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        참나무 5종의 생태 복원 적지 추정을 위한 경제림 육성단지의 기후와 입지 요인 분석

        이승연,김의주,이응필,조규태,박재훈,이영근,정상훈,홍용식,박진희,최승세,김해란,유영한,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Eui-Joo,Lee, Eung-Pill,Cho, Kyu-Tae,Park, Jae-Hoon,Lee, Young-Keun,Chung, Sang-Hoon,Hong, Yong-Sik,Park, Jin-Hee,Choi, Seung-Se,Kim 한국하천호수학회 2020 생태와 환경 Vol.53 No.4

        The most important thing to successfully restore an oak forest is finding suitable climatic conditions and topographic factors for the oak species to be introduced. In this study, in order to find suitable environmental conditions for the five dominant oak trees on the Korean Peninsula, we carried out analysing the information on the location of forest vegetation on the Korean Peninsula. The range of annual mean temperature of the five oak trees was narrow in the order of Q. mongolica (7.7~14.3℃), Q. variabilis (9.2~13.8℃), Q. acutissima (10.5~14.3℃), Q. serrata (11.4~13.7℃), Q. aliena (11.0~12.9℃). The range of annual precipitation of oaks was narrow in order of Q. mongolica (1072.7~1780.9 mm), Q. variablis (1066.6~1554.9 mm), Q. acustissima (1036.5~1504.8 mm), Q. serrata (1062.6~1504.7 mm). The range of altitude was in order of Q. mongolica (147~1388m), Q. serrata (93~950m), Q. variabilis(90~913m), Q. acustissima (60~516m), Q. aliena (55~465 m). The range of slope was in the order of Q. mongolica (8~56°), Q. variabilis(5~52°), Q. serrata (11~45°), Q. aliena (15~38°), Q. acustissima (16~37°). These results are considered to be very useful in the case of ecological restoration using deciduous oak trees on the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        翁方綱이 추사금석학 형성에 미친 영향

