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        인터넷 배너 광고의 시각적 자극 특성이 시각적 주의와 기억에 미치는 영향

        안재현(Jae Hyeon Ahn),변준영(Joon Young Byun),이주원(Joo Won Lee),한상필(Sang Pil Han) 한국마케팅학회 2009 마케팅연구 Vol.24 No.4

        인터넷 배너 광고는 2000년대 들어 클릭율이 0.2% 대로 추락하면서 그 효과성에 의문이 제기되었다. 그러나 소비자가 인터넷 광고를 클릭하지 않아도 단순히 노출된 것만으로 소비자의 브랜드 선호도가 영향을 받는다는 사실이 알려짐에 따라, 광고 노출 정도 및 효과에 대한 재평가의 필요성이 제기되었다. 특히 컴퓨터 화면의 극히 일부만을 차지하는 인터넷 배너 광고의 경우에는 광고 노출 정도에 대한 정확한 평가를 위해 실제 시각적 주의를 측정하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구는 아이트래커를 이용한 실험을 통하여 사용자의 실제 시각적 주의를 측정한 후에, 광고의 시각적 특성 및 인터넷 사용자의 사용 정황이 시각적 주의를 끄는데 어떤 영향을 주는지, 그리고 시각적 주의가 재인 및 회상에는 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 분석하고 그 의미를 도출하였다. 분석 결과, 인터넷 배너 광고의 시각적 자극(애니메이션과 색상)은 과제 수행 여부에 따라 시각적 주의에 상이한 영향을 주는데, 수행 과제가 없는 경우에는 지나치게 화려하거나 단순한 광고보다는 적당한 정도로 화려한 광고가 시각적 주의를 가장 많이 끌었고, 수행 과제가 있는 경우에는 광고의 시각적 자극의 정도가 시각적 주의에 영향을 주지 않았다. 과제수행 여부와 시각적 자극의 복잡성이 시각적 주의와 기억의 관계를 조절하는 영향을 분석한 결과, 수행할 과제가 있거나 광고 자체를 해석하기 위해 자원이 많이 소요되는 화려한 광고에 노출된 경우에는 인지적 과부하가 일어나 시각적 주의가 있었음에도 불구하고 재인 및 회상이 일어나지 않았다. 본 논문에서 실증적으로 확인된 이러한 사실들은 향후 효과적인 인터넷 광고 전략 수립 및 가격 모델 구축 시에 반영되어야 할 것으로 보인다. Internet advertising has continued to expand rapidly. This explosion in Internet advertising was caused by the increasing use of the Internet as a new medium. Today Internet is a daily part of the lives of most people. According to TNS Global, Korean adults spend more than 40% of their leisure time on the Internet. While surfing the Internet, users are confronted with not one but a number of Internet ads on most web pages. Moreover, most Internet ads are equipped with various attention-grabbing devices such as animation, colorful pictures, bigger size characters, and this leads to competitive clutter on websites. Unlike the typical advertisement exposure on TV, people intentionally avoid Internet banner ads on computer screens, which share the space with many other editorial contents. In order to assess the impact of the Internet banner ads, it is important to examine whether or not users are actually looking at the Internet banner ads and if they do, how long they pay attention to the ads. In this paper, people`s actual eye movements are measured and analyzed with the help of a modern eye-tracking device. According to the motion effect theory and distinctiveness theory, people have a tendency to pay instant attention to moving objects or distinctive things that stands out from the environment. Animation and color are popular visual characteristics used for attracting Internet users` attention in the banner ads. However, people need to consume more cognitive resources when they process such animated and colorful objects compared to when they process static and black-and-white objects. Therefore, the excessive use of animation and color in banner ads can have adverse effects on visual attention and on memory. Thus it remains an empirical question to test whether the animated and colorful banner ads attract more attention and improve memory. Another dimension for user attention allocation could be the complexity of the task. Some users may be seeking for specific information on the Internet at work, while others may be browsing the web aimlessly in their leisure time. Whether they have a specific task to perform or not, it may influence the amount of visual attention paid to banner ads and also the process of encoding and storing information from the banner ads. Therefore, by measuring user eye movement data, we first investigate the effect of the visual characteristics (animation and color) of banner ads and the complexity of user task on visual attention. Then, we analyze the effect of visual attention to memory with available cognitive resource as a moderator. For empirical analysis, 104 participants were randomly assigned to either a specific task group or an undefined task (i.e. browsing) group and they were exposed to a portal site, where banner ads were embedded, for approximately three minutes. While they were participating in the experiment, their eye movement data was automatically collected by the Tobii T120 eye-tracker. After experimentation, they were asked to fill out survey questions for recognition and recall as well as a demographic profile. The analysis results show that first, the effect of visual characteristics (animation and color) on visual attention depends on whether they have a specific task or not. Without a specific task to perform, moderately complex ads (colorful ads without animation) caught more visual attention than either extremely complex ads (animated ads) or simple ads (black-and-white ads without animation). On the other hand, with a specific task to perform, visual characteristics of the banner ads had no significant effect on visual attention. Second, the moderating role of task and complexity of visual characteristics was found. For example, when users have a specific task or they are exposed to extremely complex ads, visual attention was not directly translated into memory (recognition and recall) improvement. Those results are consistent with the limited capacity model of mediated messa

