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        이화여전의 젠더 분리주의 교육과여학생 작품의 ‘S’ 감정

        윤유나 한국여성문학학회 2018 여성문학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        1920년대 가부장주의 담론에서 여학생의 동성애는 이성애로 옮겨가기 직전에 순결을 지키기 위한 관계로써 여학생에게 권장되고 있었다. 여학생의 발화가 배제된 채 논의되었던 여학생의 동성애를 분석하기 위하여 이화여전의 학생기독교청년회의 문학부가 주체적으로 발행한 교지 『이화』를 살펴보았다. 이화여전의 교육방침은 식민지의 젠더 분리주의 정책에 따라 작동되고 있었기에 여학교에서 유행하는 ‘여학생 동성애’ 문제를 제도적인 측면에서 분석할 수 있었다. 여학생의 목소리에서 발견되는 ‘S’ 감정은 여성 문학장 형성의 핵심요소 중 하나로 비춰진다. 따라서 여학생의 동성애적 감정을 여성주의 시각에서 재해석하였다. 미션계 여학교에서 동성애는 ‘공공연하게 인정되는’ 자연스러운 행위였다. 사회적 제도 안에서 ‘동성애’는 개별 여성의 성장에 영향을 끼칠 수밖에 없었다. 남녀를 구분하는 식민지의 젠더 분리 정책은 ‘동성애’라는 코드가 여학생에게 감성교육적으로 도움이 된다는 담론을 형성했다. 그리고 여학교 내부의 젠더 분리주의 교육은 여학생이 동성연애를 하는 하나의 계기를 마련해주었던 것으로 보인다. 결혼 적령기에 접어든 이화여전 문학청년들의 센티멘털리즘 글쓰기, 학교의 교육방침에 따른 엘리트 여성으로서 소명을 다하고자 하는 우월의식은 식민지의 젠더 분리 정책이 통용된 여성 고등교육기관의 독특한 특징이다. 1장인 서론에서는 1920년대 가부장주의 담론에서 드러난 순결교육과 여학생 동성애의 상관성을 살펴보았다. 학교라는 공적 공간에서 맺어진 여학생들의 새로운 관계인 ‘S’는 식민지의 교육방침과 관계하고 있었다. 2장에서는 이화여전의 종교교육이 이화여전 여학생들의 엘리트 의식에 어떠한 방식으로 기여했는지 살펴보았다. 이화여전의 종교교육은 여학생들에게 젠더 분리주의를 수용하게 했고, 양성평등을 토대로 여성을 타자화하면서 지식인 여성의 우월성을 강조했다. 그리고 기독교 교리를 바탕으로 교육된 서구의 이성중심주의 사상은 여학생들의 창작행위에 영향을 끼치게 되었다. 3장에서는 이화여전의 감성교육이 내재화된 교지 『이화』의 문학란을 통해서 젠더 분리주의 교육이 문학청년들의 시에 끼친 영향을 분석하였다. 사회에 필요한 여성 인재를 양성하고자 하는 이화여전의 교육이념을 바탕으로 이화여전의 교수들은 여학생들에게 지적 연대를 강조하였다. 1930년대에 이르러 여학생들은 교지 등의 매체를 통하여 감정을 스스로 발화할 수 있는 기회를 가지게 되었다. 학교 안팎의 교육방침에 따라 이화여전 문학청년들의 ‘동성애’는 자연발생적인 감정으로 드러났다. 이화여전의 문학청년들은 섹슈얼리티를 소거하는 방식으로 정신적 연애의 표현태로써 동성애적 감정을 드러냈다. 미션계 여학교에서 종교를 위해 활용되었던 문학에 동성애 코드가 섞여 들어간 것은 젠더 분리 정책과 사회의 가부장주의 담론에 대항하는 여학생 문학의 자율성에 상당한 원인이 있다고 판단된다. 기독교 교육을 통해 형이상학적 의미를 부여받은 여학생의 자연발생적인 감정이 센티멘털리즘 글쓰기라는 저항적 형식으로 드러난 것이다. 이러한 맥락에서 교지 『이화』에 실린 재학생 노천명과 졸업생 모윤숙의 시를 'S' 감정으로 읽을 수 있었다. 결론인 4장에서 교지 『이화』에서 드러난 이화여전 문학청년들의 내면과 ... The purpose of this paper is to analyze through female students the issue of same-sex love on female students being discussed in paternalism discourse of the colonial Chosun. In 1920s, just before proceed from paternalism discourse to heterosexuality, the same-sex love of female students had been encouraging as a relations for keeping their virginity. This work examined the independent school paper issue 'Ehwa' of Ewha women's college young student christian association literature department for analyze female student's same-sex love dicussed without their utterance. Ewha women's college which is 1930's women higher education institutions is the women education system to basically access an issue of female student's same-sex love in women's college, since Ewha women's college followed gender separatism pollicy of colony. Also, since 1930's women literature field was formed focusing on Ewha women's college, it can interpret the same-sex love that was seen as a the key element of women literature by made from women college-centred. The same-sex love was natural behavior publicly qualified at the mission women school. The forms of expression named 'same-sex love' came on in process train emotional education to female student considered as a symbol of emotional modern people among female student seems one of the reasons to form women literature based women college. Same-sex love had to affect the growth of individual woman in social system, and colonial separate policy classifying man and woman helped the growth of woman emotionally and instructively as a code called 'same-sex love'. Superiority awareness trying to fill a strong sense as a woman of sentimentalism writing and school education discipline of Ewha women's college iterary youth in optimal age to marry is an unique aspect of women higher education institutions be used separatism view in colonial education, and is related to homosexual emotion that appears in the poem. In introduction, the first chapter, researched about interrelationship beteween female student's education in sexual morality and same-sex love emerged paternalism discourse. New relationships 'S' of female student cemented at public space school was related with school education discipline. In second chapter, checked the religious education of Ewha women's college had contributed to Ewha women's college student's elitism how to process. The religious education of Ewha women's college was accepted gender separatism to female student, and increased female chauvinism based christian doctrine. In third chapter, analyzed how gender separatism had affected literary youth's works through the literary columns of school issue Ehwa internalized emotional education of Ewha women's college. On the basis of Ewha women's college that cultivate female of ability needed for society, professors of Ewha women's college emphasized intellectual solidarity to their students. In those education policy of Ewha women's college, Same-sex love was natural acts. Main agent, female student of Ewha women's college, related with society regulation gave metaphysical meaning in their writing connecting with themselves. At this moment, spontaneously emotion given metaphysical meaning of the Christian religion expressed sentimentalism writing. Noh Cheon-myeong and Moh Yoon-sook expressed homosexual emotion as using longing and sympathy. Mingling exercised literature for religion and same-sex love code together is showing that had operated the autonomy of literature at female student's works. In conclusion, the fourth chapter, identified that inner side of Ewha women's college literary youth found on school issue 'Ehwa' identified that had been crashing into paternalism discourse of outside th school. In the paternalism discourse, female same-sex love of women college was seen as an antichrist acts.

