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      • 波及經路에 관한 比較分析 : 通貨衝激이 實物經濟에 미치는 影響을 中心으로

        沈京燮 단국대학교 상경대학 1981 商學論叢 Vol.16-17 No.-

        This article surveyed the relative price and wealth changes set in motion when the quantity of money supplied changes relative to money demanded. Relative price and wealth changes were viewed as major elements of the monetary transmission mechanism around the turn of the century (in rudimentary fashion) and in recent years, but in much of the intervening period their was subjected to considerable question. Fisher and Wicksell favored one approach in which wealth was the dominant monetary force and another in which relative prices were of more significance. Keynes amplified both views, but his major interireters were not so inclined. It is, in fact, ironic that J.R. Hicks, who promulated the IS-LM interpretation of Keynes, down-graded both moneyfary wealth and relative price influences, despite his pioneering research into basic wealth and portfolio choice fields. Real balance wealth effects were revived by Pigou, Patinkin, and others while Meltzer re-formulated the equity wealth effect. Tobin, Brunner-Meltzer, and Friedman advanced the portfolio choice-relative price effect in the early 1960s, and with the exception of Friedman, have also highlighted the equity wealth effect. These hardly exhaust all the ways in which moneytary impulses affect spending. Fore example, an income effect occurs when the Ministry of Finance draws down its bank balances to purchase goods and services. A decline in Treasury deposits relative to demand deposits increases the money supply and income. Alternatively, a rise in the money may be associated with a change in relative prices and no change in wealth. For example, a fall in currency relative to demand deposits increases the money supply and lowers bank loan lates, but there is no rise in real balances…if defined only as outside money…and no change in Government debt. Thus, depending on how the money supply is caused to change relative to money demand, some effects on spending are set in motion, but not necessarily all moreover, the fact that initial conditions, to include all relative prices, are never the same suggests that under one set of circumstances initial monetary effects may be on, say, consumer durable goods expenditures, and under another set, state and local government purchases. To follow explicitly the channels of monetary influence whenever there occurs a change in the quantity of money supplied relative to the quantity demanded, one would have to know as a minium the cause of the change in the money supply, all relevant relative prices, and the impact of other exogenous events on spending units. Add to this the effect of feeback forces, both relative price and wealth, and it becomes less surprising that the contents of the monetary black box have been difficult to unravel. The complexity of the forces at work, however, does not mean that one should despair of forecasting the effect of monetary influences on total spending and rely on (presumably) more elementary tools to guide economic activity. The effects of other policy actions are also difficult to trace with certainty. The likelihood is that all possible channels of monetary or other policy action have not been spelled out completely in any one model. There are remains much room for research which would narrow the gap between economic reality and economic models.

      • KCI등재

        유교가치관 척도 개발연구

        심경섭,이누미야요시유키,윤상연,서신화,장양,한성열 한국심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 전통 유교 이론을 토대로 하여, 한국인의 사고와 행동에 유교가치관이 어떤 구조로 남아 있는지를 확인하는 한편, 이를 측정하기 위한 도구를 개발하고자 수행되었다. 척도의 개발 과정에서 첫째, 문항을 선정하기 위해서 문헌연구를 통해 전통적인 유교가치 체계를 3가지 범주(세계관, 인간관, 사회관)로 분류하였다. 둘째, 기존의 경험적 연구들을 참고하고 연구자들이 실생활에서 경험하는 유교적 사고와 행동들로 77개의 문항을 제작하여 예비연구를 실시하였다. 셋째, 예비연구 결과를 토대로 문항을 수정하고 제거하는 작업을 거쳐 54개의 유교가치관 예비문항을 구성하여 본 연구를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 전문 조사업체를 통해서 10대부터 60대까지의 패널 300명을 대상으로 온라인 설문 조사를 실시하였으며, 수집된 자료를 요인분석한 결과, 세 개의 이론적 범주 중 ‘세계관’(6문항)과 ‘인간관’(9문항)이 각각 한 개의 요인으로, 그리고 ‘사회관’은 부자관(3문항), 장유관(4문항), 붕우관(4문항), 부부관(3문항)의 4개 요인으로 구분되었다. 요인별 평균점수는 장유관, 붕우관, 인간관, 부자관, 세계관, 부부관의 순서였다. 그리고 성별 및 연령대별로 유교가치관의 수준을 비교해본 결과, 성별에서는 유교가치관 전체, 세계관과 부부관에서 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었고, 연령대에서는 유교가치관 전체를 비롯하여 모든 하위요인에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 유교 가치가 여전히 한국인들의 마음속에 존속하고 있지만, 요인 별로 그 수준이 다르고, 특히 성별이나 연령 등에 따른 차이가 있음을 보여준다. 이것은 한국인의 서구화와 한국사회의 세대 간 의식의 차이를 반영하는 하나의 지표라고 할 수 있다. 논의에서는 본 연구의 결과에 따른 의의와 제한점을 바탕으로 추후연구의 방향을 제안하였다.

