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      • KCI등재

        基于翻转学习(Flipped learning) 的旅游汉语教学模式应用研究

        李吉蓮(Li, Jil ian) 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.77

        Along with the rapid development of Internet technology, there has been a significant transformation in teaching activities, and it is evident that the early single mode is no longer able to meet the practical needs of students. Therefore, teachers should attempt to integrate online and offline teaching, provide reasonable guidance to students, encourage their effective engagement in learning activities, complete relevant learning tasks, and thereby comprehensively enhance their learning abilities. The flipped learning model perfectly meets these conditions, contributing to the achievement of teaching goals in tourism Chinese. This study applies the flipped learning model to tourism Chinese courses and conducts empirical analysis in an attempt to develop a more effective flipped learning teaching mode for tourism Chinese courses. The empirical analysis results indicate that the majority of students are highly satisfied with the flipped learning teaching model, which allows for personalized learning, autonomous learning, and collaborative learning, ultimately achieving good teaching results. However, when operating the flipped classroom, some students find the learning burden too heavy or face difficulties in self-management, affecting the completion of tasks during the class. Some students also express dissatisfaction with the relatively short practice time during the class, which doesnt align well with the experiential learning model. In response to these issues, this study proposes teaching suggestions for the three corresponding stages of pre-class, in-class, and post-class, providing new teaching ideas for the development of tourism Chinese course teaching.

      • KCI등재

        服务学习(Service Learning)在外语教学中的应用调查

        이길연(Li, Ji-Lian)(李吉莲) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.70 No.-

        The development of new technology, new economy and new society requires us to cultivate compound talents of knowledge + technology + skills。 But There is a dislocation and inconsistency between higher education and the development of new technology, new economy and new society. If such inconsistencies are to be overcome, capability-based education is particularly important. This thesis explores the domestic and foreign research background of service learning in foreign language learning, and investigates and analyzes empirical cases of service learning in Chinese language teaching at domestic and abroad. According to my investigation, there are only four research papers on the use of service science in the Chinese classroom: Two of these papers are examples of Chinese culture teaching and Heritage language learning for Chinese American students,The other two are Chinese teaching research for foreign students in China, and Chinese teaching in Korean classrooms. Based on the above analysis, several suggestions are made for the application of Korean university service learning in college Chinese lessons. 新科技、新经济、新社会的发展呼吁知识+技术+技能的复合型人才的培养, 但高等教育与新科技、新经济、新社会发展存在错位与不协调的现象。要克服这一不协调现象, “能力本位(역량기반)”教育显得尤为重要。本论文探讨了服务学习应用在外语学习的国内外研究背景, 调查分析了国内外服务学习在汉语语教学中的实证案例 据本人调查, 汉语课堂运用服务学的研究论文只有四篇:其中两篇论文是针对在美国华裔学生的中国文化教学和继承语学习的案例, 另外两篇分别是针对在华留学生的汉语教学研究、针对在韩国汉语课堂的教学研究。 , 在分析的基础上对韩国高校服务学习在大学汉语课课堂的应用提出了几点建议。

      • KCI등재


        이길연(Li, Ji-Lian),위수광(Wui, Soo-Kwang) 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.63 No.-

        Tandem学习法是一种自主性外语学习形式,其主要目的是更好地掌握目标语言或了解目标文 化。两个学习伙伴不仅是外语学习者同时也是讲母语者,而且也是各自语言、国家和文化的“专 家”,他们在这种交际中就会解除语言的藩篱,去除跨文化的误会。Tandem学习对于继续提高学习 者的目标语言表达能力是一个很好的机会,因为它提供了与一个母语者进行交际的机会,使得跨文 化的学习过程成为可能。Tandem学习法也是PBL(Problem-based learning)模式的一种学习方法, 它不仅能扩展学习者对语言的判断能力,也使学习者的解决问题能力及团队协作能力得到提高。 此篇论文研究目的是将在亚洲尚未得到广泛推广的Tandem学习法简单做以介绍,分析汉语及 韩语教学中应用该学习法的可行性;调查并分析在韩国大学汉语及韩语课堂里应用Tandem学习法的 情况,总结出该学习法在应用过程中出现的几个问题,为有效提高外语教学水平提供一些参考。 Tandem Language Learning method is a form of autonomous foreign language learning. Its main purpose is to better grasp the target language or understand the target culture. The two learning partners are not only foreign language learners but also native speakers.They are also experts of their respective languages, countries and cultures. In this kind of communication, they will break the barrier of language and remove cross-cultural misunderstandings. Tandem Language Learning is a good opportunity to continue to improve the learner s ability to express the target language, as it provides the opportunity to communicate with a native speaker and makes intercultural learning possible. Tandem Language Learning method is also a learning method of PBL (Problem-based learning) model. It not only expands learners ability to judge language, but also improves learners problem-solving ability and team cooperation ability. The purpose of this paper is to simply introduce the tandem language learning method that has not been widely promoted in Asia and to analyze the feasibility of applying the learning method in Chinese and Korean language teaching. Investigation and Analysis of Application of Tandem Language Learning Method in Chinese and Korean Classrooms of Korean Universities. Summarizes several problems that have arisen in the application of this learning method, and provide some references for effectively improving the teaching level of Chinese and Korean.

