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        디자인 관점에서 옛 문헌에 나타난 한글 글자(활자)가족의 원형 연구

        유정숙 ( Yoo Jung Sook ) 한국기초조형학회 2018 기초조형학연구 Vol.19 No.5

        본 연구는 지금까지 연구사적으로 공백상태인 창제이후 옛 문헌에 나타난 우리 고유의 한글 글자(활자)가족의 원형을 발굴하고자 하였다. 이에 창제 이후 두 가지 이상 차별화된 한글양식이 나타난 15세기의 옛 문헌을 연구대상으로 당시 한자음 표기방식 기준 3가지 유형의 문헌을 선정 고찰하였다: 1. 동국정운식 한자음 한글 구성 문헌: <석보상절>1447, <월인석보>1459, <몽산법어언해>1460 2. 범어(산스크리트어)에 한자음 한글 구성 문헌: 한글판 <오대진언>1476, 국한문판 <오대진언>1485 3. 한국 한자음(현실 한자음)한글 구성 문헌: <진언권공>1496, <육조법보단경언해>1496 선정 옛 문헌 본문 유형에 따른 대표 글자를 집자하여 글자체(Typeface), 글자크기(Size), 획의 굵기(Weight), 글자 폭(Width), 경사도(Angle), 조판방법(Typeset) 등의 타이포그래피 기본요소아래 글자가족양식으로서 조형적 특성을 고찰 실험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 15세기 대표 옛 문헌 본문구성에 나타난 4가지 유형에 따른 한글양식들은 고유의 한국어, 외국어, 외래어로서 한자어 등을 구분하기 위해 타이포그래피 기본요소의 변화를 통한 차별화를 이루어 활자가족으로서 본문의 내용과 역할을 구분하고 있음이 새롭게 고찰되었다. 본 연구에서 규명된 옛 문헌의 다양한 본문유형에 따른 글자양식의 활용은 최초 한글 글자가족의 원형으로서 뿐만 아니라, 18세기 서구에서 이미 내용 전달을 위한 강조 및 구분으로써 활용했던 활자가족개념 보다 300여년을 앞선 것임을 실증적 사례로 입증한 것이다. 이 연구는 전통문화로서 오늘날 현대적 의미의 한글 글자가족 원형에 대한 디자인적 가치를 조명하는 연구 및 기초 자료로서 중요한 의미를 지닌다. This study aims to uncover the original form of the Korean alphabet Hangul's type family in old literature published after Hangul's invention, a so far unattended area in the history of research on Korean types. This study, therefore, focused on literature from the 15th century when more than two distinct Hangul styles emerged and grouped such literature into three different categories based on how Sino-Korean pronunciation has been transcribed in Hangul. 1. Works with Hangul transcriptions of Sino-Korean pronunciation according to the Dongguk jeongun system: “Seokbo sangjeol” 1447, “Worin seokbo” 1459, “Mongsan beobeo eonhae” 1460 2. Works with Pali (Sanskrit) text and Hangul transcriptions of Sino-Korean pronunciation: Hangul edition of “Odae jineon” 1476, Annotated edition with Chinese characters and Hangul 1485 3. Works with Hangul transcriptions of Sino-Korean pronunciation (actual pronunciation): “Jineon gwongong” 1496, “Yukjo beopbo dangyeong eonhae” 1496 The outcome of examining analysis can be summarized as below. Examining the various styles of Hangul from different categories of literature representative of the 15th century led to the discovery that vernacular Korean, foreign words, foreign languages, and Sino-Korean words were made distinguishable from one another by differentiating the Typeface, Size, Width, and Weight of types as well as their Typeset and placement within the text. The forms of Hangul and use of different styles identified through this study is not only meaningful for determining the original form of the first Hangul type family, but serves as proof through empirical examples that they existed nearly three hundred years prior to the various type families used in the West during the 18th century to emphasize and partition text for effective content delivery. Hence, the significance of this study lies in securing basic data for research aimed at shedding light on the design value Hangul's original, traditional form carries for Hangul type families in the contemporary sense.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기"여성"담론의 형성과 계기들

