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        지하철 캠페인포스터의 언어경관

        이순형(Lee, Soon Hyeong) 한국일본학회 2015 日本學報 Vol.102 No.-

        본고에서는 서울과 도쿄를 사례로 한국와 일본의 캠페인포스터에 나타난 언어경관을 비교대조하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 1. 한국과 일본의 공익캠페인포스터의 언어경관의 전달내용을 리스트하여 사회언어학적관점에서 비교, 대조하였다. 그 결과, 한국에서만 볼 수 있는 전달 내용으로는, 일제강점기 때부터 실시되었던 좌측보행이 약 90년만에 사라지게 되면서 ‘우측보행 실시로 안전한 보행문화’를 캠페인하고 있고, ‘임신 3개월 이내의 프리맘(초기임산부)을 위한 교통약자 배려석’, ‘차량 내에서 잡상인에게 물건 사지 않기’, ‘무임승차 금지’ 등이 특징적이다. 반면, 일본에서는 최근 심장 수술 등으로 심장 페이스메이커 등을 착용한 사람이 증가함에 따라 휴대폰 사용이 페이스메이커 오작동의 원인이 될 수 있다는 이유로 ‘우선석(優先席)을 마련하고 그 근처에서 전원 오프(Please turn off your mobile phone near the Priority Seats)’를 호소하는 내용, 편리함과 유행때문에 사용이 많아진 ‘백팩의 가슴앞면 착용(Hold your backpack in front of you)’, ‘차내에서 화장을 하지 말자(Please retrain from putting on make?up in the train.)’는 등의 캠페인 내용이 특징적이다. 2. 최근의 언어경관은 다언어화 추세에 있다. 이에 지하철 공익캠페인포스터에도 이러한 다언언화 추세가 반영되고 있는지, 만약 있다면 쇼지(庄司2009), 바크하우스(Backhaus2011) 등에서 제시한 다언어화의 타입(장식화(기존의 서구화), 국제화, 다민족화, 아시아화)중 어느 단계에 해당하는지를 비교, 대조하였다. 그 결과, 일본에서는 다언어화의 하위분류 즉 ‘국제화’로 자리가 매겨지는 일본어와 대역 영어를 부가적으로 함께 사용하는 사례는 51/103개(49.5%)의 비율로 가장 많았다. 한국에서는 다언어화의 하위분류인 ?국제화?로 자리매김할 수 있는 언어경관은 4/107개(3.7%) 밖에 확인할 수 없었다. 반면에 한국의 포스터에서는 전체적으로 95/102개(93.1%)라는 비율로 한국어 한 가지만 사용하는 단일 언어화 현상이 두드러졌다. This study attempts to compare and contrast the linguistic landscape expressed through campaign posters in subway trains in Seoul and Tokyo. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Messages of the linguistic landscape expressed through public campaign posters in South Korea and Japan are listed first, after which they are compared and contrasted from a sociolinguistic point of view. The analysis revealed specific distinguishing messages that are only found in Korea. One distinguishable message conveyed in subway trains in Seoul is the ‘Walking on the Right’ campaign. In Korea, right-walking has recently started after a tradition of left?walking that lasted over 90 years, which started during the Japanese colonial period. Other characteristic campaigns are ‘Seats for Pre-Mom (pregnant woman)’, ‘No purchasing from Hawkers or No Free?Riding! In Japan, on the other hand, there are several messages appealing to passengers not to use mobile phones or electronic devices near the ‘Priority Seats’ (for those with weak hearts), which are provided for those who are wearing pacemakers after having had heart surgery: ‘Please turn off your mobile phone near the Priority Seats.’ Other characteristic campaign messages are: ‘Hold your backpack in front of you,’ which follows the recent fashion and convenience fad, or ‘Please refrain from putting on make-up in the train,’ etc. 2. A recent trend of the linguistic landscape is multilingualism. This research also attempts a comparative and contrastive analysis in order to examine; (1) whether public advertisements in subway trains reflect this trend, and, (2) if reflected, according to which types of multilingualism the messages could be classified, based on the classifications of Souji (2009) and Backhaus (2011): ‘Westernization’, ‘Internationalization’, ‘Multi- ethnicitization’, and ‘Asianization’. As a consequence, Japan seems to be at the stage of ‘Internationalization’ with the highest ratio of cases, i.e., 49.5% (51 cases out of 103), in which both Japanese and English are used in public campaigns. In Korea, in contrast, the linguistic landscape of ‘Internationalization’ is only found in 4 cases out of 107 (3.7%), while Korean is the only language used on 93.1% (95 out of 102 cases) of campaign posters, thereby prominently showing a phenomenon of uni?lingualism.

