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      • KCI등재

        대학 교양영어수업에서의 블렌디드 러닝 활용방안: 프로젝트학습을 중심으로

        이연화 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2013 외국학연구 Vol.- No.25

        The purpose of this study is to provide a rationale for utilizing blended learning in general English education of university; in addition, it describes the process of creating and implementing blended learning in the classroom and gives examples of how this unique teaching and learning strategy can be used successfully to teach learners. First, it examines the nature of blended learning by comparing on/off line classes‘ learning, indicating the problems in general English education and how we teach and study using blended learning skills. Secondly, the study deals with issues related to applying blended learning based project work in classes. It emphasizes the importance not only in motivating active group effort and participation, but also in creating a trusting, cooperative relationship between group members in order to have a successful accomplishment of blended learning. Finally, this paper investigates the result of 140 student surveys to measure the learners’ reaction of the model class. Based on the result of the study, various models being used in the blended learning environment will be studied in order to upgrade the qualities of general English education in the future research.

      • 박용래 시에 나타나는 소외의 공간과 시적 주체의 시선

        이연화 한국언어문학교육학회 2016 한어문교육 Vol.38 No.-

        As for poems of Park Yongnae, alienated space is closely associated with gaze of poetic subject to stare at alienated beings. Park Yongnae tried to perceive and overcome ‘emptiness’ at the same time by extending ‘a long’ distance between ego and reality. In front of history’s ordeal of colonial reality and the reality of national division, the poet came to have fundamental sense of alienation. He perceived through a life of poverty that huge nonegos of industrial society and capital cause alienation and objectively gazed at poor people’s lives. The speaker’s gaze at alienated space expanded to spirit of the age and recognition of the world. In respect of poetry, sense of alienation does not collide with real world, but rather becomes a poetic device to embrace the reality. Park Yongnae takes a poetic attitude to silently gaze at objects found at the alienated space. Park Yongnae displays his contemplative awareness to figure out the essence of the objects, starting from observing them. Never stopping as a observer of landscape, his awareness reaches the origin of the landscape. After following the awareness to silently gaze at the nature, will to endure time of alienation is captured. The reason that peoms of Park Yongnae describe transcendence and futility but not end up at frustration is because he holds fast his contemplative awareness to embrace the nature and the reality which are given to the objects by keeping the poetic distance. Park Yongnae minimalizes intervention of a speaker and composes poems with images of objects. Objects of poetry keep each independence and have horizontal relation with their own images. By means of blocking fixed meanings brought from one-sided staring, highlighting relation of objects, and describing images in harmony, the relation of the object creates its meaning. It was revealed that his endemic local features and pastoralness which have been evaluated is the poet’s will to endure time of alienation by capturing ordinary and fundamental relation. His positive attitude to regard objects as things to sympathize with came from his contemplative awareness to keep a poetic distance. Moving forward from limiting the meaning of the nature to his local features of Park Yongnae’s poems, it is possible to expand the meaning to try to make relation with objects. ‘Peripherality’ observed from ordinary and popular perspective made communication with nonego possible and became the motive of Park Yongnae’s works at the same time.

      • KCI등재후보

        프로젝트 활동을 통한 문화학습방법 연구 -영화 속 배경을 중심으로

        이연화 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2011 외국학연구 Vol.- No.18

        The purpose of this study is to apply the project-based work in learning culture focusing on the cultural background of the film Forrest Gump. First, it discusses the effectiveness of movies in teaching culture and the importance of culture teaching for improving English communication-skill to be qualified for globalized citizens. In addition, Forrest Gump as an educational tool to study culture is discussed. Secondly, this study is to propose the way how the project-based learning can be used successfully in the culture teaching. Finally, this paper investigates the result of 30 student surveys to measure the efficiency of the model class. The result of the study suggests that the students are satisfied with the movie-based culture class and recognize project-based work as an excellent learning method to motivate themselves. By using movies as a tool of learning culture through project-based work students will be motivated to study English as well as culture. In future research there should show more specifically how students' culture knowledge has improved and what is the most effective teaching method.

