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      • KCI등재
      • 急性 腎盂腎炎의 臨床的 觀察

        李復熙 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1977 충남의대잡지 Vol.4 No.1

        A clinical observation of ninty six cases of acute pyelonephritis was done, who were admitted to the department of internal medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital from Sept. 1973 to Dec, 1976. The results were summerized as follow: 1. In the female patient, the peak incidence was third decade(38.5%) and then second (30.2%) and fourth decade (18.8%). In the male patient there was no age difference on incidence. The female patients were markedly predominant as ratio of 1 : 8.6. 2. The predisposing factors included pregnancy, pelviperitonitis, diabetes mellitus, obstructive uropathy and instrumentation of urinary tract in order of frequency. 3. In the majority of patient the chief complaints were fever and flank pain but in 17.7% of cases showed symptoms of lower urinary tract infection such as dysuria or pollakisuria. 4. Major clinical symptoms were fever with chill, flank pain, generalized myalgia, headache and indigestion in order of frequency and tenderness on flank obserned in 61.5% of patient. 5. Microscopic hematuria showed in 34.4% of cases and pyuria revealed in 89.6% of cases. 6. A positive growth of organisms in urine culture revealed in 71.1% of cases. The distribution of organisms were E. coli (74.2%), klebsiella (12.1%), pseudomonas and staphylococcus(each 4.5%), streptococcus, proteus and paracolon bacilli(each 1.5%). Incidence of E. coli infection was 78.9% in female and 55.6% in male patient.

      • 5.31지방선거에 관한 유권자의 의식조사

        이부희(李富熙),송건섭(宋建燮) 영남대학교 지역혁신연구소 2006 한국지역혁신논집 Vol.1 No.2

        본 논문은 5.31지방선거와 관련하여 행태를 분석하였는데, 연구결과를 종합하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 5.31지방선거에 대한 관심은 대체로 보통이상으로 나타났다. 둘째, 선거에 대한 전체적 평가는 과거 선거에 비해 긍정적이며, 공정한 편이라고 보았다. 후보자 이미지는 다소 부정적이며, 유권자의 기대수준을 충족시키지 못한 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 후보자 선택시 선거홍보 및 매체가 중요한 역할을 하였으며, 그 중에서도 TV토론 등이 결정적인 영항을 미치고 있음을 보여주었다. This paper is to analyze voter"s recognition in relation to the May 31 local election(2006). The results of this study are as follows: First, the concern on local election is high compare with last election. Second, total evaluation on the election is better compare with the June 13 local election (2002). Third, the voters recognize a candidate through individual contact with an elector, election workers, the mass media, printed election material, a conversation with their neighbor. Among the contact factors the mass media and PR are important roles. Above all, TV discussion is the most decisive factors in determining the outcome of the election. Finally, the results from this study show that a candidate"s image; reputation, ability, confidence, contribution and so on, have a affirmative effect on the selection of a candidate.

      • 영화〈쌍생아〉에서 나타난 내면의 그림자 통합

        이부희(Lee, Boo-Hee) 서사와문학치료연구소 2012 영화와문학치료 Vol.7 No.-

        본고에서는 영화 <쌍생아>를 융의 그림자 이론을 따라 유키오의 내면에 초점을 두고 살펴보았다. 그림자는 우리 자신의 일부지만 스스로 거부하거나 억압해온 내면으로 의식에 적절하게 통합되지 않은 부분이자 멸시하는 부분이다. 영화의 전반부에서는 유키오와 주변인물들에 대한 관계가 나타나며 후반부에는 유키오 내면에 그림자 스테키치가 어떻게 발현되고 만나 이루어졌는지에 관한 통합과정을 주로 다루고 있다. 그는 이전까지 그림자를 부정하였으나 통합과정을 통해 자기 안에 그림자를 받아들임으로 그전까지 경멸했던 빈민촌에 들어가 진료활동을 한다. 이처럼 유키오가 그림자를 인정하고 받아들임으로 자기 성장이 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to research the movie <Gemini> focus on Yukio"s inside in compliance with Jung"s shadow theory. The shadow of our own contempt part is not adequately integrated inside consciousness with denied or press. The first part of movie, the relationship between Yukio and around people appear. The latter part of the movie mainly dealing with the process of integration shadow stekichi. He disagree shadow but through the process of intergration, care went into the slums. Yukio acknowledge and accpept by shadow was made self-growth.

