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      • "비급구법(備急灸法)"에 대한 연구(硏究)

        신재혁,김장생,김재중,이시형,Shin, Jae-Hyeok,Kim, Jang-Saeng,Kim, Jae-Jung,Lee, Si-Hyeong 대한한의정보학회 2011 大韓韓醫情報學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        "Beijijiufa" is a medical book republished by Sun Ju Qing in 1245. He compiled this book having added "Qizhumajiufa" and "Zhugejingyanbeijiyaofang" to the contents of "Beijijiufa" authored by Wen Ren Qi Nian. In "Beijijiufa" the author described treatment methods making use of moxibustion methods in connection with 22 cases of acute diseases. The author had collected the moxibustion methods used to treat acute diseases, which had been practiced by the medical practitioners of many generations, and quoted total 13 medical men's practices. In the book, the greatest parts of details were quoted especially from the writings of Sun Si Miao and Ge Hong, and this shows that the medical philosophies of both Sun Si Miao and Ge Hong were reflected onto "Beijijiufa". He had differed on his moxibustion practice: the size of moxa wool, the number of moxibustion treatment, and method of moxibustion for male and female were differed from one another according to the disease. As to the area of moxibustion, he chose the body parts around under four limbs and joints, and mostly used extraordinary acupoints rather than twelve main meridians. In his descriptions of finding meridian points, he did not describe it by its specific name of the reaction point, but explained the location of moxibustion points in detail through pictures. "Qizhumajiufa" is related to moxibustion method and prescriptions to treat surgical diseases, like skin boils or furuncle on the back, etc. He easily explained the method to find the meridian points for moxibustion treatment by using particular way through diagrams and pictures. Eight prescriptions he used were the collections among the historical practices of medical practitioners of many generations for skin boils which showed excellent therapeutic actions. In "Zhugejingyanbeijiyaofang", there are prescribed for 36 disease, also is the records of treatment methods for medical emergency which would be encountered easily in everyday life. As to therapeutic remedies, varied treatment methods, including the treatment by means of pasting and attaching medicinal substance to the spot, the treatment by means of mixing medicinal substance with alcoholic beverage, cleansing method, smoke inhalation remedy etc. were introduced. In "Beijijiufa" moxibustion was regarded as a top priority for treatment of acute disease, and the author strived to present remedies to the readers as easily as possible through 19 pictures. Regarding prescriptions, the author introduced diverse treatment methods with respect to various disease symptoms, and described the method to treat disease symptoms making use of medicinal ingredients which can easily be found in daily life. Likewise, "Beijijiufa" compiled by Sun Ju Qing was intended for clinical practice, and was indeed a medical book having been utilized for treatment of acute diseases in those days.

      • KCI등재

        Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Ankle and Subtalar Joint Treated by Surgical Excision and Ligament Reconstructions: A Case Report

        신재혁,이병훈,김갑래,김권 대한족부족관절학회 2016 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Diffuse pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) involving ankle joint needs complete mass excision and total synovectomy to reduce recurrence rate, while surrounding ligaments can be easily damaged. So the concurrent ligament reconstruction should be considered for post-excisional instability in subtalar joint as well as lateral ankle joint. We describe our experience in the management of a diffuse type PVNS, invades lateral talocrural joint extended to subtalar joint and introduce a new technique of all-in-one reconstruction for anterior talofibular,calcaneofibular and cervical ligament. Our new reconstruction technique applying modified Chrisman and Snook technique is useful in stabilization for deficiencies of the ligament complexafter PVNS excisionat lateral ankle and subtalar joint.

