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        사회적 지지의 수혜 및 제공이 죄책감에 미치는 영향

        우지민,이유나,김수민,전학영,음정호,송해리,김기호,이장한 한국자료분석학회 2019 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.21 No.6

        This study investigated the impact of social support on guilt in an online community. A total of 75 participants were randomly assigned to three types of social support groups: one where they would both provide and receive social support, one where they would simply receive social support, and one which was a control group. A guilt scale was completed to measure explicit guilt, and an IAT was completed to measure implicit guilt. After the participants in all groups had described their guilt experience in an online forum, the subjects received social support interventions in response to their stated and tested conditions, and then completed the guilt scale and the IAT again. It was found that the participants in the providing and receiving social support group reported significantly lower explicit guilt than the participants in the receiving social support group and control group, and those in the receiving social support group reported lower guilt than those in the than control group. However, there were no differences for the IAT. These results showed that providing and receiving social support did not change the automatic association between oneself and guilt, but it could provide a new basis for reappraisal and possible assessment that the level of guilt the participants experienced was inappropriate. 본 연구는 온라인 커뮤니티를 통한 사회적 지지가 죄책감에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 총 75명의 참가자를 모집한 후 세 조건(사회적 지지 수혜 및 제공 집단, 사회적 지지 수혜 집단, 비-사회적 지지 집단)에 25명씩 무선 할당하였다. 외현적 죄책감을 측정하기 위해 사전 상태 죄책감 척도를 실시하고 암묵적 죄책감을 측정하기 위해 사전 죄책감-IAT를 시행하였다. 모든 집단은 자신이 죄책감을 경험한 사건에 대한 글을 온라인 커뮤니티에 게시하였고, 각자 할당된 조건에 해당하는 처치를 받았다. 사회적 지지 수혜 및 제공 집단은 타인의 글에 지지적인 댓글을 달고, 자신의 글에 달린 지지적인 댓글을 확인하였다. 사회적 지지 수혜 집단은 타인의 글에 중립적인 댓글을 달고 자신의 글에서 지지적인 댓글을 확인하였고, 비-사회적 지지 집단은 중립 댓글을 달고 자신의 글에서 중립 댓글을 확인한 후, 사후 상태 죄책감 척도와 죄책감-IAT를 반복하여 수행하였다. 연구 결과, 사회적 지지 수혜 및 제공 집단과 사회적 지지 수혜 집단은 비-사회적 지지 집단에 비해 외현적 죄책감 수준이 낮았다. 외현적 죄책감에서 사회적 지지 수혜 및 제공 집단과 사회적 지지 수혜 집단 간의 유의미한 차이는 없었다. 암묵적 죄책감에서 집단 간 유의미한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구 결과는 사회적 지지의 수혜와 수혜 및 제공이 자신과 죄책감 사이에 암묵적으로 가지고 있는 관련성을 변화시키지 않지만, 자신이 가지고 있는 높은 죄책감을 부적절하다고 의식적으로 재평가할 수 있는 기반을 제공함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        Substrate-binding Site Engineering of Candida antarctica Lipase B to Improve Selectivity for Synthesis of 1-monoacyl-sn-glycerols

        우지민,강영서,이선미,박성순,박진병 한국생물공학회 2022 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.27 No.2

        Lipases are extensively used for regiospecific esterification of polyols with fatty acids. However, side reactions generating byproducts limited the enzymes for industrial applications. Here, we have engineered the substrate-binding site of Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) to improve selectivity for monoacylation of glycerol using medium chain fatty acids (e.g., nonanoic acid) as acyl donors. The enzyme engineering was based on the substrate-binding region of a lipase from Penicillium camemberti (i.e., Lipase G), which showed very high selectivity for monoacylation of glycerol with medium chain fatty acids (e.g., decanoic acid) but low reaction rates. One of the CALB variants (e.g., CALB_A282E/ I285F), which was designed to have a narrow substrate binding region, has exhibited ca. 2-fold greater selectivity for the synthesis of 1-monoacyl-sn-glycerol with nnonanoic acid. The double mutant allowed the production of 1-nonanoyl-glycerol to a concentration of 2.27 M in glycerol to a reaction rate of 1.0 M/h. This study will contribute to the use of lipases for regiospecific esterification of polyols with carboxylic acids.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 사립고등보통학교의 재단법인화와 재단 운영-조선인 설립학교를 중심으로-

