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      • KCI등재

        피치운동을 이용한 정밀 다위치 정렬기법 개발

        이정신,Lee, Jung-Shin 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        In Strapdown Inertial Navigation System, alignment accuracy is the most important factor to determine the performance of navigation. However by an existing self-alignment method, it takes a long time to acquire the alignment accuracy that we want. So, to attain the desired alignment accuracy in as little as $\bigcirc$ minutes, we have developed the precise multi-position alignment method. In this paper, it is proposed a inertial measurement matching transfer alignment method among alignment methods to minimize the alignment error in a short time. It is based on a mixed velocity-DCM matching method be suitable to the operating environment of vertical launching system. The compensation methods to reduce misalign error, especially azimuth angle error incurred by measurement time-delay error and body flexure error are analyzed and evaluated with simulation. This simulation results are finally confirmed by experimentations using FMS(Flight Motion Simulator) in Lab and the integration test to follow the fire control mission.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        고려 태조의 건국이념의 형성과 국내외 정세

        이정신(Lee Jung-Shin) 한국사연구회 2002 한국사연구 Vol.118 No.-

        Although Koryo had unified the later Three Kingdoms, it initially faced the problem of fully incorporating the people of Silla and the Later Paekche. Moreover, many generals and local strongmen of Koryo were engaged in power struggles against each other, and there was a clear sign of future struggles to succeed to the throne after the death of King Taejo. In addition, the Khitans, who had just destroyed the state of Parhae, posed a formidable threat in the north. Taejo's solution to all these problems was to trigger a war by killing the camels presented by the Khitans. The king tried to use the pretext of taking revenge on behalf of Parhae, with which Koryo supposedly had maintained marriage ties. Koryo tried to form an alliance with the Later Chin against the Khitans, but military expeditions could not be launched because of passive responses from the Later Chin. The Koryo court then banished the Khitan envoys and let the Khitan gift of camels to starve to death under a bridge in the capital city. However, as the Khitans were preparing to wage a decisive battle with the Later Chin. they did not retaliate against Koryo for this provocation. Consequently, Taejo's plan to initiate a war against the Khitans did not materialize. King Taejo's attempt to formulate a unified Koryo ideology can be seen in his Ten Injunctions (Hunyo Sipcho). There was a special emphasis on Buddhism and the northern expansion policy. Taejo tried to use the Buddhist ideology and monastic institutions to unify the people who had been divided for more than forty years, and to check the power of the local strongmen. He declared that Koryo was a successor to Koguryo and openly welcomed Parhae refugees and even bestowed the royal surname of Wang to the Parhae crown prince. He designated Pyongyang as Koryos Western capital (Sogyong) and publicly proclaimed his desire to recover the ancient territories of Koguryo. Thus, Taejo emphasized that he had unified the legacies of all Three Kingdoms, and that the people of Koryo were one nation physically and spiritually. However, the capital of Koryo was still Kaegyong, and it does not appear that Taeio intended to let Kaegyong, his original power base, be superseded by the Western Capital. Taejo had appointed his cousin Wang Singnyom as the regent (yusu) of the Western Capital in order to check the power of local strongmen such as Yu Kompil and Pak Sugyong who were based in the region. By the time of King Songjong, about forty years after the death of King Taejo, it appears that the northern expansion policy had lost its momentum and the main state policy objective was maintenance of the status quo. We find no real desire for expanding northward in the memorial submitted by Choe Sungno, the most important scholar-official of the time. Later in the early 12th century, Koryo would conquer but quickly return to the Jurchens the nine ports in its northeastern border. This suggests that Koryo's objective Was subjugation of the Jurchens, and there was little aspiration to recover the former territory of Koguryo. In the end, the northern expansion policy of King Taejo did not generate his intended result, and his attempted use of the policy to check the internal political disturbances also failed. However, the kings effort to unify the country ideologically around the state of Koryo was successful, as Koryo became a unified state. He had unified the country physically through his many battles, and his efforts led to the construction of consciousness that all people were of one state and one nation. This consciousness was the driving force that kept Korea unified throughout history until the modern period.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        고려시대 임씨 세력의 연원과 분포

        이정신(Lee, Jung-shin) 신라사학회 2015 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.34

