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      • KCI등재

        소설 《얼해화(?海花)》속의 `화(花)`의 의미(意味) 분석(分析)

        위행복 한국중국어문학회 2010 中國文學 Vol.64 No.-

        分析修改本 《?海花》, 可以看出傅彩云不僅不能算是作品裏的主人公, 甚至作爲線索人物, 也沒有起到?大的作用. 雖然也有部分情節是圍繞傅彩雲展開的, 但那是與政治變動或文化推移分別展開的. 傅彩雲在一定程度上算是稍有些分量的作中人物, 但是?和主導政治或文化變遷的人物群沒有交遊. 《?海花》是以政治小說或歷史小說爲目標創作的, 所以以傅彩雲看爲`?海花`之`花`的觀点是不正確的. 只看修改本《?海花》的話, 好像傳統官僚層是作品的中心人物似的. 但是假如當初計劃的共60回的《?海花》完成的話,情況可能會不同. 根据小說林本第1回發布的60回的回目來看, 保守派或洋務派的人物群只能在作品的前半部裏占主要人物的位置, 變法派和革命派人物一定會被設定爲后半部的主要人物群. 幷且曾樸在<?海花人物名單>中把作中人物分爲舊學時代·甲午時代·政變時代·庚子時代·革新時代·海外運動等六類, 由此也可以看出傳統官僚層沒有被設定爲60回本主《?海花》的主要人物群. 《?海花》是以煽揚革命爲目的的進步思想爲基礎的作品, 沒有理由把不能接受新潮流的傳統官僚層設定爲`?海花`之`花`. 那?`?海花`的`花`到底意味着什??? `?海`是腐敗無能的統治勢力和列强橫行的中國, 在這裏盛開的`?海花`爲革命的成功, 就是在`奴樂島`上開出的`自由之花`. 《?海花》是由投身于革命運動的金松岑和支持革命的曾樸發起和創作, 支持革命的思想貫徹到了全部作品中的. 作品在第1回的開篇就表達了鮮明的反帝反封建思想. 看小說林本第1回上預告的60個回目就可以知道作品是計劃以共和革命的成功作爲結局的. `?海花`的`花`就是第1回開篇裏提到的“自由花”.

      • KCI등재

        ≪얼해화(?海花)≫의 풍자(諷刺) 양상(樣相) 고찰(考察) - `력사소설(歷史小說)`로서의 성격에 유의하며 -

        위행복 한국중국어문학회 2010 中國文學 Vol.62 No.-

        魯迅稱淸末的社會批判小說爲“譴責小說”, 批判道: “辭氣浮露, 筆無藏鋒, 甚且過甚其辭, 以合時人嗜好”, 幷評論作家的“度量”和“技術”遠不及≪儒林外史≫. 對≪?海花≫的 評論是: “書於洪傅特多惡謔, 幷寫當時達官名士模樣, 亦極淋?, 而時復張大其詞, …… 形容時復過度, 亦失自然, 蓋尙增飾而賤白描.”, 幷說此作品的人物描寫和諷刺的樣態方面, 與其他作品沒有太大差別. 關於“譴責小說”的用語是否妥當一直存在質疑, 尤其是≪老殘游記≫和≪?海花≫的硏究者提出該兩部作品不能被稱爲“譴責小說”. 爲證明≪?海花≫的諷刺樣態與其?作品的不同, 本文對該作品進行詳細的分析. 金松岑原本構思政治小說, 但作品被交給曾樸之後, ≪?海花≫便創作爲歷史小說. 因此, 描寫對象不是按倫理標準所被評價, 而是按照政治標準, 把著重點放在思想與行爲的新舊與否. 結果, 作品中出現的居多舊知識人被暗示爲反面人物. 他們的思想與行爲比較落後, 因此在嚮往進步和革命的≪?海花≫中, 他們被認爲是反面人物. 而作品幷沒有以倫 理性標準評價人物, 他們也沒有被刻畵爲不道德人物. 構思諷刺方面, ≪?海花≫離其對象維持一定的距離, 只是做了個客觀的輕描和淡寫. 因爲?的主要目的是歷史的反應, ≪?海花≫的人物有時會引起居多讀者的同情心. 作品幷不是採用水平性時間觀念來認識世界, 而是以垂直性時間觀念觀察對象. 利用機智和?謔來揭露人物的本質, 讀者將對作中人物進行嘲笑和失笑. 總的來說, 歷史小說≪?海花≫諷刺?謔而意味高雅, 與同時代的其?作品頗有區別.