      • 동남아시아 신생민주국가의 선거정치 : 필리핀, 인도네시아, 태국 비교

        신재혁 제주평화연구원 2015 JPI 정책포럼 Vol.2014 No.18

        본 논문의 목적은 동남아시아의 신생민주국가인 필리핀, 인도네시아, 태국의 선거정치에서 관찰되는 유사성과 상 이성을 비교하는 것이다. 이들의 공통된 특징은 정책보다 선심성 혜택 제공 중심으로 선거 캠페인이 이루어지며, 선 거에서 많은 정당들이 의석을 획득하여 국회의 파편성이 높다는 점이다. 한편 차이점도 주목할 만한데, 필리핀과 태 국에 비하여 인도네시아는 선심성 혜택의 중요성이 낮다는 점과, 필리핀과 인도네시아 국회의 파편성이 높은 수준에 서 지속되는 반면, 태국의 경우 탁신 등장 이후 국회의 파편성이 급감했다는 점이다. 본 논문은 이들 국가에서 선심 대신 정책 대결 중심의 선거 경쟁을 유도하기 위해서는 경제 발전을 통하여 선심을 원하는 가난한 유권자 수를 줄이 는 것이 필요하고, 선거제도를 보다 정당 중심으로 개혁할 필요가 있다고 주장한다. 또한 국회의 파편성을 감소시키 기 위해서는 소선거구제와 같이 소정당이 쉽게 의석을 획득할 수 없는 선거제도로 개혁이 필요하다고 주장한다. This article aims to compare similarities and differences in electoral politics among Southeast Asian new democracies — the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. In these countries, pork and patronage play a large role in garnering votes in elections, and legislatures are highly fragmented. Nonetheless, Indonesian politicians tend to deliver less pork, compared to their Philippine and Thai counterparts, and that the Thai parliament has become less fragmented since the emergence of Thaksin, while the legislatures in the Philippines and Indonesia remain highly fragmented. In the article, I argue that in order to promote policy-centered electoral competitions in those countries, their economies should be developed to reduce the number of poor voters who desire pork, and electoral institutions should be reformed toward more party-centered ones. Additionally, in order to reduce the legislative fragmentation, electoral institutions should be reformed toward more restrictive ones such as plurality rules where small parties can hardly survive.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication of Supersaturated Cu-Sn Alloy Sheets and their Antibacterial Properties

        신재혁,박준식,배동현 대한금속·재료학회 2011 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.17 No.3

        Supersaturated Cu-Sn alloy sheets were successfully fabricated by hot-rolling mechanically alloyed (MAed)nanocrystalline powders within a range of up to 22 wt.% of Sn, and their antibacterial and ionization properties were investigated. While the pure Cu and hot-rolled Cu-Sn sheets using MAed powders show excellent antibacterial properties, the corrosion potential of the hot-rolled Cu-Sn using MAed powders is much less than that of the as-cast Cu-Sn and decreases as the Sn content increases, implying that the hot-rolled Cu-Sn alloy sheets using MAed powders have a more effective antibacterial property, mainly due to supersaturation.

