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      • KCI등재

        어계(漁溪) 조려(趙旅)의 은둔과 문화경관

        이행렬,Lee, Hang-Lyoul 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.2

        본 연구는 어계 조려 선생의 시작품과 그의 세거지 및 후대에 조성된 문화경관 요소들을 통하여 조선전기 은둔자로서, 선비로서 지켜 나갔던 은둔문화 경관의 특징을 파악하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 연구대상지로는 그의 세거지였던 원북재, 채미정, 고마암, 묘소 등을 중심으로 하였다. 연구방법으로 "어계집(漁溪集)" 등과 같은 관련 고문헌의 조사와 현장조사를 통하여 세거지에 나타난 경관요소의 파악, 그리고 조려의 은둔문화 경관 특정 분석, 시문에 나타난 의경미학의 분석 등으로 구분하여 진행하였다. 연구의 결과, 1) 조려는 단종의 폐위와 함께 성균관에서 고향으로 은둔하여 세상과 결별하면서 단종에 대한 충절을 지켰다. 2) 그의 출처관에 영향을 주었던 인물로는 성균관 동학이었던 류계분, 배중후 등과 생육신으로 교분을 나누었던 원호, 김시습 등을 들 수 있으며, 이들과 은둔관을 같이 했다. 3) 조려의 은둔이 갖는 의미는 호 '어계'에서처럼 어부로서의 은둔관을 표명한다. 이러한 은둔문화는 독특한 행동양식으로 나타나는데, 행동의 집중화 현상, 절대 은둔의 기행, 산천유람과 풍수지리학의 조예, 은둔의 고집스런 지속성, 실천효행의 유가적 자세 등이 있다.4) 은둔문화의 경관영역을 네 곳으로 구분하여 각각의 특징을 살펴본 바, 조려 당대의 은둔문화 경관과 후손과 사람들에 의해 전승되어진 경관전승으로 파악할 수 있다. 5) 시문에 나타난 의경미학을 분석한 결과, 경물로는 식물, 자연요소와 인공요소 등이 있었으며, 표현되어진 주제의식으로는 '유가적 은둔', '아취있는 은둔', '충절의 은둔' 등으로 나타났다. The purpose of this research was to find out the characteristics of secluded cultural landscapes that were retained by Eyogye Cho Lyeo(漁溪 趙旅) as a recluse or a schola at the early time of Chosun dynasty through his poems, residential site and his successors' landscapes. The study sites were selected such as Wonbukgae(院北齋), Chamijeong(採薇亭), Gomaam (叩馬巖) and his graveyard. In order to do that, Wonbukgae, Chamijeong, Gomaam and his cemetery were selected as studying sites. Also researching methods were used by grasping the landscape elements through reading ancient books such as "Eyogyezip(漁溪集)", field-researching, analyzing characters of his secluded landscapes and interpreting his poem's meaning. This research found that: 1) After Danjong(端宗)'s dethronement, he returned to his home town and never come out to the world again. He wanted to keep fidelity to his king forever. 2) He was affected for his seclusion from many people who were Ryu Gyebun(柳桂芬), Bae Junghu(裵仲厚) as his classmates at Sunggyungwan(成均館). Also Won ho(元昊) and Kim Sisyub(金時習) as members of Sangyuksin(生六臣) affected him for sake of their seclusion. 3) The meaning of his seclusion expressed the notation of seclusion as a fisherman from his pen name as 'Yeogye'. Also this kind culture has very particular behavior such as concentration phenomenon of action, absolute eccentricity of seclusion, tourism of nature and deep knoledge of feng shui, strong persistence of seclusion and confucian practical attitude of filial behavior. 4) The secluded cultural landscape is divided to four regions. They have two types of landscape such as secluded cultural landscape of his lifetime and landscape transmission of his posterity and scholars. 5) The interpretation of his poems and their aesthetic analysis found two characters. His poems were expressed by landscape substance like plants, natural and man-made elements. Their theme was confucian, peaceful and faithful seclusion.