        이승연(Lee, Seung Yeon) 한국서예학회 2016 서예학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        한국금석학의 역사에서 가장 주목해야할 일은 19세기에 있었던 한·중 금석탁본의 교류와 연구이다. 이 시기는 청조를 방문했던 많은 문인들과 역관들에 의해 금석학자들의 적극적인 학문적 교류가 확대되었고, 이를 계기로 금석문을 연구대상으로 삼 고자 하는 학풍이 생겨나기 시작한 시점으로, 그 중심에 覃溪 翁方綱(1733~1818)과 秋史 金正喜(1786~1856)가 있었다. 특히 이 두 학자간의 직접적인 만남과 교류는 韓中의 금석탁본을 서로 교환하고 분석하면서 자연스럽게 추사금석학을 탄생하 게 하는 결과를 낳았다. 조선의 18세기 후반과 경화지역은 청대의 학문과 예술에 대해 관심이 증폭된 시기로, 추사는 1809년 10월 24세에 司馬試에 합격하여 生員이 되면서 아버지 김노경이 冬至副使로 연경에 갈때 子弟軍官의 자격으로 함께 중국에 가게 되어 40일간 머무르며 계획적이고 체계적인 공부를 하게 되었다. 이 짧은 기간동안 옹방강을 비롯한 曹江(?~?) ․ 徐松(1781-1848) · 阮元(1764~1849) ․ 朱鶴年(1760-1834) ․ 李鼎元(1749-?) ․ 李林松(?-?) 등과 만나면서 시서화는 물론 청조고증학을 받아 들이는 창구를 만들어 놓았고, 귀국후에도 이들과의 지속적인 교류를 유지하면서 새로운 학문에 대한 열망으로 추사금석학을 체계화시켰다. 특히 옹방강은 당시 최고의 학자로 조선의 젊은 청년과의 만남이 쉽지 않았으나 추사의 스승인 朴齊家(1750~1805)의 소개편지로 귀한 만남의 시간을 가질 수 있었으며, 이러한 인연으로 옹방강의 서재인 石墨書樓에서 중국의 귀중한 탁본진본과 서화진적을 볼 수 있었던 행운의 기회를 얻을 수 있었다. 이러한 경험은 추사로 하여금 금석학과 고증학에 전념하는 큰 계기가 되었으며, 귀국 후에도 종종 서신을 나누면서 금석문을 분석하는 방법과 고증하는 과정, 제발, 쌍구의 체제를 지도 받았다. 당시 조선은 금석학 분야의 심도 있는 연구보다는 금석문을 서법연마의 자료로 활용하거나, 탁본을 통해 완상의 대상으로 삼았던 게 전부였으나 추사가 금석학의 체계를 세운 이후부터 금석문을 학문의 대상으로 삼아 체계적인 연구를 하면서 고 증과 분석을 하는 작업이 활발히 진행되어 여러 학자들에 의해 많은 성과가 있었다. 따라서 탁본첩의 제작이나 금석문 목록집의 편찬에서 더 나아가 금석문의 내용에 관해 釋文을 하고, 그 역사적인 유래와 의미, 서체를 연구하기 시작하면서 독립된 학문으로서의 체계를 갖추게 된 것이다. 따라서 목록집의 경우에도 단순히 비석의 위치나 명칭을 기록하는데서 더 나아가 건립 시기를 추정하고 간략한 해제를 첨가하는 데까지 나아가게 되었으며, 題跋文, 서예작품, 쌍구작품 등의 형태로도 분석결과를 남기게 되어 한국서예사 발전에도 큰 영향을 미쳤다. The most noticable thing in history of Korean epigraphy is study and exchange of Korean and Chinese epigraphy in 19th century. In this time, social intercourse with epigrapher was enlarged by many literator and interpreter who visited the Ching dynasty and academic tradition trying to study epigraphy started to appear with this as a momentum. And there were Dam-gye Eong-bang-gang (覃溪翁方綱, 1733~1818) and Chu-sa Kim-Jeong-hee (秋史金正喜, 1786~1856) in the center of that. The interchange between these two scholars led to the birth of Chu-sa s epigraphy by intercourse between Korean and Chinese epigraphic rubbing and calligraphic effect. Kyung-hwa region of the late 18th century had a lots of interest in study and art of Ching dynasty. Chu-sa passed Sa-ma-si in October 24, 1809 and became saeng-won. He went to China for 40 days as child officer and studied systematically when his father, Kim No Kyung went to Yanjing as Dong-ji-bu-sa. In this short period, Chu-sa met Eong-bang-gang ․ Jo-gang (曹江, ?~?) ․ Seo-song(徐松, 1781-1848) · Wan-won (阮元, 1764~1849) ․ Ju-hak-yeon (朱鶴年, 1760-1834) ․ Lee-jeong-won (李鼎元, 1749-?) ․ Lee-im-song (李林松, ?-?) and made a window for accepting the study of ancient documents of Ching dynasty as well as poem, writing and painting. After coming back, he maintained continuous intercourse with them and systematized the epigraphy of Chu-sa with an enthusiasm to the new study. Especially, it was not easy to meet young man in Joseon as Eong-bang-gang was the greatest scholar in Ching dynasty but he met Chu-sa thanks to the introduction letter of Park-je-ga (朴齊家, 1750~1805) who was a teacher of Chu-sa. Also, he could luckily have a chance to see Chinese precious original copy of rubbing and real relics. It was a great opportunity for Chu-sa to concentrate on epigraphy and the study of the ancient, so they often sent letters to each other to learn the method of analyzing epigraph and studying historical evidence and system of Jebal and Ssang-gu. At that time, scholars of Joseon could only just use epigraph as a material of polishing writing style rather than intensive study on epigraph and regard an epigraph as appreciating object by rubbing. But, after Chu-sa systemize an epigraph, studying and analyzing epigraph systematically paid off by many scholars. So, they systemized epigraph as independent study as doing Jebal about epigraph and studying its historical origin, meaning and font making a headway from making rubbing book and lists of epigraph. Therefore, in case of lists of epigraph, they not only just write location or name of stone but estimate the contruction period and adding brief explanation so it had a great effect on developing Korean calligraphy history leaving the work of Jebal, calligraphic work and Ssang-gu work.

      • KCI등재

        다변량 GARCH 모형의 CCC 및 ECCC 비교분석

        이승연,황선영,Lee, Seung Yeon,Hwang, S.Y. 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.7

        다변량 금융시계열 분석모형인 상수조건부상관(CCC)에 대해 알아보았으며, 개개 변동성간의 상호작용을 함께 고려한 확장된 상수조건부상관(ECCC)을 소개하고 국내 금융시계열에 적용하였다. 다양한 이변량 수익률 자료를 통해 CCC와 ECCC를 비교분석하였다. Constant conditional correlation (CCC) is frequently employed for parsimony in the field of multivariate GARCH time series. An extended-CCC (ECCC) model is further developed in order to allow interactions between multivariate volatilities. The paper introduces both CCC model and ECCC model to the domestic financial time series. The CCC and ECCC models are fitted and then compared with each other through various multivatiate time series.