      • KCI등재

        김남조 시의 휴머니즘적 사랑 연구

        윤유나,김옥성 한국신종교학회 2022 신종교연구 Vol.47 No.-

        Nam-jo Kim’s poem shows the imagination of humanistic love based on the poet’s sense of community. Although her humanistic love is intricately intertwined with each other, it can be arbitrarily classified into the following three categories according to the revealed characteristics. One is Christian humanism which appears in conjunction with faith. Nam-jo Kim integrates love for neighbors in prayer that contains love for the existential source. However, for the sake of humanistic love, she does not conform to the Absolute and denies the dogma of Christianity. This represents her creative acceptance of Christian humanism. Meanwhile, Nam-jo Kim develops humanistic love by focusing on the relationship between human individuals. For this, the reciprocity between individuals and similarities in their characteristics are required. To this end, Nam-jo Kim creates a personal and mutual relationship between “I-You(I-Thou)” and discovers existential similarities. And based on this, she seeks to practice humanistic love calling a stranger “You” and relieving the deficiency and pain of “You”. Nam-jo Kim’s humanistic love, which has no religious colors, also appears while recognizing the inseparable relationship between society and individuals. This is because each and every individual who is the object of her humanistic love is a social human being. Therefore, she intends to increase the number of social subjects in order to solve the social problems faced by individuals. According to this purpose, he textualizes the social “sadness” of the past and present. This is to console individuals who have had social wounds and to reflect on the society that has caused such wounds. 김남조 시에는 시인의 공동체의식을 바탕으로 하는 휴머니즘적 사랑의 상상력이잘 나타난다. 그의 휴머니즘적 사랑은 복잡다단하게 서로가 얽혀 있으나 명확히 드러나는 특징에 따라 임의적으로 다음의 세 가지로 분류할 수 있다. 하나는 신앙과 맞물려서 나타나는 휴머니즘적 사랑, 즉 기독교적 휴머니즘이다. 김남조는 존재적 근원에 대한 사랑을 내포하고 있는 기도 안에 이웃 사랑을 통합시킨다. 그러나 그는 휴머니즘적 사랑을 위하여 절대자에게 순응하지 않고, 기독교의도그마를 부정한다. 이는 그가 기독교적 휴머니즘을 창조적으로 수용하였음을 대변한다. 한편, 김남조는 인간 개체 간의 관계에 초점화하여 휴머니즘적 사랑을 전개하기도 한다. 이를 위해서는 개체 간의 상호성과 그들의 품성의 유사성이 요구된다. 이를 위해 그는 ‘나-너’의 인격적ㆍ상호적 관계를 형성하고, 존재적 유사성을 발견해낸다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 부지의 개체를 ‘너’로 지정하여 ‘너’의 결핍과 고통의 해소를 추구하는 휴머니즘적 사랑을 실천한다. 종교적 색채가 부재한 김남조의 휴머니즘적 사랑은 사회와 개인들의 불가분의 관계를 인지하면서도 나타난다. 그의 사랑의 대상인 모든 개인은 사회적 인간이기 때문이다. 그렇기에 그는 개인이 마주한 사회의 문제들을 해소하기 위하여 사회적 주체를 다수화하고자 한다. 이러한 목적에 따라 그는 과거와 현재의 사회적 ‘슬픔’을 텍스트화한다. 이것은 사회가 낳은 개인들의 상처를 위로하고, 그러한 상처를 야기한 사회에 대해 숙고하게 만들기 위함이다.