        유정숙 ( Jung Suk Yoo ) 한국언어문화학회 2009 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.40

        This paper is an attempt to trace back the emergence and the formation (the constitutive factors) of the discourse on women in Taekeukhakbo during the Korea`s enlightenment period, more precisely, in 1905-1910. Taekeukhakbo is the major academic journal during that time. In order to examine the socio-historical conditions and the constitutive factors of women`s discourse in Taekeukhakbo, this work should be understood/dealt within the context of the making of modern `nation-state` discourse and civilization-enlightenment. Obviously, they are the major dominant discourses during that time. This paper will mainly deal with the following topics: how they define `women`; what is to be women; what are women`s duties and positions in the social reality of the time; what is a good mother and wife; in what context, the discourse of good mother and wise wife are produced and mostly needed; how `real` women writers as historical beings acted and reacted to those dominant female`s values and social norms. Initially, the discourse of women in Taekeukhakbo operates in the framework of the concepts and ideologies on modern nation-state and civilization-enlightenment. Within doing so, Korean `women` emerged as new gungmin(國民, the citizen of nation-state) in the public communication world of Korea. Korean women are identified as gungmin (identification). To create the new identity of modern women, they often utilize a series of contrasts; duality, opposition, and symmetry. In this sense, western women are modernized (civilized women) and educated, which are the representations of ideal women. In this discourse, Korean women are often described as slave for or inferiors to Korean men. More importantly, the discourse of Korean women and its constitutive principles often present paradoxes. For example, Korean women are equal as gungmin like men. They, however, are to be gendered gungmin such as wise mothers and good wives excluded from the society. The women`s discourse in Taekeukhakbo are constructed through either the difference or equality of gender.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 소설의 빛과 어둠: 신앙성과 대중성의 사이에서

        유정숙 ( Jung Suk Yoo ) 한국언어문화학회 2013 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.51

        The 1980s were the glory days of “religious fiction” in modern Korean literature. This unexpected phenomenon was in line with the religious books “boom” in the publishing world, despite Korea’s prolonged economic recession. A wide range of religious books, especially Christian fictions, were sold and attracted the public``s attention and interest. This popularity was attributable to the huge success of the Christian novel《Come Low unto Us》, published in November, 1981, by Yi Cheong-jun, a Korean representative novelist. This novel was a big hit and was made into a movie, which also achieved huge commercial success. In this paper, I examined the religious meaning of《Come Low unto Us》and related it to the historical and cultural contexts of Korean society around the time of its publication. I also explored the question of the relationship between Christianity and popularity in Korean society and culture. The novel《Come Low unto Us》was based on the real story of the blind pastor An Yo-han, who had opened his “soul eye” after he had lost the sight of his “physical” eyes. He practiced his Christian faith in interaction with poor people, sharing their sufferings and ordeals and opening his warm heart to them. This novel demonstrates a proper Christian life. An Yo-han’s life called into question whether Korean churches practiced God``s love, especially toward the poor and the lower classes in Korean society. In the story, An Yo-han maintains that a church should not be a place in which parishioners petition for God``s blessing and pastors, but it should be a place of unity and compromise. The story suggests that Korean churches should open their eyes to the plight of the poor and marginalized and practice God’s love and care for them. In short, it criticizes the materialism and secularization in the Korean churches at that time. On the other hand, the novel《Come Low unto Us》earned popularity. It was a “steady-seller” and “super best-seller” in the 1980s in the Korean publishing world. It was also made into a movie and played everywhere in theaters and churches. The movie drew audiences totaling 110, 500 people. It was a huge success. The reason behind this success was that Korean people had become more and more interested in true religious belief and living a spiritual life, which were in contrast to the empty and materialistic ideology of the day, an ideology and had produced distrustful people in a capitalist and competitive society. The media and those who read the book paid much attention to this blind Christian``s spiritual experience and victory through faith. The popularity of Christianity was developed and characterized by its spirituality and mysticism. The success of the movie《Come Low unto Us》ushered in the trend of Christian-themed movies in the 1980s. The general theme of these movies was the spiritual victory of a Christian over hardship and suffering through his Christianity. 《Come Low unto Us》exemplifies the light and darkness of Korean Christian literature in the 1980s. Its spirituality and popularity expose the characteristics and limitations of Korean Christianity. More importantly, its popularity reflects aspects of Korean people``s ‘general’ understanding of Christianity and aspects of Christian popular culture in Korean society at that time.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 나혜석과 기독교; 여성의 자아와 종교적 영

