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        수지 첨부 손상에서 피부이식을 동반하지 않은 무세포 진피조직의 사용

        이동휘,강재경,Lee, Dong Hui,Kang, Jae Kyoung 제주대학교 의과학연구소 2018 The Journal of Medicine and Life Science Vol.15 No.1

        The most common surgical repair method for fingertip injuries are replantation, flap coverage, and skin graft. In fingertip injury cases, acellular dermal matrix (ADM) is generally used in a two-stage operation. In the present case, only ADM was used in a 67-year-old male patient with a right fifth fingertip injury. The patient was undergoing chemotherapy after surgery for colon cancer, preventing prolonged hospitalization. In addition, wound healing was likely to be problematic. As a typical surgical method might have been difficult to apply in such a patient, we performed a one-stage operation, using only ADM on the injured area. Postoperative followup for 3 months showed good wound healing. Accordingly, we report a successful treatment outcome using ADM alone for a fingertip injury.

      • 충주 호암동의 고고학적 환경과 향후 과제 -충주 호암동 주변 발굴조사 성과를 중심으로-

        이동휘 ( Lee Dong-hui ) 단국사학회 2022 史學志 Vol.62 No.-

        충주시 호암동은 현 시가지의 서남부에 위치한다. 서쪽에는 한강수계와 합류하는 달천이 북류하고 있다. 주변에 넓게 형성된 평야지역에서는 지금까지도 활발하게 경작활동이 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 자연환경을 배경으로 충주 호암동에는 많은 유적들이 조사되었으며, 이 유적들은 충주지역을 무대로 하는 역사적 사건들의 시발점이 되었다고 평가할 수 있다. 따라서 이에 대한 고고학적 조망이 필요한 시점이며, 충주 호암동에서 확인된 유적들의 흐름을 시기별로 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 대표적으로 호암동에서 확인된 초기철기시대 적석묘는 당시 사회상을 보여주는 대표적인 유구로 볼 수 있다. 충주 주변지역에서 해당 분묘와 비슷한 위계의 무덤이 확인되지 않아 이에 대한 다각적인 해석이 요구된다. 이러한 접근은 기원전 3세기부터 본격화되는 읍락-國의 형성과정과 그 범위에 대한 연구로 이어질 것으로 기대된다. 이후 기원후 1세기~4세기까지 마한의 성장과 백제의 마한 통합 과정이 진행된다. 이를 통해 충주지역에 대한 백제의 영향력이 증대되는 과정을 보여준다. 이와 관련된 유적으로는 충주 장미산성과 최근 발굴조사 중인 충주 탑평리 고분군(충주 황새머리 고분군)이 있다. 이어서 고구려에 의해 충주 고구려비가 세워지고 얼마 후 신라 진흥왕의 북진이 시작됨에 따라 충주지역은 삼국의 각축장이 된다. 이 과정을 통해 충주지역은 신라의 차지가 되고 6~7세기에 해당하는 고분군이 충주지역에 조영된다. 이 시기에 해당하는 신라 고분군은 충주 누암리와 하구암리에 집중 분포하는 것으로 인식되어 왔다. 충주분지 내에 위치하는 고분군은 단월동 고분군·용산동 고분군 정도가 조사되었으나 최근 충주 호암동과 안림동에서 6~7세기 대 고분군이 대거 확인되었다. 따라서 충주 호암동에서 조사된 신라 고분군은 충주분지 내에 존재하였던 신라 세력의 성격을 밝힐 수 있는 실마리를 제공하였다고 판단된다. 신라가 삼국을 통일하는 시점에서 국원소경이 중원경으로 개편되고 이에 따른 중원경 치소의 위치에 대한 연구가 이어져야 할 것으로 보인다. 이어서 충주 호암동에 위치하는 토성은 통일신라 말~고려시대까지 충주읍성의 외성 역할을 감당하였던 것으로 보이며 축성법 및 범위에 대한 세부적인 연구가 요구된다. 