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        “영자의 전성시대”, 1970년대와 ‘청년문화’의 복화술

        이민영 ( Lee Min-young ) 우리어문학회 2019 우리어문연구 Vol.63 No.-

        1970년대에는 대중문화가 발전하면서 다수의 흥행작들이 만들어진다. 문학과 영화계에서는 젊은이들의 삶을 다룬 작품들이 주목받고, 이들은 청년문화라는 이름을 얻게 된다. 통기타, 청바지, 생맥주로 대변되는 청년문화에는 명백한 물질적 상징이 존재하였지만, 이들을 하나로 묶어내는 통일된 사상이나 이념의 체계를 발견하기는 어려웠다. 당대의 사회는 이와 같은 청년문화의 모호성을 인식하고 이들의 문화를 정의하기 위한 다양한 논쟁을 벌인다. 논쟁의 과정에서 실제 청년문화의 산물들은 종종 비판의 대상이 되는데, 그것은 실질적인 청년 문학의 텍스트들이 저급하고 불온한 것으로 간주되었기 때문이다. 지식인 계층을 중심으로 청년문학의 퇴폐적이고 순응적인 태도가 비판되었다면, 유신정권은 청년문화를 불건전하고 불온한 것으로 간주하고 이들을 향한 검속을 강화한다. 본고에서는 이와 같은 청년문화에 대한 비판적인 시선들이 각각의 담론 구조속에서 상상된 청년의 정체성을 바탕으로 하고 있음을 전제로, 당대 문화에 나타난 실질적인 청년문화의 텍스트를 살펴보고자했다. 본고에서 주목한 것은 소설 「영자의 전성시대」와 영화 <영자의 전성시대>이다. 이 두 작품은 상상된 청년이 부재하는 서사에 호스티스를 주요인물로 등장시키고 있다는 점에서 청년 없는 청년문화의 실체에 근접한 작품이라 할 수 있다. 또한 두 작품은 매체적 특성을 적확하게 적용하여 전혀 다른 서사를 보여주고 있다. 이는 1970년대에 이르러 각각의 매체적 특성을 활용하게 된 대중문화의 발전양상을 드러내는 동시에, 하나의 이름으로 동일화 될 수 없는 다양한 청년문화의 정체성을 체현하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 소설이 일인칭 ‘나’의 서사에, 영화는 ‘영자’의 이야기에 중점을 두고 있다는 점을 바탕으로 각각의 작품들이 드러내는 모순적인 현실인식을 분석하였다. 소설의 서사는 남성 노동자의 위악적 목소리를 통해 이들의 삶이 지식인들에 의해 계몽될 수 없는 것임을 드러낸다. 그리고 영화의 서사는 영자의 수난사를 명랑의 정조로 재현함으로써, 비극적 현실과 명랑한 목소리의 간극을 극대화 한다. 이를 통해 검열자의 권력에 순응하는 한편, 이들의 시선 너머에서 청년들의 삶을 가시화하고자 노력한다. 영화와 소설은 서로 다른 방식으로 상상된 청년의 실체를 거부하고 스스로의 정체성을 끊임없이 유예하고 있는 것이다. 이를 통해 당대의 청년문화가 주체와 객체 사이의 모순을 드러내면서 표면적으로 드러나는 서사이면에서 복화술적인 서사의 구조를 만들어 내고 있음을 알 수 있다. In the 1970s, popular culture developed and produced a number of popular films and novels. Contemporary Literature and films are attracting the attention of young people and they got the name of “cheongnyeon munhwa”(Youth Culture) There was clear material symbols in the youth culture, which was represented by acoustic guitar, jeans, and draft beer. However it was difficult to find a unified system of ideas or ideology that tied them together. The contemporary society recognizes the ambiguity of Youth Culture and engages in various controversies to define their cultural identity. In the process of disputation, real youth literature is often criticized. It is because the actual texts of youth literature were regarded as low and unwholesomeness. While the decadent and adaptive attitudes of Youth literature centered on intellectuals were criticized, The Yushin regime regards the youth culture as unhealthy and strengthens the censorship for them. In this paper, it is presupposed that the critical gaze on youth culture is based on the imagined identity of youth in each discourse structure. What I have focused in this article is the novel “The Heydays of Young-ja” (Young-jaui Jeonseongsidae) and the movie “The Heydays of Young-ja” (Young-jaui Jeonseongsidae). These two works are close to the realities of ‘the youth culture without youth people” in that the Hostess appears as the main character in the narrative instead of imagined young man. In addition, the two works show an entirely different narrative structure by applying the media’s specificity precisely. This reveals the development of popular culture since the 1970s when the media characteristics are used precisely, at the same time, it can be said that it embodies the identity of various youth culture that cannot be identified by one name. In this paper, based on the fact that the novel focuses on the narration of the ‘I’ and the movie focuses on the story of ‘Young-ja’, I analyzed the contradictory perception of each work. The narrative of the novel reveals that the voice and the view of the male worker, who were regarded as objects of enlightenment, cannot be coincided with intellectuals. And the narrative of the film represented the passion of the women with the delightful mood, adapting to the censorship process of the authorities, and maximizing the gap between the tragic reality and the cheerful voices. This has led to the discovery of new ways of talking about things that are forbidden.

