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      • KCI등재후보

        독립장편영화 <그댄 나의 뱀파이어>의 메타 영화 연구

        이원회 ( Lee Won-hoi ) 한국디지털영상학회 2016 디지털영상학술지 Vol.13 No.-

        The question, “what is cinema?” asked by Andre Bazin, has left a great task for film professionals. As we need to examine the birth of a film for ontological consideration of a film, we have to explore a film, from the focus on a meta-fiction, in order to answer the question. A meta-fiction reveals the production process of a film or expresses it metaphorically in order to show the boundary between a virtual world and a real world, evaluating self-reflexivity and taking a new approach to the art. This study explores the question on the nature of a film and methodological backgrounds of a meta-fiction. To that end, two films on meta-fictions, < Stranger Than Fiction > and < Adaptation >, are compared so that the narrative structure and elements of a meta-fiction are examined. And, an independent feature film that I directed, < You Are My Vampire > is compared with the two films in terms of the elements of a meta-fiction. This dialectic method results in methodological consideration of a meta-fiction and, in turn, ontological consideration of a cinema.

      • KCI등재

        약물 부작용, 오남용 방지를 위한 의약품 정보 어플리케이션 디자인 분석 및 제언 -‘약학정보원’ 어플리케이션 중심으로-

        이원회(Lee, Won Hoe),송지성(Song, Ji Sung) 한국디자인문화학회 2020 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        ‘안전상비의약품’의 판매 이후 약물 복용에 대한 통제의 어려움과 약물 부작용, 오남용의 문제가 늘어가고 있는 현실에서 본 연구는 이를 해결하기 위한 의약품의 효율적인 구매와 안전한 복약, 정확한 정보 전달을 위한 ‘약학정보원’의 UI/UX 어플리케이션 디자인 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구범위는 IOS, 안드로이드 환경의 5가지 국내 의약품 어플리케이션을 선정, 디자인과 사용자경험, 목표 약품에 대한 검색 및 검색결과에 대한 UI/UX 항목이다. 연구 방법으로는 실증 사례분석과 제이콥 닐슨(Jakob Nielsen)의 ‘사용성 평가’, 사용자동향 평가 방식을 활용하였다. 그중 의약품 어플리케이션의 주요 기능인 의약품검색-결과에 대한 반응 효과를 이용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 의약품 어플리케이션은 가시성, 직관성, 정확성, 일관성이 중요한 요소임을 알 수 있었고 대부분의 어플리케이션이 소비자의 복용 약 이력을 관리하는 회원체계가 부족했으며, 주 기능인 의약품검색에서 약품명을 모르는 사용자를 위한 이미지검색 기능 디자인이 부족했다. 또한 대부분이 푸른색–무채색의 컬러를 사용하고 있음을 알 수 있다. ‘약학정보원’에서의 미흡한 점은 아이콘의 디자인적 결함, 내비게이션 바의 미흡(가시성 부족), 에러 창의 부재, 주 사용메뉴 등록기능 부재(효율성 부족), Main Page의 불필요한 요소 사용(심미성 부족), 페이지 전환 버튼의 미흡, 사용 가이드의 부재가 있다. 이로 인한 디자인 방향 제언은 첫째, 이해성이 높고 통일감 있는 시각적 아이콘의 리디자인이 필요하다. 둘째, 약제검색 페이지에서의 다양하고 통일된 검색기능을 이용하여 사용자의 편의를 도와야 한다. 추가로 인공지능의 딥러닝 기술을 이용한 ‘사진검색’ 기능을 추가하기를 제언한다. 셋째, 약제설명 페이지에서 정보 제공과 동시에 페이지 레이아웃에 집중하여 가독성을 높여야 한다. 넷째, 복약지도에 있어, 가독성을 위한 ‘인포그래픽’ 사용을 제안한다. 다섯째, 사용자의 복약 이력 관리가 가능한 회원체계로 변경해야 한다. 본 연구를 통해 사용자의 안전한 의약품 복용 생활에 도움을 주는 것에 본 논문의 의의가 있다. Pharmaceuticals are an important medium for maintaining the health and wellbeing for mankind. However, inappropriate administration and knowledge may result in risk of adverse reaction. As there are now ‘Safety Emergency Drugs’ sold outside the pharmacy for convenience of the consumers, it is difficult to control the drug administration, which is leading to more issues of adverse drug reaction and drug abuse. The purpose of this study is to provide the UI and UX design method to ‘Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center’ for efficient purchase of the drugs, safe administration and accurate delivery of information by using the application with good accessibility for the consumer to reduce the adverse drug reaction and drug abuse. For the scope of this study, 5 Korean pharmaceutical applications in IOS and Android environment were selected, and the design, user experience, search on target drug, and UI and UX items on the search results are included. Empirical case analysis, ‘Usability Evaluation’ by Jakob Nielsen and trend evaluation method were used as the study method. Among these methods, the reaction effect on drug search-result which is the main function of the pharmaceutical application was used. The results of this study are shown as follows. It was verified that the significant factors of pharmaceutical application were visibility, accuracy and consistency, and most of the applications lacked the membership system of managing the history of drugs administered by the consumers. In addition, the main function of drug search lacked the design on the image search function for users that do not know the drug name. Moreover, most of the applications were using blue-achromatic color. Insufficient matters in the ‘Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center’ included design fault on the icon, absence of navigation bar (poor visibility), error window and frequent menu registration function (poor efficiency), use of unnecessary elements on the main page (poor aesthetic impression), poor page conversion button and absence of use guide. Regarding the suggestion on the design direction, first, the re-design of an icon that is visible, highly understandable and with unity is required. Second, various search functions shall be used on the drug search page to support the convenience of the users. Additionally, the use of AI deep learning technology to add the ‘Image Search’ function is suggested. Third, the drug description page shall provide not only the information on the drug, but also be focused on the page layout to enhance the legibility. Fourth, the use of ‘Infographic’ is suggested for legibility on the medication counseling. Fifth, the application shall be changed to the membership system to enable mediation history management of the users. The significance of this study is to help the safe administration of drugs by the users.