      • KCI등재

        Trends of Famous Garden Masters between in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties - With Special Reference of Wen Cheng-ming, Chi Chen and Li Yu -

        이행렬 한국전통조경학회 2008 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        In conclusion, it was confirmed that Wen Cheng Ming, Chi Chen and Li Yu who lived during the transition of Ming and Qing dynasty expressed their garden styles on the form of the paintings. The findings are as follows. First of all, these artists expressed the activity characters and landscape elements related the garden theme. In the case of Wen, the garden was used to an elegant meeting. Chi made a multiple landscape to lookover the river between near and away landscape. Li showed the simple urban garden style. Secondly, even though these paintings didn't represent all of their garden styles, they were very useful data to understand the garden aspects of that time because their relics are disappear and not discovered yet. Thirdly, the comparison of landscape structures clarified their characters of gardens. Even though Wen Cheng Ming was a painter, he had wide knowledge about garden and expressed very well. Because of Chi Chen's plentiful knowledge about garden, he showed various garden elements. In the case of Li Yu, his picture is very small and it is hard to say to know his garden style very well. But the stone cave is very perculiar case and his flower vase technique seems to be a modern style to decorate and align the space in the garden.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 『조선명승시선(朝鮮名勝詩選)』에 나타나는 명승고적의 문화경관 연구

        이행렬 한국전통조경학회 2019 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        『조선명승시선(朝鮮名勝詩選,1915)』을 『신증동국여지승람(新增東國輿地勝覽)』과 『조선환여승람(朝鮮寰與勝覽)』을 이용하여 충청남도 천안편을 중심으로 일제강점기에 나타나는 명승고적의 변화를 살펴보고자 하였다. 『조선명승시선』이 발간된 시대적 상황을검토해 본 결과 1894년에 발발한 ‘청일전쟁(淸日戰爭)’에 대한 기억이 기록된 내용으로 발간되었으며, 한일강제합방(1910) 이후의조선총독부 ‘동화주의 교육’과 궤를 같이 하였다. 저자인 나루시마 사기무라(成島鷺村)에 대하여는 서문을 통하여 파악할 수 있었다. 『명승시선』에서 각 명승고적을 기술하는데 가장 많은 분량을 차지하는 곳은 ‘안성도(15줄)’로, 일본의 ‘청일전쟁’과 같은 전쟁의기억을 담고 있는 곳이었다. 『여지승람』과 『환여승람』에 공통으로 나타나는 명승고적은 천안의 경우 모두 13개소가 된다. 대부분내용이 비슷하거나 유사한 것으로 기술되었다. 다만 ‘홍경원’과 ‘성환역’은 기존의 명승고적이 가지고 있는 조선의 산수관에 대한층 위에 ‘정유재란’ 또는 ‘청일전쟁’이라고 하는 새로운 전쟁의 역사층을 덧씌워서 전혀 새로운 명승고적의 ‘장소성’으로 전환시켜기술하였다는 점이다. 새롭게 기술된 명승고적 중 ‘안성도’는 ‘청일전쟁’에서 일본의 첫 패배를 안겨준 ‘안성천전투’에 대한 기억을중심으로 서술하고 있는 부분이다. 특히 본문 중에 시노부 순페이의 시를 소개하여 장소성과 시와의 직접적인 연관성을 강조하여시 감상의 묘미를 극대화시키는 작용을 하도록 기술되었다. 반면 조선의 시는 모두 10편으로 제목과 소재가 대부분 역사적 장소와연관되며, 내용 또한 그러한 역사적 맥락을 이해할 때 시 감상의 묘미가 더욱 높아진다. 그러나 실제 구성은 전혀 페이지를 달리함으로써그러한 맥락 관계가 무시되었다. 이러한 명승고적들이 가지는 장소성에 대하여 살펴보면 장소의 위치, 의미, 규모, 주변의 여건 등을 고려해 볼 때 다양한 유형으로나타나고 있다. 즉 여행자를 위한 서비스 공간, 조망과 휴식 또는 회고를 위한 공간, 예불 또는 추모를 위한 사찰공간, 방어와 보호를위한 성곽시설, 또는 임금의 어가공간 그리고 옛날 전쟁터 등으로 나타나고 있다. 특히 주목되는 공간으로는 은둔과 동학농민의투쟁공간이 함께 하고 있다는 점에서 천안이라는 지역의 문화경관으로서의 다양성을 발견할 수 있으며, 앞으로 이러한 점을 토대로하여 지역문화재의 보존과 복원을 위한 정책을 수립할 필요가 있다. This study was conducted to investigate the changes in Scenic Spots by utilizing the 『Sinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram(新增東國輿 地勝覽)』 and 『Joseonhwanyeoseungnam(朝鮮寰與勝覽)』 to interpret 『Joseonmyeongseungsiseon(朝鮮名勝詩選, 1915)』. By examining the historical context when 『Joseonmyeongseungsiseon』 was published, it documented the Japanese’s memories of ‘Sino-Japanese War(淸日戰爭)’ in 1894, which implies the ‘policy of assimilation’ by the Japanese Government-General of Korea after the Japanese annexation of Korea(1910). Detailed information about the author ‘Narushima Sagimura(成島鷺村)’ can be found in preface. In the 『Joseonmyeongseungsiseon』, it dedicates most of the part in describing the Scenic Spot especially in ‘Anseong Do (15 lines)’, where has the memories of war such as the ‘First Sino-Japanese War’. The number of Scenic Spots, commonly mentioned in both 『Sinjeungdonggukyeoji seungram』 and 『Joseonhwanyeoseungnam』 in Cheonan province are 13 in total. Most of the content contains a similar structure. But ‘Honggyeongwon(弘慶院)’ and ‘Seonghwanyeok(成歡驛)’ has both the common Joseon Dynasty landscape point of view, and the additional historical context which are about the ‘Jeongyujaeran (丁酉再亂)’ or ‘First Sino-Japanese War’ consequently enlightens the ‘placeness’ of the Scenic Spots. Among the newly described Scenic Spots, ‘Anseongdo(安城渡)’ is the part that focuses on the memory of the ‘Anseongcheon Battle’ that gave Japan its first defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. Especially, by introducing the poetry of ‘Sinobu Shunpei’ it maximizes the appreciation through emphasizing the direct correlation between placeness and the poem itself. While the Joseon Dynasty poems are 10 pieces in total and their title and the subject matters are all related to historical spots, and the appreciation also maximizes when fully interpreted with understanding the historical context. However, it’s contextual meanings are neglected by dividing the actual structures into separate pages. When looking at the location of famous historic sites, they come in many different types, considering the location, meaning, size, and conditions surrounding them. It appears as a service space for travelers, a place for sightseeing, relaxation or return, a temple space for paying respects or memorial services, a fortress facility for defense and protection, or a fishing area for wages, and an old battlefield. Especially, it is noted that the area is diverse as the cultural landscape of Cheonan, given that the battle space between the hermitage and the Donghangnongmin(東學農民) is shared with each other. It is necessary to establish policies for the preservation and restoration of local cultural assets based on these points in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        폭이 넓은 평면 슬롯 안테나의 광대역 특성

