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      • KCI등재

        중국어 외래어 표기법 발음 괴리의 문제

        嚴翼相(Eom Ik-sang) 중국어문학연구회 2009 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.54

        This article points out sound discrepancies between the current Koreanization System of Chinese loan words and the actual Mandarin pronunciations of the given words. Since many Koreanization systems of Mandarin have been proposed up to date, this article limits its discussion to the system proposed by the Korean government in 1986. It claims that the governmental system, which strictly followed the guidelines by the government, is good to be simple but fails to sound like Chinese personal and place names. It is particularly problematic to transcribe Mandarin b-, d-, g- into Koeran p-, t, -k- and Mandarin vowel o into Korean o, u, and eo. This article suggests to employ Eom's system, which was originally proposed by Ik-sang Eom in 1996 and revised in 2002, to resolve such problems. It urges the National Institute of Korean revise the current Koreanization System of Chinese loan words as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재

        『중국어 음운론과 응용』의 수정 이론

        엄익상 ( Ik Sang Eom ) 한국중국언어학회 2016 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.63

        This paper points out some theoretical problems of Eom`s (2012) Chuggugo umunnon gwa ungyong, Mandarin phonology and its application. The problems include (1) the unclear status of vocalic coda in syllabic structure, (2) the improper rule ordering of vowel changes and (3) the illogical mechanism of retroflexion or R-suffixation. This paper proposes to revise them as follows: a. The post-nucleus glide should be placed at the coda position not in approximants as j and w, but in vowel symbols as i and u. b. Those rules concerning the vowel assimilation are proposed to be presented in the order of onset, nucleus, and coda unless they are crucially ordered. The rules applicable to the wider range precide the opposite ones. c. Those rules concerning retroflexion are proposed to be presented in the order of superimposition of retroflexion, schwa insertion, and front sound deletion. The revised theories will be adopted in the second edition of Eom`s book, which will appear in 2016.

      • KCI등재

        한자음 연구 어떻게 할까

        嚴翼相(Eom Ik-sang) 중국어문학연구회 2008 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.48

        This article is an introductory work on Sino-Korean phonology. It was designed to demonstrate how to conduct research in Sino-Korean and what recent achievements in the area are. It first introduces to methods of comparative and internal reconstructions and issues on periodizations of Chinese, Korean, and Sino-Korean. It discusses also the fundamental issues on Sino-Korean, such as dating of transmission, source dialects, and the formation period. More importantly, this article summarizes Eom's recent research on controversial issues on Sino-Korean phonology. Those issues include the status of voiced and aspirated obstruents in Old Sino-Korean, reconstruction of Sino-Paekche Korean, the source of Sino-Korean coda -l, and the causes of Sino-Korean palatalization and so on.

      • KCI등재

        청뚜(成都)방언과 한국한자어와의 유사도 측정

        엄익상(Eom Ik-sang) 한국중어중문학회 2008 中語中文學 Vol.43 No.-

        This article examines the degree of similarities between the Chengdu dialects and Sino-Korean from three perspectives: mutual intelligibility, sound similarity, and lexical similarity. The unidirectional intelligibilities and sound similarities between two dialects along with others were calculated in numbers by using CCLang, a computer program which was developed by Chin-chuan Cheng to measure similarities among Chinese dialects. Lexical similarities between two dialects in question, however, were quoted from Eom's (2007) previous studies, which counted the numbers of nouns which are shared both in Sino-Korean and Chinese dialects. The results of this study demonstrate that the degree of similarities between the Chengdu dialect and Sino-Korean is approximately in the middle of 24 major dialects of China, including Sino-Japanese. The Chengdu dialect turned out to be closer to Sino-Korean than most Mandarin dialects from both phonological and lexical points of view. Since the number of Mandarin speakers is more than 70% of the Chinese people, the affinity between the Chengdu dialect and Sino-Korean is much higher than the average.

      • KCI등재

        특집1 : 동아시아 인문학의 계보학 ; 자오 위앤런(Yuen Ren Chao: 1892~1982)의 음운 이론과 후속 학자 계보

        엄익상 ( Ik Sang Eom ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2013 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.54 No.-

        이 논문은 20세기 전반 현대 중국어 언어학 연구의 기초를 쌓은 자오 위앤런(Chao Yuen Ren 趙元任 1892~1982)의 음운이론의 타당성을 검증하고 중국 대륙과 대만 그리고 미국으로 이어진 그의 후속 학자들의 연구 성과를 간단히 평가하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 논문은 2012년 자오 위앤런 탄생 120주년을 기념하여 집필되었다. 따라서 음소의 기능에 관한 일반언어학 이론 연구는 물론 현대 중국어 음운론에 관한 그의 여러 주장의 타당성을 오늘날 음운이론에 근거하여 객관적인 평가를 할 것이다. 아울러 자오의 수제자로 나중에 중국을 대표하는 언어학자로 활동했던 왕 리(王力)와 왕 리의 수제자로 나중에 대만을 대표하는 음운학자로 활동한 똥 통허(董同華)의 업적도 간단히 요약하고 평가할 것이다. 또 똥 통허의 제자 중에 음운론을 연구한 띵 빵신(丁邦新), 정 진취앤(鄭錦全), 얜 미앤(嚴棉) 등의 업적도 간단히 조명하려고한다. Yuen Ren Chao (1892~1982) is widely regarded as the father of modern Chinese linguistics. This article examines Chao`s phonological theories and points out what are still valid or invalid. Still valid are listed in (18), which includes (a) phonemic reconstruction of Old Chinese and Middle Chinese, (b) the five scale notation of tones, (c) tonal notation, (d) iambic pattern of stress, (e) non-phonemic alveolar palatals, (f) rounded [o] in ou and iou, and (g) different vowels in en [en] and eng [∧ŋ]. Those may need modifications are listed in (19), which includes (a) the nature of phonemes, (b) Mandarin Romanization system mingled with tonal differences, (c) the neutral tone values, (d) the phonetic value of r as [] (e) retroflexion as the addition of a segment, (f) uo as [u], and (g) the glides as vowels to form diphthongs or tripthongs. In addition, this article investigates YR Chao`s successors in Chinese phonology and demonstrates their academic achievements. Chao`s scholarship was succeeded in Wang Li (1900~1986) in the mainland China, who eventually founded the school of Chinese linguistics of Peking University. Wang Li`s scholarship, on the other hand, was succeeded in Dong Tonghe (1911~1963), who became the founder of Chinese linguistics at National Taiwan University. Some of Dong`s students at NTU earned their Ph. D`s from major universities in the U.S. and expanded their academic arena to the U.S. as well as Asia. Among many others, Pang-hsin Ting (1936~ ), Chin-chuan Cheng (1936~ ), and Margaret Mian Yan (1938~ ) are reviewed briefly in this article.