이처럼 충주 호암동은 선사시대~중세까지 지속적으로 충주 역사흐름에 등장하였고, 최근의 다양한 발굴성과로 인하여 그 중요성이 부각되고 있다. Hoam-dong, Chung-ju-si, is located in the southwestern part of the current city. To the west, Dalcheon Stream, which merges with the Han River water system, flows north. Cultivation activities are still actively carried out in the surrounding plains. Against this backdrop of the natural environment, many ruins were investigated in Hoam-dong, Chung-ju, and these ruins can be evaluated as the starting point for historical events set in Chung-ju. Therefore, it is time for an archaeological view of this, and the flow of the relics identified in Hoam-dong, Chung-ju is as follows. Representatively, the red stone tomb of the early Iron Age identified in Hoam-dong can be seen as a representative relic showing the social image of the time. Since no tombs with a hierarchy similar to that of the tomb have been identified in the area around Chung-ju, various interpretations are required. This approach is expected to lead to research on the formation process and scope of the Euprak-guk, which began in earnest from the 3rd century BC. After that, from the 1st to 4th centuries A.D., Mahan's growth and Baekje's Mahan integration process progressed. Through this, it shows the process of increasing Baekje's influence on the Chung-ju area. Relating to this, there are Jangmisanseong Fortress in Chung-ju and the Ancient Tombs in Tappyeong-ri, Chung-ju, which are recently being excavated. Subsequently, as the Chung-ju Goguryeo Monument was erected by Goguryeo and the northward march of King Jinheung of Silla began shortly after, the Chung-ju area became a soccer field for the three kingdoms. Through this process, the Chung-ju area was occupied by Silla, and ancient tombs from the 6th to 7th centuries were constructed in the Chung-ju area. Silla tombs, which correspond to this period, have been recognized as being concentrated in Nuam-ri and Haguam-ri, Chung-ju. The extent of ancient tombs located in the Chung-ju Basin was investigated, but a large number of ancient tombs in the 6th and 7th centuries were recently confirmed in Hoam-dong and Anrim-dong, Chung-ju. Therefore, it is believed that the Silla Ancient Tombs surveyed in Hoam-dong, Chung-ju, provided a clue to reveal the characteristics of the Silla forces that existed in the Chung-ju Basin. At the time of Silla's unification of the three kingdoms, the Gukwon Small Scenic Area will be reorganized into Jungwon Scenic Area, and research on the location of the Jungwon Scenic Area should be continued. Subsequently, Saturn, located in Hoam-dong, Chung-ju, seems to have played the role of the outer castle of Chung-ju-eupseong from the Unified Silla Period to the Goryeo Dynasty, and detailed research on the construction method and scope is required. As such, Hoam-dong, Chung-ju, continued to appear in the trend of Chung-ju history from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages, and its importance is being highlighted due to the recent various excavation results.

