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      • NAP - 범죄 감시 및 보안 시스템

        이의철,박성기,이광식,최만용(Choi Man-Yong) 한국산업응용수학회 2011 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        NAP를 통해 범죄 예방 및 국민의 안전 안심 사회 구현을 위한 지능형 다중 센싱 기반 보안상황 인지 대응 시스템 및 과학수사 분석기술을 개발하고자 한다. 이를 통해 다양한 범죄 유형에 대응 가능한 보안 상황 인지 시스템을 구축하여, 범죄 사전 통제 및 즉각 대응으로 범죄를 예방할 수 있다. 또한 센서 개발 및 제품화를 통해 보안 시스템 시장에서의 경쟁력을 확보하고자 한다.

      • 聯想 : 心理學的 考察

        李義喆 서울대학교 1967 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The effect of natural language in learning, which was eliminated in Ebbinghaus' experiments, holds much interest and importance in psychological research on verbal learning. Word-association technique is recognized as one of the useful technique to estimate some property involved in language. In the present report, some new techniques will be introduced to analyze the meahanism of word-association and the characteristics of natural language. Association Experiment of Three-syllable Verbs In this experiment, 408 three-syllable verbs in Korean were used as the stimulus word, and the subject was instructed to give some meaningfully related verbs successively for a 30 second period per a word. A munber of associative responses was obtained from the stimulus. This data was analyzed two opposite ways: (1) many other words were elicited from given word divergently, this mode of association may be called "Divergent" or briefly D-association: (2) many association from various words lead to a given word convergently, this mode may be called "Convergent" or briefly C-association. Each mean frequency of both mode of associative responses were respectively calculated on 408 three-syllable verbs as follows: (D) value-mean frequency of D-associations elicited from a given three-syllable verb to other verbs. D value-mean frequency of D-associations elicited from a given three-syllable verb to other three-syllable verbs. C value-mean frequency of C-associations elicited from other three-syllable verbs to a given three-syllable verb. Properties of each value were successively examined from various aspects. Distribution curves of each value: Distribution of each value of 408 words were plotted. The type of curve of C value approximated to that of Zipf's distribution curve which demonstrated that of a greater variety of words was found at the lower rank-order of frequency-of-usage than at the higher rank-order. However, those of (D) and D value did not indicate Zipf's type, but registered as a normal or nearly normal type. It was recognizable as a very interesting fact that type of distribution of D value was quite different from the of C value whild entirely identical data were rearranged in these two values. Analysis of C-Association Relation to frequency-of-usage: It may be assumed from the type of distribution that C value will be related to the frequency-of-usage of words. And so, it was examined the relation comparing the degree of the C value of each word with the frequency score appearing in the table of frequency-of-usage in the following methods. In the one method, C value increased as a function of frequency-of-usage, and in the other method, correlation between C value rank and frequency rank was highly positive. These results supported the preciseness of the assumption. Relation to familiarity: Since it may be considered that frequency-of-usage and familiaritty are related to each other, it is taken an hypothesis that C value (which is highly similar to frequency-of-usage) will also reveal a positive relation to familiarity. This hypothesis was tested by attempting the following experiment methods nearly idential. In each experiment, selected 102 words (from the 408 three-syllable words quoted above) were rated on five-point rating scales. The results showed that C value increased as a function of familiarity scale in the experiment, and the C value was highly correlated with the rating scale. Both of them supported the hypothesis. Relation to meaningfulness: This effect of C value to verbal learning corresponds highly to that of m value (index of meaningfulness estimated by Noble) to language. Therefore, if meaningfulness of three syllable verbs is estimated, it will positively correlate to C value. Upon this prediction, an experiment to establish meaningfulness of the words, which were selected in experiment of familiarity was attempted by using a method of successive free association (equivalent to the procedure in Noble's experiment). Index of meaningfulness in this experiment was called as DM value. This was defined as follows: mean frequency of D-associations elicited from a given word to other words. Correlation between C value and Dm value was calculated and its result indicated a relatively high score between them. This fact also supported the assumption. Association Value as an