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        읽기 選多型 評價 問項 開發의 節次와 實際

        이도영 한국어문교육연구회 2019 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.47 No.4

        To develop an item, you have to go through the steps of designing an item, producing a given writings, making a question, and answering items. In the design phase, the evaluation content and the difficulty of the question should be determined, and the item should be designed to understand the given writings well. In the given writings production stage, high-quality given writings should be produced considering the validity and level of students. Given writings should be informative enough to handle multiple evaluation items. You should also make your given writings as readable and readable as possible. The question should contain the content to be evaluated, and the predicate should be chosen considering the nature of reading comprehension. The answering items must be filled out first, and the contents of the given writings should not be intactly taken. The answering items should be made considering the difficulty level by combining the contents of the given writings, the contents outside the given writings, background knowledge, and macro and micro propositions. 이도영, 2019, 읽기 선다형 평가 문항 개발의 절차와 실제, 183 : 409~432 문항을 개발하려면, 문항 설계·지문 제작·문두와 답지 작성 단계를 거쳐야 한다. 설계 단계에서는 평가할 내용(독해력의 수준)과 문항의 난이도를 결정해야 하며, 지문을 잘 이해할 수 있도록 문항을 설계해야 한다. 지문 제작 단계에서는 평가의 타당도와 학생들의 이해 수준을 고려하여 교육적이면서도 양질의 지문을 제작해야 한다. 지문은 여러 평가 문항을 출제할 수 있도록 정보가 풍부해야 한다. 또한 지문의 완성도를 최대한 높이고 읽을 가치가 있는 지문을 제작해야 한다. 문두에는 평가할 내용을 담아야 하며, 독해력의 특성을 고려하여 문두의 서술어를 선택해야 한다. 답지 작성 시에는 먼저 정답지를 작성하고 오답지를 작성해야 하며, 지문의 내용을 있는 그대로 가져와서는 안 된다. 지문의 내용, 지문 밖의 내용, 배경 지식, 거시 명제·미시 명제 등을 결합하여 난이도를 고려한 답지를 제작해야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        창의적 체험활동 경험에 대한 중학생 인식 연구 -자율활동을 중심으로-

        이도영 교육종합연구원 2019 교육종합연구 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to explore students' experiences and perception on creative- experiential activities in middle schools. Based on this aim, research questions were set up as follows; What activities are provided for students regarding to ‘autonomous activity curriculum’ and what do they gain from those experiences? To solve research problems, in-depth interviews were conducted with 25 middle school students. In this study, the researcher applied the 'Hermeneutics Phenomenology' method proposed by Colaizzi(1978) in order to interpret the implications of interviewee. Based on the results, I suggested the followings necessary to stimulate creative experiential experience in schools. First, the creative experiential activity curriculum should operate with an emphasis on the inner experiences of students. To do so, it is necessary to remove unessential formalities in operating creative-experiential activities. Second, with the increasing importance of autonomous activities, efforts will be needed at various levels, including teacher interest, curriculum design, and school culture, to ensure educational meaningful experiences of autonomous activities at schools. Finally, various academic researches are needed on creative-experiential activities.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        QR코드 데이터 손실률에 따른 인식 패턴 복원 알고리즘

        이도영,신효승,변지윤,이홍래 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.3

        최근 스마트폰의 보급률이 높아짐에 따라 QR코드의 사용률이 높아지고 있다. 일상생활 속에서 휴대전화를 사용하다 보면 형광등 혹은 태양 빛으로 인해 빛 번짐 현상이 일어날 수 있는데 이러한 번짐 현상과 일상 속 먼지 등에 의해 QR코드 손상이 종종 발생한다. 대다수의 QR코드 손상에 따른 복원 연구는 리드 솔로몬 부호를 이용한 데이터 복원 연구에 집중되고 있었다. 하지만 QR코드 손상이 QR코드 인식에 필요한 초기 인식 패턴들에서 발생하면 리드 솔로몬 부호를 사용한 데이터 복원 및 QR코드 인식이 되지 않는다. 이에 본 논문에서는 QR코드의 데이터에 대한 손실률을 판단하여 데이터 복원이 가능할 경우 초기 인식 패턴 복원 알고리즘을 적용하여 QR 코드 인식률을 높이는 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 손상된 QR코드의 데이터 영역이 손실률에 따라 리드 솔로몬 부호를 사용한 복원이 가능한 정도의 손실일 경우, 초기 인식 패턴 복원 알고리즘을 사용하여 복원 여부를 결정하게 한다. 제안한 알고리즘을 사용하여 최대 24% 손상된 QR코드를 복원할 수 있었으며, 실험에 사용한 손상된 QR 코드 이미지의 약 97%의 QR코드를 복원하는 데 성공하였다. 제안된 알고리즘을 통해 손상된 QR코드 복원에 우수한 성능이 보임을 확인하였다. In recent years, as the penetration rate of smartphones has increased, the usage rate of QR codes has increased. When using a mobile phone in everyday life, light blur may occur due to fluorescent lights or sunlight, and QR codes are often damaged due to this blur phenomenon and everyday dust. Most research on restoring damaged QR codes has focused on data restoration research using Reed-Solomon codes. However, if QR code corruption occurs in the initial recognition pattern required for QR code recognition, data recovery using Reed-Solomon codes and QR code recognition will not be possible. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose a method to increase the QR code recognition rate by determining the loss rate for QR code data and applying an initial recognition pattern recovery algorithm when data recovery is possible. The proposed method determines whether to restore the damaged QR code using an initial recognition pattern restoration algorithm when the data area of the damaged QR code is damaged to the extent that it can be restored using a Reed-Solomon code, depending on the loss rate. Up to 24% of corrupted QR codes can be restored using the proposed algorithm, and restored QR codes of about 97% of the corrupted QR code images used in our experiments. We confirmed that the proposed algorithm performs well in restoring damaged QR codes.

      • KCI등재

        건축물의 미(美)적 판단기준으로서 시각정보 분석에 관한 연구: 거주전용 주택경관을 중심으로 한 사례연구

        이도영 대한건축학회 2002 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        In order to examine theoretical underpinnings of preference for various built forms, 129 subjects are asked to rate a total of 9 slides of residential houses depicting a wide range of organizational properties on a 5-point scale, for coherence, complexity, excitement, familiarity, and environmental sensibility, respectively. This study addressing the issue of aesthetic beauty evaluation for man-made creatures(e.g., residential housing) has obtained several meaningful findings. All throughout each of the slide scenes, first, both desire to visit and desire to live in turned out to be a good measure of environmental preference. The two measuring instruments are highly correlated in statistically significant levels. That is, the more likely people desire to visit a spot, the more likely they wish to live in the house. Second, Pearson's correlations showed that coherence is the opposite end of complexity. The more likely a housing setting hangs together, the less likely it looks to be complex. Overall, though, it is not clear that the two variables work directly in that way, as weighted on preference ratings. That is, coherence and complexity are likely to be totally two independent systems that affect the ratings of preference. Furthermore, coherence and complexity, respectively, are not effective in predicting the pattern of environmental preference. Third, both excitement and environmental sensitivity(e.g., harmony of a house with its surrounding natural scenary) most highly account for the preference for various housing scenes, while familiarity has a limited effect on preference ratings. Possibly, people could like or dislike a physical setting, no matter how much they are familiar with it. Finally, this study suggests that design professionals can communicate effectively with their clients vie establishing a set of visual standards as an appropriate communication tool for better design.

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