        이행렬,김일권,육종관,박한규 한국전자파학회 2003 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.14 No.3

        본 논문에서는 폭이 넓은 슬롯 안테나의 광대역 특성에 관해 연구하였다. 폭이 넓은 슬롯을 이용하여 다양한 공진 모드를 발생시키고 각각의 공진 주파수에서 임피던스 정합을 시켜 광대역 특성이 나타날 수 있도록 하였다. 이러한 과정에서 기하학적 변수들이 임피던스 정합에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 살펴보았고 또한 꼭지점이 둥근 직사각형 슬롯이 단순한 직사각형 슬롯보다 더 넓은 주파수 영역에서 임피던스가 안정적임을 밝혀 냈다. 꼭지점이 둥근 직사각형 슬롯 안테나를 제작 측정한 결과 정재파비가 2이하를 기준으로 거의 2 옥타브(2.08 ㎓~8.25 ㎓)가 되는 대역폭을 얻게 되었다. The wideband characteristics of planar antennas with a wide radiating slot have been examined in this paper. A various resonance modes are generated in the wide slot and the wideband characteristics are enhanced by impedance match at each resonance frequencies. In this process, the geometry effects on the impedance match were extracted and it was found that a round corner rectangular slot antenna has more stable impedance match over a wide frequency range than a normal rectangular slot antenna. The round corner rectangular slot antenna is fabricated to verify the wideband characteristics and its measured bandwidth is almost 2 octaves(2.08 ㎓~8.25 ㎓) with VSWR$\leq$2.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개인용 공기포집기를 이용한 기중 연농도와 생물학적 연 폭로지표와의 관련성