      • KCI등재

        온라인 상에서의 고객 충성도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 포탈 사이트를 중심으로

        김명수,안재현,이영섭,Kim, Myoung-Soo,Ahn, Jae-Hyeon,Lee, Yung-Seop 한국경영정보학회 2003 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.13 No.1

        Providers for the commercial web sites are seriously competing for attraction and retention of customers. However, customer loyalty in the on-line business could be determined by factors different from those in the off-line business. In this paper, determinants for the customer loyalty in the on-line business are analyzed as two parts. The first part includes determinants that foster voluntary customer loyalty, such as satisfaction, self-involvement, and positive characteristics of Internet. The second part includes determinants that foster involuntary customer loyalty, such as switching barrier and bonds. Through the empirical study of 399 survey of Korean Internet users, both voluntary and involuntary factors contributing to the customer loyalty were found. Also, relationship between the positive characteristics of Internet and customer loyalty were found. The understanding of the determinants of customer loyalty will be an important information developing a winning strategy in the on-line business.

      • Performance-Oriented Knowledge Management Methodology

        장석권(Suk-Gwon Chang),안재현(Jae-Hyeon Ahn) 한국경영과학회 2002 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2002-A No.-

        In this paper, we develop a performance-oriented knowledge management methodology to evaluate and eventually improve the contribution of knowledge to business performance In order to find the causal linkage between knowledge and performance, we utilize product and process concepts as intermediaries and then construct a knowledge-intensive production function Through the analysis of the production function, we estimate the marginal contribution of knowledge to performance and derive the managerial implications for the effective knowledge management activities.

      • KCI등재

        연관규칙 마이닝에서의 동시성 기준 확장에 대한 연구

        김미성(Kim, Misung),김남규(Kim, Namgyu),안재현(Ahn, Jae-Hyeon) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2012 지능정보연구 Vol.18 No.1

        There is a large difference between purchasing patterns in an online shopping mall and in an offline market. This difference may be caused mainly by the difference in accessibility of online and offline markets. It means that an interval between the initial purchasing decision and its realization appears to be relatively short in an online shopping mall, because a customer can make an order immediately. Because of the short interval between a purchasing decision and its realization, an online shopping mall transaction usually contains fewer items than that of an offline market. In an offline market, customers usually keep some items in mind and buy them all at once a few days after deciding to buy them, instead of buying each item individually and immediately. On the contrary, more than 70% of online shopping mall transactions contain only one item. This statistic implies that traditional data mining techniques cannot be directly applied to online market analysis, because hardly any association rules can survive with an acceptable level of Support because of too many Null Transactions. Most market basket analyses on online shopping mall transactions, therefore, have been performed by expanding the co-occurrence criteria of traditional association rule mining. While the traditional co-occurrence criteria defines items purchased in one transaction as concurrently purchased items, the expanded co-occurrence criteria regards items purchased by a customer during some predefined period (e.g., a day) as concurrently purchased items. In studies using expanded co-occurrence criteria, however, the criteria has been defined arbitrarily by researchers without any theoretical grounds or agreement. The lack of clear grounds of adopting a certain co-occurrence criteria degrades the reliability of the analytical results. Moreover, it is hard to derive new meaningful findings by combining the outcomes of previous individual studies. In this paper, we attempt to compare expanded co-occurrence criteria and propose a guideline for selecting an appropriate one. First of all, we compare the accuracy of association rules discovered according to various co-occurrence criteria. By doing this experiment we expect that we can provide a guideline for selecting appropriate co-occurrence criteria that corresponds to the purpose of the analysis. Additionally, we will perform similar experiments with several groups of customers that are segmented by each customer’s average duration between orders. By this experiment, we attempt to discover the relationship between the optimal co-occurrence criteria and the customer’s average duration between orders. Finally, by a series of experiments, we expect that we can provide basic guidelines for developing customized recommendation systems. Our experiments use a real dataset acquired from one of the largest internet shopping malls in Korea. We use 66,278 transactions of 3,847 customers conducted during the last two years. Overall results show that the accuracy of association rules of frequent shoppers (whose average duration between orders is relatively short) is higher than that of causal shoppers. In addition we discover that with frequent shoppers, the accuracy of association rules appears very high when the co-occurrence criteria of the training set corresponds to the validation set (i.e., target set). It implies that the co-occurrence criteria of frequent shoppers should be set according to the application purpose period. For example, an analyzer should use a day as a co-occurrence criterion if he/she wants to offer a coupon valid only for a day to potential customers who will use the coupon. On the contrary, an analyzer should use a month as a co-occurrence criterion if he/she wants to publish a coupon book that can be used for a month. In the case of causal shoppers, the accuracy of association rules appears to not be affected by the period of the application purposes. The accuracy of the ca

