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        공간정보의 구축 및 관리 등에 관한 법률상의 용어정의 및 약칭 등에 관한 연구

        신현선(Shin, Hyun Sun),김준현(Kim, Jun Hyun) 한국지적학회 2016 한국지적학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 공간정보의 구축 및 관리 등에 관한 법률 에서 규정한 내용을 기초로 용어정의, 용어수 정, 용어약칭 등 개정이 필요한 사항들을 제시하였다. 연구결과 용어정의에서는 토지의 표시, 토지의 이동, 지적공부의 정리 및 소유자의 정리 등을 국어사전의 사전적 의미 등을 고찰한 후 새로이 개정되어야 되는 부분을 언급하였고, 용어수정에서는 토지소유자 등, 지반이 연속된 토지, 지번부여지역 등과 관련하여 법률조항의 세부내용과 개정안을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 용어약칭에서는 도시개발법사업, 확정 판결서, 토지대장과 임야대장 등을 중심으로 새로이 약칭을 제시하거나 기존약칭을 변경하고자 개정안을 제시하였다. 따라서, 법률의 내용적인 측면의 오류보다는 사용된 단어가 삭제되어도 무방하거나 내용을 추가 또는 수정되어야 하는 경우도 있으며, 한글사전에 의한 용어정의나 용어약칭 등의 수정이 필요한 경우도 일부 존재하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. In this study was presented to amend matter of legally in the definition of term, change of terms, terms of abbreviation based on the act on the establishment, management, etc. of spatial data . As a results of this study, a part of definition of terms discussed to mention the part to be newly revised that was display of land, transfer of land, arrangement of cadastral record and the owner by meaning of the korean dictionary, a part of change of term presented the details and amendment of the legal provisions that relation with land owner etc., continuous ground of land, the lot number given region. Finally, the term of abbreviations presented to change the existing abbreviation of revision or present a new abbreviation by centered on urban development method etc., confirmed the judgment document, land register and forest land register. Therefore, rather than an error of content aspects of the law, whether the words used are not may be deleted, or need to be modified to add the content, there was found to be several existent to modify of the definition of terms or terms of abbreviation by Hangul dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        다자이 오사무 문학의 몸과 주체에 관한 고찰

        신현선 ( Hyun Seon Shin ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.88 No.2

        本稿では太宰文學に現れる體と主體について調べた。それらがどんな關連性をもって發展してきたのか主體性のつながりを「體」という對象と結びつけて考察した結果は次のとおりである。體は個人のアイデンティティに關するメッセ-ジを投射する社會的象徵物として機能する。特に、主體性を現わす表現手段として太宰文學には體に對する多樣な觀点が見られている。他人の中で自身を自覺して他人から自身を遊離させるなど、體は多樣な意味を持つ。體は自我表現のための伽面として機能したりもする。これは肉體的自我が持つ行爲者としての潛在力を强調する。肉體を自分自身だと思う同一視が起こるのもこのような脈絡である。この中で「變身」は新しい自分に生まれ變わる存在の跳躍でアイデンティティの變化をもたらす。太宰の作品は「自殺」と關連した內容がたくさん含まれている。このような死に對する强烈な希求は他者との關係の中で始まる。體と死は互いに有機的關係を形成しているが、彼はこの曖昧な境界を積極的に消滅しようとする。人間の身體は內面を象徵する內面の象徵言語である。作家の意識を代弁する登場人物は多樣な體の言語でメッセ-ジを傳達して現實の不條理を微妙に描き出す。これは變形した體の告白であり、內面の凝視として言語の內部に生きているアイデンティティを捕らえられるようにする。疎通しようとする自我の內密な告白が體を通じて傳えられるのだ This articled studied about body and subject in Dazai’s literature. Following thebelow is the result that how they developed the literature with what types of relevanceby linking the subject, which is the body. The body functions as a social symbolic icon that shows a message aboutindividual identity. Especially, there are various point of view of body, as expressionmethod, that appears individual identity in Dazai’s literature. The body also hasvarious meaning, such as self-awareness from others or liberating one’s own fromothers. At the same time, the body can be a mask for ego expression. This emphasizesthe potential power from person’s the body is the same context of considering thebody as myself. Among them, transformation brings the change of identity into leapof rebirth of existence of myself. Pieces of Dazai’s includes contents about committing suicide, much more thanothers. The strong desire about death begins from the relationship with others. Heactively tries to destroy the vague boundary, the flexible relationship between bodyand death. Human body is a symbolic language that symbolize inner side of human. Thecharacters, who represents consciousness of an author, delivers messages by variouslanguage of body and expresses social irregularities of reality. It is able to catchthe actual identity of inside of language as confession of transformed body andstaring of inner side. The confidential confession of ego, which is willing to interact,is conveyed through the body.