      • KCI등재

        김남조 시에 나타난 생태주의적 상상력 연구

        윤유나,김옥성 한국신종교학회 2023 신종교연구 Vol.49 No.-

        This study begins with the aim of examining the poetic world of Nam-jo Kim from an ecological perspective. Nam-jo Kim’s poems keep distance from traditional ecological poetry, which seeks mystification or union with nature, and from critical ecological poetry, whose main focus is criticism of the environmental crisis. She develops ecological imagination in her own way and shows different ecological thoughts according to the course of Korean history. In <Life>, produced during the Korean War, Nam-jo Kim focuses on subjects that share a diachronic view of time within Earth’s space. The senseless destructiveness of the war about them broadens the category of living things and leads to a sense of crisis about the end of the world. This way of thinking is transformed to plan restoration of nature-human solidarity during the industrialization period of the mid-1950s to the early 1980s. The restoration of solidarity intends to reconciliation between nature and human, and it focuses on ecological dynamics. From the end of the 1980s, when environmental pollution intensified and ecological discourse began in earnest, nature is embodied a substantial personality in Nam-jo Kim’s poems. Such nature coexists with human being and forms a family community. Nam-jo Kim’s ecological thought is important in that it is not limited to traditional ecological poetry nor critical ecological poetry. However, her thought contains limit because she was essentially unable to achieve the transformation of perspectives that ecological discourse requires.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 장정일 시의 종교성

        윤유나 한국문학이론과비평학회 2019 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.83 No.-

        The distinctive writings of Jang, Jung-il have been discussed mainly based on his growth background. However, not much research has been conducted on the religious consciousness of poet, which had crucial effect on the growth of poet Jang, Jung-il and appeared frequently in his poems. Therefore, in addition to a previous study, this paper examined the religious consciousness of the poet appearing in “self-reflective writing”, one of characteristics of Jang’s poems. The religious imagery and symbols appearing in Jang’s poems are distinguished from “Jesus” symbolism of 1980s poets such as Jeong, Ho-seung and Kim, Jung-hwan. At that time, because the poets revealed their desires through Jesus, analyzing Jang’s poems in the religious context of 1980s poetry meant shedding light on his heretical mindset. It was ascertained that the heretical mindset of the poet stemmed from the religion of young Jang, which was intentionally hidden and alienated from the society as it was regarded as heresy by the orthodox Christianity. This provides an answer to a question, why Jang’s poems in 1980s are read as meta-poems, rather than to a question, why the isolated writer who exposed the private inner side wrote the meta-poems. By self-mastering a guide of using an instrument called book-reading, “Jang, Jung-il” escaped from the atonement device of literary field in 1980s. The religious imagery and symbols of his poems contained the poet’s struggle for continuously maintaining the autonomy of poems and the desire of the poet who wanted to overthrow the power that poems could possess. The religious symbols in Jang’s poems, which are represented by “Jesus” is a symbol of question for existence of physical body in the literary field of 1980s and can be read as an escaping religious heretic.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Hotel Brand Image on the Attitude toward Brand Extension : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Gender