        Jinwi-hyeon was a sub-hyeon(sub-county) of Suju and Pyeongtaek-hyeon was a sub-chyeon of Cheonan-bu in Goryo Era. Local families with surnames existed in the region but their power was not strong. When Taejo Wanggeon concilated the local family powers, he was interested in Chungju, Cheongju, and Jincheon as strategic areas. Taejo tried to incorporate the local power of Cheongju’s Yu family and Jincheon’s Im family from which Taejo’s 10th consort and Hyejong’s queen came. Cheongju area was also anti-cental government and Taejo Wanggeon tried to pacify the area by multiple visits and building walls, and he provided a preferential treatment to Chengju’s local power family. Pyeongtaek area had a significance as a center from which Im family power settled first and migrated throughout the country. Pyeongtaek area a combinded area of Jinwi-hyeon of Gyeonggi province and Pyeongtaek-hyeon of Chungcheong province. Located at the western sea coast area, it had a geographical advantage of having a trade with China, and it provided the reason to have a tale that Im family ancestor came from China. Pyeongtaek-hyeon had agricultural fields of 2,234 gyeols(15,447㎡) of which rice fields were three fifth, and Jinwi-hyeon had 2,841 gyeols of which rice fields was a half. According to Seo Geo Jeong, “offcials and people of Jinwi-hyeon sufferd from frequest visits by envoys and official visitors as it was located at the juction of three provinces.” Although Pyeongtaek was not a rich area this geographical factor contributed to the growth of Im family as one of nation’s big ten families. Im family of Pyeongtaek spreaded out to Joyang, Okgu, Yecheon, Buan, Sunchang, Seonsan, Eunjin, and Gilan. The offsprings of Im family settled in the new areas and promoted themselves to central officials. There were various reasons for them to migrate to new areas. Mostly they migrated as they moved to the areas where their in-law families lived, or fleed from political oppression and wars. They might fleed to avoid explotation of local officials or collection of debts, or they might seek the ways to live at the time of bad harvest, though evidences are rare. This also happened to other families in general in Goryo Era. 고려 초에 진위현은 수주 속현으로, 평택현은 천안부의 속현으로 있었다. 이들 지역에도 토성이 있었으나 지역세가 강하지 못하여 고려 초에 큰 세력을 떨친 것 같지는 않다. 태조 왕건이 후삼국을 통합하는 과정에서 호족세력들을 회유하였는데 당시 전략적 요충지로서 그의 관심대상은 충주, 청주 그리고 진천 등이었다. 따라서 태조가 그의 세력권 내로 편입시키려고 시도한 호족세력은 충주 유씨와 더불어 왕건의 10번째 비와 혜종의 비가 된 진천지방의 임씨세력이었다. 청주의 경우, 궁예에 의해 1,000여명이 사민될 정도로 반정부적이었다. 그러므로 고려를 건국한 왕건은 수차례의 순행과 축성, 그에게 협조적인 청주호족을 우대함으로서 민심을 회유하고자 하였다. 그러므로 고려시대의 평택지역은 임씨세력이 처음으로 거주하면서 각지로 분파된 중심지로서의 의미가 중요하다고 판단된다. 지금의 평택지방은 경기도 영역이던 진위현과 충청도 영역이던 평택현이 합쳐진 지역이다. 이곳의 지리상 이점은 서해안으로 바로 통할 수 있어 중국과의 교역이 쉽게 이루어질 수 있다는 점이다. 이것이 평택임씨 시조가 중국에서 건너왔다는 설화가 있게 된 이유라고 생각한다. 평택현은 《세종실록지리지》에 의하면 墾田이 2234결 중 논이 3/5 정도이며 진위현은 간전 2841결 중 논·밭이 반반이라고 한다. 특히 진위현의 경우, 서거정은 “3도의 요충지에 위치하여 사신과 빈객의 왕래로 백성과 아전이 번거로운 영접에 시달린다고 하였다. 평택이 크게 풍족한 지역은 아니었지만 이점이 오히려 각지로 뻗어나갈 토양을 조성해 오늘날 임씨는 10대 성씨 중 하나로 발전하지 않았나 생각된다. 평택 임씨는 조양, 옥구, 예천 부안, 순창, 선산, 은진, 길안 등 전국에 퍼져나가 각 지역에서 토착세력으로 자리잡아 중앙에 관원으로 등장하였다. 그들이 살던 지역에서 이주하게 된 원인은 다양하다. 그 중 가장 많은 이유는 처가나 외가를 따라 가거나, 혹은 정치적 탄압을 이유로, 국가로부터 사패를 받거나 전쟁을 피해서 이주한 것으로 판단된다. 혹은 속현에 대한 주군현의 수탈을 피해, 혹은 흉년이 들어 살기 힘들어서, 혹은 빚을 피해 도주하기도 했으리라 생각되지만 확실한 자료는 찾기 어렵다. 이는 평택 임씨에 한정된 것이 아니라 고려시대에 살았던 주민들의 일반적인 모습이라고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        고려 충혜왕의 행적과 정치적 입장