      • KCI등재

        太宰治の『燈籠』考察 -女主人公の自我認識を中心に-

        신현선 ( Hyun Seon Shin ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.87 No.2

        本稿は「燈籠」の中の女主人公の自我認識を考察する。言い換えれば、男性作家の女性的文章の觀点から女性人物の性格と意味を明らかにしようとするのである。主人公のさき子は受動的で消極的な性格で否定的な自尊感を持つ女性だ。彼女は水野という他者をあわれに思い、愛情を感じて盜みまでするが、社會通念と導德が暴力的に彼女を窮地に追い詰めると、內面に大きな變化が生じる。彼女は弱さを自分の內部から發見して外部の非難に一方的に傷心するより肯定的な方向に思考を切り替える。これは自分を含んだ家族を外部から客觀化しようとする意識の表現だ。さき子は自ら弱者であることを認識するが、それに屈せず、むしろその弱さを正面から表面化して自身を堂□と見せようとする。 主體は他者との接觸によってはじめて主體として自覺する。彼女は斷絶した世の中、疎通不能の原因を外部から探さず內部から發見し、家族を通じて變化する明日に期待した。彼女は家族の愛を基盤に現實を生きていこうとする。この中には現在の自身を變化させることによって、他者との關係を圖ろうとする熱望も內包されている。したがって、弱者意識に捕われて閉鎖的に過ごした彼女にとって世の中とのつながりのために必要なものは、主體としての自己認識だということがわかる。 This study aims at contemplating on the self-awareness of the heroine of a novel “Hanging Lantern.” In other words, the goal of this study is to identify the characteristics and significance of a female character depicted by a male writer from the perspective of feminine writing. Sakiko, the heroine, is a woman of passive character and negative self-regard. She feels compassion and affection for a person named Mizuno, which even leads to her getting involved in a theft. However, Sakiko experiences a significant inner change as she is violently driven to the corner by the social norm and morals. Sakiko, discovering weakness in herself, converts her thoughts in a positive direction rather than grieving over criticisms cast on her from the outside. This is her expression of consciousness to objectify her family including herself. Sakiko recognizes that she herself is a weak person. however, she rises above it and tries to show herself out confidently by bringing up her weakness to the surface. A subject is recognized as a subject only when it gets in contact with others. Sakiko discovered the causes of her inability to communicate and her isolation from the world inwardly rather than looking for them outside. She looked forward to the future of change through her family. She sets herself to live in the real world based on the love from her family. This also connotes her passion to pursue relationships with others by changing herself as she is now. Therefore, what Sakiko needed for her bond and link with the world as a person who had been caught up by the awareness of being a weak person, and thus closed up from the world was self- awareness to recognize herself as a subject.

      • KCI등재

        3・11 동일본 재난 서사의 흐름과 성격 고찰

        신현선(Shin, Hyun-Seon) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.62

        As we experienced the Tohoku earthquake disaster on 3.11, 2011, we came to the realization that we live in a dangerous society under potential threats. The narratives of 3.11 disaster display the determination to return to normalcy and to heal the wounds of disaster. However, two distinct types of narratives emerge with different approaches. Fukushima Hula Girls depicts the journey of Hula Girls joining once again to help restore the regions destroyed by the earthquake and the nuclear reactor disaster. Light Up Nippon explicitly displays the narrative of reconstruction and renaissance of Japan, just like Himizu, which also talks about recovering from the disaster and returning to normal life. On the other hand, there is another narrative that suggests an alternative direction for overcoming disasters and a new definition of them. Friends After 3.11, Odayaka, Hasui no Koto develop their narrative on the theme of setting new directions beyond the previous value system. Such narrative includes urging the structural changes of the social system to develop alternative energy, and warnings against the nuclear reactors, based on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. This paper intends to explore the characteristics and meanings of disaster narratives that are related to the 3.11 disaster, represented by the 3.11 Tohoku earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster. Through this research, we hope to uncover the paradigm shift brought by the 3.11 disaster and how it changed Japanese people’s perception about attitudes towards life, world view, and the sense of community.