      • 기도 및 식도 이물에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이민영,정성도,김영훈,정필상,이상준,Lee, Min-Young,Jung, Sung-Do,Kim, Young-Hoon,Chung, Phil-Sang,Lee, Sang-Joon 대한기관식도과학회 2009 大韓氣管食道科學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        Background and Objectives: Foreign bodies of upper aerodigestive tract are common problem for primary care physicians. Delayed diagnosis or failure of removal might cause fatal problemsand complications. Therefore proper diagnosis and management is imperative. In this study, we described clinical features of upper aerodigestive tract foreign body, and analyzed efficacy of different management modality. Materials and Methods: 250 cases of foreign bodies in the esophagus and trachea, between Jan. 1998 through Jan. 2009 has been retrospectively analyzed. A total of 24 cases and 226 cases had been found each as airway foreign bodies and esophageal foreign bodies. The clinical features are described and treatment outcomes, prognosis, and rate of complications of each management modality have been compared. Results: In airway foreign bodies, ventilating bronchoscopy yielded better results, 19 success out of 19 trials than fiberoptic bronchoscopy, 3 success out of 5 trials. Hospitalization days after removal of foreign body didn't show difference between two treatment modalities, although patients who had ventilating bronchoscopy had gone through general anesthesia. And there was no complication after removal of foreign body. In esophageal foreign bodies, rigid esophagoscope yielded better results, 99% of successful removal rate, compared to the EGD, only 78% of successful removal rate. There was no difference of hospitalization days between two modalities. And complication rate was even low in patients who had done rigid esophagoscopic foreign body removal. Conclusion: In upper aerodigestivetract foreign body. Rapid diagnosis and successful foreign body removal is important. Removal by rigid scope(ventilating bronchoscope, rigid esophagoscope) revealed less failure in both airway and esophageal foreign bodies.

      • KCI등재

        마하-젠더 광 변조기와 EDFA로 구성된 아날로그 광통신 링크에서 변조기 바이어스 조정을 이용한 랜덤 지터의 감소

        이민영,윤영민,신종덕,Lee, Min-Young,Yoon, Young-Min,Shin, Jong-Dug 한국전기전자학회 2009 전기전자학회논문지 Vol.13 No.4

        본 논문에서는 마하-젠더 광 변조기와 EDFA(Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier)로 구성된 아날로그 광통신 링크에서 광 변조기에 인가되는 바이어스 전압의 조정을 통해 광통신 링크 출력의 랜덤 지터를 효과적으로 감소시키는 방법에 관하여 연구하였다. 광 변조기의 바이어스를 $0.5\;V_{\pi}$로부터 약 $0.089\;V_{\pi}$로 이동시켰을 때, 10 GHz RF 신호의 이득은 최대 10.65 dB가 증가하였고, 랜덤 지터는 EDFA의 입력 광 파워가 -0.11 dBm일 때 최대 46.5% 감소하였다. We report an efficient jitter reduction technique in an analog fier-optic link employing a Mach-Zehnder modulator followed by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier. By adjusting the modulator-bias to $0.089V_{\pi}$, we could increase the RF gain up to 10.65 dB for 10 GHz RF signal and reduce the random jitter by 46.5%, max, at an input optical power of -0.11 dBm to the EDFA.