        이행렬,김정만,정갑열,김준연,Lee, Haeng-Ryeol,Kim, Jung-Man,Jung, Kap-Yull,Kim, Joon-Youn 대한예방의학회 1993 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.26 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the relationship between the biological lead exposure indices and air lead concentrations measured by personal air samplers. The 72 occupationally lead exposed workers were observed and the bioiogical lead Exposure indices chosen for this study were blood lead(PbB), urine lead(PbU), zinc protoporphyrin in whole blood(ZPP), $\delta$-aminolevulinic acid in urine(ALAU), $\delta$-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (ALAD), coproporphyrin in urine(CPU) and hemoglobin(Hb). The workers were divided into four groups by air lead concentrations: Group I; under $0.05mg/m^3$, Group II; $0.05-0.10mg/m^3$, Group III; $0.10-0.15mg/m^3$ and Group IV; and over $0.15mg/m^3$. For evaluation the relationship between the biological lead exposure indices and air lead concentrations was used as correlation coefficients. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In Group I, II, III and IV, the mean value of PbB were $25.45{\pm}1.84{\mu}g/dl,\;27.87{\pm}3.53{\mu}g/dl,\;31.21{\pm}1.76{\mu}g/dl\;and\;47.02{\pm}13.96{\mu}g/dl$. Between Group IV and other groups showed statistically significant difference(p<0.05). 2. There was an increasing tendency of PbB, PbU, ALAU and ZPP according to the increase the mean air lead concentration, while ALAD has decreasing tendency. CPU and Hb did not show any constant tendency. 3. Correlation coefficients between PbB, PbU, ZPP, ALAU, ALAD, CPU, Hb and air lead concentration were 0.95, 0.83, 0.89, 0.72, -0.83, 0.51 and -0.45 respectively, and regression coefficient between PbB(Y) and PbA(X) was Y=126.8746X+16.9996(p<0.01).

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Confucian Cultural Landscape of Daejeonghyanggyo at Jeju Island

        이행렬 한국전통조경학회 2015 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        Cultural landscapes are known as the spaces or objects, which both natural and built environments and landscapes has been intended, evolved or associated for the long time. According to this point of view, Daejeonghyanggyo(大靜鄕校) is a kind of traditional, Confucian cultural landscapes that is located in Jeju special self-governing province. Its historical background illustrates that the first erection was started in the inner place of Daejeong Hyunseong(大靜縣城) at Taejong(太宗) of 16 years(1416) and it moved to near Dasan Mountain(簞山) at Hyojong(孝宗) of 4 years, Joseon. The aim of this study is to establish authentic values and meanings of these Confucian cultural landscapes, which are valuable resources that can be created into the cultural contents. The results demonstrate the characters of the Confucian cultural landscape as followings; the changing process of new building and its relocation, the utilization of antique maps in location interpretation of Daejeong area, the ecological explanation of the surrounding environment, the Feng-Shui meanings of the name of Dasan Mountain, as a background mountain, and the site layout form of it as the Confucian cultural landscape, the D/H ratio of its courts, the axis’s degree of Daeseongjeon(大成 殿) and Myunglundang(明倫堂) at Daejeonghyanggyo. This study can show that Daejeonghyanggyo is a very successful case for realizing the Confucian reformation to enhance Daejeong Hyun’s education standard considering the locality of the site which is an isolated island like Jejudo(濟州島). The author will further emphasize developing transitional researches from the cultural landscape resources, driven from this study into cultural contents in henceforward.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 정의향교의 유교문화경관에 대한 공간분석