      • KCI등재

        시화호 인근 연안 퇴적물의 유기물 분해 특성, 저층 영양염 용출 및 조절요인

        신재혁,안성욱,최재훈,이효진,우승범,현정호,김성한 한국해양학회 2021 바다 Vol.26 No.2

        We investigated geochemical constituents of pore-water and sediment, rates of organic carbon (Corg) oxidation and sulfate reduction (SR), and benthic nutrient flux (BNF) to elucidate characteristic of Corg oxidation and its control in the coastal area near Lake Shihwa. The study sites were selected in the vicinity of Soraepogu (E0), Songdo tidalflat (E1) and Oido dock (E3) and in front of floodgate Shihwa tidal plant (E5). The Corg contents in the sediments and concentrations of ammonium and phosphate in pore water exhibited the highest value at EO, and gradually decreased toward the outer sea (E1, E3, E5). Rates of anaerobic Corg oxidation (260.6 mmol C m-2 d-1) and SR (91.4 mmol S m-2 d-1) at E0 were 4–9 and 6-54 times higher than at the site of outer sea (E1, E3, E5) . Rates of SR at E3 and E5 accounted for 11-23% of anaerobic Corg oxidation, whereas it comprised 47-70% of anaerobic Corg oxidation at E0 and E1. Rates of Corg oxidation and SR showed a highly positive correlation with the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (r2 = 0.795 and 0.777, respectively). The BNF at E0, E1, and E3 accounted for 120–510% and 26–178%, respectively, of the N and P required for primary production in the water column. Overall results suggest that the Corg oxidation in the sediment controlled by concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the pore water and the excessive Corg oxidation stimulates the benthic nutrient flux, which may cause a phytoplankton bloom in the water column. 시화호 인근 연안 퇴적물에서 유기물 분해 특성, 퇴적물로부터의 영양염 용출 및 주요 조절요인을 파악하기 위해 공극수와 퇴적물내 지화학 성분, 혐기성 유기물 분해율, 황산염 환원율 및 저층 영양염 용출률을 측정하였다. 연구정점은 소래포구 인근 정점(E0), 송도갯벌 정점(E1), 오이도 선착장 부근 정점(E3), 시화 조력발전소 수문 앞 정점(E5)으로 선정하였다. 유기탄소와 공극수 내 암모니아, 인산염 농도는 정점 E0에서 가장 높게 나타났으며, 외측 해역(정점 E1, E3, E5)으로 갈수록 점진적으로 감소하였다. 혐기성유기물 분해율과 황산염 환원율은 정점 E0에서 각각 260.6 mmol C m-2 d-1와 91.4 mmol S m-2 d-1로 외측 정점들보다 각각 4–9배, 6 –54배 높게 나타났다. 혐기성 유기물 분해에서 황산염 환원이 차지하는 비율은 정점 E3, E5에서 11–23%로 미미한 것으로 나타났으나, 정점 E0, E1에서는 47-70%로 황산염 환원에 의해 혐기성 유기물 분해가 주도되는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 혐기성 유기물분해율과 황산염 환원율은 용존 유기탄소와 상관성이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다(r2 = 0.795, 0.777). 한편, 정점 E0, E1, E3에서 퇴적물로부터 용출된 무기질소와 무기인은 각각 일차생산자가 요구하는 무기질소와 무기인의 120–510%와 26–178%를 공급하는것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과들은, 시화호 인근 연안 퇴적물 내 유기물 분해는 이용 가능한 용존 유기탄소의 공급에 의해 조절되고있으며, 과도한 유기물 분해는 저층 영양염 용출을 촉진시켜 부영양화를 야기할 수 있음을 의미한다

      • KCI등재

        단일 플러딩 라우팅 알고리즘을 활용한 센서 네트워크의 시간 동기화 기법

        신재혁,김영신,전중남,Shin, Jae-Hyuck,Kim, Young-Sin,Jeon, Joong-Nam 한국정보처리학회 2011 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.18 No.1

        일반적으로 센서 네트워크는 라우팅 트리를 구축한 후에 시간 동기화를 수행한다. 이로 인하여 시간 동기화가 늦어지고 교환하는 패킷이 증가하여 에너지를 많이 소모하는 문제를 유발한다. 본 논문에서는 한 번의 플러딩 과정으로 라우팅 트리를 구축하고 이와 동시에 시간 동기화를 수행하는 TSRA (Time Synchronization Routing Algorithm) 알고리즘을 제안한다. 라우팅 패킷에 패킷 수신 시간과 패킷 전송시간을 추가하여 두 노드간 시간 차이를 구하고, 시간 차이를 전송함으로써 노드들 간의 시간 동기화를 구현한다. 시뮬레이션에 의하여 제안하는 알고리즘은 기존의 동기화 알고리즘인 TPSN과 동등한 수준의 정확도를 보이면서 동기화 속도 및 에너지 소모 면에서 우수하다는 것을 입증하였다. Usually time synchronization is performed after routing tree is constructed. This thesis proposes a time synchronization algorithm combined with single-flooding routing tree construction algorithm in a single path. TSRA (Time Synchronization Routing Algorithm) uses routing packets to construct a routing tree. Two types of time information are added to the routing packet: one is the packet receiving time, and the other is the packet sending time. Time offset and transmission time-delay between parent node and child node could be retrieved from the added time information using LTS (Lightweight Time Synchronization) algorithm. Then parent node sends the time offset and transmission time to children nodes and children nodes can synchronize their time to the parent node time along the routing tree. The performance of proposed algorithm is compared to the TPSN (Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks) which is known to have high accuracy using NS2 simulation tool. The simulation result shows that the accuracy of time synchronization is comparable to TPSN, the synchronization time of all sensor nodes is faster than TPSN, and the energy consumption is less than TPSN.