      • KCI등재

        ‘소프트파워 인문학’의 정착을 위한 제언

        위행복,박종보 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.55

        'Soft Power' is a contrasting concept with 'Hard Power' which refers to physical power such as military and economic power. This was presented by Joseph S. Nye, who described it as "the power to get what you want by attracting peoples’ mind rather than coercion or reward." As the international status of the US began to falter after 1980s, Nye disputed the decline of the US by claiming that it has strong Soft Power. Nye proposed the concept of "Soft Power" as a means to maintain the supremacy of the US in post-Cold War era. 'Soft Power' uses tangible and intangible resources that can be universally sympathized without using oppression or appeasement. And in terms of seeking voluntary consent, cooperation and support through the path of 'inspiration', the concept contains many elements to improve human society. Due to highly developed globalization and hyper-connectedness of communications and media, various information can be exchanged almost unlimitedly at low cost and high speed. Countries with weak Hard Power is now able to raise their national image and power through the expansion of Soft Power. Enhancing “Soft Power” is becoming the focus of attention all over the world, and Korea is no exception. Soft power is a holistic concept composed of various elements. The Korean Wave, which focuses on popular culture such as K-drama, K-film, and K-pop, has greatly contributed to the development of Korea’s Soft Power. However, popular cultural products are less relevant to the nation's awareness, and it is a difficult way for a serious understanding of the humanistic values ​​of Korean society. Also, there is a risk that a scandal or excessive commerciality of individual pop stars could cause a negative effect on the national image. Therefore, Korea's cultural products, which are drawing attention from the international community, and the 'Humanistic Soft Power' resources of the Korean society must be distributed and spread together, in order to promote a long-term and stable Soft Power and raise the overall level and vitality of the 'Korean Wave'. In order to achieve a long-term and reach higher level of national image improvement, Korea needs to develop “Soft Power Humanities” by utilizing the humanistic resources of Korean as a source of Soft Power. In author’s opinion, 'Soft Power Humanities' is a practical humanistic study that re-examines Korean humanistic resources from the perspective of 'Soft Power', and conducts collaborative research that transcends the boundaries and activity fields of academic disciplines, as well as the boundaries of regions and countries. As a wide range of region and diverse culture are set as targets of Soft Power, the cultural disposition and characteristics of each, and the preferred contents and formats are also included in the interests of ​​research. Soft Power Humanities not only could be a process of deepening academic research, but also pursues ideas to solve problems faced by Korea and the world. The publicity of scholarship will also be enhanced by establishment and implementation of a system that reflects humanistic values ​​in the research. If we spread and practice humanistic values in Korean society in advance, and deliver it to the international community further on, it will not only enhance the national brand but also improve human life. If the Humanistic research in Korea discuss the concept of 'Soft Power Humanities' and promote related academic fields, it will not only encourage the expansion of the reflective study, but also be able to better respond to the social expectations. Based on the idea that further interest and research in this field need to be promoted for strengthening Korea's Humanistic Soft Power, I suggest rudimentary opinions to academia.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 문화산업정책 분석 - ‘소프트파워’ 개념과 관련하여 -