      • KCI등재

        『구당서(舊唐書)·발해말갈전(渤海靺鞨傳)』의 “본고려별종(本高麗別種)”에 관하여 -“별종(別種)” 용례(用例)분석을 중심(中心)으로-

        이동휘 ( Lee Dong Hui ) 부경역사연구소 2001 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.9

        Who is Dae Jo-young『 Where is he from』 These are the primary problems that we can face when we study on the history of Balhae. And < Shin Tang seo > and < Gu Tang seo > answer these questions with different statements : “Dae Jo-young of Balhae Malgal is original Byuljong of Koryeo.” in < Gu Tang Seo > but “Balhae originated from Songmalmalgal and then affiliated to Koryeo.” in < Shin Tang Seo >. These records are written in the beginning of the history of Balhae in these two literatures and they cause a lot of controversies about Dae Jo-yeongs native country. The key points of the controversies are these two literatures’ disagreement about Dae Jo-young and the matter of credibility- which literature is credible, < Shin Tang seo > or < Gu Tang seo >? Referring to previous historians’ researches on it I will analyze the usages of the term Byuljong used in ancient history literatures. Furthermore, I would like to study the opinion that Koguryeo is related directly to the phrase “Balhae is ‘Byuljong’ of Koguryeo”. About the Balhae’s territory at that time when it had been founded, the nearby countries have had different views because they interpreted ‘Byuljong’ written in < Shin Tang seo > and < Gu Tang seo > according to their own interest. Through the previous researches we can find remarkable disagreement about the interpretation of Byuljong among them. The historians in South and North Korea describe ‘Byuljong’ as Koguryeo’s descendants or directly Koguryeo people. In Korea, some even insist that the founding father, Dae Jo-young, was a Songmalmalgal person who had been affiliated to Koguryeo and assimilated into it and he was also a general of Koguryeo. But the most of North East history scholars in China insist that the founding father of Balhae, Mr.Dae, was different from Koguryeo person, that is, he was Malgal person that’s why the term ‘Byuljong’ was used to explain him. This controversy about Mr. Dae is inevitable because not only ancient history literatures (< Shin Tang seo > and < Gu Tang seo >) wrote ambiguous statements about him but Balhae had consisted of various people from north east Asia. To reach a satisfactory settlement of considerable disagreement between historians of Korea and China about Balhae and Dae Jo-young, above all we may scrutinize the usage of the term ‘Byuljong’ in history. And we are likely to remember that it suggests complicated relationship among ancient nations and it also has various types of definition: the term of ‘Byuljong’ to clarify the origin of a nation, to classify political group, to be related with culture etc. We have often seen Byuljong in ancient history literature but its implication has not been clarified yet. Byuljong appeared in 『ThreeCountry History·Weihistory』 for the first time but it seems that many historians have used it as it is to describe ancient nations and their origin without interpreting the real meaning of it. ‘Byuljong’ may be understood as ‘different nation’ or ‘distinguished nation’ but you would know that it was mostly used to describe the relationship of ancient nations to examine the usage of ‘Byuljong’ in various history literatures. ‘Byuljong’ seems to be a customary and unclear term which ancient historians used to describe a nation origin and it was deeply connected with its mother nation in the middle of complicated relationship of ancient nations. These connection between ‘Byuljong’ and its mother nation had a lot of connotations : the order of each other’s beginning in chronicle, regional neighborhood or the same area of activity, cultural closeness, political affiliation and so forth. Furthermore, suppose one nation had belonged to its mother nation and then it became independent. In that case, we can easily confuse a nation with its mother nation and can’t clearly distinguish each other. This may be the reason ‘Byuljong’ was used. In fact, in ancient literatures ‘different nation’ was used when each other’s difference could be clarified; ‘Pescendants’ was used to express a nation`s descendants ; ‘rest of the nation to a nation’s survivors. Therefore the phrase “Balhae is original Koguryeo ‘Byuljong’” seems to be understood according to the point mentioned above, that is, Dae Jo-young, the founding father of Balhae would rather be understood as ‘Songmalmalgal person’ who had affiliated to Koguryeo and then assimilated into it than be described directly as Koguryeo person it means that 『Shin Tang seo』 and 『Gu Tang seo』’s differnt statements about Dae Jo-young and Balhae are complemented each other.

      • KCI등재

        崔致遠의 北方認識 : 渤海觀을 중심으로

        李東輝(Lee, Dong-hui) 백산학회 2003 白山學報 Vol.- No.65

        This paper is to examine Choe Chi-Won's historical view, centering around his view of Balhae. It seemed that he got his view of a Northern Race during his stay in Dang, for he went abroad for study to Dang in his early days. Thus, his view of a Northern Race was described centering knowledge which was gain of Northern Race during his stay in Dang as student. I think that his historical view changed into one centering around Silla in his position to support absolute monarchy after he returned home. Emphasizing Silla's superiority and legitimacy, he tried to put Silla on a predominant position over neighbor countries. To understand how Choe Chi-Won set a boundary of his own country' history, his historical view of Three Han(三韓) was examined. He agreed to idea that Goguryeo succeeded to Mahan(馬韓), Silla to Jinhan(辰韓), and Baekje to Byeonhan(弁韓) in order to emphasize Silla' legitimacy. But he considered that Balhae didn't fall under the category of Three Han, Three Country(三國). To understand Choe Chi-Won's view of Balhae, some diplomatic documents was examined. He regarded Balhae as succeeded to Goguryeo at first, but as succeeded to Malgal(靺鞨) at last. He maintained that Balhae couldn't succeeded to Mahan because of the fall of Goguryeo. And He emphasized that there was the difference between Balhae and Silla in culture and religion, for the ancestor of Balhae was Malgal tribe. In short, he understanded “Northen Country(北國)” in geographical and territorial aspects. His historical view laid stress on the subject, history and cultural legitimancy of Haedong(海東).