        이정신(Lee Jung-Shin) 한국인물사연구소 2010 한국인물사연구 Vol.13 No.-

        After the Mongolian invasion, the Koryo dynasty was controled by their political meddling. So Kings of Koryo were often retired. For example, King Cungryl abdicated the throne in King Cungsun, King Chungsuk also demised of the Crown to King Chunghye. The name of Chung shows Koryo's respect to the Imperial Won. King Chunghye strove to escape of Mongolian interference. King Chunghey thought to solve their difficulties based on Koryo's wealth and power. First of all, King Chunghye expanded the national finance. He was also in charge of the national policy. However, his political reformation was confronted with the high-ranking government officials' opposition. So King Chunghey reinforced his reformation policy. At that time, one of special issues is the rape of King Chungsuk's wife, princess Kungwha. King Chungsuk was a father of King Chunghey. So this accident was very strange in Koryo society. In nomadic tribes like Mongolian, except for his real mother, the son married his father's wife or handed over them to other person. It was called Sugehon(受繼婚). So King Chunghey's activities were not committed an ethical issue based on traditional nomadic custom. But the faction of Choguk broke out rebellion against King Cunghey. King Cunghey put down a revolt and spurred his political reformation. King Cunghey's reformation came to naught due to the objection of Ki's family. These family's power based on the Imperial Won. So King Chunghey were taken to the Imperial Won and was died in there. The case of King Cunghey shows the situation of Koryo dynasty's political situation during the Mogolian interfered period.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 금 은채굴과 금소 · 은소

        이정신(Lee Jung-Shin) 호서사학회 2010 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.57

        Due to their unique color and brilliance, and easiness to work, gold and silver are a highly sought-after precious metal that throughout virtually all of recorded history has been used as money, ornaments, and decoration, which represent one's wealth and power. In the Goryeo era, a main method for gold was panning rather than mining. Therefore, many communities for gold were located along rivers where panning for gold was easy. The regions for gold and silver were located in various places of Chungcheongdo, Jeollado, Gyeongsangdo, and Gangwondo, and the government established communities for gold in order to maintain their stable production. While panning was usually used for gold, people had to toil and moil in order to produce silver because it was mainly produced by mining. It was a rule to offer the predetermined amount of mined silver to the government, and if failed to offer the amount of silver, the government dispatched local government officials in order to collect a regular tax and a poll tax, showing the most important task of the officials: collecting taxes. Gold and silver were not only used as valuables for the royal and noble families, but also main exports, so the government levied heavy regular and special taxes on communities for gold and silver. The tax burdens were so heavy that people in the communities began to leave their communities in the early Goryeo era, and many communities disintegrated during the Mongol war. Hence, the amount of gold and silver that the government could collect substantially decreased during the Won's intervention era. As Goryeo could not provide sufficiently Won with gold and silver, Won directly dispatched their engineers to Goryeo, and engineers produced gold and silver by using local people. This shows that Goryeo's communities for gold and silver were perfectly broken up. Hence, king ChoongRyul tried to exclude gold from trading items with Won, declaring that Goryeo did not produce any gold and silver any more. SamBongJip's mention that collectingsystems for gold and silver were all abolished means that supply and demand of mining materials became unstable. However, when Ming substituted for Won, Ming demanded more gold and silverto Goryeo than Won did. Hence, anxiety for unstable demand and supply of gold got to be more serious after Ming was established, and this became a main agenda of the Goryeo, and even of the Chosun era, which followed Goryeo.

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