        이행렬 한국전통조경학회 2017 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Jeongeuihyanggyo(旌義鄕校) is a kind of traditional, Confucian cultural landscapes that is located in Jeju special self-governing province. Its historical background illustrates that the first erection was started at Goseong-li of Seongsan-eup(城山邑 古城里) at Taejong(太宗) of 16 years(1417) and it moved to the west gate of Hyunseong(縣城) at Heojong(憲宗) of 15 years,(1849) Joseon. The aim at this study is to reveal characters of these Confucian Spatial Composition and Order, which are valuable resources that can be created into the cultural contents. The results demonstrate the characters of the Confucian cultural landscape as followings; the changing process of new building and its relocation, the utilization of antique maps in location interpretation of Jeongeuihyanggyo, Confucian symbolic elements of it, the spatial compositions and layouts of its buildings, physical structures, main buildings and their characters, locational points of topographic profile, changes of axial line at Daeseongjeon(大成殿), the D/H ratio of its courts. This study can show that Jeongeuihyanggyo is a case for realizing the Confucian reformation to enhance Seongeup Hyun’s education standard considering the locality of the site which is an isolated island like Jejudo(濟州島). The author can see that the example of Confucian space is applied to various layout techniques, both horizontally and vertically, in a limited space condition of being in the castle. Therefore, it is necessary to revive this point so that it can utilize unique Confucian cultural landscape possessed only by Jeongeuihyanggyo. 제주도 소재 정의향교는 전통적인 유교 예제건축으로 유교문화경관을 표상하는 사례가 된다. 조선 태종16년(1416)에 정의현 설치와함께 성산읍 고성리에 처음 세워졌으나 헌종 15년(1849)에 성내 서쪽으로 이건하여 오늘에 이르고 있는 유구한 역사를 가진 곳이다. 향교가 가지는 문화경관 자원의 특성을 공간구성과 유교의 공간예제 적용방식을 통하여 규명하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 연구를위하여 정의향교가 가지고 있는 유교문화경관의 공간구조와 유교예제에 관한 특징을 다음과 같은 항목으로 분석하였다. 즉 정의향교의건립과 이건에 따른 변화과정, 고지도를 통한 입지적인 해석, 정의향교의 유교적 상징요소, 공간구성과 배치형태, 물리적 구조, 주요건축물, 지형면에서의 입지특성, 축선의 변화, 그리고 대성전 전면공간의 위요감(D/H비) 등을 통하여 유교예제가 공간구조에 나타나는특징을 파악할 수 있었다. 정의향교는 제주도라는 단절된 섬 지역에서 지역의 특수성을 고려하여 유교적 교화를 실현하기 위하여 건립되었으며, 성내 입지라는한정된 공간 조건 가운데서도 수평적, 수직적으로 다양한 배치기법을 통하여 유교 특유의 공간예제를 적용하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 이러한 점을 되살려서 정의향교만이 가지고 있는 독특한 유교문화경관을 활용할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        春秋시대 吳와 越의 都城과 園林 文化景觀

        이행렬 한국중국문화학회 2010 中國學論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        【英文提要】This study was aimed to compare the cultural difference between Wu(吳) and Yue(越) and the results are followings :1. The Chinese Warring States period(春秋戰國時代) is known to be a starting time of Wu and Yue's developing era. Also they were made of the mixture of advanced culutre of central area such as Zhou(周) with vernacular cultrue such as Bronze culture and Agricultural culture around Taihu(太湖)2. Wu was shown to be a multi cultural nation which was based on the central and regional culture, but Yue showed a single cultural nation which was based on YuYue(于越) tribe. 3. Yue's literal image was known to be strong, unyielding will, clear patriot' positive mind, but Wu was known to have dynamic mind such as hunting, amusement and sports. 4. In the case of constructing cities, Yu and Yue two countries agreed with the notions of 'making a rich country' and 'accordance of heaven and people' which was drived by Guan zhong(管仲) and current philosophy. 5. Yu used various methods such as rectangle and triangle shapes of castles and using the water canal based on their flat conditions. Also they adapted their political, recreational and athletic needs to making gardens. Instead Yue pursited to make simple shapes of castles and use the complex arrangemens of architectural buildings with Nine Mountains(九山) based on their mountains and wetland conditions. 6. In the point of gardens, Yu had lurious gardens around royal palaces such as Gusutai(姑蘇臺). Yue had practical and functional gardens such as Zhaoxianguan(招賢館).

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