        위행복 한국중국언어문화연구회 2019 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.51

        China has started to focus on the development of the cultural industry since the end of Jiang Zemin(江澤民)’s reign. The government of Hu Jintao(胡錦濤) paid attention to ‘soft power’ and by establishing the “Cultural Industry Enhancement Plan of China”, has actually begun to develop the cultural industry. And the government of Xi Jinping(習近平) reinforced the development further on by connecting government’s policies, such as ‘China Dream(中國夢)’, ‘the rise of a great nation(大國崛起)’, and ‘one belt one road(一帶一路)’. China has already become the world’s largest producer of cultural goods, however regarding soft power, is still in very low position. It is because of the impatient cultural development and the concept of cultural security is blocking the growth of soft power. When the THAAD deployment was decided on Korea, the means of retaliation by China was ‘culture’. By invoking ‘Korean limit(限韓令)-the command to block Koreans from China’, China has blocked Korean cultural artists and products to enter China. After going through a long process of two years, Koreans have come to recognize that China is using its predatory means to develop its cultural industry, and in Korea, anti-Semitic sentiment has become prevalent. The Confucius Institute(孔子學院) is also receiving criticism from the international community for cultural invasion, undermining the freedom of scholarship, and the spread of Chineseism. Cultural industry is an important field to cultivate soft power, and rather, as the soft power increases, the progress of cultural industry follows. China must be able to grow its soft power, to be recognized as the leader of the international community, and for well development of the country.

      • 《三國演義》 張飛 形象 考察

        위행복 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1997 人文科學 Vol.78 No.-

        장비 성격의 주요 특징은 ‘망’ 또는 ‘맹’으로 규정할 수 있는데 <삼국지평화>의 ‘망장비’의 모습이 <삼국연의>에 이르러는 ‘맹장비’의 모습으로 다듬어져 있다는 차이를 보이고 있다. 그 성격이 부정적으로 드러날 때 장비는 거칠고 성급하고 난폭하거나 심사숙고함이 부족하여 일을 그르치기 십상인 모습으로 보인다. 그러나 그의 성격이 긍정적으로 발휘될 때의 장비는 두려움을 모르는 용맹을 가지고 있으며, 시비가 분명하여 반드시 정의를 관철해내고, 애증의 표현이 분명한 순박함과 정직성을 가지고 있는 인물이다. 더욱이 거친 가운데 세심한 일면도 있고, 자신이 긍정하는 사람에 대해서는 깍듯한 의리와 예의를 갖출 줄도 안다. 장비의 형상은 다듬어지고 교양화된 유장의 모습보다는 용맹이 앞서는 <수호전>의 강호영웅들에 가까운 모습인 것이다. <삼국연의>의 중심인물들인 유비, 관우, 제갈량 등은 고도의 도덕적 품성을 발휘하는 이상적 인물로 묘사되어 있고, 작가의 정치적, 도덕적 이상이 투영됨으로 해서 존경과 숭배의 대상이 되어 왔다. 그러나 장비는 작품 속에서의 비중이 이들보다 낮고, 그만큼 절대화의 가공이 적게 가해졌기 때문에, 숭배보다는 친숙함과 애정이 가는 인물로 느껴진다. 이는 화본이나 삼국희에서의 장비 형상이 일정 부분 유지되고 있기 때문이다. 장비는 작품 속에서의 묘사가 많지 않기 때문에 단순해 보이기도 하지만, 절대화 가공의 정도가 낮은 만큼의 생동감과 사실성을 더 가지고 있는 형상으로 그려졌다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        4차산업혁명 시대 人文學의 展望 - ‘材’와 ‘不材’의 사이 -

        위행복 한국중국언어문화연구회 2018 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.47

        The characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution include 'fusion of ICT and industry', 'substitution of simple and repetitive labor by automation and artificial intelligence', and 'expansion of human alienation'. That is why Klaus Schwab's "Fourth Industrial Revolution: Establishing ideology and systems to alleviate alienation" and "White House Report _ Artificial Intelligence, Automation and the Economy" have focused on these problems. In such a situation, the establishment of 'social safety net' can be a priority task in the field of humanities and social studies. In a society where highly precise machines are operated, it is human beings to suppress people or put humanity in crisis. In order for the development of science to expand freedom and liberate mankind, man must be able to maintain reason, and design and realize life values ​​and goals. However, in recent trends, even if interest and support for humanities have increased, "humanities frenzy" could not be used as a basis for development, and they chose to be a subject of "consumption" themselves, and serious reflection is needed. Also, in the new situation of the future, humanities need to enlarge their scope. It is time to think about the concept of 'humanities and geography' and to pay attention to the cultural industry, which is attracting attention as a future industry. Humanities should not ignore 'practical use' while adhering to their own principles.

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