      • 목조문화재 가해 미생물의 형태학적 특성 및 가해위험도 연구

        이민영,정선혜,김은송,김대운,정용재,Lee, Min-Young,Jeong, Seon-Hye,Kim, Eun-Song,Kim, Dae-Woon,Chung, Yong-Jae 국립문화재연구소 2009 保存科學硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        In the study, we confirmed morphological traits and calculated the Risk Class of 25 mould species, including Tyromyces palustris, through decomposition rate of substrate for characteristic confirmation of injured microorganisms. We received the injured microorganisms in wood and it was pure cultivated. We observed growth traits and decomposition rate of substrate. Also, it allows the calculation of Risk Class to be worried in the case of growth in wooden cultural properties. As a result, Tyromyces palustris, representative of brown-rot, has the characteristics about decomposition rate of substrate - Cellulose ; more active(+++), Lignin ; more active(+++), Xylan ; more active(+++), Starch ; active(++). We classified Tyromcyes palustris as a first Risk Class and as a second Risk Class about Schizophyllum commune et al(9 species, See table 1. We look forward to offering standard data base for evaluating Risk Class as a matter of applying preventive conservation in wooden cultural properties through our study.

      • KCI등재

        인천 지역 초등학생의 영양 보충제 섭취 실태 및 섭취 관련 요인의 어머니 대상 연구 I. 섭취 실태

        이민영,장경자,Lee Min-Young,Chang Kyung-Ja 동아시아식생활학회 2005 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        The purpose of study was to investigate nutritional supplements intake of elementary school students aged 7 to 12 years in Incheon The subjects were 631 mothers of schoolchildren and cross sectional study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire. Nutritional supplements were taken by $42.3\%$ of the surveyed elementary school students. Among nutritional supplements they toot vitamin and mineral accounted for $47.3\%$, herbs and chinese medicine $39.3\%$ and dietary supplements $10.7\%.$ Among reasons for taking nutritional supplements, help for growth, health promotion, supply for deficient nutrients and prevention or treatment of disease were in order. As for the reasons for not taking nutritional supplements, most of the subjects answered that meals are enough in getting nutrients for children Mother of elementary school students usually Dew the health claim of the nutritional supplements before taking the Also they usually got the information of the nutritional supplements 1mm doctors or pharmacist and bought the nutritional supplements at drugstores, oriental medicine clinic and on-line shop in order. As for the effect of nutritional supplements, $43.7\%$ of the subjeces answered as 'effective' and $81.7\%$ of the mother of elementary school students who took nutritional supplements answered positively that they would continue to have their children take it Among the reasons they would continue to have their children take it help for growth ranked the first. therefore, these results my provide basic informations on nutritional supplements used by the elementary school students in Incheon.

      • KCI등재

        나이관련황반변성의 심한 황반하출혈에서 유리체강내 팽창가스와 항혈관내피성장인자 병합요법

        이민영,서원문,최율제,Min Young Lee,MD,Won Moon Seo,MD,Yul Je Choi,MD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.3

        Purpose: To evaluate the effect of intravitreal expansile gas (C3F8) with anti-VEGF injection for the treatment of large submacular hemorrhage (SMH) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Methods: In this report, 18 eyes of 18 patients with large SMH secondary to ARMD were treated with a simultaneous injection of 0.3 cc C3F8 and 0.05 ml anti-VEGF intravitrealy. Results: The mean age was 64.89 ± 5.68 years and the mean size of SMH was 4.44 ± 1.25 disc diameters (DD). The minimum follow-up period was 12 months (range: 12-17 months). Mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 1.72 ± 0.56 log MAR which improved significantly to 1.01 ± 0.68 log MAR at 12 months (p = 0.002). SMH displacement occurred in all eyes. BCVA improved 2 or more lines in 11 eyes (61.1%) and deteriorated in 1 eye (5.6%). Conclusions: In this report, intravitreal injection of an expansible gas (C3F8) with anti-VEGF produced successful results in anatomical displacement of SMH and early visual improvement.