      • A Review of Hayek's Theory of Justice

        심경섭 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2006 평화학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Our discussion of Hayek's theory of justice will begin with a review of some alternative theories of justice and Hayek's views of these theories. In the first section of this paper we examine Hayek's views on the concept of justice. After-words consideration of Hayek's views on justice, we turn to the concept of social justice and Hayek's critique of that subject. Our treatment of the topic would be incomplete without thoroughly examining the similarities and differences between Hayek's procedural theory of justice and that John Rawls. The theme of Hayek's discussion of the concept of justice is the notion that justice is purely a property of individual conduct. Generally when we talk of justice and injustice the words do not refer to the desirability of states of affairs but to the rules and procedures that characterize social interaction. In this narrow conception of justice is normally seen to be a property of individuals. Of course at times we will also speak of states of affairs as unjust such as the occurrence of natural disasters. Hayek attributes this use of the term largely to the anthropomorphic nature of our language. Hayek's concept of justice is type of communicative justice. A second major aspect of Hayek's theory of justice is the relationship between justice and rules of conduct. At act can only be called unjust if it is a breach of some general rule. Actions not violating rules of just conduct cannot be assessed as unjust whatever the consequences might be. Our discussion of Hayek's theory of justice will begin with a review of some alternative theories of justice and Hayek's views of these theories. In the first section of this paper we examine Hayek's views on the concept of justice. After-words consideration of Hayek's views on justice, we turn to the concept of social justice and Hayek's critique of that subject. Our treatment of the topic would be incomplete without thoroughly examining the similarities and differences between Hayek's procedural theory of justice and that John Rawls. The theme of Hayek's discussion of the concept of justice is the notion that justice is purely a property of individual conduct. Generally when we talk of justice and injustice the words do not refer to the desirability of states of affairs but to the rules and procedures that characterize social interaction. In this narrow conception of justice is normally seen to be a property of individuals. Of course at times we will also speak of states of affairs as unjust such as the occurrence of natural disasters. Hayek attributes this use of the term largely to the anthropomorphic nature of our language. Hayek's concept of justice is type of communicative justice. A second major aspect of Hayek's theory of justice is the relationship between justice and rules of conduct. At act can only be called unjust if it is a breach of some general rule. Actions not violating rules of just conduct cannot be assessed as unjust whatever the consequences might be.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 인과 연결표현의 의미분류와 위계화 연구

