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        반일감정의 始原에 관한 試論的 고찰

        이규배 동아시아일본학회 2007 일본문화연구 Vol.24 No.-

        本稿は、韓国人の反日感情が何を契機にして形成されていったのかを究明するための試論的考察であり、この研究を通じて日本社会の一角から提起されている反日教育の「政治的計らい」疑惑に対して一定の答えを提示するのにその目的がある。この課題をなしとげるため、本稿では、反日感情と文禄の役との相関性に注目しつつ、高麗時代と文禄の役の以前の外交使臣の使行記録や総十二回にわたる朝鮮通信使の使行日記を中心として検討分析を行うことにする。時期的には、文禄の役の以前と以後に分けて、日本認識の変化の様相を検討分析してみた。 その結果、高麗時代と文禄の役の以前の使行記録には、主に倭冦に対する憎悪のみが主流をなし、そのため、「日本=夷の国」という共通した認識が見られる。しかし、文禄の役以後には、前には一度も言及されたことのなかった「不俱戴天之讎」という対日感情が絶えず登場し、日本に対する激烈な感情が文禄の役を起点として明らかに分岐していることがわかる。さらに注目を要するのは、この「不俱戴天之讎」という対日感情は、文禄の役からほぼ三百年が経過するながい間、忘れ去られることなく、根を張っている事実である。 こういう点から見ると、反日感情の始原は、「日本帝国主義三十六年」として象徴される近代を遥かに遡る遠い過去に発していると言わざるをえない。したがって、このような歴史的事実を踏まえてみると、反日教育と反日感情を政治的に利用しているという日本側の問題提起は、論理的妥当性を失わざるをえなくなると思われる。

      • KCI등재

        대학의 식물 형태학 분야에서 사용하는 꽃의 구조에 관한 한글 용어의 분석

        이규배 韓國生物敎育學會 2008 생물교육 Vol.36 No.3

        The Korean terminologies on flower structures, written incorrectly in many books, were analysed to propose accurately expressed terminologies. 37 books in areas such as general biology, plant biology, plant morphology, and biological dictionaries and glossaries were selected to analyze the accuracy of the terminologies for flower structures, e.g., androecium and gynoecium, disk flower and ray flower, floral meristem, gametophyte, pin flower and thrum flower, and transmitting tissue. The definition and etymology of them were traced in 5 textbooks of plant anatomy and 3 dictionaries of biology and botany written in English. On the basis of the definition, etymology, and principles for terminology formation according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 704:2000, accurately expressed Korean terminologies were proposed. The 8 of the 9 proposed terminologies were recorded in the glossary of biological terminologies, published by the Korean Association of Biological Sciences in 2005, and designated in 2007 as an editorial source for the science and biology textbooks of the middle and high schools by Ministry of Education. However, the only 3 of the 8 terminologies were consistent with those described in the glossary, suggesting the need to reassess this glossary of biological terminologies. The validity of the proposed Korean terminologies for seed structures was tested in a questionnaire sent to 19 professors teaching plant morphology or/and taxonomy at universities. A mean of 90.4% of the total respondents agreed with the Korean terminologies proposed in this study. The newly proposed terminologies would facilitate mutual understanding between teachers and students in plant biology.

      • KCI등재

        Defense response of resistant host Impatiens balsamina to the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta japonica

        이규배,Judith A. Jernstedt 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.3

        The response of the stem of a resistant host (Impatiens baslamina) to infection by the parasitic flowering plant Cuscuta japonica was studied with light and electron microscopy. The intra- and interfascicular cambial cells in the host stem first reacted to the penetrating upper haustorium by dividing, and the differentiation of the host xylem (vascular) tissues proceeded toward interfascicular areas from vascular bundles. When the host vascular tissue was invaded by the endophyte (haustorial portion in the host stem), the host xylem was displaced, and host vessels became occluded with parenchyma cells, resulting in tyloses. As the parasitism progressed, areas of the host stem penetrated by the endophyte became swollen via secondary growth and cell division in the parenchymatous cortex, pith, and interfascicular areas. During this intrusion by the endophyte, darkly stained necrotic reactions were detected at the interface between the host tissue and the invading endophyte. The results suggested that in the host tissues penetrated by the parasite, the formation of secondary tissue and swellings caused by active cell division of ground tissue and host vessel occlusion by tyloses constitute the host structural defense against the parasite.

