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        질적 연구에서 의미해석 과정의 성격과 원리: 하이데거와 가다머 해석학에 기초하여

        유혜령 ( Yeu Hae Ryung ) 한국교육인류학회 2016 교육인류학연구 Vol.19 No.4

        이 연구에서는 질적 연구에서의 의미해석 문제를 해석학적 관점에서 고찰함으로써 질적 연구자를 위한 연구방법론적 토대를 제공하는 데 목적이 있다. 의미해석 과정은 해석자의 주관성이 필연적으로 개입될 뿐 아니라, 해석자의 존재라는 토대 위에서 이루어질 수밖에 없다는 존재론적 성격을 지니고 있다. 해석자가 자신의 주관성을 억제하며 대상적 자료에 붙박혀 있을 법한 그 어떤 고정된 의미실체를 파악하는 것이 아니라, 자료의 의미가 연구자의 고양된 주관성 속에서 `사태 자체`로서 스스로를 드러내는 일종의 `사건(event)`으로 발생하는 것이다. 이 연구에서는 Heidegger와 Gadamer 해석학을 중심으로 의미해석 과정에 내포된 해석적 지평의 역사성과 변증법적 발전의 성격을 드러내고, 이 과정은 연구자의 실존이 개입하는 인격적인(personal) 것임을 고찰하였다. 질적 연구자를 위한 의미해석의 원리로는, 익숙한 현상을 회의하고 의문시하는“해체와 물음의 원리”, “분석적 시선에서 대화적 시선으로의 전환하기”, “방법적 고려로부터 경험적 고려로 전환하기”, “통찰과 만남을 위한 물러나기와 거리두기”, “교양(Bildung)와 취향(taste)의 계발”을 통해 진실되고 깊은 의미 차원을 식별하고 가꾸어나가는 지적 정조(情操)의 분위기를 가꾸어 나갈 것을 제안하였다. This study attempts to provide the basis for qualitative research methodology from the hermeneutics of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer by inquiring into the issues of meaning interpretation. The concept of interpretation includes the ontological ground of the interpreter`s Being going beyond the simple level of her subjectivity. Researcher`s subjectivity operates as the very ground on which interpretation of text meaning can be virtually achieved. Drawing on the perspectives of genetic hermeneutics as it differs from objectivistist hermeneutics, it is argued in this study that the essential natures of interpretation and understanding of text meaning is basically historical and dialectic, and occurs as a linguistic event tied with the interpreter`s existence. Conclusions are made by suggesting to qualitative researchers some principles of meaning interpretation. They are the principles of “deconstructing and questioning” the taken-for-grantedness of everyday life, “transforming researcher`s attitude from analytic eyes to dialogical,” “transforming from methodical consideration to experiential openness,” “stepping back and distanciating oneself from face meaning of given data” waiting for encountering further insights, and “cultivating intellectual atmosphere through Bildung and taste education” which would enable the researcher`s sensitivity to discern any hidden, yet rich dimension of data meaning.