        윤유나,강경호 한국서비스경영학회 2018 서비스경영학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        In spite of the growing importance of brand extension strategy, research of the effect of parent brand image on attitude toward brand extension has been sparse. In the context of the brand extension research explaining that consumers assess brand extension based on the degree to which the brand image of the original brand is consistent with one of the extended brand, this study investigates the effect of original hotel brand image on attitude toward brand extension, grounded on the signal theory and categorization theory to fill the gap in the hospitality literature. In addition, this study examines the gender effect on the relationship between brand image and attitude toward brand extension by comparing male and female groups in terms of both the significance and magnitude of brand image variables’ regression coefficients. The results of analysis show a positive effect of original brand image on the attitude toward brand extension. Regarding the results of between two groups, functional brand image and symbolic brand image have significant effects on attitude toward brand extension only in the female group. In addition, only the magnitude of symbolic brand image’s effect on attitude toward brand extension is different according to gender. This research will provide meaningful marketing insights for targeting and positioning based on the gender difference regarding consumers’ attitude toward extended brand in the context of the hotel industry.

      • KCI등재

        호텔산업에서 최고경영자의 자기 과신이 기업 성과에 미치는영향: 신뢰 문화의 조절 효과

        윤유나,엄인우,강경호 (사)한국관광레저학회 2022 관광레저연구 Vol.34 No.10

        According to the Upper-Echelon theory, CEO overconfidence is considered one of the important factors in the firm’s performance, given that the characteristics of CEO affect a firm's strategic direction. However, there have been few studies on the effect of CEO overconfidence on firm performance in the hotel industry, and few studies have considered the moderating factor affecting the CEO overconfidence-firm performance relationship. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between the CEO overconfidence and firm performance in the hotel industry and the moderating effect of a culture of trust in the organization. As a result, this study found a significant and negative effect of CEO overconfidence on firm performance and a statistically significant positive moderating effect of a culture of trust on the relationship between the CEO overconfidence and firm performance. In other words, a culture of trust mitigates the negative impact of the CEO overconfidence on the firm performance in the hotel industry. This suggests that a culture of trust may reduce various costs and risks arising from CEO overconfidence, thereby attenuating the harmful effect of CEO overconfidence on firm performance.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment Using the ICF-core set for Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy: A Single Case Study

        윤유나,최고은,임형원 대한물리치료학회 2019 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Purpose: This study evaluated the usefulness of International Classification of Functioning, disability and health core set for children and youths with cerebral palsy (ICF-core set for CP) by comparing the Gross Motor Function Measure-88 (GMFM-88), which is the most widely used outcome measure in children with cerebral palsy (ICF-core set for CP). Method: One subject (Female, 14) was evaluated by GMFM-88 and ICF-core set for CP. In addition, the concept of GMFM-88 was compared with the concept of the ICF-core set for CP in compliance with ICF linking rules. The numerical values both of the GMFM-88 categories and the ICF-core set for CP’s items were compared. Results: The ICF b760 was linked to the GMFM-88 59~61. d415 was linked to 57~58 of GMFM-88. d450 was linked to GMFM-88’s 65~72. d455 was linked to GMFM-88 at 77and 80~83. Conclusion: The association of the ICF-core set for CP and GMFM-88 was confirmed. In addition, the number of categories of ICF-core set for CP was smaller than the number of items of GMFM-88. In conclusion, the ICF-core set for CP is an evaluation tool that can identify the various features of children. In addition, GMFM-88 was linked to the ICF core set for CP according to the ICF linking rules.

      • KCI등재

        관상동맥-폐동맥 이상 기시증에 대한 수술의 조기 결과

        윤유,박정준,윤태진,김영휘,고재곤,박인숙,서동만 대한흉부외과학회 2006 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.39 No.1