      • KCI등재후보

        『박씨전』에 나타난 여성의식 고찰

        이연화 택민국학연구원 2011 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.8

        <박씨전>은 여성의 활동이 극히 제한되었던 조선시대에 여성의식을 통해 현대사회 문학 담론의 핵심인 화합과 조화를 나타내고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 현대에 이르러 활발하게 논의 되고 있는 여성 문학의 문학적 뿌리로서 <박씨전>에 나타난 화합과 조화의 이상적 인간상에 대하여 논의 하였다. '박씨'는 당시 수동적 존재였던 여성으로써 자신의 능력을 남편에게 인정 받고, 나아가 국난의 위기상황에서 자신의 능력을 적극적으로 발휘함으로써 여성의 가치를 새롭게 인정받는다. 아내를 외적인 미로 판단하여 모진 학대와 구박을 하는 남편을 인내하면서, 내조를 다하는 현부의 모습을 통해 남존을 치겨세우고 여비를 자랑하던 이조사회의 제도적 모순을 나타낸다. 갈등은 가정에서 그치지 않고 국가로 공간이 확대되는데 이러한 갈등구조는 남자/여자, 지배/피지배의 권력구조로 나타난다. 그리하여 남성의 여성 억압에서 나아가 당대 사회의 신분적 상하질서에 대한 모순으로까지 확대된다. 결과적으로 <박씨전>은 '무능한 남성과 유능한 여성'의 대립을 넘어 사회 그리고 인간으로서의 화합과 조화의 모습을 극대화 한다. 또한 <박씨전>은 갈등 해결방법이 관념에 그치지 않고 적극적인 해결의지를 나타냄으로써 주체적인 여성성을 획득한다. 사회 체제 안에 여성과 백성의 기본적인 권리마저도 인정 받을 수 없는 현실의 모순을 자각하고 극복하려는 주체적인 여성상은 이로써 근대성을 지닌다. 그런데 <박씨전>은 남성 중심의 지배 논리로써 이성을 중시하는 근대성의 모순, 즉 여성, 감성과 같은 여성성과, 동양의 상호보완적 성격을 배제하는 모순까지도 내재하고 있다. 다른 영웅소설이 지니는 무력 투쟁으로서가 아닌 여성 특유의 지혜와 지략으로 문제를 해결한다. 소외되었던 타자, 즉 여성을 주체의 자리로 끌어들여 인간 존재로서의 가치를 찾고자 한다. 남성중심 사회에서의 폭력과 파괴를 벗어난 따뜻함, 포용력, 지혜와 같은 여성적 가치를 새롭게 인식하려는 현대사회의 이념을 이미 고전소설 <박씨전>에서 여성의식을 통해 형상화 하고 있다. 그리하여 <박씨전>에 나타난 여성의식은 가부장제에서 도외시되었던 여성적 관점과 능력을 부각시키고 실천하고자 하는 에코페미니즘 비평의 가능성을 지닌다. 이처럼 <박씨전>에 나타난 여성의식은 근대가 만들어낸 많은 갈등과 차별의 문제를 담고 있다. 그리고 그 대안으로 조화와 화합의 현대 문화적 실천적 움직임을 내재하고 있다는데서 문학적 의의를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. Paksi-jeon talks about union and harmony, which are part of the core discourse of modern social literature, through women's consciousness in Joseon, where women's activities were extremely restricted. The work embodies the ideal human image of union and harmony and claims its significance as the root of female literature, which has been subject to active discussions in modern times. In the work, the heroine is recognized by her husband for her own abilities even though she was a passive being. Furthermore, she actively exerts her abilities in the situations of national crisis and renews the recognition of women's value. She also points the readers' attention towards the institutional contradictions of Joseon society, which advocated for men's dignity and boasted the subjection of women, by being a wise wife who endures the brutal abuse and maltreatment of her husband, who belittles her for her lack of beauty, and helps her husband. Those conflicts do not stop at the family level but expand to the national level. The conflict structure starts with between man and woman and extends to between the ruling and the ruled, revealing man's suppression of woman and further the contradictions involved with the social status hierarchy of the times. Paksi-jeon maximizes the aspects of union and harmony as a whole society and mankind beyond the confrontations between "incapable man" and "competent woman."Paksi-jeon also presents independent femininity through active determination to solve problems beyond just an idea. It presents the image of woman that realizes the contradictions of the reality, in which women and common people cannot have their basic rights recognized in the social regime, and tries to overcome them. It is through the image of independent woman that the novel claims its modernity. However, the novel itself is contradictory as it values reason as the male-centric dominance logic and excludes feminine elements such as woman and sentiment and the mutually complementary nature of the Orient. Unlike other heroic novels, it resorts to women's unique wisdom and resourcefulness to solve problems rather than armed struggle. It thus attempts to embrace others that have been neglected or women within the realm of subjects and restore their value as human beings. A classical novel Paksi-jeon already embodied the ideology of modern society, which tries to renew its perception of women's values such as warmness, tolerance, and wisdom by growing out of the violence and destruction of male-dominated society, through women's consciousness hundreds of years ago. Thus its women's consciousness has the potential of ecofeminist criticism, which sets out to highlight and practice women's perspectives and abilities that have been neglected in a patriarchical system. Thus the novel claims its own literary significance in that its women's consciousness has an intrinsic motivation for the modern literature-based practice of union and harmony, which are part of the alternatives to many conflicts and discriminations in modern times.

      • KCI등재

        축제 체험마케팅이 축제 브랜드자산에 미치는 영향

        이연화 관광경영학회 2012 관광경영연구 Vol.53 No.-

        This Research the impact of the experiential marketing elements to the festival brand equity and the result are as follow. The research showed sensory factor affects brand awareness and brand value, emotional and behavioral factors impact on brand awareness and brand quality. Also, relationship factor influenced on brand quality. Through these results, first, we could suggest a new data for the development of the festival experience marketing for the enhancement fo the festival brand equity in the future. Second, as the new research applying the festival and experiential marketing. We could find the experiential marketing through the intangible goods as the festival affect to the reinforcing of the brand equity.

      • 통행배정의 신뢰성 제고를 위한 도로용량 및 통행시간 산출방법론

        이연화,유완,손봉수(Son, Bong-Su) 대한교통학회 2003 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.44 No.-

        일반적으로 통행배정결과의 신뢰성은 분석 대상 가로망의 교통수요에 따른 통행시간 예측 값의 적정성에 따라 좌우된다. 여기서, 통행시간은 분석대상 가로망을 구성하는 Link 혹은 Node의 용량에 크게 영향을 받으므로, 궁극적으로 통행시간의 적정성을 제고시키기 위해서는 가로망 구성요소의 용량을 실제상황에 최대한 유사하도록 산정함이 필수적이다. 가로망의 통행시간을 산정하기 위한 목적으로, BPR 함수 식이 현재 가장 보편적으로 사용되고 있다. BPR 함수식은 구조적으로 고속도로와 같은 연속류 도로망의 교통류 특성을 반영하기에는 적합하나, 신호교차로가 있는 단속류 도로망에는 부적합하다.

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