      • KCI등재

        Helicobacter pylori의 한약 치료에 대한 연구

        이승연,박상은,홍상훈,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Park, Sang-Eun,Hong, Sang-Hoon 대한한방내과학회 2012 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        Objectives : Many studies have shown that helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is associated with gastroduodenal diseases. The purpose of this report was to evaluate recently published research on the influence of oriental herbal medicine on H. pylori infections. Methods : Recently published literature were systematically compared with their findings of how oriental herbal medical treatment affects H. pylori-associated disease. Results : The eradication rate of H. pylori in oriental herbal medicine groups was 66.93% while it was 66.02% in western medicine groups. In oriental herbal plus western medicine groups, interestingly, the rate increased to 84.78%. On the other hand, the total treatment efficacy rate of H. pylori in oriental herbal medicine groups was 91.27%. The treatment efficacy rate in oriental herbal plus western medicine groups rose to a record 93.22%, which was 15.34% higher than the rate in western medicine groups. In addition, the rate of adverse effects was 2.71%, 4.85%, 15.80% in oriental herbal medicine, western medicine, and oriental herbal plus western medicine groups, respectively. Diarrhea was most frequently observed in oriental herbal medicine groups, while nausea was most frequently observed in the other groups. Conclusions : The results of this study showed that herbal medicinal treatment can increase the rate of H. pylori eradication and improve H. pylori-related gastrointestinal symptoms. These findings suggest that herbal medicine can solve the problems including side effects due to antibiotic resistance of standard triple therapy.

      • KCI등재

        비염을 동반한 틱장애 환아 치험례 보고

        이승연,유선애,Lee, Seung Yeon,Yu, Sun Ae 대한한방소아과학회 2016 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to report a Tic-disorder child with allergic rhinitis. Methods The child was suffered from Tic-disorder and the allergic rhinitis, and there were two symptoms of all can last more than a year. sometimes the sniffling, as a sin of allergic rhinitis had caused tic disorder. I thought It was needed to control of both of the symptoms at the same time, so I applied the herbal medicine, CheongKanSoYoSan, for Tic-disorder, and carried out the Aromatherapy and the Laser acupuncture for allergic rhinitis. Results After this treatments, the symptoms of Tic-disorder were disappeared according to improving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Conclusions It was suggested that we tried to take care of the patient with Tic-disorder, had to considered the other symptoms that were capable of causing.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        다발성 췌관석에 의한 만성 재발성 췌장염 1례

        이승연,엄지현,정기섭,김명준,Lee, Seung -Yeon,Um, Ji-Hyun,Chung, Ki-Sup,Kim, Myung-Joon 대한소아소화기영양학회 2001 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.4 No.2

        저자들은 반복적으로 췌장염을 앓은 여아에서 상복부 동통을 주소로 내원하여 MRCP와 ERCP를 통해 다발성 췌관석이 원인인 만성 재발성 췌장염 1례를 치험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Chronic pancreatitis is a rare problem in childhood and sometimes shows pancreatic calcification. The most common symptom is recurrent upper abdominal pain with or without associated nausea or vomiting. Pancreatic calcifications are virtually pathognomonic of chronic pancreatitis. In our case, however, chronic pancreatitis caused by multiple pancreatic stones in dilated pancreatic duct, which was very rare in childhood. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) is valuable in confirming the diagnosis and decision making process for further medical or surgical management of pancreatic disease. We experienced a case of chronic relapsing pancreatitis with pancreatic stones in 13-year-old girl who presented with recurrent upper abdominal pain. She was investigated with ERCP and treated by endoscopic sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi and by some stone removal with endoscopic basket. We report this case and review related literatures briefly.

      • KCI등재

        정준상관분석을 통한 다변량 금융시계열의 변동성 분석

        이승연,황선영,Lee, Seung Yeon,Hwang, S.Y. 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.7

        Multivariate volatility is summarized through canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Along with the standard CCA, non-negative and sparse canonical correlation analysis (NSCCA) is introduced to make sure that volatility coefficients are non-negative and the number of coefficients in the volatility CCA is as small as possible. Various multivariate financial time series are analyzed to illustrate the main contribution of the paper. 다변량 금융시계열의 변동성분석을 다변량 기법인 정준상관분석(canonocal correaltion analysis)을 이용해 분석하였다. 변동성의 특성상 계수들이 비음(non-negative)인 정준상관분석, 즉, non-negative and sparse canonical correlation analysis (NSCCA)를 이용해 보았다. 본 논문은 다변량 시계열의 변동성 커브에 대해 연구하고 있으며 제시된 방법론을 이변량 주식자료분석을 통해 예시해 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        만성(慢性)기침 환아(患兒)의 임상적()臨床的) 고찰(考察)

        이승연,Lee Seung-Yeon 대한한방소아과학회 1999 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to prepare the new effective oriental medical treatments. This study was performed at Dongeui Oriental Medical Hospital from October, 1, 1999 to November, 30, 1999, and 59 patients with cough persisting for longer than 3 weeks were evaluated. The following results were obtained. 1. In sex, male was 32 patients(54.24%) and female was 27 patients(45.76%), and in age group, between 2 and 6 years was 43 patients(72.88%) as first. 2. In the distribution of complicated signs, sputum was 42 patients(7l.18%) as first, rhinorrhea was 24(40.68%) as second. 3. In the style of cough. attack on morning or sleeping time was 32 patients(54.24%) as first. 4. In the past history, pulmonary diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis were 10 patients(16.95%) as first. 5. In the family history of allergy, allergic dermatitis was 6 patients(10.l7%) and allergic rhinitis was 4 patients(6.78%)

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