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        기관기내시경상 이상병변을 보이는 환자에게 있어 Thinprep검사법과 기존세포검사법의 효율성 및 유용성에 대한 비교

        이정호 ( Jung Ho Lee ),양정경 ( Jung Kyung Yang ),정인범 ( In Bum Jung ),이정의 ( Jung Hea Lee ),설혜정 ( Hae Jung Sul ),김윤미 ( Yoon Mi Kim ),김범경 ( Bum Kyeng Kim ),최유진 ( Yue Jin Choi ),나문준 ( Moon Joon Na ),손지웅 ( Ji W 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2006 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.61 No.6

        배경: 액상 세포학 검사법(Liquid-based cytology)은 최근들어 각광을 받고있는 검사방법으로 여러 연구, 특히 산부인과적 영역에서 암진단에 높은 효율성을 보여주고 있다. 본 저자들은 기관지내시경상 이상병변을 보이는 환자에서 세척세포진, 솔질세포진, 액상 세포학 검사법인 Thinprep을 시행하여 진단율 및 효용성을 비교하여 보았다. 방법 및 대상: 본원에서 2005년 6월부터 9월까지 호흡기적 증상을 보여 내원한 환자 중 기관지내시경을 시행하여 병변이 발견된 30명의 환자에서 Thinprep과 기존세포검사를 시행하였다. 결과: 이상병변을 보였던 30명의 환자 중 조직검사를 통해 암을 진단받은 환자는 24명이었으며 4명은 결핵, 각각 1명씩은 기관지확장증, 기관지-폐누공을 진단받았다. Thinprep에서 암인 24명의 환자 중 19명이, 기존세포검사에서 기관지솔질검사(brushing)을 통해 얻은 결과가 17명, 세척액(washing)은 12명에서 암세포나 비전형세포가 보였다. 두 방법 모두 암이 아닌 환자에서는 비전형세포는 보이지 않았다. 세척세포진검사는 민감도 50%, 특이도 100%, 양성예측도 100%, 음성예측도 33.3%, 솔질세포진검사는 민감도 70.8%, 특이도 100%, 양성예측도 100%, 음성예측도 46.2%, Thinprep에서는 민감도 79.2%, 특이도 100%, 양성예측도 100%, 음성예측도 54%를 보였다. 결론: 액상 세포학 검사법인 Thinprep은 기존의 검사법보다 민감도, 음성예측도가 큰 검사로 폐암의 진단률을 높이는데 도움을 줄 수 있으며 앞으로 대단위의 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Background: Liquid-based cytology is currently known as an effective method, and cervical cytology has been shown to be especially effective from of malignancy detection. In our study, the cytological detection rates of the Thinprep (Liquid-based cytology) and conventional cytology (bronchial washing & brushing) for endobronchial lesions were compared. Methods: Between July 2005 and September 2005, the data from 30 patients with respiration symptom, who had shown abnormal lesion on bronchoscopy, were collected. Results: The bronchoscopic biopsy group was consisted of 30 cytodiagnosis specimens, 24 of which were confirmed to be malignant. The others were tuberculosis (4), bronchiectasis and bronchopulmonary fistula (1 each). Of the 24 malignant case, cancer or atypical cells were detected in 19, 17 and 12 of the Thinprep, brushing cytology and washing cytology cases, respectively. None one of the methods detected cancer cells in the non-malignant specimens. Washing cytology has shown sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 50, 100, 100 and 33.3% respectively. Brushing cytology has shown sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 70.8, 100, 100 and 46.2%, respectively. Thinprep has shown sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 79.2, 100, 100 and 54%, respectively. Conclusions: Thinprep (liquid-based cytology) showed better sensitivity and negative predictive values for the evaluation of lung cancer than conventional cytology. However a large-scale study will be needed in the future. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 547-553)

      • KCI등재

        ‘사유의 통로’; 에반스 챈Evans Chan의 〈베이징으로의 여행Journey to Beijing〉을 중심으로

        李庭仁(Jung-In Lee) 중국어문논역학회 2021 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.- No.48