      • KCI등재

        인천지역 초등학생의 영양 보충제 섭취 실태 및 섭취 관련 요인의 어머니 대상 연구 II. 섭취 관련 요인

        이민영,장경자,Lee Min-Young,Chang Kyung-Ja 동아시아식생활학회 2005 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors to nutritional supplements intake of elementary school student aged 7 to 12 years in Incheon area. The subjects were 631 mothers of elementary school students and cross-sectional study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire. In view of the relation with general circumstances, taking nutritional supplements was shown to be significantly associated with general and socio-demographic factors such as father's job, mothers concern about children's academic record, family's monthly income and food cost, and the experience of other family members' taking nutritional supplement. In view of the relation with anthropometric and health-related factors, taking nutritional supplement was associated with elementary school student' weight obesity index, mothers evaluation of children's height and weight mother's concern about health and growth of children, and ,disease of children. In view of the dietary behavior-related factors, taking nutritional supplements was associated with skipping breakfast, food habits, and mothers beliefs and attitude about nutrition and nutritional supplements. However, it was shown that mothers nutritional knowledge did not affect taking nutritional supplements. Therefore, it may be suggested that general and socio-demographic factors, anthropometric and health-related factors, dietary behavior-related factors, and mother's nutritional beliefs and attitude are important determinants in children's taking nutritional supplements.

      • KCI등재

        공막괴사를 야기한 섬모체 결핵종 1예

        이민영,박재영,이은철,서원문,Min Young Lee,Jae Yeong Park,Eun Chul Lee,Won Moon Seo 대한안과학회 2012 대한안과학회지 Vol.53 No.11

        Purpose: To report a case of ciliary body tuberculoma, which induced scleral melting. Case summary: A 32-year-old man, who was diagnosed with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis 1 week earlier, presented with a conjunctival injection and mass on his right eye 3 months in duration. On excisional biopsy, melted sclera and exposed uveal tissue were found; acid-fast stain was positive. Two months after anti-tuberculosis treatment, anterior granulomatous uveitis and granuloma formation on the anterior chamber angle developed. A low-dose systemic steroid therapy was added. Six weeks after systemic steroid therapy, anterior uveitis and granuloma on anterior chamber angle disappeared. Conclusions: We experienced a case of ocular tuberculosis on the ciliary body. A low-dose systemic steroid along with multi-drug anti-tubercular therapy may be an effective treatment of ciliary body tuberculoma.

      • 얕은 하복벽동맥 천공지 피판을 이용한 유방 재건술 - 2예 보고 -

        이민영,엄진섭,이택종,Lee, Min-Young,Eom, Jin-Sup,Lee, Taik-Jong 대한미세수술학회 2010 Archives of reconstructive microsurgery Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: Breast reconstruction with abdominal flap has many advantages. However, it might cause abdominal complications such as bulging or hernia. SIEA (Superficial inferior epigastric artery) flap is the most advanced form of abdominal flap which has no adverse effect on abdominal fascia. We report 2 cases of breast reconstruction with SIEA flap with reference review. Methods: From Jun 2006 to Jan 2009, 110 patients underwent breast reconstruction with free abdominal flap. We tried to find the SIEA in every cases and adopted SIEP flap if the diameter was larger than 1mm and it had visible pulsation. 2 patients underwent breast reconstruction with SIEA flap. After design of abdominal flap SIEA was investigated with portable Doppler. SIEA was usually found 4-5 cm lateral to the midline. Flap was elevated with SIEA and SIEV to their maximal length at hiatus. Results: There were no complications, such as infection, hematoma, and necrosis of flap. In both cases, flaps survived completely with excellent vascularity and breast reconstruction was successful. In one case, there was skin necrosis of mastectomy flap, and it was healed by conservative management. Conclusion: With the SIEA flap, donor site morbidity can be minimized along with reduction of operation time. If there is reliable SIEA, SIEA flap would be the preferred skills. However, the limitation of the SIEA flap is difficulty in identifying the SIEA. The reason for less availability of the flap in Korea might include high prevalence of the Caesarian section scar and relatively higher level of the lower margin of the flap.

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