      • KCI등재

        ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 상적 특징과 양태성에 관한 연구

        이길연(Li Ji-Lian)(李吉蓮),황련화(Huang Lian-Hua)(黃蓮花) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.77 No.-

        본고에서는 ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’가 쓰인 용례를 통하여 양자의 범주 소속, 화용적 기능, 통사적 특징, 양태성 등 측면에서 공통점과 차이점을 살펴보았고 또한 하나의 문법 표지가 여러 범주에 걸쳐 나타나는 이유를 문법화의 각도에서 해석하였다. 결론적으로 ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’는 완료상 표지로써 상이한 서술어와의 결합을 통해 사용 문맥이 확대되고 주관화, 재분석 등 기제로 인하여 인식양태, 증거양태로 문법화 되었다. This paper describes the relationship between the tense and modality of -더- and 来着 through the intrinsic meaning of the perfect, preconception and influence, and interprets the cause with cognitive mechanisms such as grammaticalization, subjectivization, and reanalysis. In conclusion, -the- and 来着 are perfect trademarks, and the context of use is expanded by combining them with different predicates. When looking at the usage of -더- , it is confirmed in the terminating form, the connecting form, and the adjective form. Considering various factors, only the final form of -더- is intended to be the subject of the description. In this paper, we looked into the similarities and differences of ‘-더-’ and ‘来着’ in the categories of semantics, syntactics and modality. The grammatical attributes of ‘-더-’ and ‘来着’ were defined as perfect aspect marker. With the expanding of its context, the use of epistemic modality and evidentiality were appeared, the mechanism of this process of grammarization is subjectivization.

      • KCI등재


        이길연(Li, Ji-Lian),황련화(Huang, Lian-Hua) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.72 No.-

        时体标记和认识情态都属于句子的背景信息,具有使虚拟事件转化为实际事件的效用,语言类型学研究表明,将来时标记向认识情态的发展是人类语言的共性。韩汉将来时标记“-겠-”、“要”都具有“推测”、“意图”的概念义,用来描述未然事件,对于未然事件的描述分为客观上必然发生的事件和主观上说话者认为必然或可能发生的事件,对于这两种情况,由于将来事件本身具有的不确定性,两者都表现出强主观性,因此与认识情态密切相关,由将来时衍生出来的认识情态根据说话人对主观估价的确信度可分为“必然性”、“可能性”、“虚拟性”三个量级。本文以韩汉将来时标记“-겠-”、“要”作为研究对象,考察了韩汉将来时标记向认识情态发展过程中所呈现的句法、语义、语用的异同,并用主观化、转喻、推理解释了其背后的认知机制。 Tense, aspect and epistemic modality belong to the background information of sentences and have the effect of transforming virtual events into actual events. Linguistic typology studies show that the development of future tense into epistemic modality is a common feature of human languages. The future tense markers - 겠 - and Yao in Korean and Chinese language have the conceptual meanings of speculation and intention , which are used to describe the future events. The description of the future events can be divided into objectively inevitable events and subjectively inevitable or possible events. For these two cases, due to the uncertainty of future events, both of them show strong subjectivity. Therefore, they are closely related to epistemic modality. Epistemic modality can be divided into three categories according to the speaker s certainty of subjective evaluation: inevitability, possibility and virtuality. This study aims to find out the similarities and differences of - 겠 - and Yao in syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and explain the cognitive mechanism behind the differences by comparing the degree of grammaticalization and subjectification.