        배경: 좌관상동맥 폐동맥 이상 기시증(Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery; ALCAPA)은 드문 선천성 심장병으로, 아이들에게 있어 심근경색 및 허혈성 심장병의 가장 흔한 원인 중 하나이다. 치료하지 않을 경우 출생 1년 내에 높은 사망률을 보이며, 진단 즉시 이중관상동맥 체계로 수술적 교정을 해주는 것이 치료 원칙이다. 아직 국내의 임상 경험 및 결과에 대한 보고가 드물어 본원의 경험을 공유하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 서울아산병원에서는 1989년 6월부터 2003년 7월까지 수술을 시행한 6예의 좌관상동맥 폐동맥 이상 기시증과 1예의 우관상동맥 폐동맥이상 기시증 환아를 대상으로 하여 심전도, 단순흉부촬영 및 심초음파 소견 등을 후향적으로 검토하였다. 결과: 환아들 중 남아는 3명이고, 여아는 4명이었으며, 수술 당시 환아의 연령은 중앙값 5.4개월(3∼33개월)이였다. 환아의 몸무게는 평균 6.7 2.6 kg (3.7∼11.3 kg)이었고, 진단은 3명만이 초기에 좌 관상동맥 폐동맥 이상 연결증으로 정확히 진단되었고, 4명은 다른 진단으로 입원하였다. 수술은 이중관상동맥 체계의 형성을 원칙으로 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술을 시행하였다. 체외순환 시간은 114 37 분, 대동맥차단 시간은 55 22 분이었다. 이차성 심방중격결손의 단순 봉합이 1예, 승모판 성형술이 2예에서 동반 시술되었다. 중환자실 재원일은 평균 5일, 인공호흡기 보조시간은 평균 38시간이며, 술 후 입원기간은 평균 12일이었다. 심전도와 흉부 단순 촬영 소견은 만기 사망한 한 예를 제외하고 모두 호전되었으며, 좌심실 기능의 회복도 거의 정상적으로 회복되어, 수술 후 1년 내에 실시한 심초음파 검사에서 좌심실 박출률(EF: Ejection Fraction)은 평균 41.2 10.3%에서 평균 59.8 13.9%로, 좌심실 수축률(Shortening Fraction)은 평균 23.6 4.7%에서 37.4 7.9%로 호전되었고, 좌심실의 수축기말의 용적지수(LVEDDI: Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension index to body surface area)는 수술 전 100.8 25.6 mm/m2에서 79.3 15.8 mm/m2로 감소한 소견을 보였다. 승모판 성형술은 전 승모판엽 탈출증이 있는 두 환아에서 동시에 시행하였다. 수술 후 1년 내 시행한 심초음파에서 모든 환아에서 단지 경등도 이하의 승모판 폐쇄 부전 소견을 보였다. 수술 후 조기 사망은 없었으며, 합병증으로는 유미흉이 한 명에서 있었다. 술 후 10개월째 허혈성 확장성 심근증이 호전되지 않아 Dor 술식을 시행한 후 사망한 예를 제외한 나머지 6명은 특이 증상 없이 정상 생활 중이다. 결론: 좌관상동맥 폐동맥이상 기시증은 드물기는 하나, 영유아기에 심근경색 및 허혈성 심근증 또는 선천성 승모판 폐쇄 부전등을 초래하는 심각한 선천성 심질환이다. 그러나 진단 즉시 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술로 수술적 교정을 해줌으로써 좋은 성적을 기대할 수 있음을 보여주었다.

      • 경인아라뱃길 관광 경쟁력 증진방안

        윤유,최지선,Yun, Yu-Sik,Choe, Ji-Seon 한국수자원학회 2012 물과 미래(한국수자원학회지) Vol.45 No.4

        최근 국내 최초 운하로 건설되고 있는 경인아라뱃길은 인공적인 수변 관광자원으로서 새로운 관광 패러다임을 가져올 장소로서 부각되고 있다. 본 기고문은 경인아라뱃길의 관광 경쟁력을 증진시키기 위한 기초 자료로 향후 경인아라뱃길의 관광 문화의 가치 창출은 물론 경인아라뱃길만의 관광자원을 발굴하여 관광 경쟁력을 증진시키기 위한 수변 관광 상품 개발 및 비즈니스 가치 창출과 향후 관광 극대화를 위한 방안을 모색해 보고자 준비하였다.

      • 가변적 템플릿 메모리를 갖는 디지털 프로그래머블 CNN 구현에 관한 연구

        윤유,문성룡 대한전자공학회 1997 電子工學會論文誌, C Vol.c34 No.10

        Neural networks has widely been be used for several practical applications such as speech, image processing, and pattern recognition. Thus, a approach to the voltage-controlled current source in areas of neural networks, the key features of CNN in locally connected only to its netighbors. Because the architecture of the interconnection elements between cells in very simple and space invariant, CNNs are suitable for VLSI implementation. In this paper, processing element of digital programmable CNN with variable template memory was implemented using CMOS circuit. CNN PE circuit was designe dto control gain for obtaining the optimal solutions in the CNN output. Performance of operation for 4*4 CNN circuit applied for fixed template and variable template analyzed with the result of simulation using HSPICE tool. As a result of simulations, the proposed variable template method verified to improve performance of operation in comparison with the fixed template method.

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