      • KCI등재

        광교산 등산시설의 만족도에 관한 연구

        박진기(Park Jang Geun),이원회(Lee Won Hee) 한국사회체육학회 2000 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to offer the fundamental data on the satisfaction level of facilities, which focused on analyzing the number of facilities, the location of facilities, facility management and public relationship for the climbers of the Kangkyo Mountain. This study examined the social and economic characteristics'. gender, age, occupation, educational background, personal income, and the climbers characteristics ' the types of climbers, climbing career, a day of the week for climbing and time spent in the park. For the purpose of this study, a developed questionnaire was used and samples included 206 climbers who lived in Suwon. (1) The satisfaction level about the number of facility showed the difference among the group classified by occupation, educational background. The highest level was women by gender, 30-39 by age, high school graduated people by educational background, functional part by occupation, 2,000,000-2,990,000 won by personal income. (2) The satisfaction level about the location of facility showed the difference among the group classified by occupation and educational background. The highest level was women by gender, over 40-49 by age, high school graduated people by educational background, house wife by occupation, 2,000,000-2,990,000 won by personal income. (3) The satisfaction level about the facility management showed the difference among the group classified by gender, occupation, personal income, and educational background. The highest level was a woman by gender, over 50 by age, high school graduated people by educational background, house wife by occupation, 2,000,000-2,990,000 won by personal income. (4) The satisfaction level about public relationship showed the difference among the group classified by age. The highest level was women by gender, 40-49 by age, the rest group by educational background, management part by occupation, over 3,000,000 won by personal income. On the base of the above results, organized public relationship program and effectual facility management system are needed Fundamental data for improving plans must be studied by the different point of view from national parks.

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