      • KCI등재


        李舜炯(Lee, Soon Hyeong) 한국일본학회 2015 日本學報 Vol.105 No.-

        본고에서는 대화상대의 연령차(연상/동년)와, 성차(동성/이성)가 청자언어행동의 사용에 영향을 미친다는 사실을 밝혔다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 본고에서는 사회적 규범에 근거하여 첫 대면에서는 대화 상대에 관계없이 정중한 맞장구 사용이 많다는 가설을 세워 검증하였다. 그 결과 20 대 여성끼리의 대화에서는 가설과는 반대로 “un(うん)”과 같은 감성적 표현이나 “sou(そう)”와 같은 개념적 표현의, 이른바 격의없는 맞장구표현이 유의하게 많이 사용됨이 확인되었다. 이러한 결과로 미루어 보아 포지티브 폴라이트니스는 20 대 초반의 젊은 여성의 대화에서 나타나기 쉽다는 것을 시사한다. 한편, 20대 여성끼리이외의 대인관계에서는 정중한 맞장구 사용이 많은 것으로 드러나 네가티브 폴라이트니스가 나타나기 쉬운 것으로 밝혀졌다. 2. 또한 사회적인 규범에 근거하여 나이가 많은 윗사람에게 정중한 맞장구 사용이 많다는 가설을 세워 검증한 결과, 대부분의 경우 가설대로 손윗사람에게 정중한 맞장구 사용이 많다는 사실을 확인했다. 그러나 구체적인 표현형식을 살펴보았을 때는 30대남성이성끼리의 대화에서는 동년 여성에게 “hai(はい)”와 같은 감성적 맞장구를 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한 30대남성동성끼리의 대화에서는 “soudesune(そうですね)”같은 개념적 맞장구의 사용이 동년 남성에게 더 많다는 사실이 드러났다. This article clearly shows that the speaker-listener differences in age and gender affect the linguistic behavior of listeners. The critical results of the study are as follow: 1. This study starts with a hypothesis that speakers use more courteous expressions in first meetings, regardless of differences in age or gender. The results clearly reveal that the female listeners in their twenties, somewhat counterintuitively, make more meaningful use of ‘informal’ expressions such as “un” or “sou”. This result may prove that “positive politeness” is more prevalent among female speakers in their early twenties. On the other hand, formal response expressions, i.e. “negative politeness”, are more frequently found in conversations where speakers differ in age and gender. 2. As predicted, when responding to elders, most listeners followed social norms and used more formal response expressions toward older speakers. Male listeners in their thirties used more back-channels, e.g. “hai” when interacting with same-age female speakers than with same-age male speakers. Additionally, in conversations among male speakers of the same age group (in their thirties), conceptual response expressions, e.g. “soudesune” were used more frequently.

      • KCI등재후보

        학부모 참여에 의한 학교교육의 혁신 - 미국의 사례를 중심으로 -

        이순형(Lee Soon Hyeong) 한국비교교육학회 2003 比較敎育硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 근래 미국 학교교육에서의 학부모 참여활동에 관한 관련 문헌들을 검토함으로써 학부모참여에 의한 학교교육 혁신의 가능성을 논의한 것이다. 학부모참여란 의사결정을 비롯한 학교교육의 제반 과정에 학부모들을 참여시켜 그들과 함께 학교를 운영해 나가는 것을 말하는 것으로 학부모, 주민들과 네트워크를 형성, 상호 협조·제휴하여 학교를 운영해나가게 되면 학생, 교사, 학부모 모두에게 상호 많은 혜택을 주는 것으로 밝혀지고 있다. 학생들의 학업성취의 향상은 물론 문제행동이 개선되고 학부모들은 학교에서의 의사결정, 보조교사 등, 여러 가지 자뭔봉사활동을 통해 학교에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓힝으로써 신뢰 및 만족감을 높이고 학교를 적극 지원하게 되며 교사들은 학부모와의 의사소통 및 학부모에 대한 이해를 증대시켜 가정학습을 항께 설계해 부모들을 돕게 됨으로써 보다 효과적인 학교로 만들어 나갈 수 있게 된다. 이를 위해 학교장은 학부모들에게 학교경영을 개방하고 파트너십에 의한 학교 경영의 전략이 요구된다. This study argues an innovation of school education through parent involvement reviewing relevant papers on parent involvement in the schools in the United states recently. Parent involvement is defined as an overall school process management which includes a decision-making process so that all parties of students, teachers and parents turn out to receive many benefits resulting from a school's networking with parents and community residents. Thus schools cooperate and associate with them. The benefits include the students improved academic achievement and decreased delinquency rate, and the parents enhanced trust and satisfaction and stronger support as a result of a more comprehensive understanding of school management through various voluntary works such, as teacher aids and decision-makers in the schooling. Therefore, based on the parents' improved understanding and communication, teachers can help parents by planning home study in a cooperative way which enables teachers to establish a more effective school. For these purposes, a school principal should be able to open the school management to parents and establish a school management strategy by partnership with them.