      • KCI등재

        수서곤충 EPT-group을 이용한 무심천의 조사지점별 특성

        신현선 ( Hyun Seon Shin ),오사무미타무라 ( Osamu Mitamura ),김숙정 ( Sook Jung Kim ),최준길 ( Jun Kil Choi ) 한국환경생태학회 2008 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 무심천의 상류부터 하류까지 총 9개 지점을 선정하여 수서곤충의 EPT-group을 이용하여 EPT-비율, EPT 풍부도, EPT 종수와 개체수를 지점별로 비교분석하였고 수서곤충의 종 조성에 따른 UPGMA분석으로 조사지점간의 유사도를 비교하였으며 수서곤충의 섭식기능군은 하천차수에 의해 비교분석하였다. 조사결과에 의하면 무심천의 수서곤충은 총 8목 36과 71종으로 조사되었고 EPT 비율과 EPT 풍부도는 지점 3에서 각각 0.72, 3.89로 다른 지점에 비해 다소 높게 나타났으며 이와 반대로 지점 9에서는 0.03, 0.09로 비교적 낮게 나타났다. 또한 EPT 종수 및 개체수는 지점 9에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. UPGMA분석 결과 무심천의 각 지점은 A1(st. 1, 7, 8), A2(st. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), B(st. 9)로 3개의 그룹으로 나뉘었으며 섭식기능군은 지점별 차이는 나타나지 않았지만 상·중류역에서는 써는무리와 긁어먹는무리가 다른 지점에 비해 다소 높게 나타난 반면 하류에서는 걸러먹는무리와 줍는무리가 우세한 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구 의하면 조사지점에 따라 수서곤충의 EPT-richness, EPT-ratio, EPT 수 뿐만 아니라 섭식기능군의 조성에도 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. This study compared and analyzed EPT ratio, EPT richness and EPT number(number of species and individuals) of a total of 9 selected sites individually using EPT-group of aquatic insects in Musim stream, also compared similarity ratio between the sampling sites using UPGMA(Unweighted Paired Group Method using Arithmetic average) based on analysis subsequent to species structure of aquatic insects, and compared and analyzed a functional feeding groups(FFGs) of aquatic insects based on stream order. As a result, the aquatic insect group of 2,269 individuals is classified as 71 species, 36 families, and 8 orders, and EPT ratio and EPT richness at sites 3(0.72 and 3.89, respectively) were found to be relatively higher than those at the other sites; by contrast, those at site 9(0.03 and 0.09, respectively) were relatively low. EPT number of species and individuals was found to be lowest at site 9. As a result of UPGMA analysis, the sampling sites in Musim stream were divided into three groups, including A1(site 1, 7, 8), A2(site 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and B(site 9). According to the results of FFGs, there was not shown specific difference in the number of functional feeding groups by each sites; however, there appeared a little more shredders and scrappers in the upper and mid stream comparing to other sampling sites while collector-filterers and collector-gatherers were found to be dominant in number in the lower stream. According to this research result, the sampling sites in Musim stream were found to have an effect on not only EPT richness, EPT ratio, and EPT number but also FFGs structure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구암원점지역의 삼각점 성과분석을 통한 삼각망도 구현

        신현선(Shin, Hyun Sun),김준현(Kim, Jun Hyun) 한국지적정보학회 2018 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구에서는 구암원점지역의 구소삼각점과 관련된 기준점의 왜곡된 명칭이나, XY좌표, 표고 등의 오류를 바로잡아 정확한 데이터의 유지 및 관리를 위해 QGIS를 활용하여 삼각망도를 구현하였다. 분석결과를 요약하면, 먼저 기선의 설치간격에 있어 구암원점지역의 기선은 서쪽에서는 지나치게 조밀하게 설치되었고, 북동쪽은 전혀 설치되지 않아 측량 정밀도가 떨어졌다. 둘째, 구암원점지역의 측량정밀도는 세계측지계를 기준으로 북동쪽은 1㎞당 평균 12.8㎝, 남쪽은 4.4㎝, 서쪽은 4.0㎝의 차이를 보이고 있었다. 셋째, 삼각 및 수준측량 성과표에 기록하는 과정에서 수호, 명호, 좌표 등을 잘못 기록한 것이 39건, 활용과정에서 잘못 사용하고 있는 것이 2건 발견되었다. 따라서 이러한 오류를 수정하고, 위성사진 기반의 새로운 삼각망도를 구현하여 위치파악과 기준점 실태조사 및 추가설치를 위한 위치분석을 보다 편리하게 하는 것이 가능하게 되었다. In this study was implemented of triangulation network map using QGIS for accurate data maintenance and management that improved of correct triangulation point name, XY coordinates, and elevation of cadastral control point related to Guso Triangulation Network in Guam origin point region. According to the this study of results, first, the baselines at the Guam origin point region were installed too tightly in the west from the baseline installation interval. Second, the average error per 1㎞ of Guam origin point based on the world geodetic system were 12.8㎝ in the northeast, 4.4㎝ in the south, and 4.0㎝ in the west. Third, it were found that the process of transferring cadastral survey results 39 cases, such as incorrectly recorded numerical names, name numbers, coordinates, and 2 cases were misused in the process of using. In conclusion, these error were corrected, re-implemented of the new triangulation network map based on satellite photographs, which will make it possible to more conveniently manage the location, control point survey, and location analysis of additional installation.

      • KCI등재

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