        아편전쟁 이후 홍콩은 늘상 ‘보여지는 자’의 위치에 있었다. 제국들은 늘 식민지의 모든 것들을 ‘보는 자’의 위치에서 해석하고 재편하며, 제국의 보편적이고도 균질적인 가치를 전달하고자 했다. 당시 역사의 주체는 유럽인이었고 사물에 대한 지배는 타인의 지배로 이어졌다. 늘 ‘보는 자’의 위치에 있던 서양, 영국의 백인은 자신들의 질서를 홍콩에 이식했다. 헤겔의 말처럼 ‘보편적 균질성의 영역’을 구축하지 않고서는 국민형성은 불가능하고, 따라서 국민형성을 지향하는 근대화 과정은 그 내부에서 이질적인 것의 제거를 수반할 수밖에 없다. 이러한 근대의 보편적이고 균질적인 틀 안에서 늘 ‘보여지는 자’의 위치로 홍콩은 150여년의 시간을 보냈다. 150여년동안 홍콩은 작은 어촌 마을에서 아시아의 금융센터로 비약적인 발전을 했으며, 동서양의 융합지역으로 상징되기도 했다. 그리고 1997년 7월 1일 이후 ‘중국인 조국의 품’으로 회귀했다. 홍콩은 예전부터 동서양의 경계, 융합 등 동서양의 절충지대로 묘사되었다. 메리루이스 프렛이 말한 ‘접촉지대’로 “‘접촉지대contact zone’란 지배와 복종, 식민주의와 노예제도 등과 같이 극도로 비대칭적인 관계가 초래한 결과 속에서 이종 문화들이 만나고 부딪히고 서로 맞붙어 싸우는 사회적 공간을 의미한다.”고 정의한다. 본 논문에서 필자는 ‘보는 자(제국)’와 ‘보여지는 자(피식민지)’의 상호성을 좀 더 확대 해석하고자 한다. 메리 루이스 프랫의 주장처럼, 피식민자들은 식민자의 영향으로부터 벗어난 어떤 순수한 것일 수 없이 혼종적이고, 그렇기에 이들의 시선이 다른 사회로 향했을 때 역시 온전히 피식민자들의 순수한 시선으로 바라보지 않을 것이다. 비록 A⇔B의 상호성은 아니더라도 A⇒B(보이는 자, 피식민자)⇒C의 일방향성처럼 보이는 시선의 방향은 B의 이중성, 즉 ‘보여지는 자’인 동시에 ‘보는 자’로서의 위치전향이 A의 ‘보는 자’의 시선과 혼종되어 C를 바라볼 것이다. 이에 필자는 에반스 챈Evans Chan의 ‘에세이 영화’ <베이징으로의 여행 Journey to Beijing>을 통해 홍콩의 150년간의 시간 속 잠재되었을(그것이 제국이든 도시화든, 또는 자본주의든 상관없이) 문화횡단적이자, 혼종된 이중적 시선을 살피고자 한다. 또한 이렇게 홍콩이 이중적 시선을 지닐 수밖에 없었던 ‘이방인’으로서 홍콩의 주체성이 영화에서 어떻게 재현되었는지를 ‘이방인론’과 ‘에세이 영화’의 특징과 함께 그 사유의 과정을 살필 것이다. After the Opium War, Hong Kong has always been in the position of “the visible”. Empires have always tried to interpret and reorganize everything in the colony from the position of a “seeer” and convey the universal and homogeneous value of the empire. At that time, the subject of history was Europeans, and control over things led to the domination of others. Western and British whites, who were always in the position of “seeers,” transplanted their order to Hong Kong. Urban, masculine, and literal (language) authority would not have seen the customary and traditional order inside Hong Kong. As Hegel said, it is impossible to form a people without establishing an ‘universal homogeneity’, so the modernization process aimed at forming a people inevitably entails the removal of alien things within it. Hong Kong has been more than 150 years in the position of “to be seen” in such a universal and homogeneous framework of modern times and described as a ‘contact zone’ such as the border and fusion of East and West (Mary-Louise Fret). In this paper, I intend to expand and interpret the reciprocity of the ‘one who sees (the empire)’ and ‘the one who is seen (the colonized)’. As Mary Louise Pratt argues, colonists cannot be any pure thing that escapes from the influence of the colonists, and therefore, when their gaze is not pure. I would like to expand a realm of reciprocality. Although the direction of the gaze, A ⇒ B (visible, colonized) ⇒ C looks like the one way, but B will look at C by being mixed with the gaze of the ‘To see’ and ‘To be seen’. So the two cultures (whether it’s empire, urbanization, or capitalism) might have been latent in Hong Kong’s 150 years of time. Through 〈Journey to Beijing〉, I would like to study Hong Kong’s double gaze. This paper will study the process of Hong Kong’s thinking on various issues in Hong Kong, along with Hong Kong’s transcultural and double gaze, and Schuetz’s Theory of ‘the stranger’.