      • KCI등재


        李舜炯(Lee, Soon-Hyeong),今村圭介(Imamura Kesuke) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.50

        This study analyzed and examined how native Japanese speakers change sentence-final expressions, aizuchi(back-channels) expressions, and styles of honorifics according to interpersonal relationships of age, social position, and gender by using BTSJ(Basic Transcription System for Japanese) corpus. As the results, it was confirmed that style management is somewhat different according to interpersonal relationships and there is different norm awareness of language management. The detailed results are as follows. A) As for sentence-final expressions, most males change styles according to their age and social position. B) As for sentence-final expressions, females are more sensitive to their age and social position, so they change styles more frequently than males. C) As of aizuchi(back-channels) expressions, both men and women change styles according to age, social position, and gender. D) As of honorifics, both men and women use only some limited formats regardless of age, social position, and gender. From the research results above, following suggestions can be presented about Japanese language education. 1) There is no need to be overly conscious of the position of the opponent and to change the style, except when there is a direct hierarchy or interest. 2) As for style change of aizuchi(back-channels) expressions, it is not strictly required to have a normative distinction of the past polarity between polite formate of 「Yes, sir(hai:はい)」 and informal one of 「Yeah(un:うん)」. 3) As for instruction of honorifics at the beginner level, it is possible to focus on the management of limited forms. That is, it is better to work on and practice versatile formats with many uses, such as 「いらっしゃる:irassharu」 which means ‘to go, come, and stay or be’, 「される:sareru」 and 「なさる:nasaru」 which mean ‘to do,’ and 「行かれる:ikareru」 which means ‘to go.’ It is enough to teach advanced students in need to make a fluent use of honorifics.

      • KCI등재

        사회언어적 능력의 관점에서 본 「본문 회화」의 실제와 과제

        이순형(Lee Soon-Hyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.27

        This study will serve as a previous step taken for offering “Syllabus for building Sociolinguistic competence”, in which the conversation extracts from Japanese textbooks being used in University were reflected and analyzed. The important implications are as follows. (1) 60.2% of cases are impossible to discern what the characters’ relationship is, while 39.7% are discernable through the context. (2) Places of conversations taking place are not detailed as 71.1% of the total. (3) In the case of conversational patterns and topics appearing in textbook, the conversation form, conversational partners taking their turns, takes up 83.3%, whereas one-side Q & A form, one side asking question to the other and yet not vise versa, is shown only 16.7%. And more than 60% of topics are adopted from places and everyday staff regardless of the conversation patterns of textbooks. (4) As for the formality level of conversations in textbooks, Des · Mas forms are found the most as 82.5%, followed by non-Des · Mas form employed partly as 11.0%, and then non-Des form and non-Mas form are seen, accounting for 4.5%. Finally level shift as in Des · Mas form into non-Des · non-Mas (that is, from more formal form to less formal form and vise versa) comes out as merely 2.0%. Inflecting the status quo the above, it brings us to a point at which we need to consider the further issues as follows. (1) It is necessary that the relationships between the characters in conversation involve the degree of acquaintance, closeness, hierarchy as well as their genders in more detailed fashion. Especially, just not simply revealing surname and given name for suggesting genders, more male and female languages should be imbedded in conversation in an appropriate manner, leading to more learning experiences. Furthermore, when it comes to degree of closeness, there should be a list defining clear and accurate descriptions such as “very close or not that close” And, last but not least, there is the need that we consider and create a balance in terms of social or age-related hierarchical relationship. (2) There is the need to increase opportunities to practice the gaps of Japanese expressions depending on where conversations take place in the public place or private place, not to mention the specific place name. (3) It is assumed that the adjustment in using Des · Mas form or non-Des · Mas form is significantly critical in accordance with conversational partners so that their usages may be appropriate.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대인관계에 따른 「공화적반응형」의 사용