Effect to Learning It may be further more derived (from high similarity of C value to frequency-of-usage as well as familiarity) that learning will be facilitated as the function of the C value of words which are used as learning material. This prediction was examined in the following experiments. In the one experiment in which the method of retained members was adopted, the number of correct recalls increased as function of C value. In the other experiment in which serial anticipation and paired-associate method adopted respectively, trials to a certain criterion of acquisition of learning decreased as a function of C value. These results supported the prediction. Analysis of D-Association Properties of (D) and D values: Though properties of (D) and D values were examined by entirely equivalent procedure (as used in examing the properties of C values), no positive information of each value was obtained in any aspect. The question, what is the property of D-association, arises from this fact, and its explanation is required. analysis of D value: It was examined the relation between total frequency of D-association of a given word and C value of each association elicited from the word in rearranging the previously obtained data. It was apparent from this analysis that the degree of D value of a given word was more positively correlated to the degree of words having a higher C value, elicited from the word, than to that of words having a lower C value. It was also found that C value (or frequency-of-usage, familiarity, meaningfulness) or a given word itself hardly exerted any influence on the total frequency of D-association elicited from the word. Analysis of Inter-word Assocation Mechanism of inter-word association between two given words was analyzed by rearranging the previously obtained data. In a number of cases that the two given words showed an associative relation to each other, C values of the two words were compared. The result demonstrated a very consistent and regular tendency as follows: the association from a word having a lower C value to the other having a higher C value was usually stronger than the association in the reverse direction. Upon a consideration that C value (or frequency-of-usage, familiarity, meaningfulness) of two words determine the strength of inter-word association, the former case was called ascendent association or briefly a-association, the latter descendent association or briefly d-association. Degree of descrepancy between a and response process of word-association, in comparison with other similar findings. Morea dynamic nature, function and inter-relationship of words could be understood with analyzing the C association rather than merely the D-association. the C value of stimulus words in the controlled association such as the present experiment was able to serve as an efficient substitute for scores of frequency-of-usage, based on the same stimulus words. As a by-product of the present investigation, inter-relationship among C value, frequency-of-usage, familiarity, and meaningfulness of a word was discussed. It was suggested that the first three properties were positively correlated with one another, but meaningfulness seemed to be somewhat different from the others. From the present experiment, (1) itcuold find consistent rules which operated upon the associative mechanism of natural language especially by introducing such a techniques as an analysis of Convergent association. While it cloud also support the above rules as being general by refering to simiar studies on word-association, there are some limitations in this findings, because its results were established on an experiment carried on within a closed area. In order to establish this rule as a more general and valid one beyond this limitation, it sees that the same rule must be also established in any other experiment in which materials or words other than three-syllable verbs are used as stmulus words. The examination remains as a problem for the future. (2) It has examined some antecedents of conditions of verbal habit to influence upon word-association process by forming artificial languages in a laboratory. Since this experimentation was, however, very simple and a preliminary one however the possibility of this technique was, to some extent, recognized, a more extensive an systematic study will be demanded concerning this problem in the future. And the theoretical standpoint of such an investigation based on the S-R relation, which is a source of the Behaviorism, but it may be also one of the most important problems in a study on the word-association by the Gestalt theoretical views.

      • KCI등재

        화재 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 이용한 냉동창고의 화재 해석

        이의철,이병곤,정길순 한국방재학회 2012 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.12 No.6