      • KCI등재


        김영실(Jin Ying Shi)(金英实) , 이길연(Li Ji Lian)(李吉莲) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.57 No.-

        In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, Ba-construction is a difficult grammar items. In the study of Chinese ontology, there are quite a few articles on Ba-construction, and the study of Ba-construction in Chinese as a foreign language teaching has also achieved remarkable results. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the teaching of Ba-construction and based on contrastive analysis or language acquisition research. The study of Ba-construction is gradually developed from the background of the cross-linguistic to the background of specific native language. The students mother tongue has a great influence on Ba-construction learning. Korean is an Altaic language and Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan language. There is a big difference between the two languages. The deep semantic relations of Chinese language are expressed by superficial syntactic relations of Korean language, and The differences between different semantic types and semantic orientations directly affect its correspondence in Korean language. The Ba-construction with different Semantic type have neat corresponding forms in Korean. However, Korean students try to find the similarity between the sentence pattern and native language in the process of Ba-construction acquisition, so make a lot of error sentences. This paper tries to classify Ba-construction into four categories from the perspective of semantic type and the corresponding characteristics of Korean, and discusses the teaching methods of Ba-construction for korean students. 在对外汉语教学中, “把”字句是一个习得难度较高的语法项目。语言类型即学生的母语背景对“把”字句的习得有显著影响。近年来对“把”字句教学越来越重视基于对比分析和习得研究, “把”字句研究也从泛母语背景者逐渐发展为特定母语背景者在特定学习阶段的习得考察。韩国语属阿尔泰语系, 是黏着语;而汉语属汉藏语系, 是孤立语, 两者差别较大。韩国语把汉语的深层语义关系用表层句法关系来表达, 不同语义类型及语义指向的差异直接影响它在韩国语中的对应关系。不同语义类型的“把”后宾语在韩国语中存在比较整齐的对应形式。但韩国留学生在“把”字句习得过程中, 努力寻求所学句型与母语相似的模式, 不恰当地类比推理, 形成“把”字句与母语中宾格形式等同的假设, 导致偏误句的出现。本文试从“把”后宾语NP的语义类型及其在韩国语的对应形式将“把”字句分为四类, 并结合各类“把”字句的谓语语义指向及其在韩国语中的表达方式探讨各类“把”字句的教学方法。

      • KCI등재

        완료상표지 ‘-었-’과 ‘了’의 문법의미

        황련화 ( Huang¸ Lianhua ),이길연 ( Li¸ Jilian ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.91

        In this paper, the grammatical attributes of “-었-” and “了” were defined as perfect aspect marker in Korean and Chinese language, based on the categories of aspects and sematic interpretation of perfect and perfective aspect marker presented in the study of linguistic typology. To explain the similarities and differences of “-었-” and “了”, the grammatical meanings of perfect aspect marker were divided into three categories: anterior, impactiveness, heterogeneity.