      • KCI등재

        해석학적 텍스트로서의 레지오 기록의 의미: 교육적 불안과 희망의 양면성

        유혜령 ( Hae Ryung Yeu ) 한국유아교육학회 2012 유아교육연구 Vol.32 No.5

        이 연구는 레지오 에밀리아 기록작업의 성격을 해석학적 관점에서 조명함으로써 기록작업에 내재한 불확실성의 문제를 그 교육적 의미 차원에서 분석하였다. 우선 레지오 기록의 텍스트화 과정에서 경험되는 불확실성의 문제를 중심으로, 1) 관찰자인 교사가 주체/객체의 안정된 이분화 도식을 넘어 어린이와의 공속적 관계성을 지향하며 자기 부정과 열림을 실천하는 데서 오는 불안을 조명하였다. 또한 2) 텍스트 자체의 비재현적 성격으로 인한 텍스트 내의 ``틈새`` 문제를 드러내고, 다매체의 기계공학적인 특성이 발생시키는 확대-축소의 변환적 현상을 통해 기록작업이란 항상 부정확하고 편파적일 수밖에 없음과 그로 인한 교사의 불안을 논하였다. 3) 텍스트화 과정은 교사 개인의 관점을 반영한다는 점에서 불안한 작업이 아니라 교사 개인의 역사적·문화적·언어적 존재됨이 관여하는 인격적·사회적 실천임을 주장하였다. 이어서 레지오 기록에 대한 해석 과정의 불확실성을 1) 자연과학적 ``설명``과 대비되는 ``이해`` 현상의 특성으로 분석하고, 2) 가다머의 해석학에 기초하여 이해 현상이 갖는 물음과 대답의 대화적 성격을 살펴보는 동시에, 레지오 기록에 대한 해석과정이 확실한 방법적 원리와 명확한 완결점을 갖는 닫힌 사고과정이 아니라, 지속적인 물음과 지평융합으로 고차(高次)의 인식을 지향해나가는 구성적 사유의 과정임을 밝혔다. 또한 3) 이러한 과정은 참된 인격적·대화적 준비로 이루어지는 ``만남(encounter)``에 의하여 교육적 통찰이 생기(生起)하는 사건(event)적 과정임을 강조하였다. 결론적으로 구성주의적 교육인 레지오에밀리아 접근에서 기록작업에 내재한 불확실성의 문제는 교육적 불안과 희망의 양면적 구조로 이루어져 있음을 주장하였다. I attempt in this study to explore the question of uncertainty that teachers experience in the process of documentation in Reggio Emilia Approach. The research question is what it pedagogically means for teachers to experience the uncertainty in the process of documentation. Discussion is made in the perspectives of modern hermeneutics. In the first, the uncertainty of the textualization process is analyzed into three different dimensions: 1) Teachers experience uncertainty while observing the children because she/he experience continuous self-negation and -opening toward new insight in the attempt to have the relationship of ``belonging together`` with children beyond any subject/object dualization schema; 2) The question of ``in-betweenness`` caused by non-representational nature of the document texts is illuminated and also discussed along with the phenomenologically transformational structure of amplification and reduction in all human experience of technology. This indicates the inevitable inaccuracy and biasedness of Reggio documentation against which teachers experience anxiety; 3) The biasedness of Reggio documentation is positively analyzed as it is the personal and social praxis itself, which in fact actualizes the teacher`s historical, cultural, and linguistical horizons. The meaning of such uncertainty is interpreted into the following directions: 1) Following the hermeneutic notions of "explanation" and "understanding", interpretation of Reggio texts is viewed as a matter of understanding toward the unique nature of pedagogical situation, which does not depend upon the inductive logic different from the scientific notion of "explanation"; 2) Drawing upon the Gadamer`s hermeneutics, understanding the Reggio texts is an endeavor of dialectical circle between question and answer that leads teachers toward pedagogical hope through further questioning and inquiring; 3) This process is characterized by an "encounter", in other words, a revealing event in which what pedagogically meaningful comes into being with newly occurring insights. It is concluded in this study that the feeling of uncertainty embedded in Reggio documentation consists of the ambivalent duality of pedagogical anxiety and hope.

