과는 이연법인세회계 도입 연도의 경우 표본기업의 경영자들이 법인세최소화나 정치적 비용의 절감을 위하여 발생항목을 이용한 이익조정을 시도하며 이것이 이연법인세차의 크기로 나타나고 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 부채비율이 높은 기업은 부채비율을 개선하기 위해 발생항목을 이용한 이익조정을 시도하기보다는 이월결손금을 적극 활용하는 것으로 나타나는데 이는 경영자들이 행한 이익조정의 결과가 이연법인세로 나타난다는 측면과 이연법인세차가 이익조정의 주요한 수단이 될 수 있다는 두 가지 측면을 부각시켜준다. This paper investigates whether firms manage earnings by adjusting deferred tax assets(DTA). There are several reasons to expect that DTA may be a useful earnings management tool. First, there are no well-established formulae or clear guidelines for determining the appropriate level of DTA. Second, the appropriate level of DTA depends on managers' expectations about future earnings. Finally, DTA have a dollar-for-dollar effect on bottom-line earnings. The magnitude of deferred tax assets can be different with respect to the distinct nature of earnings management incentives. I characterize three incentives for earnings management: (i) incentive for corporate income tax-minimization(proxied by operating cash flows), (ii) incentive for saving corporate political costs(proxied by firm size: log of net sales), and (iii) incentive for loosening debt covenant constraints(proxied by debt-equity ratios: leverage). It is thus hypothesized that the magnitude of deferred tax assets is greater (i) for firms with stronger operating cash flows than for firms with weaker operating cash flows and (ii) for firms with larger firm size than for firms with smaller firm size. However, I do not have an explicit expectation for the incentive for loosening debt covenant constraints. The sample consists of 367 non-banking publicly traded firms with December fiscal year end in 1999. Discretionary magnitudes in the DTA are identified using a model that controls for factors that contribute to non-discretionary magnitudes in the DTA based on the guideline of 'accounting for income taxes' in the Corporate Accounting Standards. These factors include sources of DTA as well as management's assessment of the firm's future profitability that affect the firm's assessment of its ability to utilize the deferred tax assets. I found that as hypothesized, the magnitude of deferred tax assets is greater (i) for firms with stronger operating cash flows than for firms with weaker operating cash flows and (ii) for firms with larger size than for firms with smaller size. Also, I documented that the magnitude of DTA(especially, loss-carry forward: LCF) is larger for firms with higher debt-equity ratios than for those with lower debt-equity ratios. This study extends accounting method choice research to the issue of accounting for deferred taxes. The test results provide support for the managerial opportunism perspective on accounting method choice. Specially, firms with financial distress were found to have more demand for income-increasing accounting techniques. But, there are several reasons to be cautious about interpreting this test results. First of all, with only one year of post- implementation account for income taxes data it is difficult to test whether firms manage earnings by adjusting DTA. More powerful earnings management tests await the availability of more years of data.

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