        이순형 ( Soon Hyeong Lee ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.95 No.1

        미즈타니(水谷1980)에 의해 공화(共話)가 일본어 회화의 특징 중의 하나로제창된 이래 다각적인 측면에서 공화에 관한 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 본고에서는 일본어의 청자언어행동을 재분류하여 그 가운데 공화를 이루는 후행발화를「공화적반응형」이라 명명하여, 연령과 성별이라는 대인관계에 따라 그 사용경향을 살펴보았다. 주된 특징은 다음과 같다. 공화를 이루는 공화적반응형은 주로 20대에서 그 사용이 확인되었다. 먼저 20대 여성은 자신보다 연상상대에게「선취완결형(先取り)」이나 「반복형(繰り返し)」의 공화적반응형을 사용하며, 이러한 공화적반응형은 「동의」나「공감」의 기능을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 한편, 20 대 남성은 자신보다 연상상대에게 「선취완결형(先取り)」과 「바꿔말하기형(言い換え)」의 공화적반응형을 사용하며 이러한 반응형은 「동의」의 기능을 주로 지니는 것으로 드러났다. 이러한 20대의 결과를 통해 대화상대가 동년배인지 연상인지에 따라 공화적반응형을 달리 사용하는 것이 확인되었다.대화상대의 연령이라는 사회적요인이 일본어의 공화라는 회화 형태에 영향을 미친다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 대화자서로간의 공통적 인식이 없으면 공화가 이루어지기 어렵다는 미즈타니의 주장과는 달리, 첫대면 회화에서 상대방의 발화에 공화적반응형을 적극적으로 사용해 상대방에게 동의나 공감을 표현하여 담화의 전개를 원활히 유지하려는 하나의 회화 전략으로 짐작된다. 반면 30대에서는 출현회수가 적어 대화상대의 연령, 성별의 사회적요인이 공화적반응형의 출현에 영향을 미치는 지에 대해서 분명히 하지 못했다. 다만,30대에서는 공화적반응형이 아닌 다른 형태의 예를 들면 맞장구표현(あいづち表現)등의 청자언어행동을 선호할 가능성이 생각된다. Since after Mizutani (1980) proposed co-construction as one of the features of Japanese conversation, various researches have been done on co-constriction. In this paper, listeners’ language behavior of co-construction will be called “co-construction responses” and the main feature tendency of the use is examined depends on their interpersonal relations of age and gender. Co-construction responses are mainly found among the speakers in their twenties. One of the main characteristic features is that female speakers in their twenties tend to use co-construction responses such as “Preemption (sakidori先取り)” or “repetition”, which function as the expressions of ‘agreement’ or ‘sympathy’. In conversations among the male speakers in their twenties, on the other hand, co-construction responses like “Preemption (sakidori先取り))`` and “Rewording `` are used in responding to the older speakers, functioning as an expression of ‘agreement.

      • KCI등재

        공통어문법 운용의 다양성에 관한 사회 언어학적 접근

        이순형(Soon Hyeong Lee) 언어과학회 2010 언어과학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the regional aspect of the usage of Kyotsugo Bunpo(common language grammar), which is parallel but not always congruent to the language of Tokyo. To do this, this study inquired into co-occurrence relation and meaning usage and the function, focusing on Epistemic Adverbs and Interrogative Forms recognized as Kyotsugo Bunpo(common language grammar) especially in Eastern, Central, and Western Japan. The result clearly shows the fact that regional variations exist despite the variations according to adverbs. There have been many studies about dialect differences between eastern and western Japanese Archipelago, while this paper also ensures Kyotsugo Bunpo(common language grammar) differences among Eastern, central, and Western Japan. Consequently, it has now become apparent that even the adverbs of Kyotsugo(common language) used in the school texts and broadcasting have different nuances and usages depending on the geographical region. (Yeungnam University)

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