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      • 자궁내막의 탈락막세포에 대한 면역조직화학적 및 전자현미경적 연구

        윤확,최종범,임성철,기근홍,서재홍 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1989 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.14 No.2

        Toward the end of the secretory phase, and in some cases of endometrial hyperplasia, the stromal cells become rounded, acquire more cytoplasm, and develop vesicular nuclei with occasional prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasmic borders become somewhat more distinct. These changes become more generalized and advanced, so that the cells have well defined cytoplasmic borders, abundant cytoplasm, and centrally placed vesicular nuclei. This unique mullerian stromal transformation is called decidualization when fully developed, and predecidualization when partially developed. Human decidual cells of early pregnancy, late secretory phase of the normal menstrual cycle and in some cases of hyperplasia were studied immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally with respect to pericellular basement membrane material, cytoplasmic organelles and intermediate filaments. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The endometrial stroma of early pregnancy and late secretory phase of the normal menstrual cycle and in some cases of hyperplasia consisted of three distinct types of decidual cells: large mature cells(204.5±:58.0 ㎛^(2)), intermediate sized cells(64.1±19.6 ㎛^(2)) and small elongated cells(29.8±7.0㎛^(2)). Decidual tissul specimens from early pregnancy consisted mainly of large, mature epithelioid decidual cells individually dispersed in a loose stroma. The small and intermediate decidual cells were seen at the late secretory phase of the menstrual cycle and in endometrial hyperplasia of menopause. 2) The large mature decidual cells showed intense immunostaining for lysozyme, vimentin, α-1-antitrypsin and type Ⅳ collagen. The intermediate sized decidual cells were immunostained weakly for lysozyme, vimentin, α-1-antitrypsin, type Ⅳ collagen. The small cells(predecidualized cells) did not exhibit immunoreactive deposits of lysozyme, α-1-antitypsin and type Ⅳ collagen, except vimentin. 3) Ultrastructurally, clumps of electron dense basement membrane material were present in vicinity to the cell membrane of the large mature decidual cells in early pregnancy. The small cells (predecidual cells) with no basement membrane material and intermediate filament were also observed. In conclusion, the results suggest that three types of decidual cells might represent various stages of the sequential differentiation of stromal cells into decidual cells, as well as that process of decidualization and predecidualization can be characterized morphologically and immunochemically the accumulation of basement membrane material in specific decidual cell subpopulations and acting as a physical barrier to trophoblast invasion.

      • 卯巢腫瘍의 病理學的 檢索

        尹 確,金秉憲,李東久 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1975 慶北醫大誌 Vol.22 No.2

        1970년부터 1978년까지 만 9년간 경북대학교 의과대학 병리학교실에 의뢰된 난소종양 169예를 검색한 결과 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 난소종양은 총 169예로 양성종양이 124예(73.4%), 악성종양이 45예(26.6%)였으며, 전이암은 9예로 전 난소종양의 4.2%를 차지하였다. 조직학적 유형은 양성낭성기형종이 전 난소종양의 26.6%로 가장 많이 발생하였고, 다음은 양성장액성낭종이 36예(21.3%), 양성점액성남종이 30예(17.8%), 악성장액성종양이 15예(8.7%)의 빈도순이었다. 난소종양의 크기는 총평균이 11.1㎝ 이며, 양성종양의 평균크기는 10.6㎝, 악성종양이 12.7㎝로 나타났으며, 조직학적 유형별로 살펴보면 양성낭성기형종은 9.5㎝, 양성장액성낭종은 11.2㎝, 양성점액성낭종은 14.0㎝, 악성장액성종양은 10.4㎝, 전이암은 13.9㎝이었다. 양성종양의 평균연령은 37세였으며, 악성종양은 43세였다. 전 종양의 11예인 6.5%가 19세 이하였다. 조직학적 유형별로 보면, 양성낭성기형종의 평균연령이 34세였고, 양성장액성낭종이 38세, 양성점액성낭종이 36세, 악성장액성종양이 43세, 전이암이 49세였다. 발생부위를 알 수 있었던 150예의 난소종양은 좌측이 61예(40.7%), 우측예 58예(33.7%)로 좌우편재성은 인정되지 않았으며 양측예는 31예(20.7%)였다. 임상증상은 조직학적 유형에 관계없이 양성 및 악성에서 복부종괴 촉지가 88예(27.8%)로 가장 많았고, 그 다음이 복통 60예(18.7%), 복부불편감 33예(10.4%), 복부팽만이 32예(10.1%), 상부 위장관증상 28예(8.8%), 전신증상 22예(6.9%), 자궁이상출혈 19예(6.0%)의 순위였고, 증상이 나타나지 않는 환자가 35예(11.0%)였다. The author studied the 169 cases of primary and metastatic ovarian tumors, that were submitted to the department of pathology, school of medicine, Kyungpook National University, during the period of 9 years, from 1970 to 1978. The results of the study were summarized as follow: Of the 169 cases of ovarian tumors, 124(73.4%) were benign and 45(26.6%) were malignant. Metastatic tumors were 9 cases(4.2%). In histological type, benign cystic teratoma(45,26.6%)ranked first and followed by benign serous cystadenoma(36, 21.3%), benign mucinous cystade-nma(30, 17.8%) and serous cystadenocarcinoma (15, 8.7%) in order of frequency. Mean size of all ovarian tumors was 11.3cm, that of benign tumors 10.6cm and malignant tumors 12.7cm. Mean age of benign overian tumors was 37 years and malignant one was 43 years. There is observed in 11 cases(6.5%) in the age group under 19 years old. Left side of ovarian tumors was 61 cases(40.7%), right side 58 cases(33.7%) and both sides 31 cases(20.7%). Clinical symptoms were palpable abdominal mass, abdominal pain, abdomial discomport, abdo-minal distension, upper gastrointestinal symptom, general symptom and abnormal uterine bleeding in order of frequency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대구지역 임신부의 식품 및 영양섭취실태

        정효지,최봉순,신정자,윤성도,윤확 대한지역사회영양학회 2003 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        This study was carried out to figure out the dietary intake of pregnant women in Daegu area. A total of 467 pregnant women was recruited at two hospitals in this area to collect the information on dietary intakes, general characteristics, and anthropometric measurements using an interview. forty-seven women (10.1%) were in the first trimester, 101 women (21.6%) in the second trimester, and 319 women (68.3%) in the third trimester. The mean age, prepregnant weight, and height of subjects were not significantly different among the trimester groups. The mean daily nutrient intakes of energy, fat, protein, carbohydrates, phosphate, sodium, vitamin B₁, vitamin B₂, and vitamin C were significantly different among the trimester groups, but the other nutrients were not different. for the calcium and iron, the percentage of subjects consumed less than 75% of the Korean RDA was over 80%, and for other nutrients such as energy, vitamin B₁, and vitamin B₂ over 50% of subjects consumed less than 75% of the Korean RDA in the first trimester. The correlations between nutrient intakes and weight gain during pregnancy showed different patterns among the trimester groups. The mean adequacy ratio and dietary variety scores were not significantly different among the trimester groups. The amount of food intake from cereals and cereal products were higher during the second and the third trimester compared to the first trimester, but those of the other food groups were not significantly different. In conclusion, nutrient intakes of the pregnant women for iron, calcium and some vitamins were inadequate and nutritional management programs for these nutrients are necessary.

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