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      • 《향연》에 나타난 에로스 연구

        이순이 東亞大學校 大學院 2004 大學院論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        Much of 'Phaedo'. which contains about 30 writings by Plato developed themes related to the philosopher's mentor, Socrates. Plato was deeply impressed, and greatly influenced by Socrates. He once sought for idealistic politics and political ambition, but frustrated himself due to many shocks including the final execution of his mentor, Socrates. Since then, Plato devoted himself to his studies while bringing up his pupils. It is no doubt that Plato was the most important figure of Western philosophy who greatly influenced the history of human idea. Out of the writings by Plato, 《Symposium》 is like the biography of Socrates in many respects. Plato asked speaks, who participated in the symposium, to admire 'eros and then the final speaker, Alkibiades to praise Socrates'. Plato sought to reveal the divinity of Socrates. By relating his mentor to the world of God, captured in intellectual and cognitive ways, Plato showed his respect for Socrates. In 《Symposium》, 'eros' represents needs for beauty. It purses beauty itself. The beauty of idea is absolute and permanent. 'Eros' is a human demand for permanence. The demand is the love of wisdom. The key part of 'eros' is the love of wisdom, which is most necessary and beautiful for man. 'Eros' leads us to love beautiful souls and pursue the truth. Its ultimate purpose lies in education. 'Eros' is critical for human relations today since the very love is physical or mental needs of human. Through 'eros', Plato tried to reach the nature of love itself. For him, the dimension of spiritual love is more important than that of physical love. Thus Plato's eros put more focus on spiritual foundations of humanity. The humane and sublime of Socrates by Plato is a key point of 《Symposium》. By putting Socrates onto the world of God, understood intellectually and cognitively, Plato raised his mentor to the level of the divine, which could not be followed by any human being. The idea of Plato dramatically changed the spirit of mankind. His philosophy is the very spirit. Here, the spirit is love, on which human nature is based. Wisdom, courage and temperance suggested by 'eros' on which human nature is based are all virtues most critical to human life. Along with harmony, virtue and moderation, 'eros' forms a philosophical foundation of antique ideas, and now becomes the most important basis of modern ideologies. In conclusion, 'eros' is the core of Plato's idea in which the philosophy of human education exists.

      • A Case of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Defect with Progressive Bilateral Cararacts

        이순이,영목,Lee, Soonie,Lee, Young-Mock The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2018 대한유전성대사질환학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        미토콘드리아 질환은 단일 장기에서부터 여러 장기에 걸쳐 침범할 수 있다는 임상 증상의 광범위한 이질성이 특징이다. 안검하수, 색소 망막 퇴화, 외안근 마미, 시신경 위축 등과 같은 다양한 안구 증상이 미토콘드리아 질환에서 함께 나타날 수 있지만, 진행성 양안 백내장은 미토콘드리아 질환의 안과적 증상에서 매우 드물다. 저자들은 미토콘드리아 호흡 연쇄 복합체 결핍 환자에서 흔치 않은 안구 발현 현상인 진행성 양안 백내장 침범 사례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. A striking feature of mitochondrial disorders is the vast heterogeneity in their clinical symptoms that ranges from a single organ to severe multisystem involvement. Though a variety of ocular symptoms such as ptosis, pigmentary retinal degeneration, external ophthalmoplegia, and optic nerve atrophy can occur in association with mitochondrial cytopathies, progressive bilateral cataracts are rare among their ocular findings. A 5-year-old girl with no previous medical history came to our hospital presenting symptoms of seizure. She started showing progressive developmental regression, increased seizure frequency, hypotonia, general weakness, dysphagia and decreased vision. Lactic acidosis was noted in metabolic screening test and we confirmed mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I defect in spectrophotometric enzyme assay using the muscle tissue. Progressive bilateral cataracts then developed and were fully evident at the age of 7. She underwent cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation. We are reporting a case of mitochondrial respiratory chain defect with multiorgan involvements including bilateral progressive cataract, an uncommon ocular manifestation. Ophthalmologic evaluation is highly recommended not to overlook the possible ocular manifestations in mitochondrial disorders.

      • 신플라톤주의와 르네상스(Renaissance) 미술문화 연구 : 피렌체의 메디치 家 영향을 중심으로 About the influence of the Medici in Firenze