        Forty people died in the fire of refrigeration warehouse at January 7th, 2008. In this thesis, Computater-simulation has been performed to understand the cause of deaths and fire diffusion processes of the refrigeration warehouse fire by using the FDS program. Also, the effect of sprinkler system was examined hypothetically. The results showed that smoke flew along the corridor and reversed after crash into the end of corridor, so the mechanical and electrical room were filled with smoke earlier than other rooms. CO density of corridor exceeded to the safety upper value, and it could be a cause of 8 persons died in corridor. CO density of mechanical room increased rapidly up to safety lower value from the beginning of fire and the CO density of adjacent corridor was higher than the mechanical room. It presumed the cause of 20 persons died in mechanical room, and they could not escape to adjacent corridor. The density of CO2 and O2 were lower than the limit of safety value, its could not be an immediate causes of death. The effect of sprinkler was not much because water droplets descended the flame and smoke to the height of breath. 2008년 1월 7일 발생한 냉동창고 화재에서 40명이 사망하였다. 이러한 초대형 화재의 초기 확산과정과 화재 재현을 통한 인명피해의 원인을 파악하기 위하여 FDS 프로그램을 이용하여 시뮬레이션하였다. 화재시나리오와 화재해석조건을 입력하여 화재를 해석하고, 사망원인을 추정하였다 또한, 가상적으로 스프링클러가 작동했을 때의 변화를 검토하였다. 그 결과 냉동실 13에서화재가 발생하여 나온 연기는 통로를 따라 유동하며 통로 끝에 부딪힌 후에는 역류하여 통로 끝에 인접한 기계실과 전기실에연기가 먼저 유입된다. 통로의 CO농도가 안전 상한값 이상으로 수분 이내 무의식으로 사망하였을 것으로 추정된다. 기계실과전기실은 화재발생 초기부터 CO농도가 급격히 상승하여 안전하한값까지 증가하며, 통로의 CO농도가 더 높아 대피할 수 없어서 질식 사망하였을 것으로 추정된다. 사망자 실과 통로들의 연기온도가 안전상한값을, 고온의 열로 사망할 수 있으며, 2도 화상 온도 100oC를 훨씬 상회하여 상당한 화상을 입었을 것으로 추정된다. CO2농도와 O2농도는 안전 한계값 이하로서 직접적인사망 원인으로 볼 수 없다. 스프링클러가 1개씩 작동한 경우, 천정의 연기온도, CO, CO2, O2농도는 급격히 감소하나, 인체호흡높이에서는 화염과 연기가 아래로 하강하여 크게 감소하지 않아서, 스프링클러의 효과가 크지 않다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        다층 퍼셉트론을 이용한 자동차 번호판 인식의 최적 입출력 노드의 비율 결정에 관한 연구

        이의철,이왕헌 한국전자통신학회 2016 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        The Car License Plate Recognition (CLPR) is required in searching the hit-and-run car, measuring the traffic density, investigating the traffic accidents as well as in pursuing vehicle crimes according to the increased in number of vehicles. The captured images on the real environment of the CLPR is contaminated not only by snow and rain, illumination changes, but also by the geometrical distortion due to the pose changes between camera and car at the moment of image capturing. We propose homographic transformation and intensity histogram of vertical image projection so as to transform the distorted input to the original image and cluster the character and number, respectively. Especially, in this paper, the Multilayer Perceptron Algorithm (MLP) in car plate recognition is used to determine the optimized ratio between the number of input, hidden and output layers by the real experimental result while changing the node numbers of input and hidden as well as output layers. 자동차 번호판 인식은 뺑소니차량의 추적이나 교통량의 측정, 교통사고의 조사 및 차량의 증가에 따른 차량범죄의 추적에 이용되고 있다. 실제 적용되는 교통 환경에서는 눈이나 비 그리고 주야간의 조명 변화에 따라서 입력되는 영상에 외란의 영향을 받기 쉬우며, 또한 영상을 촬영하는 순간의 차량의 직진방향과 카메라가 보는 방향에 따라서 동일한 번호판에 대해서도 기하학적으로 변형된 영상이 입력되게 된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 카메라를 이용한 번호판 인식 환경의 문제를 해결하는 방법으로 호모그래피를 이용하여 기하학적으로 변형된 영상을 원래의 영상으로 변환하는 방법과 투영 히스토그램을 이용한 문자의 분리 방법을 제안하였다. 분리된 영상은 다중 퍼셉트론방법을 이용하여 문자와 숫자를 인식하였고 특히 최적한 입력, 은닉, 출력 층의 비율을 실험을 통하여 도출 하였다.

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