      • 초음파 진동선삭에서의 절삭 및 진동특성에 관한 연구

        이규배,임영호,이계철 한국소음진동공학회 1994 소음 진동 Vol.4 No.2

        In this study, ultransonic vibration cutting system was contructed by installing throw-away-tool tip (KT 350) by screw lock on the bending vibration mode in free-free beam. During the conventional cutting and ultransonic conventional cutting of SM45C, variations of cutting force, roughness and acceleration were measured. The results were compared and analyzed in detail, and it was found that the ultransonic vibration cutting was more effective in reducing cutting force compareed with the conventional cutting .

      • KCI등재

        「翰林別曲」의 美的 特質과 民族禮樂思想

        이규배 한국어문교육연구회 2011 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.39 No.4

        This study is an attempt to understand the aesthetic of 「Hal- limbyolgok」 in perspective of generic hermeneutics. The 「Hallimbyolgok」 had been created for the harmony of ‘Goryeo-Hallim' by the group of young Goryeo-Hallim, under the sway of Choi-Woo(崔瑀) military regime. They created new historical genre to express their emotions in an unique form that present the people and things their around. The turn of expression was too unfamiliar to understand their emotion , for their generic tradition had been cut off from modern poetry-song for a long time. But the 「Hallimbyolgok」 is a kind of creative lyric poetry-song. I am to analyse the generic intention from 『Kuemhapzabo(琴合字譜)』 which is the score of 「Hallimbyolgok」. The purpose of this study is to prove that 「Hallimbyolgok」 is a kind of creative lyric poetry-song, which expressed the harmony of ‘Goryeo- Hallim' in an unique aesthetic form under the sway of Choi-Woo(崔瑀) military regime. Thus I present the content of 「The description of Music (「樂記」)」 is a philosophical work of music and politics  in perspective of ancient Confucian ideas. This paper is to argue that ‘Goryeo-Hallim' accommodated 「The description of Music(「樂記」)」 in perspective of not the Chinese-Confucianism but thinking of the ‘Goryeo-Sunpung(高麗仙風)’ which was a traditional idea of the Goryeo in that time, and to interpret the 7th,8th stanza of 「Hallimbyolgok」 had expressed an idea of ’the ‘Goryeo-Sunpung(高麗仙風)’. It was a symbol of culture in that time, which was a culture of the ‘Goryeo-Yaeak(高麗禮樂)’ 본고는 『琴合字譜』에 수록된 「翰林別曲」1章의 歌詞와 樂譜의 旋律 分析을 위주로 그 律動的 特質을 解明하고자 했다. 우리 詩歌의 律格(meter)과 律動(rhythm)의 개념을 구분하여 「翰林別曲」의 律格과 律動의 특색이 歌詞의 정서 전달에 미치는 審美的 효과를 바탕으로 「翰林別曲」의 내용 해석을 시도했다. 아울러 「翰林別曲」2章의 『禮記』 중 「樂記」의 내용에 근거해서 「翰林別曲」이 文臣間의 相樂을 목적으로 崔氏武人政權 아래 창작되어, 文臣을 和合시키는 한편 寒素한 儒生을 격려하던 禮樂文化로 受容되어가는 과정을 다루었다. 朝鮮前期에 「翰林別曲」이 宮中樂章으로 수용되었던 事實을 바탕으로 「翰林別曲」의 민족예악적 특질을 밝히고, 이를 實證할 수 있는 史料로 世宗 15年의 記錄을 제시한다. 또한 高麗仙風의 文化象徵體系를 통해서 7․8章의 의미를 해석하는 한편, 8장의 내용을 性遊戱로 환원하는 해석의 문제점을 제기하였다.

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