        이순이 동아대학교 부설 조형연구소 2004 조형연구 Vol.- No.10

        르네상스 운동은 이탈리아 인문주의자들의 새로운 방향에 대한 모색에서 나온 것으로, 이러한 것에는 그들 스스로의 필연적인 인간성 회복을 찾고자 한 노력이 담겨 있다. 그래서 이것은 인본주의 사상과 문명을 낳게 한 씨앗이 되어, 중세 때 무시된 인간성을 발견하고 자신의 위치를 자각하게 된 것이다. 그러한 의미에서 피렌체는 이탈리아 학예를 꽃피우고 인문주의 사상을 확립시킨 곳이다. 피렌체의 메디치 가(家)는 인간 존엄성의 문제를 최고의 가치로서 인정한 르네상스 미술의 인문주의를 뒷받침해 주었으며, 신플라톤주의는 당시 학문적 연구에 큰 영향을 미치게 되고, 신플라톤주의와 르네상스 미술문화가 중요한 연관성을 지니고 있음은 주지되는 바이다. 따라서 이와 연관된 전성기 피렌체의 신플라톤주의적인 작가들의 작품 중에서 보티첼리, 레오나르드 다 빈치, 미켈란젤로, 라파엘로 등의 몇 작품을 고찰하였다. 르네상스 미술의 율동적인 선묘 화가 보티첼리의 작품 중 <봄>과 <비너스의 탄생>은 중세의 사상과 르네상스 정신이 잘 드러나는 플라톤 사상과 그 맥락을 같이하는 작품이다. 보티첼리는 미술의 목적을 정신성을 묘사하는 것에 바탕을 둔다. 특히 그의 작품은 선과 색채를 조화롭게 융합시켜 내면의 정신성을 표출해 냄으로써 생명력을 지니고 있는 신비주의적인 것이 특징이다. 또한 레오나르드 다 빈치는 자연에 대해 과학적인 탐구를 실행한 인문주의 화가이다. 그의 작품 중에서 <레다와 백조>는 르네상스의 이교적인 도상으로 신플라톤학파의 정신적 사랑인 미와 애가 표출되고 있는 것이다. 신플라톤학파에 있어서 미란 신이 생존한다는 증거인 반면, 애(愛)는 영혼의 고행을 요구하고 있는 것이고, 이러한 것이 곧 신과 연결됨을 의미한다. 이와 더불어 미켈란젤로 예술관도 르네상스 인문주의를 바탕으로 한 신플라톤주의적인 것이며, 그에게 미란 물질계에 대한 신적인 것의 반영이다. 미술가는 애의 형이상학적인 이론에 따라 자신의 창조적인 활동 과정에 의미를 주고자 할 때 애를 소재로 표현하고자 한다. 애의 소재는 깊고 넓은 은유성과 미묘하고 민감한 인간성을 보여주는 자극적인 영역이 되어 르네상스 예술을 돋보이게 하는데, 미켈란젤로는 자신의 고뇌와 노력을 분명하고 적합한 방법으로 표현하는 것에서 이와 같은 것을 이용한 것이다. 같은 맥락에서 라파엘로의 <아테네 학당>은 지혜와 창조적인 상상력을 탁월하게 반영하고 철학을 역사적인 이야기로 전개시킨 걸작이다. 그리스도교의 심장부인 바티칸 궁전 앞에 당당히 등장하는 작품의 정신적인 기반에는 신플라톤주의 사상이 내재해 있다. 이러한 르네상스의 신플라톤 철학의 중심 이념과 인문주의는 당시 저급하게 대접받던 미술을 근대미학의 쟁점인 순수예술개념 발달에 기초적 계기를 마련한 중요한 내용이 된다. 따라서 피렌체의 인문주의자들이 주축이 된 신플라톤주의 정신과 메디치가의 큰 후원은 창조적 가능성을 추구하는 르네상스 미술가들에게 큰 신념을 심어주며, 당시 미술문화의 중요한 역할이 된 것이 사실이다. Renaissance is inspired by Italian humanists' efforts to new course in which there is the humanists' trial to return back their humanity. Therefore, this was a seed to be bloomed as phenomenon and civilization of humanism, and made the people recover their humanity which was ignored in the middle age and recognize their position. To that Firenze is the place where Italian art and science bloomed and humanism was established. It is known to everyone that The Medici of Firenze supported Humanism in Renaissance art which deserved the matter of dignity of human as worthy, Neo-platon affected the studies in those days, and they are related to each other. Therefore there is consideration to works of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raffaello among Neo platonic artists. Among the works of Botticelli, who is a rhythmical artist, <La Primavera>, <The Birth of Venus> have a same root of platonism which represent Renaissance and the phenomena of the Middle age. Botticelli focused on describe the soul as the aim of art. Especially, the mysticism, representing of soul by fusion line and colour harmoniously, is characteristic of Botticelli's works. On the other hand, Leonard da Vinci was humanism artist who practiced scientific investigation after the nature. Amon his works, <Leda and the Swan> was a heterodoxical picture in Renaissance, which represented Neo platonic love- beauty and love. For the Neo platonic, while beaty is a proove of the existence of god, love is to demand penance of soul, and it means they are related to God. Michelangelo's view of art is also Neo platonic which is based on Humanism of Renaissance, beauty is a reflection of god in the material world for him. An artist present his art with matter of Love when he wants to give a point on the creative activity of himself as metaphysical philosophy. The matter of Love bring out Renaissance art as a sensational sphere which shows a deep and broad metaphor and delicate and sensitive humanity. Therefore, Michelangelo used them when he represented his suffering and effort explicitly and suitably. Similarly, Raphaelo's <School of Athens> was a masterpiece which reflected wisdom and creative imagination, developing the philosophy as a historical story. The Neo platonic is immanent in the work's mental basis which appears in front of the Vatican Palace, the heart of Christianity. Those central idea of Neo platonic philosophy and humanism were very important elements which paved the way for development of the pure art, an issue of the modern aesthetics. Therefore, it is a fact that Neo plotonic mind, the main axis of humanists in Firenze, and the big support of the Medici played an important role, encouraging Renaissance artists who pursued creative possibility in those days.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        화가 들라크루아와 여행에 관하여