      • KCI등재

        충청지역 송국리문화의 다양성 연구

        이동휘(Lee Dong Hui) 한국고대학회 2016 先史와 古代 Vol.50 No.-

        선사고고학에서 문화의 지역적 차이와 다양성에 대한 연구는 집단 간 역동적인 교류와 시간적 흐름에 대한 적절한 접근 방법이라 할 수 있다. 특히 청동기시대 송국리문화는 지역성 연구를 통하여 남한지역에서 확인되는 다양한 문화의 흐름을 파악할 수 있었다. 하지만 충청지역은 송국리문화의 핵심지역으로 인식되어 왔음에도 불구하고 지역 내 존재하는 소지역성(지역적 변이)에 대한 연구는 미흡한 편이다. 이에 본고에서는 송국리문화가 어떠한 문화 접변과 확산과정을 통하여 충청지역에 확산되었는지 확인하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 문화요소들의 배치상황, GIS 밀도분석(Density), 수계검증을 통하여 지역구분을 시도하였다. 그 결과 총 6개지역(1지역:서산·당진·홍성, 2지역 : 천안·아산, 3지역 : 청원·청주·진천, 4지역 : 보령·서천, 5지역 : 공주·부여, 6지역 : 대전·계룡)으로 충청지역을 구분할 수 있었으며 송국리문화 요소의 빈도가 가장 강하게 나타났던 5지역(공주·부여)을 충청지역 송국리문화의 핵심지역으로, 나머지 지역을 외곽지역으로 구분하였다. 이처럼 송국리문화를 구성하는 개별문화요소가 지역별로 상이하게 확인되는 것은 송국리문화가 완성된 형태로 핵심지역에 정착했거나, 외곽지역에서 핵심지역으로의 이동으로 요약할 수 있다. Spatiality holds a key post in the archeological study, and also in case of the research related to the Songguk-ri culture of Bronze Age, the study on spatiality is being made actively. In this paper, we intend to review the diversity of Songguk-ri Culture representing the middle Bronze Age, and the region of study is established as Chung-cheong Region. The previous studies of the diversity of Songguk-ri Culture have been performed not for the overall review of feature·artifact but for the center of the partial cultural factors. And most of the studies defined the regional difference through the establishment of individual type as the difference of type, or divide the region based on simple nature·geographical situations in the establishment of regional circle, and as a result, there occurred the circumstances to overlook the difference of individual cultural factors of unit regions. Hereupon in this thesis, we aim to identify how the cultural factors forming Songgok-ri Culture spread in Chung-cheong Region through diverse cultural assimilation and diffusion process, and for this purpose, we divided Chung-cheong Region into 6 regions through Especially, in this thesis, we classified the key region and peripheral region on the basis of the strength and ratio of Songgukri cultural factors, and pointed out Region 5(Gongju Buyeo region) showing the strongest frequency of Songgukri cultural factors as the Core-area of Songgukri culture of Chung-cheong Region. Thus the situations where the aspect of Songgukri Culture is maintained as the mutually different forms by each region and the fact that the individual cultural factors are distributed diversely mean that the spread period and existence period were different by the region.