      • KCI등재

        고등교육 국제화의 활성화 방안에 관한 사례연구-C대학교 쌍방향(In/Out bound) 2+2복수학위제를 중심으로

        셀익잔(Jiynbai Syerikjan),이길연(LI, Ji Lian) 한국아시아학회 2021 아시아연구 Vol.24 No.1

        4차 산업혁명시대 진입에 따라 고등교육의 국제화는 중요한 이슈로 부각되고 있고, 저출산 고령화로 인해 가시화된 학력인구 감소는 in-bound와 out-bound 즉 쌍방향 국제화를 활성화 시켜야만 하는 중요한 요인이 되었다. 1990년대 이후 해외 자매대학과의 교환학생제도 활성화를 통해 한국 대학들은 학생들로 하여금 외국에서 국제적인 경험을 하는 out-bound 국제화에 치중해 왔다. 2000년대 들어 고등교육 국제화는 전 세계적으로 더욱더 확산되는 분위기였으며 그 예로 EU위원회(European Commission)에서 주관하는 ERASMUS+ (European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students)가 있고, 아시아에서 2011년부터 추진한 한중일 3국 교류프로그램인 “CAMPUS Asia 사업”이 있고, 중국정부에서 2015년부터 추진한 "세계 일류 대학 세계 일류 학과 만들기 프로젝트(双一流建设)"가 있다. 한국의 경우 2004년부터 교육부에서 “Study Korea 프로젝트” 추진을 시작으로 2012년 11월 “Study Korea 2020” 프로젝트 추진계획 발표를 통해 2020년까지 국내 외국인 유학생 수를 20만 명까지 유치하겠다는 야심찬 목표를 설정하고 이를 지원하기 위해 다양한 국제화 정책을 수립하고 추진하고 있다. 대학 교육 국제화에 대한 활성화 방안으로 여러 가지 방식과 전략이 있을 것이다. 예를 들면 해외자매대학과의 교환학생 프로그램, 복수학위 프로그램, 어학연수 프로그램 등이 있는데 in-bound 국제화 전략으로의 전환에 따라 현재 가장 많이 활용되고 있는 국제화 방식은 외국유학생 유치를 위한 어학연수 프로그램 등이 있다. 대학 교육 국제화는 외국인 유학생 교육과 관리도 포함되겠지만 내국인 학생들의 글로벌 역량 강화도 국제화의 중요한 목표 중 하나일 것이다. 따라서 본고는 필자 소속대학에서 운영하고 있는 in-bound와 out-bound 쌍방향 2+2복수학위 프로그램을 연구범위로 설정하고 그 운영현황을 분석하여 고등교육기관의 국제화 역량강화 방안을 마련하는데 기초적 연구가 될 수 있기를 기대한다. With the advent of a new era, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the internationalization of higher education has become an imperative issue. Due to the low birth rate and aging population, the educated population is decreasing day by day. Therefore, in-bound and out-bound interaction must be promoted. In other words, we need to promote interactive internationalization. There will be several ways and strategies to revitalize the internationalization of university education. For example, programs with overseas partner schools, like student exchange programs, double degree, language training, and so on. With the transition to in-bound internationalization strategies, language training programs is used widely to attract foreign students. Internationalization of university education includes the education and management of foreign students, but enhancing the global capabilities of Korean students will be one of the most important goals of internationalization. Therefore, this article takes the in-bound and out-bound interactive 2 + 2 double degree program developed by our school as the research object, analyzes its operation status, with the aim of committing to strengthen the internationalization capabilities of universities..

      • KCI등재
      • 한중, 한영 기계번역에서 동사 시제표기 활용의 번역 양상

        악일비 ( Yue Yifei ),이길연 ( Li Jilian ) 한국어교육연구소 2019 한국어교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

        이 논문은 바이두, 네이버와 구글의 기계번역 프로그램으로 한국어 동사 시제표기의 한중, 한영 번역 양상을 살펴봤다. 이를 통해 기계번역 기술의 보완과 발전에 참고자료로 제공하고자 한다. 기계번역 프로그램은 간단한 한국어 SOV 문장의 선어말어미 시제표기를 어느 정도 식별, 번역할 수 있지만 동사 관형어의 형태적 변화 그리고 선어말어미 1 더 1 와 1 겠 1의 회상, 추측 등 양태 의미를 정확하게 반영하지 못했다. 그러므로 번역문에서 문장 성분이 누락되거나 구조가 잘못된다는 오류가 많이 나타났다. 바이두는 한중번역을 더 잘하고 구글은 한영번역을 더 잘했다. 네이버의 한중번역과 한영번역 정확도는 비슷한 수준이었다. 전체적으로 보면, 한국어 동사의 시제표기를 번역할 때 기계번역은 정확도가 낮고 아직 성숙된 모습을 갖추지 못했다. 따라서 앞으로 보완해야 할 부분이 많이 남아 있음을 제시했다. This paper studies the translation accuracy of Korean verb tense marks by Baidu, NAVER and Google in Korean Chinese and Korean English machine translation. The purpose is to provide reference materials for the supplementation and development of machine translation. To some extent, the machine translation program can identify and translate the tense marks as non terminal suffixes in Korean “subject object verb” sentences, but it is difficult for the program to identify the morphological changes of verbs as attributives. In addition, it is hard for the machine translation program to accurately reflect the modal meanings such as recall and speculation contained in the non terminal suffixes of 1 deo1 and 1 get 1. Therefore, mistakes like omission of sentence components and structural disorders are very common in translation. Comparatively, Baidu has done a better job in the field of Korean Chinese translation, while Google has higher accuracy in Korean English translation. NAVER has similar translation accuracy in Korean Chinese and Korean English. on the whole, when translating tense marks of Korean verbs, the accuracy of machine translation is relatively low, presenting an immature situation. There is much room for improvement in the future.

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