        이순이 한국프랑스문화학회 2004 프랑스문화연구 Vol.9 No.-

        Travel give us boundless and hopeful possibility, Especially, travel is such an essential part for creators who make art and literary works that it can give decisive meaning to him. It is Delacroix, French romantic artist, that played a leading role in establishing western modem art and opening a beginning of it. A mark of Delacroix 's art is well brought out in ms imagination and color scheme, they were a great shock ta Classicism in those days as expression of bis own emotion. Delacroix' s paintings , which played a decisive role in art, seem to have much ta do with bis travel abroad. During travel, he enlarged his imagination, and his loud color was deeply irnpressed with gorgeous color of exotic land. The color tone of Constable 's works encouraged him ta start an a trip ta England, Constable and Bonington were the people who had an effect strongly Delacroix's work in the color and technical aspect. He gained new and much inspired themes from an English writer, Shakespeare, Goethe and byrons works and he has found creative models. In Belgium and netherlands were Rubens, whom Delacroix was wildly excited lived, he has also found spirit energy in the native's strong passion and animal richness. The materials of Morocco and orient full of free passion, mystery and holiness have also waited for him ' Women of Algiers' made from rus meeting with exotic civilization created a sensation as its sensual configuration and bright color. AU the thing he experienced in the strange lands were combined and expressecl freely in rus works for ail his life, and the artistic characteristic of Delacroix' s paintings frorn those appeared as presentation of the inside of him. From then, his works created a strong sensation and gave a way to new modern art. AU these are the result from what he experienced and observed. Therefore, the travel for the creation is considered to give an artist bounclless possibility.

      • KCI등재

        Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome in Mitochondrial Disease

        이순이,백민성,영목 연세대학교의과대학 2019 Yonsei medical journal Vol.60 No.1

        Purpose: Previous studies have shown that neurologic symptoms are dominant in patients with mitochondrial diseases, andmost of these patients have seizure-related disorders. The epileptic classification of these patients as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome(LGS) is as high as 25%. This study aimed to investigate the clinical manifestations, diagnoses, treatments, and epilepsy in LGS,which is associated with mitochondrial disease. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 372 patients who were diagnosed with mitochondrial diseasebetween 2006 and 2016. Of these 372 patients, 40 patients diagnosed with LGS were selected, and they were classified into twogroups based on the history of West syndrome. Patient characteristics were reviewed, and associations between clinical factorsand outcomes after the treatment were analyzed. Results: The proportion of individuals with mitochondrial disease with LGS with a history of West syndrome was 32.5%. Amongthe patients with mitochondrial disease with LGS, neonatal seizure (p=0.029), seizure as the first symptom (p=0.018), and generalizedparoxysmal fast activity frequency on electroencephalogram (p=0.018) in the group with a history of West syndrome werestatistically significantly high. The first symptom onset (0.6±0.4 yrs vs. 1.6±0.9 yrs, p=0.003) and first seizure onset (0.9±0.7 yrs vs. 3.9±3.1 yrs, p<0.001) were significantly faster in patients with a history of West syndrome. Conclusion: Close monitoring of the medical condition and early intervention might improve the prognosis of individuals withmitochondrial disease with LGS and a history of West syndrome.

      • KCI등재후보

        과학글쓰기가 화학Ⅰ과목의 학습에 미치는 영향

        이순이,강성주 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2009 敎員敎育 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the scientific writing on the student's learning of Chemistry I. Students submitted the science writing assignment of the contents they learned. The teacher reviewed student's writing assignment, provided the feedback to students, and recorded the important information in the teacher's log. The findings from this analysis are summarized: the science writing improved the student's Chemistry I learning. Also, the science writing helped students to realize that what they had thought right could be wrong. Additionally, it improved student's logical thinking and deepened and expanded student's learning. 이 연구에서는 방과 후 과제학습으로 과학글쓰기를 지도하고, 과학글쓰기가 화학Ⅰ 과목의 학습에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 학생들은 수업 내용과 관련된 글쓰기를 수행하고 제출하였다. 교사는 학생들의 과학글쓰기 노트를 검토한 후 개별적인 피드백을 하였고, 중요한 내용들은 교사일지에 기록하였다. 연구결과에 의하면, 과학글쓰기가 화학Ⅰ과목의 학습에 크게 영향을 미쳤음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 학생들은 과학글쓰기를 통해 평소에 옳다고 생각했던 내용이 틀릴 수도 있음을 알게 되었고, 수업시간에 배운 내용을 서술형 문장으로 기술하는 과정을 경험하면서 학습 내용을 내면화할 수 있었고, 논리적인 사고력이 신장되었을 뿐 아니라, 학습 내용을 심화・확장시킬 수 있었다.

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