      • KCI등재

        현상학적 글쓰기: “형언할 수 없는 그 무엇”이 살아나는 공간 만들기

        유혜령 ( Hae Ryung Yeu ) 한국교육인류학회 2014 교육인류학연구 Vol.17 No.4

        현상적 질적 연구에서 현상에 대한 기술은 의식에 나타나는 양상을 생생하고 구체적인 언어로 치밀하고 풍부하게 표현함으로써, 체험의 섬세한 빛깔과 감촉 등의 표현불가능하고 형언할 수 없는 측면이 살아나게 하는 일이다. 이러한 현상기술은 언어를 통한 기술이라는 점에서 현상적일 뿐 아니라 이미 해석적이기도 하다. 체험 현상은 내 몸이 세계를 경험하는 방식, 곧 나의 실존을 구성하는 터전인 몸의 세계경험에 시간과 공간, 관계의 체험이 서로를 근거로 구성되면서 통합되는 것이다. 이와 같이 표현하기 어렵고 형언하기 힘든 체험 현상의 의미 영역에 대한 기술이 현상학적 질적 연구가 지향하는 특성이다. 현상학적 글쓰기는 단순히 체험 현상을 사진 찍듯이 기계적으로 재현해내는 작업이 아니다. 참여자가 경험한 인간 현실의 구체적이고 생생한 현장감 뿐 아니라, 그 삶의 맥락에 대한 진지한 의미연관과 체험적 진실에 대한 깊이 있는 감각을 담고 있어야 한다. 어원분석이나 속담, 비유, 문학 및 예술작품 분석과 같은 상호텍스트적 연계를 통해 삶의 진실에 대한 확장되고 깊이 있는 안목을 길러나감으로써 연구자와 참여자, 독자가 소통하는 대화적 공간을 창출할 수 있다. Phenomenological description is to reveal the things as given to consciousness. It is to enliven the rich colors and tones of the ineffable of lived experience through vivid and concrete languages. The examples of writings inserted in this study show how phenomenological description creates within itself the interpretive horizons for the meaning of lived phenomena. This is why phenomenological description is not only phenomenological but also hermeneutical. Similarly, description of lived time, space, and relations are not separate entities, but always and already an interrelated and integrated reality with our bodily experience of the world, the very ground of constituting our existence. The nature of phenomenological description sensitive to this ambiguous and ineffable dimension is to which phenomenologically-oriented qualitative research tries to orient itself. Along with the strongly embedded meaning, phenomenological writing also needs to include the deep sense of contextual connectedness of human living that makes the minds of communal selves resonate across researchers, research participants, and readers. Intertextual borrowing from fiction, arts and poetry, literature, traditional metaphors, idioms, and proverbs can widen and deepen our eyes to intuitively penetrate into the lived truths and create the resonating power of life meaning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        몬테소리 아동 교육론의 사상적 기초에 관한 분석

        유혜령,윤복주 한국아동교육학회 1996 아동교육 Vol.5 No.2

        It is attempted in this study to disclose the philosophical underpinnings hidden in the Montessori educational theories. Placing the Montessori educational Theories in the wide philosophical streams dominant in the 19th and 20th centuries, which are roughly the conceptual idealism, the romanticism and the positivism, the researcher tries to articulate the Montessori's basic views and thoughts on children, educational goals and educational methodology. It is discussed that Montessori's views on children are much confined to the naive and romantic beliefs on the inborn goodness of human beings and to the idealistic assumption on the dichotomized split between mind and body. Her views on the ultimate educational goals are also found as being strongly influenced by the absolute idealism, such as Hegel's, which has emphasized the nomolithic-inductive reasoning on human nature. On the contrary, her views on educational methodology are more positivistic rather than idealitic assumtions with the influence from educational psychology medical science she had learned. Her "scientic pedagogy" around her teaching materials also reveals the strong tendency to approach the issues of educating children with the positivistic methodology. As such, the conclusion is made that the philosophical underpinnings of Montessori educational theories show unintegrated, contradictory views on human beings and the world. That is, whereas there finds the rigid conceptual idealism and romanticism inherent in the Montessori's views on children and educational goals, her views on the educational emthodology shows the positivistic, scientific assumtions on the worlds Therefore, the implications of Montessori educational theories for contemporary child education seems to be very limited in their capacity not only to suggest an systematically integrated body of educational theories but also to fit into the more flexible, dynamic and deconstructive philosophical trends of our timees