      • KCI등재

        유전학과 계통분류학 연구에 대한 언어학적 질문 ― 한국어와 중국어를 중심으로

        엄익상 ( Eom Ik-sang ) 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.109

        This article raises questions about recent genetic and phylogenetic studies on East Asian people and languages from a historical linguistic perspective. Contrary to the claims made by HUGO (2009), genetic affinity may not closely correlate with linguistic affinity in East Asian languages. Recent phylogenetic studies on Sino-Tibetan languages, conducted by Zhang MH et al. (2019), Sagart et al. (2019), and Zhang HZ et al. (2020), have arrived at slightly different conclusions regarding the derived time and homeland of Proto-Sino-Tibetan languages. It is perplexing why the same Bayesian method they employed led to different derived dates, ranging from approximately 8000 to 5871 years BP. The phylogenetic research on the so-called “Transeurasian” languages by Robbeets et al. (2021) proposes that the broomcorn millet farmers in the West Liao River existed approximately 9000 years BP as the ancestors of the speakers of Transeurasian languages. Japano-Koreanic languages are believed to have originated from the West Liao basin approximately 5458 years BP. Millet farmers migrated to the Korean peninsula by 6500 years BP. Later, rice-cultivating farmers migrated to the peninsula around 3500 years BP and eventually to Japan around 600 years later. However, archaeological studies, cited by Jang and Mun (2022), point out that rice agriculture began much earlier than 3500 years BP in Korea. The rice seeds excavated in the peninsula date as early as 5000 and 3970 years BP. Additionally, Robbeets et al. (2021) indicate 6500 years BP as the time when the millet farmers moved to the peninsula. Since it is approximately 1000 years before the split of Japano-Koreanic, it is questionable what language they spoke before the split and why such a split took place after migration. Robbeets et al. (2022) need to clarify all these questions. While genetic and phylogenetic studies can certainly provide valuable insights into historical linguistics, it is evident that further adjustments in methods and more refined data analyses are desirable at this point.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외래 인명 · 지명에 관한 동아시아 언어정책 차이의 원인 분석 및 소통 제고를 위한 제안

        엄익상(Ik-sang Eom) 동아인문학회 2014 동아인문학 Vol.27 No.-

        동아시아의 중심 국가인 한국, 중국, 일본은 군사, 역사인식, 또는 영토 문제로 최근 긴장과 협력 사이에서 갈등을 거듭하고 있다. 긴장의 축은 남북한은 물론, 한국과 일본, 중국과 일본이다. 그런데 이 지역 갈등의 원인을 언어학적 측면에서도 고찰해 볼 수 있다. 이 지역국가들은 상대 국가의 인명과 지명의 표기에 대하여 원음주의와 자국음 원칙 사이에서 서로 다른 언어정책을 채용하고 있다. 이러한 차이는 분명 이 지역 국민들 간의 의사소통에 분명 장애를 초래한다. 이 논문은 동아시아 국가 간 상대 국가의 인명과 지명 표기법에 대한 차이의 원인을 분석하고, 지역 국가 간 보다 나은 의사소통을 위해 원지음주의에 충실한 언어정책을 채택하도록 제안하고 있다. This article points out the fact that the major countries in East Asia, such as South and North Koreas, China, and Japan, adopt slightly different language policies related with personal and place names in other parts of East Asia. For instance, they call Korean and Japanese names in their own pronunciations in China while the Koreans call Chinese and Japanese names in the original pronunciations in China and Japan respectively. In Japan, however, Korean names are pronounced in Korean pronunciations while Chinese names are pronounced in the Japanese way, namely in Sino-Japanese. Based upon the observation on the current situations, this article aims to analyze the causes for the discrepancies in the language policies in the region and to propose the transliteration as the most ideal policy to enhance mutual communication and understanding among the people in East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        너ㆍ나 중국상고음설

        嚴翼相(Eom Ik-sang) 중국어문학연구회 2008 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.49

        This article claims that [n ] and [na], the native Korean words for you and I, were originally borrowed from the second and first person pronouns of Old Chinese, such as ? and 吾. The etymological studies in the past tended to connect these words with Altaic sources. The findings of this study, however, suggest that the past studies on these words should be re-examined for justification.

      • KCI등재

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