      • KCI등재

        탄산수소나트륨과 트리클로산 배합치약의 항균 및 치면세균막 형성 억제효과

        김남희 ( Nam Hee Kim ),문소정 ( So Jung Mun ),김아현 ( Ah Hyeon Kim ),민지현 ( Ji Hyun Min ),안재현 ( Jae Hyun Ahn ),하원호 ( Won Ho Ha ),김백일 ( Baek Il Kim ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2011 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.35 No.1

        Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial and anti-plaque effect of dentifrice containing 24% baking soda and 0.3% triclosan in vitro and in clinical trial. Methods. This study was composed of two parts. The first part evaluated in vitro antibacterial effect of dentifrices containing baking soda or baking soda with triclosan by minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of alamar blue staining. The second part was to evaluate anti-plaque effects by a randomized, double-blind clinical study. A total of 73 subjects were enrolled in this study, and they were all healthy adult volunteers who provided informed consent. They were divided into three groups, which were the baking soda group (dentifrice containing 24% baking soda), the baking soda/triclosan group (dentifrice containing 24% baking soda and 0.3% triclosan) and the control group. All groups were instructed to perform tooth brushing more than two times per day and not use the other oral hygiene products. The plaque was measured by Turesky modification of Quigley-Hein index in the six representative teeth. All subjects were evaluated at baseline, four weeks and eight weeks. Results. According to the antimicrobial effect observed in the in vitro study, the baking soda with triclosan dentifrices group showed the lowest level of MIC to S. mutans (0.04%) and P. gingivalis (0.04%) compared to the control and other test groups. According to the effect of reducing plaque formation in clinical study, the baking soda/triclosan and the baking soda dentifrice groups showed significant reduction of plaque formation at four weeks (p<0.05), and additional reduction of plaque formation eight week laters (p<0.05). Conclusions. The dentifrice containing 24% of baking soda and 0.3% of triclosan showed more antibacterial and anti-plaque effects than the control or baking soda group by in vitro study and clinical trial.

      • KCI등재

        정보통신 서비스의 실패 요인 : 한국의 텔레콤 서비스시장에서의 실패사례연구

        안재현,권재원,김명수,이동주,이상윤,한상필 한국경영과학회 2002 한국경영과학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        In this paper, 15 South Korean telecommunications service failure cases were analyzed. Through the in-depth case study, 8 factors were found to be the major causes contributing to the telecommunications service failure. They were (1) ineffective marketing, (2) poor demand forecasting due to misjudgment of customer preference, (3) failure to satisfy technical specifications, (4) loss of cost advantage due to the price cut of competing service or new entry with power price, (5) loss of utility advantage due to the increased utility of competing service or new entry with higher utility (6) decrease of market attractiveness due to change of customer preference, (7) impact of government policy, and (8) insufficient or low quality of contents. Additional analysis was done to derive managerial implications to the new telecommunications service development strategy. The findings from the paper will provide valuable insight to the successful implementation of new service development and service provisioning processes.

      • KCI등재

        실물 옵션을 이용한 최적 투자 의사결정 시기 선택 모형

        이재한,이동주,안재현 한국경영과학회 2001 韓國經營科學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        Net Present Value (NPV) criterion has been the most widely used criterion to evaluate investment opportunities. However, the analysis based on the NPV criterion falls to consider the managerial flexibility of deferring decisions until major uncertainty is resolved. Recently, real options method attracted a lot of attention as a powerful approach to address the problem. If investment decision is deferred, the value of the investment opportunity increases but opportunity cost increases at the same time. Therefore, It is important to decide the optimal timing how long the decision can be deferred. In this paper, we developed a model deciding the optimal decision timing. Using the real options approach, the model derived the optimal deferring time until a decision is made. Then, the model was applied to a Korean mobile telecommunications company who wants to invest on the wireless resale business. We believe that this model would be very useful to overcome the problem of NPV decision criterion. With this approach, we can make contingent decisions based on the observation of uncertainty resolutions.

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