      • KCI등재

        시진핑(習近平) 중국 주석 방한 연설텍스트의 수사학적 분석 -”한중미래를 위한 공동협력은 아시아의 진흥과 번영이다.”-

        이정인 ( Jung In Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        This manuscript has analyzed a speech rhetorically by President Xi Jinping in "The Co-operation of Korea and China for future will promote the prosperity of Asia" in July 4th, 2014. According to the perspective of 5 principles - invention, disposition, elocution and action(without memory), the results are as follows; Regarding analysis in the view of "invention", this research found rhetorical situation which includes the necessary to establish a sense of culture in global economy, approaching time to sign FTA for system-culture and time to be responsible for security culture together. This speech-text belongs to deliberative type mostly, however, also have the features of epideictic type. As for TOPOS, this study found testimony of human and words of authority in external topos and searched for reason-result, relation and comparison in internal topos. Furthermore, looked for principle arguments and fulfillment arguments to ‘do action for the development of relation with Korea and China’ upon the basis of deliberative. Regarding analysis in the point of "disposition", the speaker divided the 33 paragraphs into introduction, explanation body, verification body and conclusion. Explanation body of this speech-text is to be not only ``explaining`` something, but also ``showing`` premise for stating his intention of speech before entering verification body. Regarding analysis in the view of "elocution", the speaker shows his intention by means of word selection and rhetorical figures with Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, this research studied noun and first person plural pronoun, the four syllables, synonyms selected by speaker. It also analyzed rhetorical figures as two types. One is beauty of balance and includes antithesis, Paibi and huihuan, the other is beauty of relation between two objects and includes metaphor and quotation. They are all based on Chinese traditional thought and Chinese characters and can heighten persuasive effect for expression. Regarding analysis in the perspective of "action", the speech-text has graceful and general style together in a point of linguistic elements of the speech. As for non-linguistic elements, namely, cloths, expression of the face, activity space, voice speed, voice tone, voice length and speaker``s gaze made speaker receive positive response from audience.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일선 복지담당공무원의 회복탄력성이 소진에 미치는 영향

        이정서(Jung-Seo Lee),김영환(Young-Hwan, Kim) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2018 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.23 No.9

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between resilience, burnout, and self-efficacy of Public Social Workers and to draw implications for effective management of Public Social Workers. In order to accomplish this study purpose, the resilience of Public Social Workers as an independent variable, burnout as a dependent variable of occupational identity, and self-efficacy as a moderating variable were selected. The causal relationship between resilience and burnout and the moderating effect of self-efficacy were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the resilience of Public Social Workers showed a significant effect on burnout, and the effect of resilience on burnout varied according to self–efficacy, so there was a moderating effect of self-efficacy. Based on the results of this analysis, the theoretical implications and policy implications of this study are suggested.

      • 중합공정 변수가 NCO 및 점도에 미치는 영향평가

        이정인(Jung-In Lee),김상오(Sang-Oh Kim),Yan Jiating,곽재섭(Jae-Seob Kwak) 한국기계가공학회 2007 한국기계가공학회 춘추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        For the production of urethane prepolymer, the effect of process parameters such as diisocyanate MDI and polyol TDI was tested. In this paper, design of experiments has been adopted for studying the effect of the process parameters on the improvement of NCO and viscosity of pre-polymer. As a result of comparison of different parameters, the effect of polyol was stronger than that of isocyanate in comparison of reactivity according to the amounts of isocyanate and polyol. Especially, NCO and viscosity of pre-polymer affected a product safety.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 문직물에 나타난 문양 연구

        이정인(Lee Jung-In),조효순(Cho Hyo-Soon) 한복문화학회 1999 韓服文化 Vol.2 No.3

        This study was designed to examine the various fabric patterns focussing on the patterns shown on the woven fabrics of the Chosun dynasty and to put to use the pattern development of traditional Hanbok textiles and everyday-life Hanbok Hanbok textiles by presenting the designs of each pattern. The outline of the results of this study is as follows: 1. The different types of woven fabric used in the Chosun dynasty were Keum, Kee, Neung, Rah, Sah, Dahn, Choh, and Ju. The Dahn fabric was shown to be the most frequently used in the Chosun dynasty by holding 66.12% of the overall usage. The Sah fabric held 14.29%, the Choh fabric held 7.35%, the Neung fabric held 6.12%, the Ju fabric held 2.86%, and the Kee fabric held 2.04% of the total usage. 2. The different types of pattern used on the woven fabrics of the Chosun dynasty are divided into several categories: dong-mul-mun, shik-mul-mun, ja-yun-mun, ki-ha- hak-mun, mun-jah-mun, and bo-mun. The dong-mul-mun category consists of hak-mun, hojup-mun, yong-mun, bonghwang-mun, dongja-mun, dahram-jwee-mun. The shik-mul-mun category consists of moran-mun, yeonhwa-mun, kukhwa-mun, mae-hwa-mun, sUkryu-mun, dangcho-mun, dohwa-mun, podo-mun, bo-sanghwa-mun, yung-ji-mun. The ja-yun-mun category consists of wun-mun, soopa-mun. The ki-ha-hakmun category consists of ku-mun, hoeh-mun, mahn-ja-mun. The mun-jah-mun category consists of soo-ja- mun and bok -ja-mun, ssang-hee-ja-mun. Statistic results show that the singular pattems(48.57%) were used less frequently than the combined patterns(51.43%).<br/> 3. The results in the usage of woven fabrics in the Chosun dynasty aocording to the time period showed that they were most frequently used in the 17th century with 32.25%, the 16th century with 28.16%, the 15th century with 17.55%, the 18th century with 12.65%, and the 19th century with 9.39% of the total usage rate. 4. The results in the purpose of using woven fabrics in the Chosun dynasty showed that they were used the most in clothing with 66.54% of the total usage rate. Daily necessities and Bul-bokjang-mul showed the same percentage of 16.73%.