        우지민 역사교육연구회 2022 역사교육 Vol.162 No.-

        일제하 사립고등보통학교 재단은 대체로 조선인 교육기관으로서의 정체성을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 학교 설립 주체에 따라 재단의 운영 구조 및 임원진 구성에서 차이가 있었다. 대한제국 황실 관련 학교인 숙명여자고등보통학교는 재단의 역할이 광범위하게 규정되어 있었으며, 일본인 관료가 중심이 되어 재단을 운영하였다. 중앙학원 재단은 김성수와 그 측근에 의해 운영되었다. 그러나 조선인들은 사립고등보통학교가 조선인 사회의 공적인 기관이라는 인식을 바탕으로 학교 운영자를 견제하고자 했다. 한편 지역 주민의 협력으로 설립된 오산학교는 평의원회를 통해 지역 사회 다수의 인사들이 학교 운영에 참여할 수 있도록 하였다. The Foundation of private secondary schools under Japanese colonial rule had an identity as an educational institution for Koreans. However, there were differences in the foundation’s operating structure and composition depending on the subject of the school establishment. Sookmyung Girls’ School, a school related to the royal family of the Korean Empire, had a broad stipulation on the role of the foundation, and the foundation was operated by Japanese officials. Choongang Academy Foundation was run by Kim Sung-soo and his close aides. However, Koreans tried to keep school operators in check based on the perception that private secondary schools are public institutions in the Korean community. On the other hand, Osan School, established with the cooperation of local residents, allowed a large number of people in the local community to participate in the operation of the school through the council.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 퍼지제어기를 이용한 분산 Multi Vehicle의 Color인식을 통한 물체이송 연구

        우지민,경제문,최승민,김훈모 기계기술연구소 2000 성균관대학교 논문집 기계기술편 Vol.2 No.1

        In this paper, we present a collaboration method for material delivery with distributed vehicle agents system. Generally used AGV(Autonomous Guided Vehicle) systems in FA need extraordinary facilities like guidepaths, landmarks and have lots of limitation for applying in various environments and in case of controlling multi vehicles including different types is increasing nowadays for automation of materials between vehicles including different types is increasing nowadays for automation of material of material flow. Thus to compensate and improve functions of AGV, it is important to endow vehicles with intelligence to recognize environments, goods and determine goal point to approach. In this study we propose interaction method between hetero-type vehicles and fuzzy logic controller for sensor based path planning method and material identifying method by recognizing color. For the purpose of carrying materials to the goal, instead of intricate vision system, simple color sensor is used to search for material, and recognize its color to determine goal point to transfer it to. The ability for proposed method will be demonstrated by computer simulation and experiment.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 『한국사』교과서의 독립운동사 구성 방식 검토

        禹址旼(Woo, Jimin) 역사교육연구회 2020 역사교육 Vol.156 No.-

        “Korean History” by the 2015 National Curriculum has organized the Independence Movement showing the following features. Firstly, it has divided the ‘Japanese colonial era’ into three, to comprehend the Japanese colonial policy and the Korean people’s nationwide movement in connection with international situations thereabout. Moreover, it identified the independence movement continuously from the 1910s to the post-liberation period and presented changes in the independence movement over time. It’s emphasis on social movement is greatly noticeable. We find it meaningful to observe the country Koreans were trying to establish. Accordingly, the activities of Koreans in the 1920s and 1930s, which had been covered as national movements in one, were re-classified into national activities and social movements. There were many inquiry activites on ‘Japanese colonial era’ which to evaluate the historical significance of various national activities and also to identify the importance of social movements as well. Through these activities, it seems that they wanted to understand the independence movement in various ways and promote critical thinking.

      • 복층오피스텔 분석과 문제점 해결방안

        우지민(WOO, JI MIN),권오정(KWON, OH JUNG) 한국주거학회 2020 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.32 No.2

        With the increase in single-person household. Duplex Officetel supply also actively from about 2010. But the more resident experience the more, the discomfort being increases. So, I will Through data research, prior research, and questionnaire surveys on the Duplex Officetel, I would like to present a Duplex Officetel that specializes in its strengths and complements the existing disadvantages.

      • 페지제어기를 이용한 지능형 Vehicle의 자율주행 시뮬레이션

        정성택,우지민,김훈모 기계기술연구소 1999 성균관대학교 논문집 기계기술편 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper, we present a sensor based path planning method using fuzzy logic for obstacle avoidance of an intelligent vehicle in unknown environments. Generally, Robot navigation in unknown terrains is a very complex task difficult to control because of the great amount of imprecise and ambiguous sensor information that has to be considered. In this case, fuzzy logic can satisfactorily deal with such information in quite efficient manner. In this study, we propose two fuzzy logic controller which is composed of steering controller and velocity controller respectively. Our objective is to develop a fuzzy controller that can enable a mobile robot to navigate from a start point to a goal point without collisions, in the least possible travel time. The ability and effectiveness for the proposed algorithm will be demonstrated by computer simulation.

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