      • KCI등재

        유아교육현장에서의 VCR활용실태와 문제점에 관한 연구

        유혜령,김은경 한국아동교육학회 1997 아동교육 Vol.6 No.2

        This study attempts to analyze the ways that VCR is used for educational purpose in kindergartens and to suggest some directions for improving the conditions of the VCR use in early childhood educational settings. The study is proceeded through survey method and the specially developed questionnaires were distributed to 1,000 kindergarten teachers. The data collected have been statistically processed through the frequency analysis, crostabs analysis and ANOVA, scheffe test" The findings of the study are as follows: First, all kindergartens keep at least one set of VCR. In fact, the kindergartens having only one set of VCR are at the highest rate amongst the ones having two or three. Second, most teachers use VCR in class about once a month and spend 20 to 30 minutes every time. Third, most teachers thought the use of VCR as an educational activity is very effectives for the reason that the audio-pictorial message of VCR is able to highly motivate children to learning and make concrete the educational experiences in childrens' minds. Fourth, the largest portion of the respondents have answered that they use VCR material in order to enrich the children's learning mainly in linguistic domain and in cognitive domain, and hardly use any VCR material for the learning in integrated approaches to all domains. Fifth, most of teachers use the commercially made videotapes and they rarely produce the educational videotapes by themselves. Sixth, in most kindergartens children watch VCR in their own classrooms rather than properly prepared audiovisual rooms. Seventh, most teachers think that they have a good knowledge of the watching conditions of VCR, such as right distance from monitor, angle of seats and the watching height of eye to monitor, direction of the sunlight which can reflect or distort the visual images on the monitor, etc.. It is, however, found that they do not enough knowledge about adequate physical conditions of watching VCR. On the basis of these findings, the followings are suggested to provide the desirable directions of VCR use in kindergartens. First, A variety of videotapes in terms of content, format and genre should be produced and distributed, so that teachers can have enough choice to easily find good teaching resources. Second, teacher education programs should include teaching the practical production techniques of videotapes, so that teachers can easily produce the videotapes that can best meet their needs in the fields. Third, the physical facilities and environments of kindergarten should be improved for the effective use of VCR for children's learning. Fourth, some institutional support systems have to be developed, such as establishing a nation-wide network of videoshops or educational media centers especially made for children's education. Fifth, the integrated efforts in the area of early childhood education should be made through much academic effort and governmental support system to maximize the educational effects of modern technological devices such as VCR for children's learning.

      • 아동 연구의 다원화를 위한 이론적 탐색

        유혜령 한국교육학회 대구·경북지회 1997 교육학논총 Vol.17 No.-

        It is attempted in this study to investigate the possibilities of any alternative research approaches in child studies as it is presently more recognized ever than before that empirical-analytic approaches have for long so dominated in the area that they have confined our understanding of children only into the deductive-nomological model of explanation. Discussions are made around the Habermas' theory on knowledge and human interests and the possibilities of two types of research approaches are suggested as the alternatives of empirical-analytic ones: The interpretive and the critical approaches. Interpretive approaches have stemmed from the philosophical traditions of human sciences such as hermeneutics, phenomenology and anthropology, whose academic inquiries have shared the particular interests on human understanding of meaning in specific contexts and in all complexity. As such, interpretive approaches to children's life can reveal the deep structure of children's experience of the world, in which children act as the meaning-creators with their ownmost possibilities. Critical approaches are indebted for their theoretical framework to Marxist and Neo-Marxist traditions, whose implifications for child studies can bring into light the significance of children's beings as that of active social actors. Children attempt at their own level to overcome the ideological order of the social systems and this creates conflicts in their daily life. Critical approaches pay the analytic attention on such ideological aspects of children's reality. Some practical suggestions are made at the end of the sudy: Inter-and multi-disciplinary approaches, such as outlined above, should necessarily be introduced and come into wide activation in the area of child studies in order that we reach better understanding of children's complex and multi-dimensional reality.

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