      • KCI등재

        고령자 경제활동 참여의 국가간 비교

        이정의(Jung Ui Lee),비후유휘(Masateru Higo) 한국노인복지학회 2010 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.50

        인구 고령화와 더불어 오늘날 대부분의 선진 산업 사회들은 사회보장기금의 절약과 고령자의 생산적 노화를 위하여 고령자의 노동시장 참여 중대에 대한 압력을 받고 있다. 고령자들의 근로 환경과 조건들이 형성되는 과정은 국가의 주요 인구화적, 제도적, 사회적 상황들에 영향을 받는다. 본 연구의 목적은 국가의 인구학적, 고용 구조적, 제도적 맥락의 차이가 고령자 경제활동 참여의 국가간 차이를 설명할 수 있다는 점을 논의함으로써 각국의 고령자 노동시장 참여와 관련한 국가적 맥락의 중요성을 밝히는 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 선행연구, 각국 정부 문서, 국제기구 및 각국의 최근 통계자료 등을 통해 한국, 일본, 미국의 고령 근로자를 둘러싼 3가지 차원의 국가적 맥락-(1) 고령자를 노동시장에 참여시켜야 하는 인구학적 차원의 압력의 수준, (2) 고령 자영업자 비율 (3) 노동시장 제도 및 정부 정책 차원을 분석한 후 고령자의 노동시장 참여와 관련한 국가간 차이점들을 논의하였다. 연구 결과, 이 모든 세 가지 측면에 있어서의 국가적 맥락의 차이가 일본의 고령자들로 하여금 특히 미국의 고령자들보다 노동시장에 더 오래, 더 많이 참여 하도록 하는데 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 한국의 경우는 고령 자영업 종사자의 비율이 높다는 점이 특히 65세 이상 고령자의 높은 경제활동 참여율을 부분적으로 설명하고 있으며, 다른 두 가지 측면인 인구학적 측면과 제도적 측면에서의 차이도 미국에 비해 높게 나타나는 고령자 경제활동 참여율을 성명하고 있다. In facing the aging of the population and the aging workforce over the past and coming decades, industrialized countries have been forced to find positive ways in which to integrate older persons into the labor force. This paper will c1arify that three national contexts are the essential determinants of older worker labor force participation and will compare and contrast national contexts that surround workers aged 55 and older in S. Korea, Japan and the United States. Based on a review of relevant literature, government reports and findings from the latest available data from international organizations, differences are found in three major areas: (1) the level of demographic pressures; (2) the fraction of older workers who are self employed; and (3) national labor market institutions and the role of government affecting employment security and employment opportunity in later life. The differences in each of the three areas are discussed in this paper and will help to explain why older workers in S. Korea and Japan remain in the labor force longer than workers in the United States, why labor force participation rate among workers aged 55~64 is higher in Japan than in S. Korea, and why labor force participation rate among workers aged 65~74 is higher in S. Korea than in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        응급실 체류시간 단축을 위한 시뮬레이션 분석

        이정만(Jung Man Lee),김미이(Mi-Yi Kim),김동현(Dong Hyun Kim),이종일(Jong Il Lee),김기만(Ki-Man Kim),이영훈(Young Hoon Lee),김승호(Seung Ho Kim),박유석(Yu-Suk Park) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2009 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to find the reasons of overcrowding in the emergency department of an hospital, then to shorten the total stay time of patients The fact that main causes of the overcrowding exist in the process of the emergency department was discovered by analysis of the data In order to Improve these process, simulation model was developed by ARENA 70 Staffs time, staffs organization, process ratio, and patient's waiting time were estimated in the simulation model in consideration of the decision of the patient's course of action Several scenarios such as the simplification of the process, the setup of dedicated pathology lab, and mixed method were suggested and evaluated Total stay time of the patients would be reduced up to 28.45%

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