      • KCI등재

        Voter Demands for Patronage: Evidence from Indonesia

        신재혁 동아시아연구원 2015 Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.15 No.1

        In this article I seek to explain the microfoundations of patronage politics in the developing world. Two distinct approaches have evolved in the literature. One puts emphasis on the demand side, arguing that patronage persists because poor voters tend to desire individualistic goods over policy. The other focuses on the supply side: few politicians offer programmatic policy, so voters have no alternative but to vote for the politicians who distribute patronage. In this study I test those competing theories using original data from Jakarta, Indonesia. I find evidence supporting the demandside theory: when both patronage and policy are offered, poor, lesseducated voters tend to demand patronage, such as jobs and money, over national programs like free education and universal health care, whereas well-off, better-educated voters tend to prefer the national policies. However, the study also reveals that demands for patronage are affected by level of participation in politics: those who voted in previous elections and those who affiliate with a political party are more likely to demand patronage. This microfoundational evidence helps to explain the persistence of patronage politics in places of widespread poverty.

      • KCI등재

        Floating Zone법에 의한 YIG단결정 성장

        신재혁,김범석,오근호 한국결정성장학회 1992 韓國結晶成長學會誌 Vol.2 No.2

        YIG는 분해용융을 하므로 FZ법을 개량한 TSFZ법을 적용하여 YIG단결정을 성장시켰다. 최적성장조건은 성장속도 1mm/hr, 상호역방향 회전속도 30rpm이었으며 소결 및 결정성장시 산화분위기를 필요로 하였고 성장된 결정의 질은 소결정도에 의해 많은 영향을 받았다. Melt내 기포의 생성은 철이온과 산소와의 반응에 의해 발생되었으며 기포의 밀도는 성장속도가 빨라질수록 증가하였다. 성장속도는 1mm/hr 이상일 경우에는 Cell Growth가 발생하였으며 결정의 가장자리에서 전위밀도가 증가하였다. 또한 성장된 결정에서는 제2상으로 Orthoferrite가 관찰되었다. YIG(Yttrium Iron Garnet) single crystals were grown by FZ(Floating Zone) method. Since YIG melts incongruently, TSFZ(Traveling Solvent Floating Zone) method which was modified FZ was applied to grow YIG single crystals. The optimum growth condition were growth rate Imm/hr, counter-rotation 30rpm and oxidized atmosphere was necessary to sintering and growth process. The quality of grown crystals depended on the degree of sintering. The voids were generated by the reaction of Fe ions with oxygen and the density of voids was increased with the growth rate increased. When the growth rate was more than 1.5mm/hr, the cellular growth occured and the density of dislocation was increased at the periphery of crystals. Also, secondary phases of orthoferrite(YFe$O_3$)compost ion were observed in the grown crystal.

      • KCI등재

        군용항공기 생산공정에서 발생하는 예하중에 의한 주익 루트 페어링지지대 균열개선 연구

        신재혁,정수헌,강구헌,이헌섭 항공우주시스템공학회 2018 항공우주시스템공학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        군용항공기는 다양한 임무의 수행을 통한 비행시간 누적과 예상 불가능한 외기 환경에 의한 복합적인 요인으로 구조적으로 취약한 부위에서 피로균열이 발생할 수 있다. 피로 균열은 점차 진전되어 극심한 경우 해당 구조가 파괴될 위험이 있으며 이는 비행 안전성에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 항공기 주익과 동체의 연결부위를 보호하기 위해 장착한 페어링 내부의 지지대에서 주기검사 중 균열 현상을 개선하기 위한 일련의 품질개선에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 균열의 원인파악을 위해 주익 조립 공정에 따른 예하중 발생 여부에 대해 조사하고 파단면 분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 균열의 재발방지를 위해 지지대의 설계를 개선하는 방안을 제시하였고, 응력 및 피로 수명해석을 통해 구조 건전성을검증하였다. Military aircraft may have fatigue cracks in structurally weak areas due to multiple factors such as the accumulation of flight time while perform various missions and unpredictable air conditions. As a fatigue crack progresses, there is a risk that the structure will be destroyed in extreme cases, which can have a significant impact on flight safety. In this study, a cracking phenomenon was observed during the periodic inspection the inner support of the fairing, which is installed to protect the connection between the wing and the body of the aircraft. Therefore, a study on a series of quality improvement processes for reformation was described. In order to identify the causes of cracks, pre-load generation occurrence during the wing assembly process was investigated and a fracture analysis was performed. Also, the design of the support structure was suggested in terms of preventing recurrence of cracks. The structural integrity was verified using a stress and fatigue life analysis.

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