      • 腎의 Li^+處理 初期相에 미치는 重炭酸나트륨의 影響

        金在河,李復熙 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1982 충남의대잡지 Vol.9 No.2

        Initial handling of Li^+ by kidney and accompanying changes in Na^+, K^+ and water balance were investigated in control (0.75M NaCl+0.75M glucose) and experimental (0.75 M NaHCO_3+0.75M NaCI) groups in rabbits. After single dose of LiCI (i. v. , 1..5mEq/kg) 5, 15 and 30 min. samples of plasma and urine were taken from carotid artery, renal vein and urinary bladder. Li^+, Na^+ and K^+ concentrations were measured together with the determination of creatinine and osmolarity. Free water, osmolar and creatinine clearances were calculated and compared between both groups. The following results were obtained: 1. Arterial Li^+ concentrations after single dose of Li^+ decreased as time went by. There was no significans differences between control and NaHCO_3 group. 2. In control group Li^+ concentrations of renal venous blood were higher than those of arterial blood, especially the values of 15min. sample showed significant difference. 3. In NaHCO_3 group arteriovenous differences in Li^+ concentration disappeared 15min. after Li^+ load. 4. In both of control and NaHCO_3 group plasma Na^+ and K^+ concentrations did not show significant change except the increment of K^+ concentrations at 30min. after Li^+ load in NaHCO_3 group. 5. In both of control and NaHCO_3 group urinary excretion of water, Na^+ and K^+ increased markedly at 5min. after Li^+ load and then urinary output decreased as time went by. Severe decrement of K^+ excretion was observed after 15 min. in NaHCO_3 group as compared to control, although there was no statistical significance because of individual variation. 6. Creatinine clearance elevated temporaly at 5min. after acute load of Li^+ and then decreased as time went by. There was no difference between control and NaHCO_3 group. 7. NaHCO_3 administration didn't show any changes on rapid urinary excretion of Li^+ following first Li^+ load. From the above results it was concluded that under the condition of NaHCO_3 load first load of Li^+ don't produce any changes in Li^+ induced diuresis and urinary Li^+ excretion but shows a decrease in the entry of reabsorbed Li^+ into renal vein. It seemed that excess HCO_3- might accelerate Li^+ accumulation in renal tissues of rabbits who didn't ever receive any Li^+.

      • KCI등재후보

        지방선거 특징에 관한 비교분석

        송건섭,이부희 대한지방자치학회 2007 한국지방자치연구 Vol.9 No.3

        본 연구는 지방선거의 제도적 특징과 투표행태를 2002년과 2006년 지방선거의 비교적 관점에서 분석하여 시사점을 얻고자 한 것이다. 지방선거분석은 특징과 투표행태에 관한 분석을 위주로 하였는데, 전자는 선거제도, 당선자 특징, 정당특성을 후자는 선거관심 및 중요도, 투표여부, 결정시기 등을 중심으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 2002년 선거에 비해 2006년 선거에서 여성비율은 다소 늘어났으나 당선자의 연령, 학력, 직업분포는 큰 차이점이 없다. 둘째, 한나라당의 우위적 지배구도를 공고히 하고 있으며, 중앙정치에 대한 지방정치의 자율성이 많이 저해되고 있다. 셋째, 정당공천제의 심각한 폐해의 노정이다. 넷째, 투표율 저하현상과 유권자의 후보자 인식부족이다. 향후 법 개정과 제도수정, 중앙-지방정치 간의 발전적 관계모색, 지방정치문화에서 자치의식의 확립을 위한 총제적인 노력이 요구 된다.

      • 鹽化亞鉛 投與後의 耐糖能 및 血漿 인슈린濃度 觀察

        金在河,李復熙 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1976 충남의대잡지 Vol.3 No.2

        Intravenous glucose tolerance and insulin responsiveness were observed in healthy subjects and subjects with oral zinc administration. For each test, the subject was instructed to fast over night after having ingested normal diet with the subject in recumbent position, fasting control specimen of blood was obtained. Fifty ml of 50% glucose solution was injected into the cubital vein in the course of 4 minutes. Blood samples were collected 10, 25, 40, 80 and 110 minutes after the completion of the glucose solution. One hundred ug of ZnCl_2 per kg body weight was administered orally two hours prior to glucose load. Plasma glucose level was measured and plasma glucose disappearance rates were expressed according to the Hamilton and Stein. Plasma insulin level was measured by means of radioimmunoassay. The results were as followed. 1) Although there was a tendency to increase plasma glucose disappearance rate in subjects with zinc administration. The rate was slight and not significant. 2) Zinc administration shown delayed plasma insulin disappearance following glucose load. 3) Zinc administration didn't produce any increase in absolute responsiveness of insulin secretion after 25gm glucose load. 4) Delayed disappearance of plasma insulin caused by zinc administration was discussed.

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