        심경섭 춘원연구학회 2022 춘원연구학보 Vol.- No.24

        교착어에 속하는 한국어의 인과 연결표현은 매우 방대하고 그 의미도 복잡하여 한국어 학습자들이 완전히 학습하기에 매우 어렵다. 이 분야에서 외국인 한국어 학습자들에게 보다 더 쉽고 효과적인 도움을 주기 위한 다양한 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 이들 표현을 단순히 가나다 순으로 제시하는 연구자들도 있었고 통사론적으로 분류해 제시하는 연구도 있었으며 또 이들 표현을 사용 빈도나 난이도에 따라 실용적으로 제시하려는 시도도 있었다. 그러나 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 인과 연결표현의 내용이 너무 방대하기 때문에 학습자의 부담을 해결해주지 못하므로 본고는 이 표현을 의미적 기준에 따라 분류하였다. 선행 연구들과 사전들을 참고하여 61개의 인과 연결표현들을 선별하였으며 방대한 인과 연결표현을 의미성분에 따라 세분화하여 학습자들이 변별하기 쉽도록 15개의 하위 어휘망을 만들었다. 이 의미범주들은 기본층위로부터 증거성, 계기성, 상태지속, 동시성, 전언, 근거제시, 단언적, 강조, 의문, 인정, 추측, 경멸, 원망, 경계에 이르는 것으로 전적으로 의미와 용법에 따른 분류이다. 다음으로 이 어휘망들을 효과적으로 제시하기 위하여 본고는 인지언어학적 의미 확장의 방향에 따라 위계화를 시도하였다. 인지언어학의 의미 확장의 단계는 구체적인 사물로부터 공간적, 시간적, 언어적, 심리적, 추상적인 단계로 확장해 나가는데 이는 인간의 인지적 발달의 단계와 일치하므로 이러한 순서로 한국어 인과 연결표현의 어휘망을 제시하는 것이 교수학습에 유리할 것으로 보아 15개의 어휘망을 이러한 방식으로 위계화하였다. 그러나 지면의 한계로 인하여 각 어휘망 내부의 개별 연결표현들의 위계화는 시도하지 못하였다. 이러한 접근은 분명히 외국인 한국어 학습자들에게 한국어 인과 연결표현에 대한 명확한 개념을 제공할 것이며 61개에 달하는 한국어 인과 표현을 보다 더 효율적으로 학습하고 활용하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Physical Therapist’s Expertise and Interactivity on Revisit Intention Based on Trust

        심경섭,신호진,김동훈 대한물리치료학회 2023 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to examine how the expertise and interactivity of a physical therapist impact a patient’s intention to revisit a hospital based on trust. Methods: We surveyed 274 patients who received physical therapy in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province to assess their reliability and revisit intentions based on their expertise and interactivity. SPSS 22.0 was used for frequency analysis and reliability verification, while AMOS 18.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis and model verification. Results: Physical therapist interactivity significantly impacted patients’ intentions to revisit based on trust. The physical therapist’s exper- tise had a significant effect on trust but did not demonstrate a significant effect on the intention to revisit. Conclusion: The interactivity of physical therapists has an important effect on patients’ intentions to revisit a hospital based on trust. Al- though therapist-centered expertise can generate trust in patients, it positively affects the intention to revisit the hospital. Therefore, it is suggested that physical therapists’ patient-centered expertise and interactivity build patients’ trust and are important for revisiting in- tention.

      • 인공전송선로를 이용한 3-way 윌킨슨 전력분배기

        심경섭,최경,황희용 한국정보통신설비학회 2016 한국정보통신설비학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.09

        This paper shows 3-way wilkinson power divider using artificial-transmission-lines. The conventional wilkinson power divider has problem for size reduction and harmonics, because the conventional one is using quarter-wave length that are determined by operating frequency. The quarter-wave transmission lines show harmonics at fundamental frequency and integer multiple. The proposed divider is miniaturized and show higher-order mode rejection by using LUC(Low-pass filter unit cell) of artificial-transmission-lines. The LUC of artificial-transmission-lines show low-pass characteristic so that a circuit with LUC is show higher-order mode rejection. And, also LUC is adjustable component for electrical length and characteristics, shape. The fabricated divider work well and show harmonics rejection and compact design.

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