        유정숙 ( Jung Suk Yoo ) 한국문학과종교학회 2013 문학과종교 Vol.18 No.2

        이 논문의 목적은 한국 근대 여성 문학사에서 ‘여성 작가 1세대,’ ‘여류 문인 1기’로 불리는 나혜석의 문학을 기독교와의 연관 아래 다시 읽고, 그 관련 양상을 구체적으로 살피는 데 있다. 여성의 자아와 타인에 대한 인식과 태도, 나아가 인생과 세계에 대한 가치관 형성에 기독교 신앙심과 기독교 정신(윤리)이 구체적으로 어떤 영향을 미쳤으며, 그 의미는 무엇인가를 규명하고자 하였다. 나혜석의 대표적 자전적 작품인 「경희」에서 여주인공 경희는 ‘하느님의 딸’로 자신을 새롭게 인식하고 인간으로서 자기 자신을 정립한다. 또한「회생한 손녀에게」에서 할머니는 하느님의 복음을 몸소 구현하는 신앙적인물이다. 이때 무엇보다 눈에 띄는 것은 이들 여성 주인공에게서 공통적으로 나타나는 고양된 ‘종교적 정신성’에 있다. 기독교적 신앙심에서 발원된 자기에 대한 긍정적, 주체적 인식과 그에 상응하는 고양된 정신 상태 는 자신뿐만 아니라 타인, 더 나아가 삶과 미래에 대한 무한한 신념과 열정을 생성하였다. 여성 주인공들의 이러한 태도와 심리는 기독교 신앙심과 연동되어 나타난다. 경희는 “자기 자신을 조선 사회의 한 여자보다 먼저 우주 전 인류의 여성”으로 자각하면서 “전 인류에 대한 깊은 사랑과 애착심”을 표출하였다. 이러한 신념과 열정은 그의 문학과 삶에 드러나는“개척자로서의 여성 정체성”과 맞물려 있다. 나혜석 문학에서 기독교는 전통적 가부장적 구조와 유교적 이념 속에서 종속적이며, 수동적인, 억압적인 삶을 살았던 당시 조선 여성들이 독립적이며 주체적인 인간으로 거듭나 새로운 삶을 추동하도록 하는 내적인 힘이었다. 나혜석의 초기 문학에서 기독교는 단순히 개인의 영적 구원을 위한 신앙으로 제한되지 않는다. 그녀는 조선 여성의 삶과 현실의 문제에 기독교를 부단히 연계하면서, 그 정신과 윤리를 적극적으로 활용하고 실천했다. This paper examines Na Hye-seok`s understanding and expressions of women`s selfhood in relation to Christian spirituality. In particular, it investigates the question of how the Christian religion affected Na Hye-seok`s perspective on herself and life. In Na Hye-seok`s literature, Christianity gives women the opportunity to raise questions on the nature of their existence, their passive way of life, and the traditional patriarchal society that tamed them into such obedient, helpless beings. Such a Christian spirituality produces passion and belief in oneself and in life, which in turn becomes a source of energy for change, especially for women to exercise their autonomy and subjectivity as female individuals. For women, Christian spirituality results in their realizing their own selfhood and establishing their autonomy and independence in society and the family. In Na Hye-seok`s writings, women`s new attitudes and determination regarding their identity and lives derived from their religious spirituality and relationships with God.

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