      • 파미르 고원의 戰將 高仙芝

        李東輝(Lee Dong-Hui) 효원사학회 2008 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.34

        Gaoxianzhi is the descendant of the Goguryos who migrated to the region of present-Gansu and Xinjiang provinces after the end of the Goguryo by the Alliesof Sinluo and Tang Dynasty. During the reign of Tang xuanzong, Gao xianzhi, as a provincial governor, led the Tang army across the Pamir Plateau to go on an expedition for the Turkestan for several times and served with distinction in the war. He made a great contribution to the stability of the northwest frontiers, effective prevention for the expansion of Tubo(ancient name for Tibet) and Dashi(ancient name for Arabism), guarantee the free flow of the Silk Route and Tang's predomination in the politics, economics and culture in this area. Gaoxianzhi had a great influence not only on the history of the Chinese north-west frontiers but also on the East-West exchange history.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        표준물첨가 및 희석법을 이용한 주석 슬랙중$Ta_2O_5$,$Nb_2O_5$ 및 $SnO_2$의 X-선 분광분석

        김영상,이동휘,Young-Sang Kim,Dong-Hui Lee 대한화학회 1983 대한화학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        Determination for $Ta_2O_5$,$Nb_2O_5$ and $SnO_2$ in tin slags was investigated by X-ray spectrometric method. Standard addition-dilution method was attempted and showed a comparable accuracy with standard calibration curve method. Pure chemicals($Ta_2O_5$,$Nb_2O_5$ and $SnO_2$) were added to the samples and diluted with silica or ferric oxide. For the determination of $Ta_2O_5$and$SnO_2$ , silica was more suitable than ferric oxide while the latter was more preferable than the former for $Nb_2O_5$. 분석시료에 일정량의 표준물을 첨가한 후 희석제로 묽히는 방법을 이용하여 주석슬랙중의 $Ta_2O_5$,$Nb_2O_5$ 및 $SnO_2$를 X-선 분광 분석법으로 정량하였다. 희석제로는 $SiO_2$와 $Fe_2O_3$를 사용하였으며 첨가시료와 1:1의 비로 희석 시켰다. $Ta_2O_5$와 $SnO_2$ 의 분석결과는 $Fe_2O_3$보다 $SiO_2$로 희석시킨 것이 표준 검정곡선법에 의해 얻은 분석값과 더 잘 일치하고, $Nb_2O_5$는 이와 반대로 $SiO_2$보다 $Fe_2O_3$로 희석시킨 것이 더 잘 일치함을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재

        마그네슘합금의 조직제어(組織制御)와 성형가공(成形加工) 및 스크랩 리싸이클링 기술(技術)

        심재동,이동휘,Shim, Jae-Dong,Lee, Dong-Hui 한국자원리싸이클링학회 2011 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.20 No.1

        마그네슘 합금은 비중이 1.74로 가벼운데다 비강도는 구조용 금속 중에서 가장 크며, 방진성, 전자파 차폐성, 저용점 용 여러 가지 장점이 있어 최근 자동차 부품과 전자산업 제품 분야에서 이용이 크게 기대되는 금속이다. 그러나 마그네슘의 결정구조는 조밀 육방정이기 때문에 소성변형이 가능한 슬립면이 한정되어 있으며 압연이나 압출가공 시에는 강한 집합조직이 형성되어 상온가공이 곤란하다. 따라서 지금까지 성형성 개선을 위한 조직제어와 성형기술 분야에서 많은 연구개발이 이루어져 왔다. 본고에서는 결정립과 집합조직에 관한 미세조직의 제어방법, 용체성형, 압연 및 압출에 관한 성형가공 기술과 마그네슘 스크랩 리싸이클링 기술에 관하여 최근의 연구개발 사례를 소개한다. Recently, magnesium alloys are in the spotlight as a promising materials in the fields of automobile parts and electronic appliances due to their merits representing light weight, high specific strength, damping property, shielding of electromagnetic wave and so on. However, magnesium alloys show a poor formability at room temperature because magnesium has HCP crystal structure with limited slip planes and strong basal texture is formed during plastic deformation process such as rolling and extrusion. Therefore, many R&D efforts have been paid for improvement of formability through grain refinement, texture control and various forming technologies. This paper is giving an overview about recent achievements on control of microstructures, forming technologies and magnesium scrap recycling.

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